Lord of All Realms Chapter 412: Be happy!

“My brother values ​​you.”

Dong Li dazed frowningly, seeming to be puzzled: “I really don’t understand. A Broken Star Mark belonging to him has been taken by you. He is not angry and appreciates you so much.”

Nie Tian has no interest in speaking and remains silent.

“I have sent your loved ones to Rising Clouds Sect according to the agreement. I hope you can also follow the agreement and this time try to help me.” Dong Li said.

The thought of this woman’s scheming trick, and Water Moon Chamber of Commerce‘s Qin Yan worked together to calculate herself, obviously under the pressure of Yin Sect, Yang Sect, forced to send Nie Donghai and other people back to Parting Heaven Domain, but also deliberately did not say, to deceive themselves, Nie Tian Annoyed in one belly.

He then ignored Dong Li more and more.

Dong Li also saw it, obviously a little bit unhappy, and coldly hummed: “Why do you have a temper? When Crack Space Domain, you repeatedly destroyed my good deeds, and made my carefully planned plan fail, hurting me within the clan. Shame. I didn’t kill you on Dong Family, it is already magnanimous, what is your dissatisfaction? “

Nie Tian whispered: “Do you still care? When in the dense forest, but you do it to me first? If I hadn’t been alert in advance, I’m like the Shen Wei, I’m afraid it’s already dead in your hands? You can secretly count others , Still not allowed to fight back? “

Dong Li Huo Ranji started to stop talking, no longer interested in speaking to him.

Nie Tian snorted and thought the woman was unreasonable.

“Lili!” Gu Haofeng of Gu Family raised his hand to greet him, taunting, “It is really interesting, your Majesty, dare to question you and have a dispute with you. This is not Dong Li I know!”

Because of the long distance and the low sound of Dong Li and Nie Tian deliberately/meticulously, even those who are Mortal Realm may not be able to hear the conversation between Nie Tian and Dong Li.

But Gu Haofeng saw that Dong Li was in front of Nie Tian, two people just said a few words, and Dong Li got angry.

This is enough to prove that the conversation of two people is not pleasant

Gu Haofeng is strange. Nie Tian is the subordinate of Dong Li. It is reasonable to obey everything from Dong Li. He actually had an argument with Dong Li. Why?

“It’s your offense!” Dong Li gave him an impatient glance.

Gu Haofeng touched a gray nose and was also secretly depressed. He was used to eating crickets in front of Dong Li and did not get angry. Instead, coldly looked at Nie Tian and said to Dong Li: “Lili, if you do n’t discipline your men, I can Do it for you. “

“Get away! Don’t bother me!” Dong Li was welcome.

Gu Haofeng touched his nose, which was unpleasant, but never said more.

Nie Tian in the distance, after Dong Li left, squinted again and took out an spirit stones secret practice.

He didn’t bother to care about that Gu Haofeng.

He followed the crowd for a few days, and after observing in the dark, it was long seen that the Gu Haofeng was interested in Dong Li, and he was devoted to everything.

It’s just that Dong Li obviously doesn’t like him, and his attitude towards him is also impatient.

The Gu Haofeng seems to not see the indifference of Dong Li, it is still its own way, it seems to hold the idea of ​​sincerity, and never give up.

“Look for the dead guy.” Nie Tian commented in his heart.

In his eyes, those who dare to provoke this beautiful femme fatale Dong Li are all those who do not know how to live or die.

“Miss actually values ​​you very much.” Suddenly, Han Mu went back and returned, and sat down beside him again. “Otherwise, she won’t invite you to come to Dark Underworld Domain to explore the ruins of Evil Dark.”

“Invite? Obviously persecution?” Nie Tian opened his eyes and looked bad.

“It depends on how you look at it.” Han Mu smiled and said: “Brothers and sisters Dong Family have a characteristic, they can only look at the characters who can make them suffer. And you are the only one by one, Let these two siblings not get the cheap one from them.

“I’m honored.” Nie Tian frowned.

“You and Miss, in fact, there is no deep hatred that can’t be resolved.” Han Mu looked right and said sincerely: “If you are willing, the exploration of the this time Evil Dark remains may be an opportunity to resolve your personal complaints in Crack Space Domain .I heard … Young Master appreciates you very much. “

“Your fangs is in Crack Space Domain, and you have made a mighty battle against me. This hatred is not so easy to resolve.” Nie Tian mocked.

“Don’t you live well?” Han Mu laughed.

“I almost died a few times.” Nie Tian responded coldly.

“You see, you are still alive and living well.” Han Mu lowered his voice and said, “The members of fangs who died because of you are not actually taken by the lady. Her anger is only because of She has failed you many times. In my opinion, this is nothing.

“I just want to wait for the end of Dark Underworld Domain, far away from her.” Nie Tian stated again.

Han Mu saw him resolute in his tone and did not want to resolve the contradiction. He sighed and stopped persuading.

He knows the identity of Nie Tian, knowing that because Nie Tian solves the trouble of Thousand Extinction Domain, it is very heavy for Thousand Extinction Domain‘s Qi Refinement Warrior device.

Nie Tian bears the inheritance mark of Broken Star Ancient Temple. As long as it does not die, the future will be boundless.

He was worried that if Dong Li was in chaos and killed Nie Tian, it would cause the anger of Thousand Extinction Domain Yin Sect and Yang Sect, causing great trouble for Dong Li and Dong Family.

The dark forest at night, and the five party horses from Hundred Wars Domain gradually stopped talking.

Almost all of these cultivation levels are Innate Realm‘s strong, or they practice in spirit stones, or in the magic arts mystery of hardship, all indulge in their own world.

The same goes for Nie Tian.

He first swallowed a large amount of Spirit Beast meat, and then, with the help of spirit stones, trained Dantian Spirit Sea over and over again, striving to move towards the threshold of Innate Realm.

In the middle of the night, he expanded a little more Spirit Sea. After completing a practice, he opened his eyes and looked around.

He suddenly noticed that the two Qi Refinement Warrior of Mortal Realm of Pill Building, did not know when they left. Although he was curious, he didn’t take it seriously, and continued to be silent in his cultivation world.

After a while, he was awakened by the fluttering sound of the clothes that arrived. He saw the two Pill Building strongmen who had disappeared for a while, and returned one.

The Qiu Liang of Mortal Realm initial stage came back, Qiu Liang as soon as appear(ance), and said softly: “We found the people of Spectre Mansion nearby, they are all dead, and the situation is quite strange.”

The cultivators were awakened one after another, all frowning at him.

“Let ’s take a look, but not everyone.” Cao Qiushui stood up and nodded slightly to Dong Li and others.

Han Mu, Wu Tian, your two follow me.” Dong Li beckons.

Qin Yan and Gu Haofeng also counted a few people, and together with Pill Building‘s Qian Xin, they quietly left following Qiu Liang.

I also heard about the strong Mortal Realm of Dong Mingxuan, Water Moon Chamber of Commerce and Gu Family. They just opened their eyes and watched the crowd, but remained motionless.

They seem to be assured of the juniors in the families Cao Qiushui and Dong Li.

Wu Tian? Miss actually took Wu Tian?”

“She brought Han Mu boss, I can understand, what is Wu Tian?”


The retinue of Dong Family, watching Nie Tian and Han Mu stood up, followed Dong Li to leave, whispered, very puzzled.

Gu Haofeng also has a full face of look of surprise, and sometimes looks back to Dong Li, and Nie Tian next to Han Mu. It seems that I don’t understand why Dong Li, who just disputed with Nie Tian, brought Nie Tian, who dares to refute her.

A short while later, Qiu Liang led the crowd to the corner of the forest.

The bodies of seven people wearing Spectre Mansion costumes were scattered and scattered, and those eyes were bursting with bloodshed.

Apart from the blood on the corners of their eyes, there were no fatal wounds on them.

Pill Building‘s Mortal Realm middle stage Shen Zhong, relying indifferently on a big tree, seeing everyone coming, and did not mean to speak.

Even in the face of Qian Xin, the son of Pill Building Building Lord.

Qian Xin didn’t mind. After he arrived, he saluted him bowing the body, and then went with Dong Li and others to inspect those corpses.

Nie Tian and Han Mu, following Dong Li, stood beside a corpse and squatted down to take a closer look.

“This person’s body is harmless, and his soul is broken first.” Han Mu glanced at it and concluded: “It should be the powerful Psychic Secret Technique, which instantly defeated the soul. Strangely, Spectre Mansion people are very focused on psychic power How can we be so vulnerable in the cultivation of the people. “

“What do you think?” Dong Li asked Nie Tian.

Nie Tian didn’t speak, took a quiet look at the two Mortal Realms of Pill Building, then stretched out a finger, and pointed at the corpse’s eyebrows. closes the eyes felt it, and said, “It wasn’t Psychic Secret Technique hitting Soul Consciousness Sea. , Was taken away from the soul. “

At this point, Pill Building‘s Shen Zhong suddenly saw him at astonished.

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