Lord of All Realms Chapter 396: Viper Beauty

Originally, there were only five Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warriors, ancient wood floating on the pedals, and heading for the three islands in Black Water Pond.

But after Dong Li appeared and threatened by words, Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior, which was lurking in the dark, knew that his identity was exposed, and he no longer covered up.

whoosh, whoosh!”

Two more black figures whistled out of the tall bushes and fell lightly to the two mossy ancient woods.

The two people is slightly higher than the realm of the previous five, and they are all Innate Realm middle stage.

They also used the Spiritual Power in their bodies to drive the ancient wood under their feet. They rushed towards the three islands in pond water like a quivering arrow.

Before Dong Li, they have visited the three islands several times, knowing that the dozen or so spirit grasses on the island have not yet reached full maturity.

On this trip, the five people passed by, and they just wanted to take a look at them and see how long they needed to mature.

The appear(ance) of Dong Li has made Black Pond Domain‘s Qi Refinement Warrior realize that it is no longer possible to pick the spirit grass until it is fully mature.

Spirit grass is not mature. If you pick it in advance, the effect will be weaker, but they can’t take care of it at this moment.

The newly rushed two people was secretly determined to evacuate from Black Water Pond as soon as the spirit grass was picked, and return to Black Pond Domain as soon as possible, so as not to be besieged by Dong Family‘s followers.

Black Water Pond edge.

Dong Li yelled angrily, and saw Qi Refinement Warrior from Black Pond Domain, and two people flew out of the dark, and hurried to Black Water Pond. In her bright eyes, the vicious rays of light flashed.

“A group of stupid guys, really think that the spirit grass in Black Water Pond can be picked at will?” Dong Li sneered whispered.

She appeared on purpose, and loudly and swift cry seemed to be eager for Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior.

The two newly emerged Innate Realm middle stage rushed to the islands within Black Water Pond, seeming to agree with her.


A person from Black Pond Domain, cultivation level who reached Innate Realm middle stage, followed Black Water Pond and quietly came towards Dong Li.

According to his order of Senior Brother, he came to intercept Dong Li to prevent Dong Li from destroying their good things.

Dong Li seems to be aware of his intentions and traces, and his expression is not disturbed at all. The pupils of bright glow are always staring at the seven Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior in the center of Black Water Pond.

She seems to be waiting for something.

When the next two Innate Realm middle stage people are driving the floating ancient wood, they are gradually away from the shore of pond water. When it is impossible to fly back in an instant, Dong Li laughs suddenly.

A dark green ball of light whistled from her palm, and in the blink of an eye it was Black Water Pond in midair.

Sparse rainwater, covering Black Water Pond, and the surrounding boundary.

Nie Tian and Luo Xin two people also noticed a dim green ball of light that suddenly flew from the direction of Dong Li.

“What’s that?” Luo Xin asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know.” Nie Tian shook his head, also secretly wondering.

But at the next moment, the dark green ball of light suddenly burst open in the mid-air of Black Water Pond. The green water droplets, mixed with drizzle, sprinkled to Black Water Pond.

Green water droplets, with a sweet **** smell, splashed towards pond water.

A little bit of green water drops, on the water surface of Black Water Pond, there are also blooms of green water.

The green water splashes, under Nie Tian‘s Heavenly Eye‘s gaze, seem to be a bit singular and strange, implying some kind of danger.

Soon, the green water splashes spread with the trembling of the water waves.

The gray-black pond water surface, if smeared with green ink, gradually becomes green, and the green is gradually expanding and penetrates below pond water.


Nie Tian couldn’t help but exclaim.

“What’s wrong?” Luo Xin is unknown.

this time, Nie Tian did not respond to her, but closed her eyes gently under her gaze.

His eyes are closed, his concentration is unprecedented, and the connection with the seven Heavenly Eyes is getting closer.

He noticed keenly that the pond bottom of Black Water Pond, which was unknown, gradually panned out the unique fluctuations in the life of bleeding meat.

When he arrived at Black Water Pond, he spied on Heavenly Eye, and also tried to sense the movement in Black Water Pond with Heavenly Eye.

But at the time, he only felt that Black Water Pond was unfathomable, and pond water was slightly strange. His consciousness of Heavenly Eye wanted to spread through pond water to pond bottom, which was extremely laborious.

The depth he can perceive is only a dozen meters below Black Water Pond, and further down, Heavenly Eye is also unmeasurable.

But ten meters below Black Water Pond pond water that Heavenly Eye can detect does not show any signs of life.

However, as Dong Li threw out that green ball of light, as ball of light burst, a drop of green water droplets dripped from below pond water, and it quickly gave birth to the fluctuation of life.

Slightly thinking, Nie Tian suddenly realized that in the depths of Black Water Pond, exist(ence) was born with flesh and blood!

Only, those flesh and blood lives deep in the pond water, below ten meters, beyond the Heavenly Eye‘s perception zone.

In addition, those lives rarely surface, so no one notices it.

Through Heavenly Eye, he failed to gain insight into the secrets under pond water, and the Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior, which was in the wrong way, was even more difficult to detect.


ancient wood next to a rapidly floating, pond water set off a huge wave, a whole body black and black, huge Blood Eye Crocodile, opened a large mouth of blood basin, and surging to the surface.

That Blood Eye Crocodile, blood light shiny scarlet eye pupil is full of Bloodthirsty and fierce.

It gave a roar, a thick crocodile palm, and slammed against the Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior closest to the island.

Blood Eye Crocodile for 4-Step Bloodlines!”

That cultivation level reached Innate Realm initial stage, and the first batch of Qi Refinement Warrior to enter Black Water Pond was astounding.

The ancient wood he drove was fifty or sixty meters from the nearest island.

At this distance, he has no hope of landing on the island by jumping.

Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, only advanced to Mysterious Realm can fly in the sky, his realm is far from good.


A Bai Sensen’s bone stick flew out of the hand of this Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior. The white bone stick bloomed a gorgeous spiritual light to resist the bombardment of the thick alligator palm.


The bone stick blocked the attack of the crocodile’s palm, but the ancient wood on which he stepped, could not bear the heavy pressure, and sank pond water together with his body.

The sudden emergence of Blood Eye Crocodile, as soon as I saw him and that ancient wood, the pond water sank, and the huge body suddenly sank.

The pond water in that area caused a huge wave. At the bottom of pond water, there seemed to be **** assassination.

Soon, the ancient wood sinking pond water floated up again.

The Qi Refinement Warrior of Innate Realm initial stage from Black Pond Domain, which was previously standing on ancient wood, did not follow ancient wood, again appear(ance) on the surface of pond water.

The scarlet blood gradually spread out from the pond water next to that ancient wood.

Spirit Beast! pond bottom of Black Water Pond, Spirit Beast dormant!”

At the same time, several other Qi Refinement Warrior who also rushed to the central island of Black Water Pond also made screams.

A dozen-meter-long python, all silver and white, also appears from the bottom of pond water.

Another tiger head shark also burst out, sharp teeth, such as rows of sharp swords, slammed tearing and biting towards a Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior.

There are also two Blood Eye Crocodiles. They also surfaced wildly, with **** eyes and eyes on their targets.

The Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior floating in the center of Black Water Pond, a few ancient wood, each of them has a large distance from the island.

They all became targets of the attack buried deep in Black Water Pond pond bottom Spirit Beast. Under the siege of Spirit Beast, which was stimulated by the green ball of light and one by one of Dong Li, the ancient wood under their feet quickly broke apart.

They have no load, they dropped pond water one after another, and soon became Spirit Beast food.

Nie Tian’s Seven Heavenly Eye, quietly suspended in the sky, watching those black clothes Qi Refinement Warrior, being written by Spirit Beast tearing and biting in pond water, and soon became a stump, swallowed by Spirit Beast one by one.

The **** and cruel picture makes Nie Tian snooping through Heavenly Eye, also feel a little scalp.

A total of seven Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warriors are Innate Realm. However, under the attack of those fierce Spirit Beast, they could not support for five minutes, and they all screamed and were swallowed by Spirit Beast.

Dong Li on the shore, looking extremely calm, with a pair of bright eyes, he shot rays of light with pleasure.

The Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior who came towards her was shocked by the great changes of Black Water Pond. She had stopped flying, but watched the **** picture in pond water blankly. eye socket was completely blank.

“Did you eat the bear heart leopard gall? Dare to steal food from our Dong Family tiger mouth, a group of things that don’t know how to live or die!” Dong Li said coldly.

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