Lord of All Realms Chapter 325: refining mark

A few days later.

Just in the forbidden life zone in the east of Ruins, after Nie Tian consumed thirteen Spirit Jade, it stepped into middle stage of Culmination Realm in one fell swoop.

In Dantian Spirit Sea, a new Spiritual Power Vortex is formed.

The breakthrough of a new realm means a lot and it will produce many changes.

His five Spiritual Power Vortex can all gather spiritual energy, Spirit Sea can be opened again, can be concise again and again.

flame, Wood, Stars Energy, you can also continue to train down, you can condense again.

Including his flesh and blood, with the breakthrough of realm, he can continue to be tempered.

The breakthrough of realm can enhance the strength in all directions, and the speed of his various Spiritual Power operations will also accelerate again.

After stepping into Culmination Realm late stage, he didn’t rush to do other things, but took a few days to stabilize realm and calm his mind.

Then he aggregated star liquid bit by bit with a large number of Stars Stone, sinking it to Star Lake.

It’s another seven days, hurried past.

During the night of this day, when he was still condensing star liquid, he suddenly saw a gorgeous flowing light that fell from the sky.

That stream of light is very close to him!

He suddenly concentrated, looking up suddenly at the bunch of flying flowing light, following the mystery of Star Falls again, using Spiritual Consciousness to echo with Stars Energy in stars Vortex.

The stream of light is extremely slim, and the Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens inside is also very small.

When he gathered Spiritual Consciousness in Soul Consciousness Sea to the bunch of flowing light according to Secret Technique of Star Falls, this time finally successfully captured the trajectory of the flowing light flying away!

When he reached a mysterious connection with that bunch of flowing light, the Stars Energy in his body was pouring out like a flood that opened the gate.

Not only that, he concentrated in that bunch of flowing light‘s Spiritual Consciousness, but also Stars Energy, consuming at a terrible speed!

It’s just a small meteorite falling from the sky. When he tries to tow and twist his trajectory with Star Falls Secret Technique, he seems to be unable to bear it.

A tearing sting came from his mind, stars Vortex was rotating at a speed far faster than usual.

He kept his mind firmly, and with the greatest perseverance, he tried to stir the trail of the falling meteor.


The flying meteor did deviate slightly from the distant orbit, and deviated from his position.

But for a while, his Spiritual Consciousness and Stars Energy even consumed more than half of it!


The bunch of flowing lights fell ten miles away, and there was only a slight vibration in the ground he was on.

This shows that the falling meteorite should be a meteorite of very small very small, otherwise he will feel shaken if he is so close.


A long breath, when he calmed down, he found that he was sweating a lot


He has a short sense of dizziness. After deep breathing again and again, he gradually recovers, but his heartbeat is still beating.

Star Falls!”

A strand of Spiritual Consciousness, the one Broken Star Mark that flew into the chest instantly, he clearly saw that in the one Broken Star Mark, the ancient symbol texts that recorded the secrets of Star Falls were gradually disappearing.

His body shape was huge, and he immediately understood. Knowing the three types of magic arts recorded in the first Broken Star Mark, he finally grasped all of them!

At this time, he suddenly came to his senses, knowing how many times he had failed before.

It’s not that he didn’t know enough about Star Falls, nor was he not concentrated, let alone he didn’t work hard enough.

He failed again and again, partly because the Stars Energy in his body at that time could not reach the level of Star Falls!

Even the smallest Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens, if you want to pull the twist direction and change its running trajectory, you need to consume extremely scary Spiritual Consciousness and Stars Energy!

In the last few days, his realm did not step into Culmination Realm middle stage, and his body accumulated to peak‘s Stars Energy, which is actually quite limited.

After breaking through realm, he can condense more star liquid again and continue to enhance the aggregation of Stars Energy.

Recently, with the help of Stars Stone, he has been condensing more Stars Energy, transformed into star liquid and sinking to Star Lake, making his Stars Energy in Star Lake at least twice as much as before.

The skyrocketing Stars Energy, plus the very small very small meteorite, really enabled him to successfully implement Star Falls.

On the other day, the outer space meteorites that landed on them were too large. It was impossible to shake those meteorites with his realm cultivation level and Stars Energy in his body. Naturally, they could not be pulled successfully.

“Such a small outer space meteorite, I just turned the direction a little, and almost ran out of psychic power and Stars Energy!”

“This Star Falls is obviously not me now. It can be used normally and can be used for battle!”

He gradually came to his senses.

first chapter of Broken Star Secret Arts, three types of recorded Spirit Secret Art, Star Moves and Stars Flash, he can use it now.

Star Falls, but definitely not. With his existing realm and strength, he can come out and fight with others.

In his view, maybe after he reaches Mortal Realm and Mysterious Realm, he can use Star Falls very skillfully to pull a outer space meteorite to hit the target.

If it is an extremely large outer space meteorite, perhaps it will require a more exquisite realm, such as the sea-like Stars Energy, to successfully urge it.

“Fortunately, the first Broken Star Mark is truly a realization of the mystery.”

I felt that each of the Broken Star Marks had disappeared too much ancient symbol. He felt a sense of joy, knowing that from now on, he might not need to continue hiding, and he was worried that his identity would be exposed.

He opened his clothes corner, looked down, and suddenly found that

A Broken Star Mark, which was originally a tattoo, faded gradually, blended into the skin, and soon became invisible.

The other, Broken Star Mark, which he has not been able to learn, is still clearly visible.

“This is refining?”

Thinking about it like this, he suddenly felt that there was a burning sensation from inside Broken Star Mark, which was flesh and blood.

He immediately realized with his heart, and immediately found a series of brand new runes, which appeared from the Broken Star Mark of refining.

The brand new runes, he just read it once, and it was deeply imprinted in his memory and became a part of his soul.

Then the new runes that emerged gradually disappeared.

He repeated the runes in the branded memory in his mind, and found that it turned out to be the Secret Technique that banned space crack, calling three Broken Star Marks, and the power in outer space star river.

And he is just the activator. He only needs to release the three Broken Star Marks according to the Secret Technique, and control it with his heart and soul. He can lead the re-banning of the cracked space crack!

At the same time, he suddenly felt the third exist(ence) of Broken Star Mark.

The third Broken Star Mark seems to be reflected in his Soul Consciousness Sea, and he can accurately sense the position.

This kind of induction does not need to pass Heavenly Eye at all. It seems that as long as he thinks together, he knows where the third Broken Star Mark is now.

Ning Yang! The Broken Star Mark on Ning Yang!”

He suddenly understood that there was a subtle induction between the three Broken Star Mark.

He did n’t have the Broken Star Mark of refining before, so he could n’t feel the exist(ence) of Ning Yang, but the first Broken Star Mark was really integrated into his flesh by refining, and he was able to keenly capture the Ning Yang through the third Broken Star Mark. Trend, know the position of Ning Yang.

“At the falling point of that little meteorite!”

The location of Ning Yang was determined. He didn’t rush to take action, but quickly took out Stars Stone, and first added up the consumed Stars Energy.

From Storage Bracelet, he took out some Medicine Pill that can nourish the spirit, and swallowed take with a brain.

It took him more than half a day to recover the stars power and psychic power he consumed.

When he got up and rushed to the falling point of the meteorite, Ning Yang had already left, and he was looking for the third refining Broken Star Mark method outside Baili Kai.

And when Nie Tian came to the place where the meteorite fell, looking at the small pit like a deep well, he felt that Broken Star Mark on his chest suddenly became hot again.

Indistinctly, he felt that in the depth of the earth in the pothole, it seemed that exist(ence) was holding something that attracted Broken Star Mark.

“What’s the situation?”

His eyes are full of look of surprise, staring at the pothole, trying to use a Heavenly Eye to go deep into the pothole.

End of this chapter

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