Lord of All Realms Chapter 27: Big movements

Nie Family.

Nie Tian disappeared for a full ten days. In these ten days, Nie Donghai forced Nie Beichuan to join him to go to Yun Family to ask someone.

Yun Family, Nie Tian’s‘s disappearance for no reason has nothing to do with them.

Before, the Rising Clouds Sect side was very dissatisfied with the Nie Donghai, and rarely paid attention to Nie Donghai.

this time, but I do n’t know why. When Nie Donghai reported the situation of Nie Tian’s to Rising Clouds Sect, Rising Clouds Sect immediately arranged Li Fan to go down the mountain.

Li Fan leads Nie Donghai, regardless of the face of Yun Family, he just turned Yun Family upside down.

Unfortunately, Li Fan is not in Yun Family, and Nie Tian is searched out.

Li Fan didn’t give up, they went directly to Yuan Family of Cold Stone City and searched Yuan Family again.

But still nothing.

Ten days later, Li Fan stayed in Nie Family, and through the power of Rising Clouds Sect, in the surrounding cities, continued to look for the Nie Tian’s trace.

This time, Rising Clouds Sect is really concerned about the disappearance of Nie Tian, and the whole world is looking for Nie Tian.

As Nie Family‘s current Family Master Nie Beichuan, I saw that Rising Clouds Sect is so laborious and moving. Although there are confections in private, there is also full cooperation on the surface.

In the early morning, Nie Qian and Nie Donghai two people arrived in Li Fan‘s guest room early in the morning and asked if there was any latest news from Rising Clouds Sect.

After seeing Li Fan reluctantly shaking his head, Nie Qian said weakly: “Mr. Li, Xiao Tian is our spiritual Pillar, we only have … Xiao Tian, please be sure to find Xiao Tian.”

“Mr. Li is also asked to take care.” Nie Donghai asked with red eyes.

He hasn’t slept well all night for ten days, and the whole person looks older.

The disappearance of Nie Tian’s makes him want to collapse, his spirit is entangled, and he whispers Nie Tian every night, hoping to see Nie Tian return suddenly.

“I found a lot of friends and asked for Nie Tian’s news within a hundred miles. As long as Nie Tian and appear(ance), I will certainly receive the news as soon as possible.” Li Fan promised it, and frowned immediately, I felt Puzzling, “May I tell you the truth, this matter … Maybe it has nothing to do with Yun Family and Yuan Family. In Yun Family and Yuan Family, there are several people who have a good relationship with our Rising Clouds Sect. I have inquired carefully through them, and they told the child of Nie Tian Nothing is known about it. “

“If it wasn’t Yun Family and Yuan Family, who would it be?” Nie Qian is almost Desperate.

Rising Clouds Sect attaches great importance to Nie Tian’s this time, so that Nie Donghai and Nie Qian are also touched, knowing that they are doing their best.

If Rising Clouds Sect uses all kinds of energy and fails to find Nie Tian, Nie Family … will be even more impossible.

“Relax, as long as the Nie Tian is alive, there will always be a way.” Li Fan reassured.

At this moment, Li Fan suddenly moved his expression, uttered a “squeak”, and quickly went out.

Nie Donghai and Nie Qian are also rushing to keep up.

“There! The fluctuations of space are extremely abnormal!” Li Fan pointed to one place as soon as he went out, his face was weird: “There are space crack cracks!”

Following the direction of Li Fan, Nie Donghai and Nie Qian took a closer look, and both found that the Nie Tian room was in the middle of the air, and there was a strange noise.

“This is Xiao Tian‘s room!”

Nie Qian and Nie Donghai two people, shortness of breath, flew away at the fastest speed.

When the room where Nie Tian disappeared was heard, Li Fan‘s expression moved and he became very interested.


Like an electric rainbow, Li Fan later took the lead, first Nie Qian and Nie Donghai, rushed to the scene.

When Nie Qian and Nie Donghai arrived, Li Fan sang and said, “Don’t come near!”

Many people of the Nie Family family who also noticed abnormal changes also gathered from all directions at this time.

Soon, there were more than a dozen Nie Family people around the Nie Tian room.


The small stone house where Nie Tian is located suddenly broke apart under everyone’s attention.

Cracks of bright glow, like sharp blades, emerge crisscross from the house.

From those cracks, from time to time, dazzling unusual glow, unusual glow like meteors, the unknown space in those cracks flashed away.

This piece of space becomes extremely unstable, the magnetic field is chaotic, and sometimes there are colorful broken lights that flicker from the cracks of space.

The broken light, when it touches the real thing, will burst instantly, and produce the impact of berserk.


Nie Tian’s Stone House finally exploded completely. When the broken stone exploded, space crack twisted and became more and more unstable.

“Retreat all!”

Li Fan‘s expression changed drastically, and all of the Nie Family clan members rushed away from here immediately.

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!”

The Nie Beichuan hurriedly came to see the wonders of this place, and it was overshadowed, loudly and swift cry.

The Nie Family people, who were already disturbed, quickly evacuated when they heard the reminders from Li Fan and Nie Beichuan.

After a distance of 100 meters, they were a little relieved and went back to see the space magnetic field riot.

Nie Tian!”

“It’s Nie Tian!”

Nie Tian is in a pile of stones!”

The Nie Family people at the tip of their eyes suddenly screamed aloud, the sound was full of incredible.

At this time, Nie Donghai and Nie Qian two people also noticed that a small figure stood up in the collapsed stone house and in the piles of rubble.

That figure is Nie Tian!

At this moment, Nie Tian stood straight from within pile of rocks, his face was bewildered, and he seemed to be dizzy. I do n’t know what happened.

Looking up, he looked at the space crack that was twisting and shaking, tearing out, subconsciously lowered, for fear of being touched by those space cracks.

“Never move lightly!” Li Fan reminded aloud, blazing eyes stared at Nie Tian, and said, “Nie Tian! You are standing still, don’t move!”

“Oh.” Nie Tian nodded again and again.

Li Fan took a deep breath and the eyes reveals are brilliant. Suddenly take out a jade card and say excitedly at the jade card: “Master! Nie Family emerges space chaotic flow field!”

“Stay there! Don’t act lightly, I’ll come over here!” A majestic voice came from the jade card.

Nie Donghai, Nie Beichuan, and others all stunned when the voice sounded.

They heard the speaker from that voice, and it was Sect Master Jiang Zhisu of Rising Clouds Sect!

Nie Family is just one of the vassals of Rising Clouds Sect. From Nie Family to Black Cloud City, Jiang Zhisu has never been to Nie Family once.

Nie Donghai and Nie Beichuan, Family Master, have not seen Jiang Zhisu several times on Rising Clouds Mountain.

This trip, Jiang Zhisu even came to Nie Family, which shocked all Nie Family people.

“Except for the owner of Nie Family, everyone left for me!” Li Fan groaned, and then extended his finger for Nie Donghai, “You also stay. The rest of the idlers, etc., all stay away from me! Nie Family appear(ance) space chaotic flow field, no word should be disclosed! “

“What are you still doing ?! Listen to Mr. Li and leave immediately from here!” Nie Beichuan yelled.

A large number of Nie Family people gathered here, under his shouting, although full of doubt, they all retreated.

Even worrying about Nie Tian’s Nie Qian, under the constant urgency of Nie Donghai, stay away slowly.

“It matters. My Master will be here soon, and we are waiting here.” After the Nie Family crowd one by one dissipated, Li Fan solemnly said.

“Understand.” Nie Donghai and Nie Beichuan also panicked, nodding their heads to understand.

However, while they were waiting patiently and waiting for Jiang Zhisu to come, the strangely emerged space crack, somehow, were slowly healing.

“This …” Nie Beichuan was shocked.

In a very short time, all the flashing space cracks have disappeared.

The space magnetic field that was just chaotic has gradually returned to normal, and the sight of the sky is completely gone.

“How can this be?” Li Fan was at a loss.

And Nie Donghai, when I saw those space cracks disappeared, his face appeared happy.

—— because he knows Nie Tian is safe.

space chaotic flow field, torn space …”

In pile of rocks, Nie Tian with his head down, thinking secretly in his heart, has realized that all the abnormalities are related to the Beast Bone in his hand.

He bowed his head, with the strange rays of light flashing in his eyes, thinking about how to explain.

“The issue of Beast Bone must not be exposed! The mystery of unusual place can only be tapped slowly by myself!”

He secretly resolved, and soon organized a set of speeches in his heart.

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