Lord of All Realms Chapter 26: Thinking

“I can’t stand up …”

Nie Tian, who was barely sitting on the altar, was a little bit sad, but only a moment later, he realized that the place was unusual, and it was just a grind to him.

The more powerful the gravity environment, the heavier the burden on the body. This is actually an excellent treasure for tempering the flesh.

When he was very young, he knew that he was much stronger than his children of the same age. His battles with Nie Hong and others depended on the strength of his body to make up for the shortcomings of realm.


took a deep breath, in this terrible Gravity Field, first try to move his arm.

The arm is much lighter than the entire body. It is naturally lighter to be pulled by gravity.

Sure enough, the shaking of the arm, although much more difficult than usual, can at least move.

On this broken altar, he is sitting side by side like a wind, constantly raising his arm, pointing his arm to the sky as much as possible, and feeling the impact of Gravity Field on his arm as much as possible.

During this time, he was also looking around.


Looking far away, the one who only stretched out from inside the earth, facing the sky of Djinn, suddenly moved his mind.

Each of those giant hands has a different posture toward the sky, and they all seem to contain some emotion.

He always raised his arms and raised the sky, he felt a bit boring, but after he noticed the different postures of huge arm, he was blessed to the soul, and began to learn those huge arm postures to point to heaven.

The first thing he learned was the huge arm with the five fingers clenched into a fist, the back of the fist blue veins to protrude, and the sky pointing.

His eyes were staring at the such as mountain peak huge arm, as if from the huge arm, he felt an unwilling meaning of Furious.

I don’t know why, just looking at it like that, a manic anger was growing in his heart.

He looked at the eyes of huge arm, and before he knew it, he was surrounded by raging anger.

The expression on his face became irritable and angry, a flame of anger that wanted to destroy the sky and break all the rampant anger.

His hand, which only learns huge arm movements, seems to be suddenly given spirituality after his mood changes.

He was keenly aware that Spiritual Power in Dantian Spirit Sea suddenly burst out of Spirit Sea, and quickly flowed to that hand along his meridian.

In the arms, every meridian, like berserk anger flames, is filled with anger when Spiritual Power flows through the meridians.


He raised his fist, and on the back of his fist, a pale white spiritual light appeared!

A trace of spiritual light is wrapped around his fist. Among those spiritual lights, they are all frantically angry, as if the power released by Spiritual Power can increase a lot.

Qi Practice 6-layer! Spiritual Power overflow!”

The 6th-layer entered into Qi Practice Realm, the Spiritual Power in the body, can be revealed, and when it is in contact with the enemy, it can bomb Spiritual Power into the enemy.

When he fought against Nie Hong, Nie Hong of Qi Refinement 6-layer, when confronting his fist, blasted the lightning aftershock attached to his body into his body.

The same is true. He has repeatedly encountered Nie Hong, leaving lightning spare power in his body, making him miserable.

Not long ago, he inexplicably stepped into Qi Refinement 6-layer realm in No. 73 mine tunnel, but he has not really tried the beauty of Spiritual Power overflow.

Today, in this unknown world, he has hardly encountered any difficulties, and he can suddenly achieve 6-layer Qi Practice Realm‘s Spiritual Power overflow.

This surprised him quite.

Because, according to Nie Qian, it has just broken through to Qi Practice 6-layer, and it takes repeated trials to expose Spiritual Power outside the body, so that you can send and receive freely.

And he succeeded once.

Not only that, he clearly felt that his Spiritual Power, which appeared on his fist, was carrying the meaning of Furious.

The emotion is not the Attribute of Spiritual Power. There should not be additional power, but he believes that those Furious emotions that are added to Spiritual Power must be wonderful.

Unfortunately, Nie Hong is not here, otherwise he can use this punch to test whether Furious mood has any extra power.


When he started to think wildly, his mood changed and he became no longer manic and angry.

The Spiritual Power converging in that arm instantly flowed back to Spirit Sea, and the Spiritual Power on his arm suddenly disappeared.

Immediately, he realized that because of his distraction, he could not maintain his anger and irritability consistently.

When his state of mind has calmed down from Furious, he raised his fist, there is no longer mysterious, Spiritual Power returns, everything is back to normal.

“Mind! Mind is the key!”

After the mind was born, he concentrated his mind and revisited the huge arm of the such as mountain in the distance.

He seriously felt the **** Furious of the **** hand. As he gradually indulged in it, he found himself affected again, and his heart became manic and angry.

After the anger filled his heart, he learned the huge arm posture, and slowly fisted his hammer into the sky.

A bunch of Spiritual Power, as his posture stretched, hurricane out of Spirit Sea again, instantly injected into the meridians in his arm, as if roaring all the way into his fists.


The pale white Spiritual Power flashed out from his fists, and those Spiritual Powers were full of anger.

“That’s it!”

A sense of joy can’t help but come to his mind, and his hardly brewing anger suddenly disappears.

After a while, he found the strangeness just now and left him again.

However, through this attempt, he has already learned the trick, and then repeatedly practiced it.

Subsequent practice, as long as he always maintains the anger in his heart, the strange sense of fist filled with anger will always be exist(ence).

However, he also found that only when he stared at the huge arm in the distance, could he gradually develop the Furious emotion in his heart.

When he does not look at the hand of the Djinn, but uses his anger to trigger the punch, the mysterious and strange sense can never be reproduced.

It seems that mystery can only be understood if you can truly appreciate the mania, unwilling anger in that fist, and really realize it.

After recognizing this, he calmed down and stopped doing useless work. Instead, he watched the huge arm reaching to the sky intently and realized the state of mind of the master of huge arm when he punched.

He was totally indulged in it, forgetting the loss of time, forgetting the environment he was in, and even forgetting himself.

When he even gave up on himself, for a while, he gave birth to a master of huge arm, who feared the constraints of the rules, dared to fight with the world, and fearlessness of the strength to fight sky.


I don’t know how long, the Beast Bone under my feet suddenly popped up a little fire glow.

The condense drop of blood in Beast Bone seems to be consuming Flame Strength all the time. At this time, when Flame Strength is consumed to a certain extent, Beast Bone suddenly changes.

“Snoring! Snoring!”

Each cluster of Fire Sprout flew out of Beast Bone, awakening Nie Tian.

Nie Tian took a look and suddenly found that the blood in Beast Bone seemed to be much smaller than that in condense.

He immediately realized that Beast Bone had unknowingly consumed a lot of Flame Strength.

When he was surprised, Beast Bone continued to change, and turned into a Flaming Light Cave.

Looking at the formation of the Flaming Light Cave, he seemed to understand it all at once, knowing that the Flame Strength in the Beast Bone was only enough to open the return channel.

Otherwise, when Flame Strength continues to be consumed, Beast Bone will not have enough power to form Flaming Light Cave to send him away.

“Can you just leave now?”

Looking at the huge arm of such as mountain, he just touched the doorway, he was a little bit worried.

But Beast Bone didn’t give him more time to think about it. The Flaming Light Cave it formed has already swallowed it.

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