Lord of All Realms Chapter 1665: Are you crazy?

Cloudy Demon Star Territory, which has been banned for a long time, suddenly appears.

outer space, Jiang Qinghuang, Feng Beiluo, Yin Hangtian, Chu Rui are all attracted attention.

At a glance, I saw Nie Tian, which is nearly ten thousand meters high, with arrogant flames, strong berserk blood power, and gathered into a monster of horror. tearing and biting is the world’s wall of Cloudy Demon Star Territory.

Deep purple color, pure black, layer upon layer world’s wall and Cloudy Demon Banner, were torn into pieces.

The giant Nie Tian, like an Antiquity God Demon, smiled strangely, waving his fist, and smashed into the sky and all directions.

Every punch blows out, there is a gorgeous energy light flow, mixed with stars, flame, Qi and blood, Wood and the power of the soul, such as the rushing Yangtze River.

If you look closely, you can see that there are countless small fragments crystals and lightning in the energy light flow.

“Boom! Boom!”

The dome of Cloudy Demon Star Territory, under the light flow of that energy, was gigantic holes by dig open.

outer space‘s people seem to see a gorgeous divine rainbow beam of light, piercing the sea of ​​dark clouds fiercely.

Dylan and Yama Demon Great Venerable in the domain suddenly look relaxed.

They suddenly discovered that the power from Cloudy Demon Banner exhausted the vast pressure from Cloudy Demon Star Territory and disappeared completely.

“Boom! Boom!”

Nie Tian repeatedly punches.

Sounds, like the unyielding roar of the Heaven Holding Djinn ancestors, seem to pass from a distant time, across the long river of time.

Cloudy Demon Star Territory, many domain stars, were hit by optical flow.

I saw those domain, the bright stars, shaking violently and shaking.

Through world’s wall, you can see the mountains and rivers of Demon Domain collapse, the rivers are disconnected, the weak Demon Race tribe, Demon Beast and Demon Insect of low-rank, were killed by the force of Nie Tian’s Raging Fist, and killed by the earthquake.

The grand and magnificent Demon Race palaces, like building blocks, collapsed like children’s play.

Just punched and blasted out, Cloudy Demon Star Territory one by one domain, I don’t know how many Demon Race people, Demon Beast, Demon Insect, died because of him.

In some domain, the internal structure is damaged, resulting in the failure of world’s wall and the infiltration of many dross flowing light, causing more extinction of life.


Nie Tian screamed, like the **** roar of Berserk Giant Beast, and the Demon Race people who made Cloudy Demon Star Territory alive were trembling, as if they heard the cry of death.

Various flesh and blood, flowing out from the many domain of Cloudy Demon Star Territory.

The energy of flesh and blood that should have dissipated in domain and star sea suddenly seemed to be attracted by a strong magnetic force, and it went crazy to Nie Tian, becoming his new source of flesh and blood.

Nie Tian! You deserve to die!”

Demon Race‘s Heavens Hate Great Venerable, after a brief silence, erupted suddenly.

At first, she didn’t respond.

When the reaction came, she found that Cloudy Demon Banner was torn up. She was about to get angry when she was angry, and saw the Nie Tian’s offensive, covering the entire Cloudy Demon Star Territory.

Then I saw that the Cloudy Demon Star Territory cast by her hard concise, the beings in domain one after another.

Like a doomsday spirit, waving a butcher knife to Cloudy Demon Star Territory, killing the killer.

The annihilation of beings!

“Is Heavens Hate Great Venerable right?” Nie Tian sneered, “To be honest, Cloudy Demon Banner is not broken. It is really difficult for you to use the power of the entire Star Territory. Now, hey, that’s it.”


He stepped out and reached in front of Heavens Hate Great Venerable.

The piece of scarlet-red bone that broke the sky suddenly fell into his palm, the bone pointed to Heavens Hate Great Venerable, Nie Tian said arrogantly: “I should be dead for sin? You kill me!”

“You!” Heavens Hate Great Venerable sharp howl.

“Don’t come?” Nie Tian laughed, “If you don’t kill me, I will kill you and destroy your Cloudy Demon Star Territory! Among your Star Territory who serve you, the Demon Race tribe will be buried with you. Your three major tribe, in It is time for us to taste the sins committed by Human World.

Thus, the bones of Berserk Giant Beast are light in the void.

Dao Dao scarlet-red divine glow, shot into the nearby Demon Domain, the remaining 9-Step Great Lord.

9-Step‘s Demon Race Great Lord, when the situation is not good, each uses Bloodlines secret technique, trying to escape with blood.

scarlet-red blood awns penetrated the 9-Step Great Lord of those Demon Race one by one, causing them to explode.

Cloudy Demon Star Territory, appear(ance) blockbuster blockbuster purple color blood rain, screaming screams.

Beyond the domain, the previous quarrel was still going on, as if the Extinguished Star Sea demons who were about to let go of the next moment, and those who came from Human World, completely stopped the quarrel.

Everyone is silent.

“Here, Nie Tian was seriously injured?” After half a ring, Broken Star Ancient Temple‘s Child of Stars reached Dou Tianchen of God Domain initial stage, and looked strangely, “The news we got from those Ruins World Demon Race, is it false? Such Nie Tian , Like hurt? “

No response.

“This is our Young Master, the son of our High Lord Qin Yao!” Feng Beiluo smiled indifferently, with a proud look, full of confidence, and he said to the most fierce ones: “If you want to sue us High Lord , Enemies against our Extinguished Star Sea, hehe, let it be! “

“A group of things that don’t know how to live or die.” Thunder Demon Yuan Jiuchuan, coldly glanced at them, and spit at them with extreme grace, “Well! No Young Master in Human World, Spirit World, suppress Purgatory Great Venerable, bombard Bone Ashes Great Venerable, please move Tearing Giant Beast shot, you are all reduced to corpses. “

“You who lost Ji Cang and the major peaks God Domain, are still trying to confront us?”

“Are you crazy?”

As a mixed race Jiang Qinghuang, also took the opportunity to ridicule, “Zhuo Human World, if not for High Lord constraints, is already in our pockets. A group of things that do not know the depth! Without us for many years in Extinguished Star Sea, strength to fight Ruins World Three Great Alien Race, you do not know how dead How many times. “

She is convinced about Nie Tian.

Regaining strength, moving the osteotomy head of Berserk Giant Beast, breaking Cloudy Demon Banner, and killing the Nie Tian of the Quartet, she finally realized a fact clearly.

—— Don’t talk about her, her father Dylan may not be able to beat Nie Tian.

A lot of times, if the strength of both sides is equal, Rank will really compete for high and low.

On the other hand, if the strength and class are too far apart, the weak can only look up and be in awe.

At this time, the remaining demons of Extinguished Star Sea are ridiculous and insulting.

This is because, on the one hand, Nie Tian exhibits super power, and on the other hand, due to the break of the ban on Cloudy Demon Star Territory, Snow Demon, Yama Demon Great Venerable and Dylan have all been released.

The power of three Great Chief can completely suppress the Human Race guests present.

What’s more, the hardest bones such as Yin Hangtian and Yu Suying are still under Nie Tian’s, and they took the initiative to distance them.

Under such circumstances, how can those clamorers have the confidence and courage?

“Oh! whoosh, whoosh!”

Snow Demon, Yama Demon Great Venerable and Dylan flew away from the chaotic Cloudy Demon Star Territory and landed beside Jiang Qinghuang and others.

“What’s going on?”

Yama Demon Great Venerable squinted his eyes, looking at Feng Beiluo, and then looking at Chu Rui, and the fiercest screaming before. If the silent Human Race Saint Domain old cymbals were silent, they said, “We are here to Cloudy Demon Star Territory, save them, even if they are not Do n’t appreciate it, and do n’t say it badly? ”

“They blame each other, it’s our High Lord.” Jiang Qinghuang snorted.

At this point, Dylan and Snow Demon became cold.

“Is that you?” Snow Demon chill‘s eyes were fixed on Chu Rui. “Do you think that you were once Child of Stars and you were Broken Star Ancient Temple orthodox, then you can criticize our High Lord?”

“This, it’s not me.” Chu Rui spread his hand bitterly, saying that it had nothing to do with him.

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