Lord of All Realms Chapter 1555: Meet Agatha again

Ji Yuanquan is restless.

He uses the Void Spirit Religion non-passing technique and uses space Spiritual Power to cast the layers of void barrier. Every 1-layer barrier is like a new world, with a thick mist.

Heavenly Demon Hammer!”

The Aztec after Demon Transformation runs the power of Bloodlines, the fist is like a hammer, it shakes the sky, and slams down.

With a crackling sound, Crystal Snow Domain‘s Bingying World seems to be dig open.

A hammer blasts down, there is Ruins World Demon Race, an old demon, seems to growl silently.

One of them is surrounded by endless demon light , the firstborn demon’s horn, a demon-like demon-like, like a sledgehammer, to blow up the world, the most prominent!

The demon god, after Demon Transformation, Bloodlines Ancestral Transformation‘s Aztec, is almost similar.

He seems to be Demon Race, Aztec, the original flesh and blood form.


Ji Yuanquan condense, layers of barrier, suddenly burst.

The Law of God he barely offered, just collapsed in the dark Crystal Snow Domain like a sand sculpture.

The strands of space are constantly gathering, weaving, and reappearing as the new Ji Yuanquan.

Ke Xin’s Ji Yuanquan, which has been severely damaged, can’t help but make a sound like sharp howl.

In the dark, Human Race‘s many God Domain and Saint Domain strongmen actually heard the scream of Ji Yuanquan, knowing that Ji Yuanquan became the target of Aztec and suffered heavy blows.

However, whether it is Yin Hangtian, Yu Suying, Ye Wenhan, Zu Guangyao, or the three Great Venerable of Ancient Spirit Clan, they are all blind in the absolute darkness.

They can’t see or feel it.

Even the scream of Ji Yuanquan seems to be Aztec deliberately/meticulously, so they can only hear it.

In the sky of Crystal Snow Domain, Aztec‘s Dark Demon Stone, and Dong Li‘s Dark Demon Stone, including the Dark Light Wheel, release the darkness, and this domain seems to be eternal darkness.


Only Dong Li, which has the same exquisite power of darkness, can clearly see on Black Turtle that Aztec moves to Ji Yuanquan.

Dong Li wanted assistance, but passively discovered that her Dark Demon Stone and Dark Light Wheel were all affected by Dark Demon Stone of Aztec.

Aztec released, the Dark Demon Stone that communicates with him Bloodlines, now really looks like a dark eye.

That eye, always staring at her, and the Dark Demon Stone she holds, including Dark Light Wheel.

In those eyes, there are extremely fine, purple color Crystal Chains.

purple color Crystal Chains, a deep bloom of demon light , secretly affecting her piece of Demon Stone, and Dark Light Wheel.

It seems as if assimilating her Dark Demon Stone, she holds Dark Light Wheel.

Bloodlines …”

Dong Li The corners of her mouth are full of bitterness. She needs to use her dark power and the power of Black Turtle to continue to assimilate her with the power in her eyes.

She knows that the reason for this is because Aztec, who calls herself Child of Darkness, is the descendant of Ruins World King of Darkness.

She is different from Nie Tian and Pei Qiqi. She is pure Human Race, not a mixed race.

She can fit into that Dark Demon Stone and refining Dark Demon Stone. It is a coincidence of too many chances, because she cultivates Spirit Secret Art, and because of her tamed Black Phoenix, she has the power of darkness.

Then, with the help of Nie Tian’s, we get Black Turtle, Dark Demon Stone, and Dark Light Wheel.

These are components with too much luck.

And Aztec, the blood flowing in the blood vessels comes from the King of Darkness that died out!

As a descendant of Aztec, the genius of Ruins World Demon Race, this guy called Child of Darkness fits perfectly with the eyes of Dark Demon Stone —— King of Darkness.

So too, he can release Dark Demon Power of that eye 100%.

With that eye, he also used the mysterious power imprinted in Bloodlines to affect his own eye, to affect Dark Light Wheel, and … the dark Spiritual Dan sinking in Dantian Spirit Sea.

He is here to assimilate himself all together.

Dong Li was secretly anxious.

Aztec‘s manic angry howl, like the storm set off by the deep ocean, is intensifying.

Because of the death of Tuta Great Venerable, he was aroused fiercely, and was not prepared to wait for the arrival of Thousand Souls Great Venerable, but to spend demon power/magic power and blood essence before that, kill some people to pay tribute to Tuta Great Venerable.

He was originally prepared to retain his strength to deal with more difficult problems, but he couldn’t hold back.

“Dark blood!”

A drop of blood essence, appear(ance) in his palm.

The drop of blood essence, which was initially purple color, was constantly engulfing the power of darkness and became pure black in a short period of time.

The pure black blood essence was ignited with a click.

A drop of burning blood essence, such as the dark ball of light, releases the breath, like when the chaos is not open, in a dark place deep in universe, the smell of Darkness Source flows.

The burning blood essence suddenly flew to God Domain middle stage, Palace Lord Yu Suying of Profound Clear Palace.

In the sky, two dark eyes look at the burning blood essence at the same time.

Suddenly, power was added to that drop of dark blood essence.

The burning blood essence highlights dozens of complex and unpredictable, unknown dark maps, and many little dark particles.

Yu Suying instinctively fears. She unfolds God Domain, Clean Heaven Divine Glow is densely packed with appear(ance). She wants to be impenetrable, shelter herself, and not be penetrated by the burning dark blood essence.

The power of darkness bursts out.

Profound Clear Palace‘s fetish, the sky-thirsty Clean Heaven Divine Glow, is fried like a bean and crackles.

Broken mansions, sputtered everywhere, fine Soul Refining filaments of Yu Suying, ablated in abundance.

The Law of God suddenly became scarred. Under the penetration of the burning dark blood essence, the dark power felt by Yu Suying seemed to be King of Darkness of Ruins World Demon Race.

Perhaps just a ray of blood from King of Darkness.

Even so, Yu Suying couldn’t bear it. She only felt that her Spiritual Power and Soul Power were engulfed by darkness as divine glow ablated, and Law of God suddenly collapsed.

The roar of Aztec is shaking, “Nie Tian, you who kill me, I want yours, all die!”

He looked at Blood Spirit Child again.

Floating Land!”

Foreign Domain frosty starry sky, Demon Race Agatha, frown.

A scarlet-red blood awn suddenly burst out of the Floating Land.

The blood of berserk, which is overwhelming, flew out of that place, and it seemed to fill the whole world.

Agatha suddenly developed an awkward feeling. She felt that the starry sky she was in became suddenly congested, and the congestion seemed to be too much for her.

Can’t tolerate her blood.

This awkward feeling surprised her, and she suddenly understood that what gave her the illusion was the scarlet-red Bloodlines flying from the Floating Land.

Demon Race, Agatha, we meet again.”

The blood was stunned and turned into the normal appear(ance) Nie Tian. At this time, he was only about two meters, strong and strong, with a sharp eyebrow and a cold profile. .

“Compared to Ruins World, your powerful speed is simply a miracle.” Agatha emotion.

Given the news, she knew that the drastic change happened in Flying Snow Domain. She was still skeptical.

Doubt the truth of the matter.

Nie Tian, in Ruins World, she was captured by her, she can handle it at will.

How long is this?

The Nie Tian that escaped from Ruins World to Human World suddenly had the power to bombard Tuta Great Venerable, which made many Ruins World Great Venerable jealous?

Before seeing Nie Tian, she didn’t believe it.

But when Nie Tian really appear(ance), the moment she settled in front of her, she instantly believed.

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