Lord of All Realms Chapter 1547: Excessive

Nie Tian‘s soul is shaking.

Endless blood energy, every drop of blood essence, converges to blood sea, which contains the treasure of true life.

A winding stream river contains soul mystery, floating with a powerful soul.

There is a splendid river, which seems to record a thick passage of history, beginning with the past and ending with a distant future, representing the secret of time.

The towering forests of white mountains and rivers are shaped like white bones, and death lingers in the light. It is the opposite of life, and it is derived from Death Grand Dao.

A piece of peak darkness, engulfing the light source, shakes the most essential power of darkness.

Sea of Life, soul and River of Time, Death Bone Mountain, Source of Darkness

These are just the strange ones that Nie Tian is familiar with and informed by Life Ancient Tree.

“Huh! Huh!”

There are more colorful clouds, with strong power, and the flying flowing light are all in this chaotic unusual place exist(ence), as if they also have unknown mystery.

Suddenly, he noticed a sharp loss of Soul Power.

This ghost of him did not escape from blood sea. The consumption of Soul Power was not intense, and he did not feel tired.

While being wrapped in Life Ancient Tree, from the source —— blood sea corresponding to his Life Bloodline, he flew out. The scenes he saw, while shaking him, were also quickly consuming his Soul Power.

Including Life Ancient Tree.

His ghost, who can see him, the green balloon-like soul world, is getting thinner and more unstable.

“Here, where is it?”

Experiencing the rapid loss of Soul Power, he hurriedly asked, “Why is that stream river here? Then, isn’t it the so-called Underworld River of Dark Soul Race, Evil Dark Race? Underworld River, not Dark Soul Race‘s Heavenly Soul Great Venerable, Soul Consciousness Sea after the death Also, what is the relationship between that Source of Darkness, Death Bone Mountain, and King of Darkness, Breaking Bones Great Emperor? “


The soul barrier, transformed from Life Ancient Tree, fell suddenly, sinking into the endless blood sea again.

As soon as it enters endless blood sea, Life Ancient Tree changes again, condensing back into that tender green tree.

Nie Heavenly Soul‘s crazy flow of power also stopped when the ghost sinks into blood sea.

The source of his Bloodlines is this Life Blood Sea. This ghost is relatively safe in his Blood Domain, and once disengaged, he will consume Soul Power dozens of times.

“What you see Chaotic World Is the beings Blood Domain What you said Underworld River Is one Soul River . ” Life Ancient Tree Answering, “As far as I know, this chaotic unusual place , When it was born, there was this piece Life Blood Sea . As for that Soul River , River of Time ,and also Death Bone Mountain Because not me bloodline source ,when exist(ence) Yes, I don’t know. “

“But Ruins World Dark Soul Race, Evil Dark Race and Human World of Spirit World sometimes appear as so-called Underworld River, which is just the projection of this Soul River.”

“It is the surviving will of Heavenly Soul Great Venerable. Communicate with this Soul River and present it.”

“At this time, Soul River, exist(ence), and Dark Soul Race should not have appear(ance). Heavenly Soul Great Venerable is the first to break through the Soul River truth and get the approval of Soul River, so he can exceed the limit of Bloodlines 10-Step.”

“The King of Darkness of Demon Race, I realized that is the ultimate mystery of that Source of Darkness.”

“The Breaking Bones Great Emperor of White Bones Race came to Death Bone Mountain to realize the secret of Death Grand Dao.”

“These three are the most outstanding characters of 10-Step Bloodlines and three worlds.”

Life Ancient Tree explained the reasons why King of Darkness, Breaking Bones Great Emperor, and Heavenly Soul Great Venerable are powerful, and explained to Nie Tian that when it comes to these three, it is full of respect.

“It turns out that the so-called Underworld River is not an Soul Consciousness Sea variant of Heavenly Soul Great Venerable. Underworld River is just the surviving will of Heavenly Soul Great Venerable. After communicating this Soul River, the miracle that appeared in three worlds, or projection.” Nie Tian wakes up.

Suddenly, he was shocked again. “The first generation of you, who had a battle with Heavenly Soul Great Venerable, the death of Heavenly Soul Great Venerable seems to have been created by the first generation. If you say, Heavenly Soul Great Venerable understands the subtlety of Soul River , Become Giant that breaks through 10-Step Bloodlines, then, you who can resist the Heavenly Soul Great Venerable sharp edge … “

“You, like Heavenly Soul Great Venerable, King of Darkness, Breaking Bones Great Emperor, are also above 10-Step Bloodlines!”

“If they are recognized by Soul River, Source of Darkness, and Death Bone Mountain, then you will get the approval of this Sea of Life!”

A bunch of spiritual light seems to flash in the ghost, and Nie Tian is suddenly bright.

“You guessed right.” Life Ancient Tree responded, “Only beyond the so-called 10-Step limit can we get out of our own Blood Domain and see the truth outside. For example, if you do n’t have my help, you will always go Without Life Blood Sea, you cannot see the original state of this Chaotic World. “

King of Darkness, once out of Source of Darkness, Heavenly Soul Great Venerable, and out of Soul River, Breaking Bones Great Emperor, stepped out of Death Bone Mountain. These three people, like me, rushed from the source of their respective Bloodlines, which can really be seen Blood Domain, there are other Blood Domain exist(ence). “

“In order to let you see the truth, I consume too much, I can’t stay in blood sea for a long time.”

Life Ancient Tree tells Nie Tian about its mystery, its tender green tree shadow gradually becomes blurred, it seems to be dissipated in blood sea.

It seems that even if it is, it is extremely strenuous to get away from the source of Bloodlines and go to the outside world to peek into the truth.

Not to mention the soul shadow of Nie Tian’s.

“I still have a lot of doubts!” ​​Nie Tian shouted from the soul.

Spirit World, my third-generation ontology, is in the Wood Clan family of Spirit World.” Life Ancient Tree‘s soul thought, all become intermittent, “You don’t have to worry about exploring Life Source. With your current strength Bloodlines level, it is almost … you wait patiently, or it won’t be long before you can see the life field deep in the blood sea. “

“Remember, 10-Step can only reach the depth of blood sea if you speak. You can get rid of blood sea if you break away from 10-Step, and the soul will be revealed in this original place.”

Finally, the soul shadow of Life Ancient Tree has completely disappeared.

Nie Tian is in blood sea, feeling the turbulence of life field in the depths, following the suggestion of Life Ancient Tree, no longer clinging to it, blindly trace the source.

He is a ghost, in blood sea, catching‘s fleet of life flowing light.

As much as possible, he will flowing light more life, the truth of life, knowledge, copy in the soul.

The outside world, Flying Snow Domain.

The body of Nie Tian’s is silent, but it is absorbing the essence of qi and blood falling from the sky.

The qi and blood essences are derived from the Alien Race of Ruins World and Spirit World after being bombarded by Tearing Giant Beast. The flesh and bones they exploded, condensed into vitality sea, were distracted by Nie Tian Life Bloodline.


In front of Flying Snow Domain, giant gigantic Tearing Giant Beast and Bloodlines forces broke out, and constantly penetrated the void to tear Bloodline Fusion Foreign Domain flowing light and give Alien Race Great Venerable a heavy blow.

Whether you have seen Tearing Giant Beast Spirit World Great Venerable, or Ruins World‘s new Great Venerable, you all know the horror of Starry Sky Giant Beast.

Turtle Eating Insect! Release Turtle Eating Insect!”

Ruins World Great Venerable, clone towards Thousand Souls Great Venerable, howling loudly.

The clone of Thousand Souls Great Venerable, looking at Nie Tian’s flame clone from time to time, seems hesitant.

Thousand Souls! Call out Turtle Eating Insect!”

Suddenly, there is another harsh sharp howl, coming from a void channel.

A new female Dark Soul Race tribe, seems to have just stepped out of World Gate in Seven Stars World Sea, and arrived instantly.

Thousand Souls Great Venerable‘s clone, when she saw her appear(ance), her expression suddenly shocked.


The person tamed by Nie Tian, Five Great Evil Gods, because of this Dark Soul Race tribe appear(ance), opened abnormally.

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