Lord of All Realms Chapter 1525: Crisis

Snow Domain, deep in the void.

Wood Clan‘s Raw Wood Great Venerable, Heaven Holding Djinn Chatt Vic, Giant Dragon Clan‘s Scott, Ancient Beast Clan‘s Golden Feathers Divine Sparrow, and in a cloudy balloon, look down at star sea.

The battle that took place below them.

Evil Wind, really entered High-Rank Bloodlines.”

Raw Wood Great Venerable frowns with anxiety, “A Purgatory Great Venerable is a big confidant, plus Evil Wind Great Venerable, so it seems that the situation is going to be out of control.”

Thunder Dragon Scott, the huge body collapses, the Thunder lightning glow stays hidden, “Raw Wood, how much inside information do you know?”

Chatt Vic also said: “The former Alien Race head of the clan are not aggressive guys. Since Yuan Demon Great Venerable, Netherworld River Great Venerable and Crystal Bone Great Venerable disappear, the situation is not right.”

“I searched the classics in the clan, and said that the policies of Demon Clan, Evil Dark Race and Skeleton Race, one by one Era, one by one head of the clan, are very different.

He had anticipated something wrong.

“The tribe of Demon Clan, Evil Dark and Skeleton Race will awaken the oldest mark once they raise Bloodlines to 10-Step.” Raw Wood Great Venerable groaned and explained slowly, “Wake up the mark, you will understand the origin of Bloodlines, know them and Ruins World Three Great Alien Race, this is a class. “

“The mark exist(ence) has the power of deceit, will make them want to return to the origin, let them try to reach out to the Ruins World family.”

“In this case, they will cooperate with Ruins World‘s Three Great Alien Race and start with us and Human World.”

A pause, Raw Wood Great Venerable said: “The Purgatory Great Venerable we see today, and the Evil Wind Great Venerable of Evil Dark Race, are close to the family of Ruins World and want to return to the class of Ruins World. After they take power, they will let the Demon, Evil Dark family , Naturally consider themselves to be a Ruins World tribe, to help Ruins World‘s Three Great Alien Race. “

Thunder Dragon Scott froze and said: “But when Yuan Demon Great Venerable, Netherworld River Great Venerable and Crystal Bone Great Venerable were in place, they didn’t go crazy. They wanted to open the window of Human World and Ruins World? Not only that, Yuan Demon Great Venerable, Netherworld River Great Venerable and Crystal Bone Great Venerable, never Nor did they declare that they have any relationship with Ruins World Three Great Alien Race.

Chatt Vic and Golden Feathers Divine Sparrow are also puzzling.

“That’s because powerful Great Venerables like Yuan Demon, Underworld River, and Crystal Bone don’t recognize the mark in Bloodlines at all.” Raw Wood Great Venerable took a breath, “They awakened in the Bloodlines mark and knew the origin of the race and chose to keep secret. The origin of Three Great Alien Race. Even the people of Three Great Alien Race, through various Secret Techniques, communicated with their souls through sacrifice in Ruins World, and they were ruthlessly rejected by them.

As soon as this remark was made, all three Ancient Spirit Clan clan members were astonished.

“After the three of them became High-Rank Great Venerable, they refused to respond to the orders of Ruins World?” Scott thought for a while, “Are they going to be independent?”

“We also often conflict with Demon Clan, Evil Dark Race, Skeleton Race in Spirit World, but we often resist Human Race at key moments. Part of the reason is that we know that as long as they are led by Yuan Demon Great Venerable, Netherworld River Great Venerable and Crystal Bone Great Venerable, their three Race, it cannot be related to Ruins World. “Raw Wood Great Venerable explained.

“In fact, many head of the clan of Demon Clan, Evil Dark Race, and Skeleton Race are unwilling to be implicated there because of the Era one by one.”

“For this reason, they also suppressed or killed many same race people, just to avoid the situation in front of appear(ance).”

Ancient Beast Clan‘s Golden Feathers Divine Sparrow suddenly said in a sharp voice: “What? They also suppressed and killed the same race people? It is because those people want to connect Three Great Alien Race of Ruins World privately?”

“That’s it.” Raw Wood Great Venerable gave affirmative reply, “Purgatory Great Venerable, the delay has not really been resurrected, but after the disappearance of Yuan Demon Great Venerable, suddenly completed the true rebirth. It is not because Yuan Demon Great Venerable knows his mind, deliberately/meticulously obstructs his resurrection, just makes him silent in Purgatory Blood Sea! “

“Ah?” Scott exclaimed, “Purgatory Great Venerable cannot be resurrected. Is it the cause of Yuan Demon Great Venerable?”

“Of course.” Raw Wood Great Venerable nodded. “If Yuan Demon Great Venerable is still there, Purgatory Great Venerable may never be resurrected. He also does not want Purgatory Great Venerable to come out and communicate with Demon Race of Ruins World to lead the wolf into the room.”

“Maybe it is for this reason that the three of them went to the mysterious forbidden area of ​​Ruins World and never returned.”

Raw Wood Great Venerable sighed and said: “Today Purgatory Great Venerable, Evil Wind Great Venerable replaced them and became the heads of their respective races. They might as well disappear as the three of them, I’m afraid they have been deceived by Ruins World‘s Three Great Alien Race and wanted to be tempted. Open the channel with Ruins World. “

“So, should we join forces with Human Race?” Scott Shen said.

“Yes.” Raw Wood Great Venerable nodded. “The practices of Purgatory Great Venerable and Evil Wind Great Venerable have already been regarded as the Demon Race and Dark Soul Race members of Ruins World. They will certainly try their best to connect Ruins World and Human World. They ca n’t get in Extinguished Star Sea, and There is no guts to pass from there, only Seven Stars World Sea is a way out. “

Seven Stars World Sea!” Chatt Vic was startled, his expression moved, and suddenly said: “The following Dong Li, and several God Domain, are from Seven Stars World Sea, Nie Tian’s people.”

“I guess, Nie Tian’s people are the real targets of these Alien Races.” Raw Wood Great Venerable agreed, “Evil Wind Great Venerable is a late move, it may be used specifically to deal with those who are Dong Li. They should be intended to bombard, He made Dong Li and others, forcing Nie Tian to open Seven Stars World Sea. “

“It’s just that they didn’t estimate that the people around Nie Tian have soared in strength so fast.”

Scott nodded, “It really skyrocketed! Those guys who can use God Passage Sword Formation, because of his strength, make me feel extremely dangerous.”

Evil Wind Great Venerable may not be able to control the situation. Let’s take a closer look and see if there is any other player.” Raw Wood Great Venerable said.


Seven Stars World Sea.

Zhao Shanling is meditating lonely in a dead star secret room, seeing the true meaning of Space Power.

Suddenly, the Death World he refined in Great Desolate Domain that year was uncontrolled from Storage Ring.

He looked blankly, looking at the Death World, frowning: “I haven’t used this thing for many years. Since I got Void Spirit Tower, and learned that Void Spirit Religion‘s space Uprising secret technique, he abandoned it, why now? Anomaly? “

He stood up slowly, grabbed the Death World, and wrapped Death World with space barrier.


He flew from dead star, floated above Seven Stars World Sea, and looked around.

Li Langfeng, as well as Dong Qisong, etc., are made up of different dead star.

“Mr. Zhao, are you planning to go to Snow Domain to watch the battle? Counting the time, the battle over Snow Domain should start.” Dong Qisong screamed, “However, the dangerous situation over there, I just got news, even Saint Domain middle stage, late stage Or, watching the war may encounter unpredictable danger.

He knows the power of Zhao Shanling, he still reminds by words, afraid that Zhao Shanling will have an accident.

“The battle between Purgatory Great Venerable and You Qimiao has nothing to do with me.” Zhao Shanling shook his head. “Unless you are proficient in Space Power, you will not be able to touch my cultivation in battles with high Rank.”

“Then you?” Dong Qisong astonished.

“Be careful, I am worried that there will be Skeleton Race clan members coming to Seven Stars World Sea.” Zhao Shanling stared at the palm of grey white vortex, saying: “This gadget I used to cultivate has a strange response. I think, maybe People with Skeleton Race are hovering nearby. “

The voice doesn’t fall.

Death World, who was arrested and blocked by space barrier, suddenly broke away from him and flew to a gray area in the distance.

There was a strong breath of death.

A huge Skeleton Race bone, grey brown color, if buried for thousands of years, suddenly cut open the dirt and came out of the coffin.

The breath unique to 10-Step Great Venerable was released from the Skeleton Race family. Death World refined by Zhao Shanling was swallowed by his opened the mouth and swallowed.

“Nice taste, and it complements Death Qi.” The Skeleton Race tribe cried in a weird tone, “I Grey Bones, was suppressed by the Crystal Bone traitor for 30,000 years, finally came out.”

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