Lord of All Realms Chapter 1506: Unfair in the sky

Through Heavens Domain reduced to patches of meteorites.

Tearing Giant Beast, long gone.

The Qi Refinement Warrior of many Through Heaven Pavilions travels through the land of domain fragments, floats in the sky, perceiving sword intent, and looking for Spirit Sword buried deep in the rocks.


When there are gorgeous rays of lights, they flash away.

rays of light, which contains sword intent of concise, is sword glow of in inside after God Passage Sword Formation is broken.

sword glow has spirituality, and belongs to the ownerless things. Those Qi Refinement Warrior of Through Heaven Pavilion, a little Attribute and spleen, can be favored by sword glow.

A bunch of sword glows are left over from strongest by Through Heaven Pavilion. If you add refining to yourself, you can greatly improve realm cultivation level.

Exactly. Those who lost Through Heavens Domain are searching for sword glow, trying to integrate themselves, hoping that one day, they can restore God Passage Sword Formation in other domain.


An Void Domain initial stage, Qi Refinement Warrior of Through Heaven Pavilion, landed on a brown meteorite and suddenly smelled an abnormal blood.


The meteorite exploded unknowingly for some reason.

A wisp of tearing power, extremely intense blood, suddenly burst out from the bursting meteorite.

Qi and blood, like electric rainbows, rise to the sky.

I see, there is a thick dark area in the star vault scattered by this meteorite.

There, a giant beast shadow, seems a shadow appears.

Through Heaven Pavilion Qi Refinement Warrior, which is short of realm, doesn’t know what happened, but just looks to the sky frequently, confused.

However, above the darkness they can hardly see through their eyes, there is a towering Human Race powerful figure.

Chu Rui, Ye Wenhan, Ji Yuanquan, as well as God Domain such as Zu Guangyao, Dou Tianchen, etc. are impressively listed.

These are above the darkness.

From their field of view, they can see Through Heavens Domain, which is broken into pieces. There are nearly a hundred pieces of debris. The distance between each piece of debris is close.

Also, there is a faint energy of heaven and earth.

But at this moment, from the hundreds of domain fragments, from time to time, a weird stream of vitality strength is sprayed out.

The vitality strengths, such as saplings, rose up and immediately melted into the darkness.

In the dark, it is Dong Li, and the Black Turtle that is hitting 10-Step.

Dong Li‘s Spirit Turtle, I am afraid … is a mixed blood variation.” Ye Wenhan looked for a long time and said: “And, among the mixed lineage, there must be a Starry Sky Giant Beast! It may not be Tearing Giant Beast, and anything else Variation Beast mixed blood. But the Starry Sky Giant Beast corresponding to Bloodlines is most likely familiar with Tearing Giant Beast! “

“It should be because Tearing Giant Beast can only smell deliberately after smelling the breath of familiar people, leaving a part of the source of Qi and Blood for Black Turtle to break through 10-Step.”

Ye Wenhan is knowledgeable.

At the beginning of Fragmentary Destroyed Battlefield, which was buried deep in the ground, Ben Starry Sky Giant Beast, who had made earth-shaking movements, worked **** all the knowledge about Starry Sky Giant Beast.

He had a vague feeling that he once dominated the Starry Sky Giant Beast of Origin Era, and it was not really extinct.

Maybe one day, there will be Starry Sky Giant Beast coming out again. In front of everyone’s eyes, appear(ance) is fierce, so that sentient beings will tremble under the breath of Starry Sky Giant Beast again.

His hunch has come true.

“You mean, there is another Starry Sky Giant Beast, mixed with other Spirit Beast Bloodlines, and that made Spirit Turtle?” Chu Rui was surprised, “Starry Sky Giant Beast and Tearing Giant Beast on the other side are acquaintances. That’s why, Tearing Giant Beast Only deliberately/meticulously will survive the qi and blood for Black Turtle to break the order? “

Ye Wenhan nodded. “That Tearing Giant Beast already knew the exist(ence) of Black Turtle. Because from your side, I know that Nie Tian and Dong Li have been to Floating Land together. He also used the power of Black Turtle to kill the Demon Clan family in Floating Land , To help Tearing Giant Beast who does not have Attribute to remove lice. “

Demon Great Lord that invaded Floating Land was compared to Ye Wenhan by lice on Tearing Giant Beast.

“If this is the case, wait for Black Turtle‘s Bloodlines to step into 10-Step. Will it make Tearing Giant Beast regain its intelligence?” Chu Rui suddenly looked forward to it.

“It’s possible,” Ye Wenhan said.

“Huh! Huh!”

A ray of vitality strength flying out from the Through Heavens Domain domain shards, helping the Black Turtle in the dark, the dark moire in the turtle shell, regenerating the singularity.

Originally, there are patches of fault lines, and miraculously is connected.

Black Turtle‘s Bloodlines Crystal Chains, at heart, shoots out pure black rays of light that only Dong Li can detect.

The success of Bloodlines!


Suddenly, due to the tearing of world’s wall and the explosion of God Passage Sword Formation, after splattering everywhere, it was very difficult to find the sword glow, suddenly attracted by something, crying cheerfully, flying out of different areas.

Every sword glow, extremely spectacular, concise is sword intent stream river.

Each stream river is a gathering of sword glow, all of which imply a true meaning of Kendo, which is imprinted with Tongshen Sword Arts.

Still searching for sword glow, those Qi Refinement Warriors of Through Heaven Pavilion who are trying to integrate into themselves, startled, staring blankly, looking at the sword glow flying away.

Ye Wenhan is at a loss.

Even, Qi Refinement Warrior, Attribute, and spleen that originally matched Through Heaven Pavilion, and actively showed sword glow, also decisively discarded those Through Heaven Pavilion Qi Refinement Warriors and became a part of the flying sword glow.

“Thousands of sword glow are the core of God Passage Sword Formation, now …”

Chu Rui‘s eyes widened, his face blanked, “Brother Ye, these sword glow are all not weak spirituality. They all flew away at this moment, as if they are still running in the same direction, what does it mean, can you explain it to me? Confused? “

“They are the God Passage Sword Formation broken up!” Ji Yuanquan shouted.

sword glow contains wisdom. After God Passage Sword Formation bursts, they are all ownerless and will choose new owners spontaneously.” Ye Wenhan pondered and moved with a sudden heart, “If there is a Kendo Wizard with world-shaking, horizontal Empty appear(ance), even if separated by ten million li, they will instinctively induce induction, making sword intent bright. “

“What’s the solution?” Chu Rui still didn’t understand.

“Somebody, came to realize the true meaning of Kendo, and aroused their resonance, making them respect New Lord!” Ye Wenhan took a deep breath said suddenly excitedly: “Nothing is possible, Brother Fan successfully broke through in such a short time, stepped into To God Domain late stage? “

“It’s possible!” Chu Rui is excited.

“Not Fan Tianze.” Suddenly, a cold voice sounded abruptly in the dark and high. Pei Qiqi grasped Boundary Universe Prism Crystal, a pair of bright eyes, stared at the flying sword intent stream river, glanced, and said, “Attract them and make them It was Yin Hangtian of Flowing Clouds Sword Sect who took the initiative. “


Yin Hangtian, old monster, broke through to God Domain?”

“He broke through to God Domain, and it’s just initial stage! The God Passage Sword Formation that I created in Through Heaven Pavilion thousands of years, a strand containing the power of Kendo Shinji, even ran to him! Unfair heaven!”

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