Lord of All Realms Chapter 1463: Bad!

“Give me out.”

soul thought together, five illusory ancient symbol, he was involved from Dark Soul Bead.

In illusory ancient symbol, as soon as Five Great Evil Gods emerges, he immediately notices the strange Underworld River.

Five Great Evil Gods was clearly excited.

Through the illusory ancient symbol and Nie Tian, we can see that their flesh and blood body blockbusters are scorched and debilitated. They should have suffered a lot of injuries under the burning of eight heads of Flame Dragon.

“The unusual place, eight Flame Dragon skeletons, and the broken altar, can burn evil soul and purify Dark Soul Bead.”

Dark Soul Bead, Dark Soul Great Venerable, deliberately/meticulously in Human World and Spirit World, collect the five remnant soul consciousness and spread. Dark Soul Bead has the breath of their five, saying that it is a foreign body of Evil Dark Race, in fact, it represents Dark Soul Race.”

“The broken altar can be effective for Dark Soul Bead, refining them …”

Nie Heavenly Eye eyes rays of light flash, it seems to capture the mystery.

“Five of you, do you have any memories of seeing this Underworld River tributary?” He coldly snorted, “Rumors, the Heavenly Soul Great Venerable you followed, the Soul Consciousness after death, evolved into Underworld River. Is this Underworld River tributary? An extension of his Soul Consciousness? “

As the retinue that has followed Heavenly Soul Great Venerable for many years, even if Five Great Evil Gods does not gather all the remnant soul memories, it should still have an impression of Underworld River.

They should know more about Heavenly Soul Great Venerable than everyone.

Nie Tian just wants to know through them, what is going on in this coming Underworld River tributary?

Is it as he imagined, in fact, there is a world war with that ancient tree?

He wondered, did the battle end, and how long did it last?

Ben’s inexplicable Five Great Evil Gods, because of his remarks, suddenly all silently silently.

It all seemed dumb in a moment.

No matter how Nie Tian asks, there is no response from Five Great Evil Gods.

Nie Tian is violent again, “I don’t know what’s good! I knew that at the altar, I was born refining, let you fly away, a trace of soul thought does not exist!”

Five Great Evil Gods remains silent.

“Master, they obviously know something,” Agassi said.

The Item’s Soul of Dark Soul Bead also interjected, “The moment they flew out of the beads, the soul violently fluctuated. This strange Underworld River, they must know the inside story!”

Without two Item’s Soul reminders, Nie Tian knows it by itself, Five Great Evil Gods knows something.

“Damn!” Nie Tian cursed a few words, and suddenly stared at the center of the Vortex, watching the extended position of Underworld River, “roll me back first!”

Five illusory ancient symbol, reinserted beads.

He grabbed Dark Soul Bead, treating it like a third eye, and pressed it towards his brows again.

A bunch of strands, his concise‘s Soul Consciousness, gathered towards the eyebrow beads.


A new eye opened from the eyebrows. With the help of Item’s Soul, he used this strange bead to re-examine the Underworld River tributary.

In stream river without Soul Spirit, the bright green and intertwined soul lines become extremely clear due to Dark Soul Bead‘s exist(ence).

His soul thought seems to be able to sink into it.

“Oh! whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

A lot of obscure soul runess shone out from the gorgeous azure light. The intertwined soul line wandered in his eyes, as if re-arranging the subtleties of soul technique. Presented before him.

Just like the message he received from that Underworld River tributary in Seven Stars World Sea.

soul runes, a Ruins World Dark Soul Race tribe, has a unique symbol of the soul, which records that Soul Secret Technique, Nie Tian should not have been comprehended.

With the help of the Dark Soul Bead wondrous items, everything seems to be easier. In the flashing azure in Underworld River, the branded soul runes can be accepted smoothly, and its meaning is clear without any obstacles.

Dark Soul Bead, released azure flashing rays of light in his brows, gradually shining.

In the bead, Five Great Evil Gods banned by illusory ancient symbol, he can no longer notice.

He didn’t see that Five Great Evil Gods was inside runes, his teeth grinned, sometimes hesitant, sometimes eager to try, sometimes the eyes reveals murderous, as if all were waiting.

Waiting for something different!

In the center of Vortex with various energy mixes, where the Underworld River tributary runs through, the energy of berserk becomes more and more violent.

Wandering and winding, bypassing the land, the branch of the Underworld River tributary of ancient branches has been stationary for millions of years.


But suddenly there was a rushing sound of water flowing from the center of the Vortex!

The sound of the river flowing, in Agassi, in Item’s Soul, deep in the soul of Five Great Evil Gods!

“Hoo! hū hū hū!”

Then, there is a new Underworld River river flowing from within Vortex.

In the new river, there are ghosts, evil spirits, and many unconscious Soul Spirits, instinctively killing each other and devouring each other!


Flame Dragon Agassi, seeing the Underworld River change, burning fiercely, and immediately screamed.

He is warning Nie Tian!

In Dark Soul Bead, Item’s Soul is also screaming. Want Nie Tian to wake up immediately, Nie Tian’s soul thought, and evacuate from that Underworld River.

“桀桀! 桀桀 桀!”

The scream of Five Great Evil Gods‘s madness rang from illusory ancient symbol inside the beads.

They seem to be laughing at Item’s Soul and Nie Tian.

The Underworld River, which has been silent for thousands of years, because of the emergence of new river water, should have extended the piercing end towards the root of the huge giant tree, and finally moved slowly but firmly.

And this time, there is no piece of land, under the control of a tree branch, to intercept it!

“This is a long war, and we will win the final victory!”

The roar of Five Great Evil Gods was shaken from within the beads. From the Underworld River that was injected into the new stream, there was a bright light, attracted by them, escape into Dark Soul Bead.

Item’s Soul, there is no way to stop it!

When it arrives, the first point is blue and bright. When flying into the bloodthirsty Evil God, Item’s Soul will feel it. The light is also part of the bloodthirsty Evil God!

“To suffer!”

Item’s Soul was frightened, calling Nie Tian more desperately, Nie Tian to wake up immediately, and quickly respond to sudden changes.

illusory ancient symbol, eight Flame Dragon bones, broken altars, can limit the soul. It should be aimed at this Underworld River, and the evil spirit flying from the Underworld River! this side world, that strange ancient tree, Have the Ancient Spirit Clan people buried in various places ever contributed? “

Flame Dragon Agassi, at this moment, I suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things.


Inside Dark Soul Bead, five illusory ancient symbol, due to the flash of azure flash in Underworld River, poured in like rain, but they gradually showed signs of melting.

Once illusory ancient symbol ablates, Five Great Evil Gods will break free.

They have long been rebellious. They have done it once in Ruins World. I am afraid this time will not stop.

Item’s Soul, will be the first to hit the ground and become their first target.

“A major incident has occurred, and a terrible incident has occurred!”

Flame Dragon Agassi, anxious, watching the situation, changing in the worst direction, but there is no way.

And Nie Tian, like the soul sinking into Underworld River, did not respond for a long time.

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