Lord of All Realms Chapter 146: Ice Burst Bead!

Nie Tian two hands is opposite to the palm of the hand, condensing psychic power, Spiritual Power, and flesh and blood. With itself as the center, it starts to diffuse a chaotic and twisted magnetic field.

Between his two hands, there was an abnormal wave first.

As soon as the wave swelled, it quickly extended to the surroundings, and gradually spread like a ripple of water.


Zheng Bin, who was a little far away from him, moved his expression and noticed the strange place for the first time.

“One meter, two meters …”

Nie Tian silently counted in his heart, and accurately sensed the area covered by the magnetic field.

At this time, he noticed that the Zheng Bin of Mysterious Mist Palace, although far away from him, was within five meters of him.

He frowned slightly and motioned with his eyes to Zheng Bin to go further.

Zheng Bin saw no sign of hesitation and immediately stepped back.

There was a dignity on Zheng Bin‘s face.

Actually, you do n’t need Nie Tian to signal him, and you will leave if you notice that Zheng Bin is bad.

Because, as the chaotic and twisted magnetic field gradually extended, the magnetic field … before covering Zheng Bin, he was trembling and instinctively felt bad.

When the magnetic field is generated, Zheng Bin also releases a ray of psychic power. I want to observe the magic inside the magnetic field.

But his psychic power, as soon as he entered the magnetic field, Zheng Bin had a pain in his head.

His soul seemed to be twisted, and his head was dizzy for a moment.

The feeling made him feel scared, so he evacuated the first time after Nie Tian signaled.

After ten meters away from Nie Tian, his eyes flickered with unusual glow, and he stared at Nie Tian instantly.

But this time, he did not dare to release psychic power again, and did not dare to peek into the wonder of the magnetic field.

“Five meters!”

Soon, the magnetic field created by psychic power, Spiritual Power, and the power of flesh and blood is centered on Nie Tian and covers the surrounding five meters.

This is not the Nie Tian’s limit.

If he wants, he can continue to add psychic power, which can cover the magnetic field to ten meters!

But once that happens, his psychic power will run out. When Earth Sieve Domain‘s Jia Peng arrives, he will be short of psychic power, and it will be very difficult to evoke the Item(s) that his master gave him.

So, he only controlled the range of the chaotic twisted magnetic field within five meters.

However, just when he was about to stop, he suddenly noticed that the Spirit Sea was abnormal.

In Spirit Sea, the small Flame Vortex condensed by Flame Strength also flew out a bunch of Flame Energy

Those Flame Energy, flowing into his palm through his veins, also seem to be quietly injected into the magnetic field.

The magnetic field was a bit manic and disordered. After getting the Flame Energy injection, Nie Tian immediately felt the magnetic field, which became more and more berserk and became confused!

It is only a small part of Flame Energy. After adding it to the magnetic field, it seems to greatly enhance the power of that magnetic field!

“What is this?”

Nie Tian froze for a moment, perceiving with the mind, thinking secretly.

“Chaos, distortion, and chaos are caused by the exist(ence) in the magnetic field with psychic power, the power of flesh, and Spiritual Power. Three different forces are gathered together and intertwined to make the magnetic field extremely manic And riots. “

“Although Flame Strength has the same origin as Spiritual Power, it has a unique Attribute after all.”

“If you look closely, Flame Strength, but it is regarded as the fourth new form of power.”

“Just a small amount of Flame Strength greatly enhances the power of the magnetic field. Does this mean that … the more types of different forces in the magnetic field, the greater the power of the magnetic field?”

He caught the mystery quickly.

“If this is the case, I do n’t have Attribute myself, and I can practice more Spirit Secret Art of Attribute.”

“Each Spirit Secret Art containing different Attribute can be regarded as a different kind of force, and a wide variety of forces. After being injected into the magnetic field, can it not increase the power of the magnetic field to a greater extent?”

Thinking like this, his eyes lightened slightly, and he found a way to continuously increase the power of that magnetic field.

At this time, the Jia Peng of Earth Sieve Domain, the bloated body, once again rose into the sky.

“It really is him!”

this time, because the distance is closer, even Zheng Bin can see his appearance clearly.

Where he and Nie Tian are, there is a fragment of stone nearby, two people and deliberately are shrinking, so although the Jia Peng rushed to the starry sky, they did not notice them for the first time.

“He will be here soon.” Nie Tian took a deep breath, immediately decisively stopped thinking, but took out two things from Storage Bracelet.

A spirit talisman for life-saving, a crystal clear Ice Burst Bead that releases Extreme Cold breath.

According to Wu Ji, a spirit talisman is enough to withstand the full blow of the Innate Realm late stage strongman, which can save his life.

There are three spirit talismans. Like Ice Burst Bead, they are all disposable consumables. Please do not use them when it is not critical.

But Jia Peng, this is the strongest of Innate Realm middle stage. Without a spirit talisman, he really has no confidence to save his life.

The chaotic and distorted magnetic field is the first time he has deployed it. He doesn’t know how powerful it is and whether it can block Jia Peng.

Ice Burst Bead, too, he has secretly determined that as long as Jia Peng appear(ance) is within the attack range of Ice Burst Bead, he will not hesitate to start.


Jia Peng‘s plump body vacated again after landing.

Jia Peng‘s Spiritual Consciousness is like a meticulous net covering the surrounding area.

He is Innate Realm middle stage‘s cultivation level, and his Spiritual Consciousness‘s sensing range is far beyond Nie Tian.

“Hey, finally feel the breath of life.” Jia Peng grinned, and the eyes of the size of soybeans showed cruel excitement rays of light.

coldly looked at the horn shape meteorite where Nie Tian and Zheng Bin were, and said disdainly, “Hide it? What use is it to hide? It’s just that cultivation level of Acquired Realm dare to step into Heavenly Gate. This is to kill him. “

Mumbling, Jia Peng was still dangling, looking for the body of the prey, and went straight to the location of Nie Tian and Zheng Bin.

“Here he is!” Zheng Bin whispered.

“Hmm.” Nie Tian nodded and said, “Zheng Bin, stay away from me, a distance of 50 meters away! The Ice Burst Bead handed to me by my master, I have not tested the power, I am afraid of hurting you. “

Zheng Bin was shocked, and hurried back, really far from Nie Tian.

He seems to have heard of horrible Ice Burst Bead.

Nie Tian, who was still trying to hide, noticed that Jia Peng came straight, and he and Zheng Bin were exposed.

No more veiled, he walked out from behind a stone generously, facing Jia Peng.

After tens of seconds, the strange laughter of Jia Peng has spread.

“No matter where you come from, only Acquired Realm‘s cultivation level, who dare to step into Heavenly Gate, is exist(ence) with the most low-level in the food chain.” Jia Peng sneered, and the fat on his face shook with excitement. , When you meet anyone, there is only a dead end, let alone me? “


Jia Peng‘s plump body suddenly accelerated, screaming like a human shell.

A series of gray-yellow rays of lights sputtered from him from time to time. Those rays of lights seem to be able to affect Gravity Field, allowing him to volley the body, and it did not fall for a long time.

“Earth Attribute, the power of the earth!”

Just a glance, Nie Tian understands that the Jia Peng practice Attribute is Spiritual Power of the soil among Five Elements.

People who cultivate the soil Attribute Spiritual Power can affect the gravity of the earth and let gravity change for itself.

This place is outer space‘s icy starry sky. Gravity is much weaker, which makes the Jia Peng‘s body rise into the air and can stay in the air for a long time!

When Jia Peng is more than one hundred meters away from him, Nie Tian grips Ice Burst Bead and is thrown by him.


Ice Burst Bead turned into a beam of cold light, seemingly dragging a Baisensen ice edge, and shot at Jia Peng stunned.

A string of Spiritual Consciousness, Nie Tian’s, has already been imprinted in Ice Burst Bead. When Ice Burst Bead was near Jia Peng, his heart was fierce, and he said, “Burst!”

ice light‘s glittering Ice Burst Bead, with his violent drinking, instantly blasted out hundreds of ice awns.

Countless ice edges, ice blades, and ice light burst out from the small Ice Burst Bead, covering the area where Jia Peng is located.

crack, crack, crack!

Ice edge, ice blade and ice light, after spattering, appeared to form a tornado, turned into cold ice storm, flooded in inside with Jia Peng.


In the storm of cold ice, the fat body of Jia Peng immediately skin opened and flesh splited, screaming like a pig.

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