Lord of All Realms Chapter 1444: Contradictions

Xuan Guangyu and Nether Shadow Group‘s Jiang Yuanchi are friends for many years and are well known.

Nie Tian was in the territory of Blue Clouds Sect, and when the war broke out, Void Spirit Religion‘s Xuan Guangyu had instructed Qi Lianshan to persuade Nie Tian and Song Chequan to drop Gan Ge, but was rejected by Nie Tian.

Later, when Ji Yuanquan intercepted Jiang Yuanchi, Jiang Yuanchi used Wraping the Heavens Seal.

And Wraping the Heavens Seal, only God Domain of Void Spirit Religion can be refined. This is the Item(s) used by Void Spirit Religion to punish rebellion.

Jiang Yuanchi holds Wraping the Heavens Seal, which means there is a deeper connection between him and Xuan Guangyu.

At this moment, Xuan Guangyu tears a space crack, is bright, and leads the three God Domain of Shangguan Zhi, Duan Hongwen and Song Chequan, and suddenly appears here, further explaining that he and Nether Shadow Group, Blue Clouds Sect, Highest Beginning Heavenly Sect, I am afraid from the beginning to the end, they are all in a row !!

Nie Tian and Pei Qiqi, because of Ji Yuanquan‘s argument, they all guess that Xuan Guangyu is not simple.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Guangyu not only brought God Domain, Shangguan Zhi, Duan Hongwen and Song Chequan, but also induced Floating Land, leading Starry Sky Giant Beast to arrive here.

Floating Land and Starry Sky Giant Beast are what really surprise Nie Tian.

“Did the Starry Sky Giant Beast lurking in Floating Land have a long-standing understanding with Broken Star Ancient Temple?” Fan Tianze frowned. “Why do you Xuan Guangyu can make Floating Land fly over, can you talk to that Starry Sky Giant Beast?”

“You don’t care how I do it.” Xuan Guangyu looks arrogant, “You just need to know, we can solve this calamity of our Human World.”

“Look, Floating Land flies over, Starry Sky Giant Beast wakes up and feeds on those Alien Race Great Venerable, Ancient Spirit Clan people. Oh, Great Venerable without the peak of 10-Step, with the Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race people in front, is definitely not Starry Sky Giant Beast‘s opponent.”

“If you think about it, you can also guess that the 10-Step peak Great Venerable will require more than two people to suppress Starry Sky Giant Beast.”

“Unfortunately, neither Ancient Spirit Clan nor those Alien Race top powerhouse are temporarily available.”

“In this way, this conceal can do whatever you want in Starry Sky Giant Beast of Floating Land. Spirit World, which is also our hometown of Human Race, we spent countless years, there is no way to invade. However, until those Ancient Spirit Clan and major The strong Alien Race have all died here one after another, and Spirit World will be in our pocket sooner or later.

So here, Xuan Guangyu‘s face is full of longing.

Xuan Guangyu! You privately communicated with Alien Race, leaked our news, didn’t you think it was wrong at all?” Fan Tianze‘s eyes were cold, a sword intent with a terrible tear, such as piercing star vault‘s rays of light, flying from the top of his head, “Your original plan was to sacrifice us and make Ancient Spirit Clan fight with those Alien Race Great Venerable?”

“What’s wrong with me?” Xuan Guangyu chuckled softly, “Without Floating Land appear(ance), Ancient Spirit Clan and those Alien Race Great Venerable, they will fight. You, haven’t you been ignored for a while? Wait until the war begins, wait for Ancient Spirit Clan and those Alien Race Great Venerable to fight At the end, you may all be alive. “

The Shangguan Zhi of Nether Shadow Group smiled softly and said, “You should understand that if Ancient Spirit Clan and those Alien Race really work together, Human World at this time is difficult to stop.”

“It is wise to start with their weaknesses, divide them, and let them kill each other.”

Song Chequan also said: “Fan Tianze, there is always sacrifice in war! For the stability of Human World and the victory of Human Race, you are just sacrificing it a little bit. What is unacceptable?”

“Look, isn’t the current situation very wonderful?” Duan Hongwen smiled, “Ancient Spirit Clan and major Alien Race, due to the awakening of Starry Sky Giant Beast in Floating Land, the casualties were severe. The problems that have plagued us Human Race for many years, we will solve them all at once As for the domain of Spirit World, it will die. After ten million years, one cycle will end and it will recover again. “

“At that time, our Human Race was the overlord of both Spirit World and Human World, and we were already the ultimate winners.”

Xuan Guangyu, and the three God Domain he brought over. You said, I said, and laughed at it, like a long-planned plan, according to their vision, implemented step by step, making them happy. Pleasure.

“I’m really curious, how do you say that you moved the Starry Sky Giant Beast of Floating Land.” Nie Heavenly Law.

“This point, we have nothing to say.” Xuan Guangyu‘s attitude suddenly became cold, “Nie Tian, you first hit Duan Hongwen and hurt Song Chequan in Blue Clouds Sect. Some of President Jiang’s plans also caused You fail, do n’t think you are so great, otherwise … ”

Vice- Religion Leader Xuan!” Pei Qiqi truncated.

Xuan Guangyu snorted, “What do you want to say?”

Nether Shadow Group‘s Jiang Yuanchi uses gupi to poison Human Race domain. What are your qualifications to blame others?” Pei Qiqi‘s eyes filled with evil spirits, “Three forces led by Nether Shadow Group, trying to replace Broken Star Ancient Temple, have to be replaced by you. Support in secret? “

Fan Tianze said: “Xuan Guangyu, you reverse right and wrong, regardless of black and white, really think no one can cure you?”

On the side of Floating Land, when Ancient Spirit Clan and the parties Alien Race Great Venerable joined forces to attack Starry Sky Giant Beast, the side of Human Race suddenly broke out.

Nie Tian is silent, always thinks something is wrong.

Xuan Guangyu, Jiang Yuanchi, You Qimiao, these three Human Race God Domain middle stage, what plans must there be!

They should be on the same front.

With these three forces, many things can be done once joined together.

Moreover, You Qimiao is already hitting God Domain late stage. Because of exist(ence) of Soul Cleansing Source Liquid, he is very likely to succeed.

When You Qimiao enters God Domain late stage, inside Human Race, when the peak of all parties disappears, he, plus Xuan Guangyu, and the power of Nether Shadow Group, Blue Clouds Sect, Highest Beginning Heavenly Sect, I am afraid it is difficult for anyone to stop Yes.

“They brought in Starry Sky Giant Beast here, they really want to solve the trouble of Human Race, and hit those strong Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race, so there is nothing to hide their selfishness?”

When Fan Tianze and Xuan Guangyu face each other, Nie Tian can’t stop thinking.

Duan Hongwen, and Song Chequan of Blue Clouds Sect. When Xuan Guangyu and Fan Tianze are arguing, the cold eyes, such as the snake’s letterman, aim at Nie Tian from time to time.

Nie Tian calmed his face, while thinking hard, he felt the battle on the other end with Life Bloodline.

“Huh! Huh!”

The gray vortex that surrounds Floating Land is driven by the Bloodlines of Starry Sky Giant Beast. The tearing force contained in it suddenly erupts.

Siege of Floating Land, many Heaven Holding Djinn, Ancient Beast and Giant Dragon, due to the tearing force in the gray vortex, burst skin opened and flesh splited, sprayed with blood.

“This tearing force has many similarities to the tearing and twisting force of the berserk magnetic field after I used Chaotic Turbulent Flow.” Quietly, Nie Tian always felt that lurking Starry Sky Giant Beast broke the sleep. The state becomes different after waking up.

“Perhaps, you can find the answer!”

Thinking like this, holding the Starry Sky Giant Beast bone, he once again condense Soul Consciousness, did not use the bones, but focused his consciousness.


Together, soul thought subordinate to him, like sharp arrow, shot into Floating Land.

“Are you still leaving?”

Starry Sky Giant Beast‘s ubiquitous consciousness instantly established contact with him again, and slightly dissatisfied, urging him, “Here, this is not a place you should stay for long!”

“Why did you come here and was awakened by someone?” Nie Tian asked.

… (https:)

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