Lord of All Realms Chapter 1443: Stuck

Floating Land‘s Starry Sky Giant Beast has a long life span, and most of them are dormant.

Nie Tian enters Floating Land. Although it can communicate with Starry Sky Giant Beast, it also knows that the giant lurking in the deep sea has not been active and has not really fully recovered.

Every time you wake up and eat Starry Sky Giant Beast, it is a terrible thing.

As far as Nie Tian knows, the last time it ate, it directly caused the upper continent of Floating Land to burst, causing the entire upper continent to split into a large pumice stone.

That time, it also caused some races living on top of Floating Land to die out.

Floating Land is on the upper continent, where Evil Dark, Demon, Nether Race, Wood Clan, Wing Clan, and Skeleton Race ethnic groups are present. On the lower continent, there are Ancient Spirit Clan ethnic groups.

Then, Alien Race on the upper continent would invade the lower continent, and a fierce blood battle broke out.

As a result of the **** battle, the Starry Sky Giant Beast lurking in the deep ocean of the lower continent was awakened by anger.

Starry Sky Giant Beast after waking up directly reversed the situation and shattered the upper continent. Most of the Evil Dark, Demon, Nether Race, Wood Clan, Wing Clan and Skeleton Race people living there died.

After the war, the upper continent split into small lands, floating in the void.

The lower continent has also been hit hard, and the energy balance between the heavens and the earth has almost dried up.

Neither the Alien Race nor the Ancient Spirit Clan clan was forced to evacuate from Floating Land and go to live in another domain world.

Floating Land, as a super-large domain, can spontaneously re-gather the energy of the starry sky and continue to recuperate.

Starry Sky Giant Beast, after some eating, fell into a deep sleep, conceal in the deep sea.


Floating Land! There, that monster!”

Bloodthirsty Great Venerable of Demon Clan burst into a roar, saying: “In my clan’s secret books, it has been recorded that there are some clan people who return from Floating Land and come to our Demon Domain! Their original place of life is Floating Land! It is because of defeat in Floating Land, there is no way to abandon Floating Land! “

“My family, there are similar records!” Nether Race‘s Netherspan Great Venerable, startled.

“I Skeleton Race, there are also some people, their homeland is in Floating Land!” White Bones Great Venerable‘s bones, glittering, carrying Broken Bone Blade, is furious, and dreadfully said: “In Desolate Ancient Era, Floating Land, this is a super of our Spirit World Large domain! “

Evil Dark Race ’s Evil Wind Great Venerable interjection: “It was originally! Floating Land, which was floating on Spirit World before, and has our each clans clan who survived above! Later, because of a fierce blood battle, the upper continent of Floating Land burst, our clan Before being forced to evacuate! “

The digital Alien Race Great Venerable in the fury stared at the Floating Land that was roaring and waited.

They scattered, no one dared to block the front of Floating Land, but faintly surrounded the Floating Land, as if preparing to join forces.


extraordinarily, crushed vitality sea of Blood Axe Great Venerable, and Floating Land, which pulled Blood Axe Great Venerable, slowly slowed down, without continuing to collide.


The sound of chewing bones and swallowing flesh is still intermittently coming from Floating Land.

Many Alien Race strong people heard the sound of broken bones, and there was a chill in the bottom of my heart.

Blood Axe Great Venerable is Initial-Rank Great Venerable of Demon Clan and battle strength is fierce.

You can strike at Floating Land, but when Starry Sky Giant Beast starts, there is no power to fight back.

In such an instant, a Great Venerable that was running Spirit World and became famous in Human World was swallowed up by the giants in Floating Land. Who dares not?

Floating Land!”

Not only Alien Race, but even those Heaven Holding Djinn, Ancient Beast, and Giant Dragon of Ancient Spirit Clan, all horrified, staring at the Floating Land with extremely complicated eyes.

Many of them are vaguely aware of the mystery of Floating Land.

In the old Desolate Ancient Era, some of them lived in Floating Land, who appeared under the eyelids of the sleeping Starry Sky Giant Beast.

Secretly, the dusty memories were recalled by them.


The huge Floating Land, wrapped around the gray vortex, is launched again.

The goal this time is close, a Heaven Holding Djinn of 9-Step Bloodlines!

The Heaven Holding Djinn, thousands of meters tall, full of blood and strong muscles, has a bronzed glow.

However, under the collision of Floating Land, the Heaven Holding Djinn is not as good as Blood Axe Great Venerable. After a short while, vitality sea bursts, and such as mountain-like body is sucked into Floating Land.

The sound of human head tingling, tearing flesh, biting bones, sounded from within Floating Land.


Chatt Vic, Golden Feathers Divine Sparrow, and Thunder Dragon Scott, because of the tragic death of the Heaven Holding Djinn, was also ignited by the flames, and Alien Race suddenly stunned with the enemy.

“Every time Starry Sky Giant Beast wakes up, you need to eat crazy. Their best food source is you, except us.” Evil Wind Great Venerable shouted, “Because of your Ancient Spirit Clan people, Innate is huge and full of blood. Therefore, , You are actually more suitable and become the food of Starry Sky Giant Beast! “

“Food? We are actually food?” Giant Dragon Felix, with a smile on his face, as if he hadn’t figured out the reality, “We are Spirit World, we are darlings of heaven and earth, how can we be food for other lives?”

“In the older Era, we are indeed their prey.” Thunder Dragon Scott, converging the berserk‘s anger, sighed deeply, said: “This Starry Sky Giant Beast of conceal Floating Land, according to the records of Blood Domain in the family, After crushing the upper continent and killing those Alien Race, they also devoured a lot of our people in a frenzy. “

“What?” Felix was startled.

“It is not our ally.” Scott explained, “When it is hungry, we are their food source. And it needs flesh and blood to satisfy itself every time it wakes up and after every activity. If Alien Race is not enough , We will become their targets. “

Chatt Vic‘s eyes are red. “Since it wakes up again, should we kill it first?”

“Kill it!”

“Kill it first!”

“It is the unforgivable sin!”

Suddenly, the Ancient Spirit Clan family, and many Alien Race Great Venerable, reached a tacit understanding.

conceal‘s Starry Sky Giant Beast in Floating Land, all of a sudden, has become the target of public criticism, becoming the first target of these Foreign Domain strong, it must be divided first and then quickly.

“Your Broken Star Ancient Temple is able to have a contract with the giant beast of Floating Land. It is really amazing.” Fan Tianze quietly motioned to Pei Qiqi and Nie Tian, as far as possible from Floating Land, and the Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race people in front of them Keep your distance, “It’s interesting, I guess this crisis sweeping Human World will be resolved by appear(ance) of Floating Land.”


A piece of space crack is formed behind Pei Qiqi.

Void Spirit Religion‘s Vice Religion Leader Xuan Guangyu, stepped out, he glanced at the Floating Land, and surrounded by Floating Land, many Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race people, look extraordinarily indifferent.

Xuan Guangyu.” Fan Tianze froze, “Why did you come here suddenly?”

“I’ll solve the trouble,” Xuan Guangyu replied.

“You … don’t seem to be surprised by the situation in front of you.” Nie Tian frowned. “You saw Floating Land appear(ance) and saw the movements of the Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race tribe. You were not surprised at all. Did you expect that there would be Floating Land appear(ance)? “

“Oh! whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

After Xuan Guangyu, Nether Shadow Group‘s Shangguan Zhi, Blue Clouds Sect‘s Song Chequan, and Highest Beginning Heavenly Sect‘s Duan Hongwen, three God Domain, came out one after another.

—— space crack opened from Xuan Guangyu!

Pei Qiqi‘s face froze, “The news of our arrival, but you pass it on and let those Alien Race know? Also, you have such close relationship with Nether Shadow Group, Blue Clouds Sect and Highest Beginning Heavenly Sect!”

Fan Tianze Brow deep lock, “Xuan Guangyu, did you do it?”

“That’s right.” Xuan Guangyu nodded gently. “With you, the dispute between Ancient Spirit Clan and Alien Race is triggered to solve the problem. However, this problem has not been solved well. In this case, only Can find another way, the giant beast of Floating Land has arrived. “

Floating Land, also because of you?” Nie Tian was startled.

“Of course.”

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