Lord of All Realms Chapter 1138: New Era!

I’m not afraid in my mouth, Han Sen hairs have been erected.

Strictly thin, faint lightning flashed out of his pores, and slowly retracted into the body with great care.

He seems to be afraid, which will cause Nie Tian’s unpleasantness, which will cause Nie Tian to take advantage of the trend.

Bloodline Suppression …”

Soul Consciousness of Han Sen, carefully inspected himself, only felt that under the ban of Nie Tian’s Bloodlines, his lightning Bloodlines could not produce a trace, and eager to compete with Nie Tian Bloodlines.

Han Sen, which has a little understanding of Bloodlines, is very clear.

Bloodline Suppression, which occurs in high-level life races, checks and balances on low-level life races.

For example, Starry Sky Giant Beast of Origin Era, Ancient Spirit Clan, Ancient Demon, Giant Dragon such as Heaven Holding Djinn, because of the superiority of Bloodlines, Innate has the suppressive power.

For another example, today’s Demon Clan, Evil Dark Race, Skeleton Race and other categories have given birth to a powerful race of 10-Step Great Venerable.

Their Bloodlines, Wing Clan, Black Scale Clan, Gray Rock Clan and other small races, or the lizards, have no weaker races with appear(ance) and 10-Step Great Venerable, and they have a certain amount of repression.

Nie Tian’s Life Bloodline, applied to him, made him tremble, Bloodline Suppression.

What it means, Han Sen is too clear.

—— Nie Tian’s Bloodlines, not just on Rank, fundamentally, it is above his lightning Bloodlines!

Even if he is the same as Nie Tian, it is also 7-Step Bloodlines, and his lightning Bloodlines will still be suppressed!

Unless, his lightning Bloodlines exceeds Rank of Nie Tian Life Bloodline, and it is one or two steps higher, so maybe he can get rid of the pressure on Bloodlines, and it will be easier.

“What do you want to ask, even if you ask me, I will answer it truthfully,” Han Sen said again.

“Where.” Nie Tian reached out and pointed to the secret gate light spot entered by Pei Qiqi and Zhao Shanling. “What is the origin of the mixed race inside? Also, what level of mixed race Rank is there? Go in and out, are there What needs attention, how to return … “

A series of doubts were inquired by Nie Tian.

From Storage Ring, he also summoned Supreme Treasure and Dark Soul Bead of Evil Dark Race, holding the beads in his hand, facing the pupil of Han Sen.

hū hū hū hū call!”

Item’s Soul, including Five Great Ominous Souls, quietly floats out of the beads.

Han Sen looks at those evil spirits and screams in fear, giving birth to a horrible horror that will be perceived by those evil spirits if they dare to tell a lie.

“I, I say, I say everything …”

Han Sen puts his head down, Desperate admits fate, little by little, tells the truth he knows.

Han Sen, from the Sect forces, has a close relationship with Five Elements Sect.

Many years ago, Five Elements Sect had several Sects, and Thunder Sect was one of them.

It’s just that Thunder Sect has always been underdeveloped. None of Thunder Sect‘s Sect Master can break through to God Domain Realm, resulting in Thunder Sect being gradually removed from Five Elements Sect.

Thunder Sect, which became a relatively weak force Sect, which is attached to Five Elements Sect, is no longer orthodox.

But Thunder Sect is not reconciled, and I hope that one day, like the five cases of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, will become the cornerstone and pillar of Sect.

Thunder Sect, a Sect Master, saw no hope of stepping into God Domain, so it took another path and prepared to work from the next Sect Master.

Han Sen is the current Sect Master of Thunder Sect. I do not know the method and the person who trades with it, and the mixed race is created.

Even Han Sen himself, before Bloodlines awakened, didn’t know he was a half-breed!

He is also unclear about his origins, who his parents are and who bloodline source is, but under the cultivation of the master of Thunder Sect, he traveled around, accumulated battle strength, and broke through realm.

The real Bloodlines wakes up. It is in the depths of Blood Burial Mountain Range that catching got the “annihilation spirit”!

It was with the help of “annihilation spirit” that he inspired Bloodlines, which made conceal in the body for many years. lightning Bloodlines burst out. With the help of Bloodlines, he tempered his body and cooperated with Dantian Spirit Sea to break through quickly.

After awakening Bloodlines, his strength skyrocketed, realm soared rapidly.

At this time, Thunder Sect‘s Sect Master only informed him that he is different from ordinary people, his bloodline source, his birth, his origins are all in another wonderland.

Only when he reaches that wonderland, his Bloodlines can get a better breakthrough.

The source of his parents, Bloodlines, can also be found there!

“You mean, there, you haven’t been in there?” Nie Tian looked weird, “You found this time, just want to pass?”

“This, according to my master, I came out of it.” Han Sen was a little embarrassed. “It was just when I came out that I was still small and in a baby state. I do n’t remember anything. I am my master, please It ’s someone who made it. My master sent me back because my lightning Bloodlines was awake, and I could get a better breakthrough in it.

“He said that he and the people inside have already communicated. After I enter, I can report my identity.” “I thought that you, like me, came out from the inside. After awakening in Bloodlines, realm After reaching a certain level, go in for more improvements. “

Nie Tian looks strange.

Of course, he understands that he is different from Han Sen. He was born in Parting Heaven Domain, and has good evidence.

Pei Qiqi, is it just like him, really a native Place of Meteor man, he is a little bit puzzled.

Han Sen …”

Nie Tian pondered deeply, his expression gradually became severe.

His Life Bloodline was not awakened from the beginning, but at a certain time, because of some accidental opportunities, burst out.

The awakening time of his Bloodlines is still early.

Han Sen, catching until “annihilation”, trigger Bloodlines awakening.

As Han Sen, it is actually a mixed race, but there are not many people who have not awakened to Bloodlines, all scattered in the major domain worlds of Human Race?

Han Sen is the master of Thunder Sect. Please, someone, deliberately/meticulously created it, using lightning Bloodlines, lightning Attribute to try to impact God Domain and make Thunder Sect flourish.

So, if there are still many mixed races, like Han Sen, isn’t it deliberately?

A lot of such characters, really a lot of exist(ence), waiting for Bloodlines to wake up one by one, blooming amazing talent and potential, Human Race‘s domain world, isn’t it a mess?

A huge conspiracy and trouble, captured by Nie Tian for Han Sen‘s appear(ance).

On the other side, Dong Li, listening to the conversation between Nie Tian and Han Sen, has been shocked and cannot be added. Her sense of quality makes her understand how shocking this secret is.

Nie Tian, if there is a large number, such as you, such as Pei Qiqi, such as a hybrid of Han Sen, talent is excellent, Bloodlines is powerful, in the Human Race domain world, one by one rises.” Dong Li took a deep breath, said, “I am afraid it is Human Race A brand new Era, the creation of a new world! “

“A whole new world!” Nie Tian was shocked.

“It was originally.” Han Sen took it for granted, saying naturally: “My master said, the new Era is about to start, saying that the four ancient Sect is about to pass. My master, and me, all … … “

Nie Tian‘s expression moved, “What are they?”

“It’s all part of it.” Han Sen hesitated, “You are also a half-breeder, you are also a member of the new Era, whether you admit it or not, you will be a key part of it, I firmly believe.”

(End of this chapter)

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