Lord of All Realms Chapter 11: Dream miracles

That night.

Nie Qian knew that Nie Tian had suffered too many crimes in the past two days, and told him to rest early and leave after Nie Donghai.

Falling in the middle of the night, Nie Tian is unable to fall asleep, sitting on the bed, running Qi Refining Secret Arts, absorbing world’s spiritual energy for cultivation.

A thin trace of spiritual energy, as the Nie Tian’s breathes in, it is incorporated into the Dantian Spirit Sea from the outside.

Nie Tian conscious internal examination, I can clearly feel that after the inhalation of spiritual energy in Dantian, it is very different from usual.

In the past, when he practiced Qi Refining Secret Arts, he found that most of the spiritual energy was not introduced into Dantian, but was scattered in the flesh and limbs.

This time, his flesh and blood, as well as his internal organs, seemed to have sucked enough power, and did not forcibly grab the world’s spiritual energy included by Qi Refining Secret Arts.

When he was condensing, he seemed to hear the cheers of flesh and blood faintly.

“So strange …”

Strangely, his Spiritual Consciousness was quietly transferred from Dantian Spirit Sea to the flesh.

A little bit of unusual glow, in his perception, seems to suddenly emerge from the blood in his body, and flickers quietly.

At that moment, his soul seemed to be slammed into the blood, and the whole person became more and more emaciated.


After a weird roar, the Nie Tian in practice is like falling into an ancient dream!

ancient wood is a lush and unknown world. The giant peak is inserted into the sky. Deep in the void, there is a huge demon shadow seems a shadow appears.

On the vast expanse of land, there are hordes of giants, carrying hundreds of meters of dark giant wood, strutting their heads and singing the desolate ancient tunes.

On a mountain thousands of meters high, surrounded by a giant silver snake with scales and silver, at a glance, the giant snake and the mountains seem to be one.

The giant snake vomits towards the stars moon in the sky, a little bit of star glow and Yuehua, pouring down like flowing water, seemingly integrated into the snake body.

The cloud-filled sky, with its magnificent palaces, gallops in thunder light lightning glow.

In the depths of the earth, there is a horrible roar of berserk. With the roar, the earth cracks, and a deep, bottomless ditch is emerging.

The black purple color‘s smoke, mixed with a ghost and a ghost, rises from the ground deep in the trench.

A personal figure rushes into the sky from a distant horizon. Those figures have huge gray wings, and they can flash hundreds of miles with a single flap.

Every scene is incredible, flashing one by one in Nie Tian’s dream territory.

Nie Tian is like being taken into an ancient and mysterious world, as a spectator, watching the miracles between heaven and earth.


I don’t know how long, Nie Tian gasps, and suddenly wakes up from the dream.

He was sweating all over the body, feeling extremely tired, and couldn’t even move his fingers.

“What an amazing dream! What an amazing world!”

Looking at the swaying candlelight in the room, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his face looked very excited.

After a long night, he didn’t have the slightest drowsiness anymore, and seemed to be totally indulged in the previous dream, unwilling to come out.

Until the night receded and the roar of the chicken sounded, he suddenly felt drowsy and struck to sleep.

In the morning, Nie Donghai actively invited the Clan Elders of Nie Family. In the hall of Nie Family, in the presence of Nie Family‘s direct and sideline Clan Elder, they announced that they had lost energy and gave up Family Master.

“Brother, you can rest assured that Nie Family under my command will definitely regain its strength!” Nie Beichuan vowed.

“I believe you have this ability.” Nie Donghai nodded gently, and immediately walked out of the hall of discussion under the attention of Nie Family Clan Elder.

“Daddy …” outside the hall, waiting a long time for Nie Qian.

She can see that when Nie Donghai left the hall, she had a strong dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Nie Donghai has been tossed by the disease for many years. It has lost its former power. Now it has retired from Family Master. It seems to be suddenly a few years old.

“I’m fine, you don’t need to worry.” Nie Donghai smiled reluctantly, “I’m tired, and those Clan Elders have lost their patience over the years. I continue to occupy that position and will only bring us more Trouble. This is also good, I can focus all my energy on Nie Tian’s in the future. “

“I just hope that before I die, Nie Tian will be favored by Rising Clouds Sect and step into Rising Clouds Sect practice.”

“That is the last expectation and extravagance of the rest of my life.”

In the hall, there is more noise. Nie Family‘s many Clan Elders congratulate Nie Beichuan.

Listening to the long-satisfied long laugh of Nie Beichuan, and the charming sound of Clan Elder, Nie Qian became more upset and murmured softly: “Before dad was not injured, those Clan Elder, one by one, It ’s exactly the same as when I treat my second uncle now. Times have changed, and now Dad has come out, and no one came to comfort him. “

“Life is like this. I’ve seen it all. When I’m proud, everyone is close. Once lost, immediately Moncolo bird, everyone respectfully.” Nie Donghai shook his head in despair, “Let ’s leave them alone, go and watch Look at the boy at Nie Tian. “

“I hope Nie Tian can give us a breath!” Nie Qian said resentfully.

She knows very well that today’s Nie Donghai has pinned all its expectations on Nie Tian’s.

If Nie Tian can show extraordinary talent along the way of cultivation, Nie Donghai may be able to rekindle the fire of hope, even if he can hardly achieve success in cultivation, as long as watching Nie Tian becomes stronger every day, he I can persist and live well.

Nie Tian, now is his full spirit Pillar.

When Nie Donghai and Nie Qian came to Nie Tian, they found that Nie Tian was so loud that they were still asleep.

“He has suffered a lot these days, this child … It’s not easy, let’s wait for him to wake up.” Nie Donghai stared at Nie Tian, whispered softly.

“Hmm.” Nie Qian heartaches.

The night was getting dark. The doctor Hua Mu who left yesterday came by appointment.

Mr. Hua, wooden barrels and hot water are ready. Please continue to do your best to help the child get rid of the root cause.” Nie Donghai respectfully said.

“That’s natural.” Hua Mu nodded slightly, “You all go out, you don’t have to wake him up.”

Nie Donghai and Nie Qian stepped out, just like yesterday, they were waiting outside the house and waiting quietly.

After they left, Hua Mu also took out the bottles and cans in his small medicine box and poured them into the hot water in the wooden barrel.

When everything is ready, he carefully lifts the sleeping Nie Tian again and puts it gently into the barrel.

The hot water in the barrel, after soaking in Nie Tian, once again reached the ignition point and suddenly boiled.

Nie Tian Like cooked prawns, they are all red, and they can’t help wailing and wailing.

Surprisingly, he did not have a high fever today, but once in a wooden barrel, he was still unconscious.

Hua Mu released a faint light barrier, blocking its sound, and the green oil Ghost Fire flickered in his eyes, still watching the Nie Tian quietly.

When the turbid potion in the barrel became clear again, Hua Mu returned to normal, light barrier disappeared in the room, and Nie Tian slowly woke up.

“Thank you Mr. Hua.” Nie Tian opened his eyes and immediately felt that his whole body was full of strength without a trace of fatigue.

Hua Mu nodded, “I’ll come again tomorrow.” Then, carrying the medicine box, he ignored the sincere thanks of Nie Donghai and Nie Qian, and left Nie Family.

In the next few days, Nie Tian will fall into a dream somehow while practicing every night, in that unknown world, watching all kinds of incredible miracles.

Every time a child wakes up from a dream, he is exhausted and often falls asleep again at dawn.

The Hua Mu, on the night of each day, arrives on time, with a strange medicinal juice, making Nie Tian anxious.

The last day.

Nie Tian is all red, jumps out of the clear wooden barrel, and respectfully thanks Hua Mu.

Hua Mu‘s face is indifferent, it seems to be a casual question: “Recently, have you been dreaming every day?”

“How do you know?” Nie Tian was surprised.

“I know the reason for your sudden strange disease.” Hua Mu groaned, deliberately/meticulously lowered his voice, “Don’t talk to anyone about this, including your grandfather and aunt.”

“Why?” Nie Tian was puzzled.

“Don’t ask the reason, as long as you promise me, I will give you a Medicine Pill, then Medicine Pill can protect your grandfather for ten more years.” Hua Mu solemnly.

“OK!” Nie Tian was pleasantly surprised.

No need to say more. From the state of Nie Donghai, he can see that Nie Donghai has not many days.

Nie Donghai‘s deteriorating body has always been a magic obstacle in his heart. He has secretly vowed that when he becomes stronger, the first thing is to help Nie Donghai search for good medicine.

“The Medicine Pill cannot help your grandfather recover from serious injuries. It can only be used to continue life. You must understand this.” Hua Mu explained.

“I see.” Nie Tian took a deep breath, clenched his fists, said heavily: “Ten years! I will do my best to help him out of the sea of ​​pain within ten years!”

“You have this ambition, it’s good.” Hua Mu reached out his hand and patted his shoulder gently, saying meaningfully: “We will see you again.”

ps: Favorites, recommendation tickets, thank you ~

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