Long Live Summons! Chapter 344: :【 Prison Emperor Divine Sword 】

Chapter 344: [Prison Emperor Divine Sword]

In the hands of Yue Yang, Ground Breaking Bead absorbs Innate True Qi like bottomless pits.

When it almost drained the Innate True Qi of within Yue Yang’s body, it reached its limit, suddenly exploded, and diffused a spherical shock wave up, down, left, and right.

The power is just destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth.

However, the unimaginable shock wave has no damage to the human body … Yue Yang and Princess Qian Qian, City Mistress Luo Hua, Yue Yu are standing in the center of the explosion, but they feel nothing at all, except for a slight dazzling, other waves are not shocked , Not even the breeze blowing on my face. The shock wave spread far away, and speed was extremely fast. When the size of the giant sphere rose to 100 meters from the top to the bottom and left and right, the second broken turned into numerous brilliance, flickered in the second hall, and even scattered outside the hall, Shining had the entire Prison Emperor Temple.

After one minute, after all brilliance disappears, the hall is restored as before.

On the surface, everything is the same.

But Yue Yang and the girls found that, except for the 7 Star Prison Emperor column, the buildings and the ground within 100 meters of the surrounding area disappeared. Only existence was a false Phantom Shadow maintained by Prison Emperor.

At the center of the 7 Star Prison Emperor column, a small light gate appears, which is the entrance to Prison Emperor Temple sub-dimension.

Yue Yang takes the lead and enters the seal space inside the 7 Star Prison Emperor column.

The transparent Passage has no field, but it allows people to move freely.

Except for Blazing Ethereal Spirit, who still stays outside and refuses to enter the second hall, all Beasts will advance with Yue Yang. Blazing Ethereal Spirit took a little hesitation, and finally chose to stay, staring at the driller sand monster who drilled out of the ground from time to time to see the situation.

In the seal space, there is no such thing as crystal pillar or the coffin covered in the Yue Yang imagination. The entire seal space is estimated to have the size of a football field.

centre, there is only one giant tripod.

Juding Center, a handful of weird looking Colossal Sword exuding a golden light.

sword edge As broad as an axe blade, strangely long and thick, the sword-sword is like a piece of paper … Ancient Rune , Supplemented by nine Heaven Realm Rune ,forming one marking , Yue Yang Recognize this Ancient Rune It means ‘eternal’. It seems that this is its name, or the essence of its sword.

Divine Sword is obscure, quaint and plain, with an inconspicuous surface.

Only Yue Yang with Heavenly Eye Divine Vision can see it emit a faint golden light that ordinary people can’t see with the naked eye. That light has great energy, if it has substance.

“This is Prison Emperor Divine Sword?” Yue Yang was overjoyed, and agreed with Ming Ri Hao that released Ming Yue Guang, that was not his genuine idea at all, he was focused on entering the seal space within the 7 Star Prison Emperor column, mainly for this Prison Emperor Divine Sword.

Old Dragon Turtles did not agree with Yue Yang coming in for Prison Emperor Divine Sword, because this sword is more restrictive than Prison Emperor Scepter and Prison Emperor Divine Seal.

Only people with Emperor blood can use this sword.

He doesn’t think that Yue Yang, such a shameless and kingless kid who is not of royal descent, can use Prison Emperor Divine Sword, but because of Ming Ri Hao‘s presence of turncoat, plus Prison Emperor Temple, the situation is completely different from his imagination. Old Dragon Turtles have to support Yue Yang fetching swords. If Yue Yang does not have enough strength and there is no Divine Equipment in hand, then this battle is dangerous.

Compared with sitting and watching Prison Emperor Temple collapse, Heaven Realm Two Great Big Shots fled safely. Old Dragon Turtles would rather let Yue Yang try to draw a sword.

Even if there is only a chance of 0.01%, he will let Yue Yang try it.

“Only those who have been recognized by Prison Emperor Divine Sword can pull out this sword.” Old Dragon turtle coughed slightly, he didn’t want to hit Yue Yang too much, he would not say about the condition of Emperor bloodline, he knows that the boy Yue Yang does not have that kind of stuff .

“Isn’t it just a broken sword?” Yue Yang is a little bit upset. Although it is Divine Equipment, you don’t have to be too arrogant. Master is dead. Isn’t it better to change to Master?

“You go try it!” If it comes to your heart, Old Dragon turtle is not optimistic about Yue Yang.

Little San, I support you, you can do it!” Yue Yu has the most confidence in her brother. In her mind, Yue Yang is omnipotent.

“……” Yue Yang is very arrogant on the surface, but he is actually a little timid, because he has a self-knowledge, he is only an boy from another world, and has nothing to do with any Emperor bloodline. If he wants to get the recognition of Prison Emperor Divine Sword, the probability is estimated to be higher than the sky. Still small. Of course, according to Student Yue Yang‘s shameless character, he will definitely not draw his sword upright, and he will definitely cheat in the end.

Yue Yang first walked to the edge of Juding, jumped into the air, reached out to grab the Prison Emperor Divine Sword which was twice as large as the black iron epee of Yang Guo prawn, and mentioned it vigorously.

This Prison Emperor Divine Sword is just inserted in the tripod.

There is nothing in Ding.

With the power of Yue Yang, let alone a Prison Emperor Divine Sword, it is a hundred, and he can easily lift it.

Strangely, the sword is immobile.

The sword body submerged in the tripod is like being connected to the earth, so hairsbreadth cannot be regretted with power. The Old Dragon turtle looked desperate immediately … Divine Equipment selects the master, it was reluctant. The Prison Emperor Divine Sword used by Prison Emperor that year was able to communicate with the sword for ten years before it could be pulled out.

Yue Yang, this kid doesn’t move, don’t even think about it.

It is estimated that if he communicates with the sword for another hundred years, he will not succeed.

The attempt failed, but Yue Yang was not discouraged, turning around and gesturing at Princess Qian Qian and City Mistress Luo Hua: “You guys also try it!”

Old Dragon tortoise when heard, almost annoyed and crooked his nose.

This Prison Emperor Divine Sword can only be used by men, and hastily gave Divine Weapon used by Prison Emperor to a woman. What is the system? This kid really thinks Prison Emperor Divine Sword is his thing?

I was thinking about stopping it. When Yue Yang stared at him, the Old Dragon turtle tolerated it again.

He estimates that Yue Yang, the not in the least, respects the old and the young, and wants to speak to stop his nonsense, and he will definitely fly over.

After living for thousands of years, I have never seen such an impolite HumanYue Yang didn’t care about the angry expression of Old Dragon turtle, pulled Princess Qian Qian and City Mistress Luo Hua up, and signaled them to draw swords. If you can’t use it, then let your favorite mm use it. Princess Qian Qian is also a little hesitant. She is more orthodox in education and generally does not dare to blame Yue Yang for the Divine Weapon weapon. City Mistress Luo Hua is different. She has no such concerns, and as a wife, she naturally obeys Yue Yang.

As soon as the City Mistress Luo Hua jade hand pressed on the hilt, Prison Emperor Divine Sword flashed a dazzling brilliance immediately, shaking it slightly.

Old Dragon Turtle almost did not vomit blood, this sign is similar to Prison Emperor when drawing a sword.

Does this woman with a beautiful appearance also use Divine Sword, which can only be used by Prison Emperor?

“Ah …”

City Mistress Luo Hua suddenly screamed in pain and let go.

Her hand only touched Prison Emperor Divine Sword for two or three seconds, but it caused Prison Emperor Divine Sword‘s resistance sword to tremble finger. Old Dragon At first glance, Daan in her heart, women really ca n’t use Prison Emperor Divine Sword. Fortunately, otherwise, Prison Emperor entire life ’s most famous weapon, Divine Weapon, can only be wielded in the hands of women in later generations, which is really disrespectful to Prison Emperor.

Yue Yu hastened to cure City Mistress Luo Hua, Yue Yang also took the hand of City Mistress Luo Hua and kept watching.

just now clearly responds. Why does Divine Sword resist City Mistress Luo Hua?

Princess Qian Qian saw City Mistress Luo Hua fail, but in his heart, he became angry. Even if it is a Divine Weapon weapon used by men and refused to be used by women, it is not necessary to hurt Elder Sister Luo Hua‘s hand in this way, right?

She lifts White Tiger with both hands, holding Prison Emperor Divine Sword, and mentions it hard.

Prison Emperor Divine Sword shakes more clearly, and even makes Princess Qian Qian pull out a few points, but the resistance is greater, and she flies out.

“No, right?” Old Dragon Turtle was completely stunned. Is this Young Miss a later generation of Prison Emperor? The body has the most orthodox Emperor bloodline? But in blood vein induction, it is impossible to determine that she is later generation of Prison Emperor!

“…” Xue Wu Xia also came up and tried it, and the blade of Divine Sword also slightly regretted, almost the same as the response of Luo Hua.

“Come again, you can help me, I don’t believe it, I can’t take it down.” Princess Qian Qian angered Prison Emperor Divine Sword. With the help of Yue Yang Innate True Qi, she simultaneously spurred White Tiger, snorted, and pulled Prison Emperor Divine Sword from the giant tripod for nearly half a meter.噼 crackling‘s slamming guardian electric shield made her whole body paralyzed and miserable, but Princess Qian Qian kept seizing the hilt of the sword and intended to forcefully pull out Prison Emperor Divine Sword.

“This, this is okay?” Old Dragon Turtle thought the world was upside down.

Even if it was Prison Emperor of the year, it was impossible to force a sword.

Will Divine Equipment succumb to the hands of a woman? And this woman, not congenital, has already the power to control Prison Emperor Divine Sword?

Prison Emperor Divine Sword burst a shock wave, shaking Princess Qian Qian hands. The resistance force was so strong that it couldn’t match. The Princess Qian Qian spit blood on the spot, spit out a blood flower, and splashed on Prison Emperor Divine Sword.

The Old Dragon turtle shook his head. There is no Emperor bloodline and no king spirit. The Divine Equipment of Prison Emperor Divine Sword will not recognize opposite side as Master.

Whether it is male or female, the most basic condition must be Emperor blood.

Maybe this stubborn woman came from Three Royal Households, the daughter of the Imperial Family, but Divine Sword admits it is Emperor, not Princess. Prison Emperor Divine Sword is the sword of the king. The person who handles it must be Emperor. This can’t be changed by stubborn temper and tough will. Old Dragon sighed slightly in his heart. He actually had a bit of contradiction. On the one hand, he did not want Yue Yang and a few girls to use the sword that was mainly Prison Emperor. On the other hand, he hoped that Yue Yang could pull out Prison Emperor Divine Sword and use the power of Divine Sword to kill the outside. Strong enemy, inherit the wish of Prison Emperor, and seal Heaven Realm Ranker in Prison Emperor Temple forever.

“If I can’t use it, I’ll just destroy it.” Student Yue Yang‘s bad idea is that if you don’t use it, you can destroy it. Don’t make others cheap.

“No, don’t destroy Divine Sword!” The Old Dragon turtle really was afraid that it would damage Prison Emperor Divine Sword, and he waved quickly. In fact, Yue Yang just talked about, and never thought about destroying the sword. He felt that the Artifact with Spirit Knowledge, such as Prison Emperor Divine Sword, is not easy to get its recognition, but temporarily not, it does not mean that it will never work. As long as you spend some time, you should be able to win it , Especially the Princess Qian Qian who came from the emperor’s house, she has Emperor Blood Lineage, there will definitely be a chance of success.

The most important point is that Yue Yang also has a Artifact.

If it is used, it may work wonders.

Of course, because this Artifact is a consumable, Yue Yang cannot easily use it until research understands it, otherwise it may miss the only opportunity.

Man King beads (false): The holder can have the majesty of the emperor of the earth within ten seconds, limited to one time use only.

Is the “Man King Bead” obtained from Heaven & Earth & Man The Three Forces Temple useful?

Yue Yang still counts in the heart, Old Dragon turtle already rushed up, opened his arms to block Juding, he was afraid that as soon as the Yue Yang donkey temper came up, he would really use World-Exterminating Wheel to destroy the sword. For this old fellow, Yue Yang flew kicked in a bad mood and changed the Man King beads out of hand …

It is success or failure. It depends on the Jewel of this copycat.

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