Long Live Summons! Chapter 223: : a smile and a frown , unrivaled

Chapter 223: a smile and a frown, unrivaled

“I hope to fight with you, this is my wish.” Prince of Tian Luo‘s words surprised everyone, including Yue Yu and Yue Bing. Does this Prince of Tian Luo know Yue Yang? Yue Yang sent only a masked Evil Shadow child before. How did he determine that this shadow was Shadow Body Clone of Yue Yang?

Yue Yu frowned at as supple as a willow leaf, thinking about it.

Young Miss Yue Bing didn’t think too much. She knew that Elder Brother was very powerful, and she didn’t worry about him at all.

After finishing Prince of Tian Luo, he nodded again to the red clothes referee on the court: “I confessed in this game, he will be promoted to the next round directly. Please go down, I need to do my best without restrictions … “He turned his face and rushed down to the Pink Rose Group **** fans under the stage, nodding their heads, waved their hands, and signaled the rioters to calm down:” Everyone retreats a hundred meters away to avoid injury. I do not want anyone to stop me and his The decisive battle, if everyone supports me, let me fight against him! “

Seeing the slightly sad eyes of Prince of Tian Luo and the heavenly sound-like appeal, everyone’s heart is broken.

Everybody is tearful, step by step retreats.

The red clothes referee wanted to speak, but he understood that His Royal Highness had decided, and he slightly sighed and waved for the two linemen and the silver armor nurse to leave.

Yue Yang also looked at the Yue Yu and Yue Bing off the court, and nodded solemnly and seriously: “You also retreat to a safe place, and wait no matter how fierce the situation is, don’t come up!”

“Okay!” Young Miss Yue Bing has never seen Elder Brother so seriously, and quickly took Second Sister out of the ring.

When everyone exits a hundred meters away, Yue Yang and Prince of Tian Luo both summon Grimoire taking the same action without prior consultation.

Yue Yang calls Silver Grimoire, while Prince of Tian Luo calls Platinum Grimoire.

The two to give support of Giant Shadow, plus the full-blown Force of Yang after controlling fire energy, Yue Yang first time uses power that is lower than innate but very close to already. The momentum is like Demon King came into the world, and the shock wave will be fifty meters The red clothes referee outside was shocked and crooked, making the red clothes referee pale and pale, while the two linemen were even worse, letting the shock wave recede …

As for the dozen or so silver armoured guards, Hurricane-like Aura bombs have been flying in the air.

A hundred meters away, the girls in pink roses were scared, and a few of the front-most protective flowers ambassador already all fell to the ground.

The Yue Yang holding Hui Jin Magic Blade, such as Demon King, Purple Flame, is burning on the arm holding the blade.

In his other hand, a purple flame condenses a spinning firewheel like World-Exterminating Wheel.

On the opposite side of Yue Yang, Prince of Tian Luo is like a crystal doll, and the whole person is transparent. He was thinking about eyes closed in the mask, and from time to time he had a lot of colorful lights, letting him meditate and call out, to give support came to his body, and behind him, he formed light and shadow wings like crystal butterfly wings. The wings of crystal are transparent to Wu Xia. There is no substance at all, but the poles are full of energy. Every beautiful fan movement can make the space tremble.

A small Elf, the size of a thumb, was summoned by Prince of Tian Luo, flew over his forehead, and sank.

At the moment, a kind of strange silver Rune began to emerge on the surface of Prince of Tian Luo, similar to but different from the dark gold Rune that appeared before Yue Yang.

With Prince of Tian Luo slowly and beautifully spreading his arms, his body is brilliant Halo, magnificent bright flash.

Countless crystal quickly condensed and covered his body surface to form a beautiful Crystal Battle Armour. More strangely, the silver Ancient Rune on the surface of Prince of Tian Luo body will penetrate to the surface of Crystal Battle Armour, and it will be more complicated to reform. More mysterious Rune Diagram .

Everyone is dumbfounded.

No one can think of that **** ‘Titan’. It is so powerful that the momentum released is comparable to Level 7 [Overlord].

What more people can’t imagine is that Prince of Tian Luo is so powerful.

He actually owns a Platinum Grimoire, and there are wings of crystal and Crystal Battle Armour. He can completely armor Beast. What is this realm? It is said that Level 7 [Overlord] has only begun to learn Beast Armour Transformation, while Level 8‘s Emperor will use Beast Armour Transformation, the body coverage area will not exceed 30%, more people will not be armored for life, and can only change Beast Transformation to weapon at most …

Except for Beast with special armored special skill, the rest of Beast is impossible to armored.

Only Master masters the Beast of the ancient legendary ‘Awakening’ power, can it cooperate with Master for armoring.

Now, Prince of Tian Luo Except for an almost white jade That way flawless and perfect Outside the cheeks, whole body already Covered everywhere Crystal Battle Armour .

He even has a pair of unparalleled wings of crystal.

People have never even heard that Beast can change into a double wing. If you do n’t see it in front of your eyes, then you ca n’t believe your eyes.

“His prince …” All members of Pink Rose Group were in tears. They liked him and supported him entirely because he was handsome and grew so favour could not help admiring it, not because he was strong, because Everyone has a little regret in their hearts, but now, nice surprise given to them by Prince of Tian Luo is too sudden.

It turned out that he was stronger a hundred times and a thousand times bigger than everyone thought.

Seeing His Highness Prince wearing Crystal Battle Armour and the wings of crystal, how could they cry without joy …

“My Crystal Battle Armour is not perfect. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to perfect it.” Prince of Tian Luo sighed with regret, and at the same time put out his hand to put away Platinum Grimoire: “Go ahead, I can’t wait to fight you!”

[First Slash: Earth Splitting Slash]!” Yue Yang also stowed Silver Grimoire, raised Hui Jin Magic Blade, and tiger roared to kill Prince of Tian Luo.

The flames soar.

In the distance, one can see Zi Yan forming a horrible and huge flame knife in the air.

Thunderbolt is irresistibly chopped to Prince of Tian Luo‘s chest.

In the moment of severing, killing aura, Yanneng and Daoman form a whirlpool-style big explosion. radiance is like a sun, blooming in the hands of Yue Yang.

The red clothes referee ’s face changed rapidly. Even if he had the strength of Beast and Level 6 [Elder], he stood seventy meters away and was still shocked by this irresistible shock wave power … In the center of the battlefield, at what point in the sword slash, how powerful will it be. Well, that is definitely a destructive attack!

[First Slash: Earth Splitting Slash], red clothes referee will know who famous skill is at a glance.

Yue Qiu, this is the genius warrior Yue Qiu created by Yue Family.

Since Yue Qiu has passed away, it should be his later generation … Although the red clothes referee does not know Yue Yang, he feels that his power is not under Yue Qiu, even more Burning Sky fire energy power.

hong long long!

The huge slash made ear-splitting, everyone’s heads buzzed and could not be recovered for a long time.

However, the scene in the field made people shocked.

With just one hand, Prince of Tian Luo took the [First Slash: Earth Splitting Slash] attack of Yue Yang.

“My God …” The red clothes judge felt that whether or not already was crazy. How could this be so horrible, without any dodge, one-handed can take this destructive blow, this, this Crystal Battle Armour defense Is n’t it too scary? He knows Beast Armour Transformation, and he has seen super strong defense, but there is absolutely no such defense!

What level of Beast was the Crystal Battle Armour awakened by His Royal Highness?

Pink Rose Group The girls all screamed in excitement, feeling to be wild with joy for His Royal Highness to take the repetitive move lightly.

Yue Yu and Yue Bing changed their looks, muttering to themselves: “Impossible …”

“Come again, [Second Slash: Heaven and Earth Collapse]!” Yue Yang did not use Hui Jin Magic Blade, but directly blasted the steamer that had been condensed in the left hand to Prince of Tian Luo, and simultaneously used the [Second Slash: Heaven and Earth Collapse] blade mane, the combination of the fire wheel and the knife mane, the number of power before the explosion surpasses Times.

Everyone can see clearly this time. Prince of Tian Luo stretched out his hand and blocked it in front of the spinning wheel.

Prince of Tian Luo blocked the wheel.

But at the same time let the rotating power of the steamer slide backwards until it reaches the edge of the ring. The girl of Pink Rose Group suddenly lost her heart again, and the block was blocked, but she fell out of the field and, according to the rules, had to lose.

His …

Blademan’s Fire Wheel has been spinning frantically, but gradually disappears.

Prince of Tian Luo His right leg already hung out of the ring, but his left foot stopped at the edge of the ring.

He moved and walked towards Yue Yang again.

Thanks to the protection of crystal in the palm of his hand, his palm is not even scarred, and it is not damaged.

red clothes referee looked, it ’s incredible to have a soft leg. Crystal Battle Armour is a defensive force against the sky. Unless Innate Ranker attacks, even if Level 8 [Emperor] strikes with all its strength, I am afraid it will be itchy and it ’s nothing. effect.

just now The sword-shaped fire wheel is definitely instant kill‘s own blow.

However, you can instant kill‘s own steamer without hurting a prince of his prince …

“No. Third Slash, Lord of Rivers and Mountains!” Yue Yang slowly swirled his hands to form the mysterious circle of YinYang Level 2, condensed the purple flame limit, transformed into a purple flame colossal dragon, and then made the scale of colossal dragon with hundreds of swords As a dragon head, he smashed the might of the world and slammed into the Prince of Tian Luo.

Crystal’s Dream!”

The wings of crystal behind Prince of Tian Luo close the protector, and the body also expands into a rainbow-like Crystal Halo Shield.

Purple Flame Dragon, fiercely engulfed above Crystal Halo Shield.

The flames of Burning Sky pervade the entire ring, and no one can see the battle in the flames clearly.

Laser fire, let the red clothes referee battered and exhausted who protects Pink Rose Group, as the two linemen, are so tired that they can only block part of the fire. If it wasn’t for the two leap forwards of Yue Yu and Yue Bing, summoned Grimoire, raised Halo Shield , and blocked the splashing purple flame, I am afraid that today ’s spectators will suffer heavily injured, the consequences will be unimaginable.

When the flames of Burning Sky have cleared, Prince of Tian Luo is still intact.

No damage.

On the contrary, Yue Yang already was panting, his face was exhausted from the aftermath of the fierce battle, and his three full-strength heavy chops consumed a lot of his True Qi and physical strength.

He knows that there is an extremely defensive opponent in front of him, but he really didn’t expect that the Crystal Battle Armour‘s defense would be Abnormal to this extent.

“How I want to fight against you who is the most powerful and strongest, unfortunately I don’t have time …” Prince of Tian Luo raised his palm. Although it was protected by crystal, a small hole was also worn in the palm of the hand, and red blood burst out. Form a thin blood path, slowly slide down Prince of Tian Luo‘s arms and elbows.

The blood and the arm of crystal complement each other and look particularly enchanting.

Here, Correct Yue Yang used as a hit of Invisible Sword Qi of Dragon Tongue. Only it broke through Crystal’s Dream, pierced Crystal Halo Shield, and hurt the palm of Prince of Tian Luo.

Prince of Tian Luo flawless white jade‘s face suddenly showed a light smile, the smile was like the early sunny after snow, it felt like warm sunlight, slight, but it can be projected into the deepest part of the heart of people, illuminating the entire HeartYue Yang has seen a lot of beauty smiles, City Mistress Luo Hua characteristic laughs, Princess Qian Qian‘s coquettish grin, and Yi Nan‘s hilarious grin, all of which are all intriguing smiles, but at this moment, it is with this shallow A smile, they are all overshadowed.

Yue Yang looks stunned.

“Do you still have strength?” Prince of Tian Luo asked softly, with a warm smile, and a voice like Light Wind across the heart of the lake can blow a ripple in human heart.

“I can also issue Fourth Slash, Universe Reverse …” Yue Yang nodded, stating definitely: “This cut will be ten times more powerful than Third Slash. If you can still take it, then I can only I fell down and gave up. “

not bad, I still have the strength to take the last move. Although it is not a battle with you at the peak, there is no regret for already.” Prince of Tian Luo suddenly summoned Platinum Grimoire, and summoned many rainbow-like radiance Like shining bands, shining stars flew to him. The crystal wound in Prince of Tian Luo quickly disappeared, and there was more crystal condensate, which gradually became a huge and transparent crystal shield. Prince of Tian Luo held crystal shield in front of him, and a silver Rune marking flashed in his eyes, driving his body to Crystal Battle Armour and the silver Rune on crystal shield. Even the silver Rune behind the wings of crystal became more flashes magnificently

Under this defense, Yue Yang feels that even if it is Tu Cheng in Innate Ranker, a full blow will not break this crystal shield.

Yue Yang does not know if released is born innately, can it break this crystal shield using Nirvana Fire and World-Exterminating Wheel.

A hint of regret appeared in his heart.

Unfortunately, I ca n’t yet released Innate Strength.

Yue Yang cannot perform Nirvana Fire and World-Exterminating Wheel in public, otherwise everyone in this field may not survive. Including Cousin Yue Yu and Little Sister Yue Bing, there will also be mortal danger.

“The last hit!” Yue Yang is still a bit reluctant to use Fourth Slash Universe Reverse, because he has not fully understood the meaning of the sword, but this is not important. Yue Yang knows that Fourth Slash cannot shake crystal shield, and the only thing that can be obtained is effect It is Invisible Sword Qi. The Fourth Slash is just a cover up. The battle between genuine and opposite side will be Invisible Sword Qi, which is indestructible!

“Yes, this will be the last battle.” In the silver Rune flashing eyes of Prince of Tian Luo, there is a faint faint faint but no power can hide the sorrow, this faint sorrow is more powerful than Invisible Sword Qi.

When it came out, an irreversible scar was scratched in the bottom of Yue Yang.

Prince of Tian Luo, that a smile and a frown, peerless and unparalleled, there is a short-lived, look back already is the sad and beautiful of the world …

Yue Yang growled suddenly, mad.

He leapt high.

The flames of Burning Sky burning on his body, like Kang Long, followed the shape of Yue Yang, straight into the sky.

At tens of meters, extremely fast reverses.

Ziyan and Yue Yang assimilated into a destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth Divine Dragon that reversed the sky, and Prince of Tian Luo greeted by crystal shield swooped down below the ring.

“Ah, idiot, stop!” City Mistress Luo Hua and Princess Qian Qian suddenly appeared, and the two women looked anxious. Among them, Princess Qian Qian was the most powerful force, holding thousands of Sword Qi, swift as lightning shot, intending to stop the two. The final battle.

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