Long Live Summons! Chapter 120: : Take your head off and kick it!

Chapter 120: Take off your head and kick it!

“No way, it seems I have only used Summon Guardian Spirit Beast, I really don’t want to do that.” Lich Sorge sighed slightly.

His tone was a little sad and unwilling, as if the looks at booty was being snatched away.

Lich Sogg summoned a monster like a mountain of meat. It was huge and covered with ugly meat spikes. On the top, there was a face like a human face, but it was extremely evil and ugly. Disgusting, vomiting at first sight. At the top, there are tentacles like two snails, which keep stretching. As soon as it appeared, it vomited green acid and several human bones, and its long blood tongue turned around the ugly lips: “Sog, you fool, gave me such an unpalatable thing Let me tell you, these Human not in the least delicacies are all sour, I want beauty, do you understand? What do you know is beauty? It tastes sweet and delicious, and the bones are crunchy, and the fat in the mouth will fill the mouth. That’s called a beauty! “

Yue Yang when heard, frowning.

A Guardian Spirit Beast who knows how to speak? An Guardian Spirit Beast with autonomous thinking?

It’s completely different from Xiao Wen Li, and different from Blood Queen. In some signs, the status of this monster seems to be the same as Lich Sorg’s, even a little higher.

This monster’s level is not very high, only Level 6 [Bronze], why is it so arrogant?

There must be something weird!

“There are two Golden King Beast in front, a congenital Human, and a Serpent Demon child and a Barbaric Cow. These are all your food. What are you dissatisfied with? If you are not satisfied, then go back to Grimoire to sleep. I will call another Beast to fight! “Lich Sogg changed slightly, but the tone still had the advantage of Master.

“Take it down, Sorg, if you are not in the most dangerous time, how could you call me out to fight!” The monster laughed mercilessly, lingering.

wait a moment, Lich and monsters, if you want to flirt, want to be back to the mountains, and want to explode chrysanthemums, I don’t mind watching, but now I am very busy … Ah Man, you pack that Gold Armoured Puppet, as for An ugly monster, you should die early and be born alive! “Yue Yang didn’t feel the need to listen to Lich Sorge and this monster, who knows that whether or not wants to delay time.

“What? Do you dare call me ugly? Do you dare call me a monster?” The monster when heard was angry.

“Why are you angry with a dead man? Sooner or later, he is also in your womb. Why don’t you get through with a pile of feces!” Lich Sorge persuasively.

“I hate people calling me ugly, I’m a handsome guy, so anyone who scolds me Spittoon is a monster must die! Sorg, you said, I am a Spittoon whether or not handsome guy? My body is the most perfect world, and my The name is also the best name in the world. Everything on my body is the best of world. You, a food-waste Human bug, dare to scold me! I can never spare you, I will eat you and treat you Become dung! “The monster was so angry spouting smoke through the seven orifices, yelling loudly.

“…” Student Yue Yang when heard Thunder died, it is called Spittoon? Dude, this name is a perfect match!

“Yes, Spittoon, your name is a good name that I have worked hard for nearly a decade to think of. I’ve racked my brains to get this name, you know that.” Lich Saugu nodded very seriously: “As for your handsome boy whether or not, I believe that only if it were not for blind person can see it at a glance.”

“…” Yue Yang took it, he really took it.

“Speaking well, Saugu, world is the only one who knows how to appreciate my Master Spitton! Let me swallow these annoying fools first, and then talk to you about my food. I want to eat beautiful women , Okay? If a handsome guy does n’t have a beautiful girl, how can he be considered a handsome guy? ”The monster had no one in his eyes.

“You fat dregs, it’s really immortal and useless!” Yue Yang couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t think of world and Beast.

He suddenly felt a little sympathy for Sorge. The Guardian Spirit Beast owned by others was terribly obedient, but Sorge had to serve such a Master Spitton, which is really tragic!

Yue Yang thinks that if Sorg can exchange for an Guardian Spirit Beast, then he may prefer a useless long-eared rabbit.

world, there is no more Beast than this Master Spitton!

The monster when heard was furious, and it bounced into the air, smashing down like a mountain.

Yue Yang flickered, disappeared in place, and appeared on top of the monster. Hui Jin Magic Blade flashed, splitting a big gap in the monster’s head, and then turned it down with a light weight, and kicked it with heavy feet, blasting the monster’s meatball body.

“Useless, Master Spitton I am world invincible Beast, any attack is useless!” The monster bounced on the ground, proud trembled.

The wound on the top of the head that was split by Yue Yang quickly closed and recovered as before.

It’s as good as it’s never been hurt.

Lich Sogg also nodded and sneered: “No matter the sword, halberd, or Beast‘s fangs and claws, wind, fire, water and earth in the element cannot damage Spittoon‘s body hairsbreadth. It is a gluttonous insect of world one and only. Beast has only one result in front of it and is swallowed up! “

Yue Yang when heard frowned.

He knows that this world does not have an absolutely invincible Beast. No matter what Beast, there will be a weakness existence.

This ugly glutton Spittoon is no exception!

“Food residue, let me die, watch Master Spitton swallow you!” The monster pounced fiercely, Yue Yang did not wait for it to approach, picked up a boulder, threw it over, and buried it all in the dirt.


The monster is flattened, but it turns into a thin strip, drills out of the stone bottom, shakes its body, and returns to its disgusting appearance, as it was.

Xiao Wen Li has a double-edged knot in his hands, emitting an extremely cold chill, freezing the entire monster with ice.

Yue Yang kicked it and shattered it into numerous ice debris.

However, when the ice debris gradually melts into water, the meat particles of the monster’s body automatically condense again, and it is restored in a blink of an eye.

In the sky, Yue Yang waved Ziyan Demon Sabre, cut the monster half body stiff, and then used Ziyan to burn the cut meat into coke cooked meat. The monster didn’t care, the wound was bloodless, and numerous granulations splintered and fused. The speed that was visible to the naked eye completely recovered to the original meatball shape, without any injuries.

Ha ha ha ha, I said earlier that any attack is ineffective for Spittoon!” Lich Sorgha laughed, beside oneself with joy.

“Really?” Yue Yang smiled.

His Level 2 Divine Vision, after a long period of observation, finally broke through.

This monster Spittoon, it is not without its weaknesses … its weakness lies in the body, it is a wandering Soul Seal!

As long as the Soul Seal is destroyed, it is believed that its body will immediately collapse. Although it is an Guardian Spirit Beast, it will never die of genuine, but once Soul Seal is destroyed, it is estimated that it will not be possible to recover in two days. As long as this Spittoon returns to Summoning Grimoire, then Gold Armoured Puppet kill, then what else does this Lich Saugat do? If he is not poor, he will never summon a Beast like SpittoonYue Yang made a gesture to Xiao Wen Li and Blood Queen and attacked!

In the face of a gluttonous insect that can constantly regenerate without fear of any attack, Yue Yang decided to use Innate Sword Qi, which can destroy everything.

Invisible Sword Qi has now reached the Third Floor and can use Sword Qi six times.

Now, there are three times left.

When the monster Spittoon rushed towards Yue Yang fiercely, Yue YangDemon Sabre split his body.

“Useless!” Lich Sorg sneered!

“I want to eat you!” The monster Spittoon swelled on both sides, ready to use the body to wrap and digest Yue Yang. With a stroke of Xiao Wen Li Dual Icicle Blades, the monster Spittoon froze and formed an ice sculpture. Taking this opportunity, Yue Yang‘s left index finger is a sword, and it is exactly above Soul Seal of Spittoon.


A very light explosion.

There seems to be something disintegrate. Then, you can see that the monster Spittoon is lifted from the ice sculpture state, rolling painfully on the ground, the meat particles are falling everywhere, and the whole body secretes a disgusting, sticky green liquid, as if The whole ugly meatball body is going to melt.

“Ah …” Lich Sogg was stunned at first glance, instant kill‘s own Guardian Spirit Beast gluttonous worm? how can that be?

The guts of gluttonous insects are not affected by any attack at all. How is it broken?

Is this young Human man really a congenital one?

Lich Saugu thought so, and startled a cold sweat.

On the other side, Blood Queen took advantage of Gold Armoured Puppet and Barbaric Cow Shadow to attack, and then attacked.

Sharp‘s unmatched Dragon-Slaying Dagger penetrated Gold Armoured Puppet‘s back heart and nailed it into the center of its power magic core like lightning.噼 crackling The sparks splattered. The parts of the Gold Armoured Puppet kept falling off, from time to time, large and small pieces of armor shells splashed out, and finally banged and exploded into tens of millions of Metal Attribute fragments. Blood Queen flew up as early as already, and went up and down with Yue Yang to attack Lich Sog.

Unexpectedly, she and Yue Yang unexpectedly. Sog, all Beast died already, the Halo Shield is still alive.

What’s going on?

Ha ha ha, the fog that creates the night is also my summoning beast. Although it has no body, Grimoire still admits that it is alive! In other words, we are all in its belly, as long as it is existence, then my Halo Shield will not disappear, at least, will not disappear before the time limit! Do you want to kill me? youngster, no, young Innate Ranker, you are too tender! See Teleportation Sphere in my hand? As soon as the night disappears, I You will leave. You ca n’t even touch my hair. You can only leave me alone. looks at. I ’m leaving … Are n’t you born? Come on, kill me! ”Lich Soghaha laughed, he might think he was making such a mockery Not enough, he arrogantly collected Teleportation Sphere into Lich Ring, then turned out of a chair, sat on it with a big swing, holding a glass of wine, drinking leisurely.

Of course, his heart was terribly tense.

Guardian Spirit Beast Spittoon Although genuine will not die, the soul is injured, don’t try to recover within a month.

Gold Armoured Puppet‘s magic core was destroyed, already was completely destroyed, one of the demon crystal ice soul **** was destroyed by this kid, one was fused with Zombie Dragon Giant Frost Dragon, and his neck was bitten by Reaper Mantis, and the weird little Golden Beast bit Dragon Crystal … now, the only thing left is ‘Black Mist’.

Fortunately, this boy doesn’t know the time when the black mist disappears, and the initiative still has his own hands, otherwise it is very dangerous to keep him ambush.

This battle is defeated.

The opponent is Innate Ranker. Not only does it have many super powerful Beasts, it also has great ingenuity. It has been hidden for a long time, and it is gone. The focus of the initial attack was on Reaper Mantis of Level 7 [Gold]. He waited for his Beast to be almost the same, and then came out to pick up the fisherman’s profit.

It’s not wrong at all in the hands of such an enemy!

In addition to world, there are several Lichs that can safely escape in the hands of Innate Ranker?

Lich Sog thought so, he couldn’t help but feel a little more comfort.

When I report the news of “Super Young Human Congenital Boy”, Lich King will surely be reward, and I believe that the strength will not increase but increase. This battle, in fact, I did not fail genuine …… As long as I return safely, then I can definitely make a comeback!

He suddenly noticed that Yue Yang was doing a weird action, and he couldn’t help but be a little vigilant. What was this kid trying to do?

Does he want to attack himself across Halo Shield ?

No, that’s impossible!

The thought in Sog’s head hasn’t gone to vanish. In front, the figure flashed.

A sharp Sword Qi appeared in Sorg’s eyes, penetrated Halo Shield inconceivably, and fired at Sorg’s face. Sorg was so stunned that he had no time to react. He stunned looks at, and looks at Sword Qi stopped when he was about to touch his forehead.

Sword Qi‘s extension is not enough … only a little bit is going to kill Sorge, but because Sword Qi is not long enough, Sorge escapes from the dead.

The glass that he wanted to drink was stabbed back and forth by Sword Qi, and the wine was sobbed by Sogg.


I almost made this kid instant kill!

Sorge was frightened, and quickly stood up, stepping retreats, anxious to knock the chair over.

You must leave immediately, otherwise you are very dangerous. However, before the disappearance time of the black mist, it is impossible for you to perform reverse summon. Besides, once the night disappears, Halo Shield will disappear immediately. In front of Innate Ranker, even the one second before Teleportation is extremely fatal … Lich Sorg reached out to the Summoning Grimoire of the Gold-ranked, ready to disappear in the black mist. For the first two or three seconds, summon the last Beast, maintain the existence of Halo Shield , and use Teleportation Sphere to leave.

I hope that the last Beast will last for a few seconds and let you escape smoothly.

At the moment when Sogg made up his mind, suddenly a white light was summoned in the palm of Xiao Wen Li. It was extremely pure, forming a white light image of Serpent Demon Warrior with a height of more than 10 meters, and a wave of six arms with Serpent Demon image of white light turned mountain valley into night The black mist is completely purified, and the black mist disappears like a steam instantly … even in less than one second, the black mist of the entire mountain valley is purified and completely dispersed by the white light Serpent Demon image.

Lich Sogg’s Halo Shield , like the egg shell disintegrate, disappears ‘snap’.

He has no time to summon the last Beast, because no matter how fast the summoning will take time.

“It’s over!” Lich Sorg found Halo Shield broken, hurriedly changed from Lich Ring to Teleportation Sphere, just now shattered, and Teleportation escaped. Suddenly he felt his whole body, bound by some irresistible force.

Student Yue Yang stepped forward slowly, and slowly pulled off one finger and one finger from Lich Sogg’s hand, then took out Teleportation Sphere, threw it in front of the immovable Sogg, revealing a devil-like smile: “Unfortunately, I must tell you a bad news. [Binding] Inherent Skill already Level Up of my Xiao Wen Li. It does n’t matter if you ca n’t move it. If you want to move, I can help you. For example, I would be happy to take your head off and kick the ball, Lich. , For this kind of work, I can work for free! “

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