Limitless Sword God Chapter 827: City break



Su Yun already is difficult to distinguish between white and red.

Because at the moment, the two colors already are mixed together.

The sky is full of snow, the sky is full of blood.

The stumps and broken arms are scattered all over the floor.

People in the sky are like falling raindrops. After the colorful mysterious baptism, they fall down one after another, filling the white land and dyeing the white land.

Once the two armies of the two countries go to war, their terrible conditions are frightening and outrageous! The strong one directly wiped out dozens or even hundreds of spiritual practitioners, but the weak one was instantly bombarded before the move, and the flesh became gray, leaving no soul.

This is a cruel world, a world of weak meat and strong food. Even on the battlefield, the weak will die first.

The two sides are in full swing. The River country people rush towards Gucheng like flood beasts, and the defenders around Gucheng are like crazy, they continuously release mystery to the outside and bombard the invaders.

They hardly see if they can aim at their opponents. They are thrown out indiscriminately. After all, the enemy forces are too many and too dense. Even if they release mystery with their eyes closed, they can hit a lot of people!


The garrison is limited, but the River country army is like a steady stream, rushing to death, rushing to death, can’t stop at all. Like a locust!

“If this continues, the city will be difficult to protect. Even my Cold country army will be consumed by the other side, so it is difficult to defend!”

Li Guangyuan looked at the dense and intensifying battles around him. His face was light and heavy, and he turned his head to a soldier next to him and said, “Go, you should go to the city’s mansion and ask your Majesty, if you are pretending to be defeated and evacuate the valley City. “


The soldier immediately clenched his fists and turned to leave.

But at this moment, another soldier rushed over quickly, and shouted, “Report !!!!”

Li Guangyuan looked at the soldier.

I saw him rushing forward, walking in front of Li Guangyuan, kneeling on one knee, and crying eagerly: “General !!!! His Majesty, His Majesty has purpose, please General Li to do everything according to plan, no Wrong !!! “

Li Guangyuan heard the sound, immediately overjoyed, exclaimed: “Li Guangyuan leads the order!”

Then yelled at the soldiers around him: “Everyone, listen to me!”


“Now, the third team, the fourth team, the fifth team, the sixth team are all ready, divided into three batches to retreat, and the first team and the second team cover!”

“Get orders !!!”

The sound dropped, and the garrison on the city’s head began to loosen. The bottom row of people receded and jumped towards the city wall, while the top two rows were still fighting.

The River country people took advantage of this opportunity to start an assault on Cold country.

The Cold country garrison began to loosen, and it was a golden opportunity for them. The army swarmed around them and pressed directly to Gucheng. The soldiers on the Gucheng wall that were left as cover were impossible to stop for dozens of times. Enemies can only watch them close to the wall.

“The first team, the second team, all withdraw !!! Hurry up!”

At this moment, Li Guangyuan growled again.

People heard the sound, such as amnesty, scrambled down the wall.

If you do n’t leave, you will only be buried on the city walls. The enemies that are overwhelming are beyond human power!

As soon as the Cold country garrison on the city wall was withdrawn, the River country army began unscrupulous bombardment of the Cold country enchantment. Although the enchantment was strong, but not much, half a column of incense could not be separated, and the River country army began Swarm arrived, killing Gucheng like a tide.

The Sanxiu in Gucheng was panicked and fluttered like a headless fly.

They didn’t respond at all. The River country army has five to six hundred thousand, and the Gucheng defender is at least close to 300,000. It will not be so easy to collapse if it defends the city, but why is it like this?

Screams, mournful sounds, and roars kept ringing. The city was chaotic, mysterious, the houses collapsed, the ground collapsed, there were explosions and Sword Qi everywhere, and the whole valley city turned into Shura hell.

The garrison began to lean towards the city’s main government. The city’s main government released the enchantment, forming seven huge turtle shell covers. The guard and the city main government were shrouded in it together.

A general River country jumped up the city wall and looked at the distant city main house, then raised his sword and shouted loudly: “The whole army attacked the city main house, the Cold country monarch was in the house. If anyone can capture the Cold country monarch, he will be sealed. Countless treasures !!! Kill !!!!!! “

“Kill !!!”

River country soldiers seemed crazy, staring at each other like wild beasts, rushing towards the city’s main house.

The city’s main mansion was approaching, and the defenders began to attack again. They were like copper walls and iron walls, which knocked down waves of River country troops.

However, more garrisons have fallen, and the enchantment is not omnipotent. Most of the mysteries used by those siege beasts ignore the enchantment and cannot protect them at all. These organs and beasts mingled with the crowd, and when the offensive in front was weak, they immediately jumped out and bite and attacked the enchantment.

The city enchantment’s enchantment suddenly broke in half.

“Ha ha ha ha, Cold country people are already in the middle of it, Erlang, attack with all your strength !!! Attack!”

The roar shook the ground, and the sergeants attacked.

Many River country sergeants do not understand why the Cold country people suddenly gave up the city walls and retreated to the main city. There are still more than 100,000 people in the Cold country army. There is still a chance to defend the city. However, since they have abandoned their most solid barriers, If you are willing to join in, then it is no wonder that River country people are ruthless.


At this time, a ray of light emerged from the city’s main government building. Later, more than a dozen figures flew out, floating above the city’s main government building.

When the River country people saw it, their eyes glowed hot!

Cold country monarch !!! is Cold country monarch !!!”

“Kill !!! Kill him and capture him !!!”

Roaring constantly.

The emergence of the Cold country monarch is like a fire star falling into dry wood, completely igniting the entire River country army.

However, in the face of the tide-like River country army, the Cold country monarch did not have the slightest fear in his eyes, but revealed a strong blazing and cheerfulness.

“Your Majesty, having decided to urge the trap, let’s leave quickly!”

People advised.

“No! I will personally watch the army of River country die in front of me.”

Qu Tian dominates the road.

heard the sound, then no longer speak.

“Hahahaha, Your Majesty, this is a terrible move. So many River country people will be wiped out in front of us, happy, too happy!”

Li Fuma said with a look of excitement, and her eyes were full of hearty pleasure.

Although the enemy in front of him is like a tide, he knows that these people will soon be wiped out. This kind of wonder is rare to see for a hundred years. How can he miss it?

“Dead! Let them die quickly! None of these abominable guys can be spared!” The little Lord of Bingjun next to his face was full of indignation, grinning his teeth and saying, “Your Majesty, wait to defeat them. Guys, we will kill Lucheng immediately and kill everyone in Lucheng !! “

“Sister, you don’t have to talk.”

Big Princess grabbed Lord Bingjun and whispered.

The Lord Bingjun still wanted to say something, but in the end she didn’t say anything anymore. She looked at the River country army like the tide in front of her, her eyes full of pride.

Many civilian and military companions are in front of the Cold country monarch, who will soon witness this historic moment.

At this moment, although it was cast for Gongsun Changqing, the final winner belongs to the Cold country monarch.

“Today I am a Qu Tian tyrant, and finally I will be the master of the Jianghan world!”

He murmured, held his hands up, and then gave a roar of horror, and the domineering spirit of being the emperor spread immediately.

“Start the battle and bury the River country people !!!!!!!!!”

The roar spread through the whole valley city and into the ears of everyone.

River country people are all trembling.

Starting the battle?

Breaking River country people?

Does it

Everyone is shocked. Could the inside of this city be trapped by Cold country people? ?

“Take yourself as a bait, earn you to wait to enter the city, you wait to die in Gucheng, it can be considered as a heavenly arrangement !!! Let’s die!”

Qu Tian After finishing speaking, a sergeant immediately fired a firework-like signal spell into the air. This spell burst into the sky and exploded immediately. A huge firework covered half of the sky.

Gorgeous fireworks seem to foretell something, whether it is the casual repair in the valley city or the soldiers of the two countries, all confused.

River country people see this, their faces are a little ugly, and they feel like something will happen.


After the fireworks, nothing happens in Gucheng.

The sergeants River country were stunned by the words of the Cold country monarch Qu Tian. They did not dare to step forward and looked at each other. They did not know what other means the Cold country people had.

What’s going on?

The crowd continued to wait for a while, but there was still no response in Gucheng.

The defenders of Cold country thought that there would be a miracle, but there is still no strange scene in Gucheng. Then the army of River country is constantly bombarding the enchantment, and the mystery is still dancing wildly. The scene is still hot. , River country army is still like a tiger.


At this time, a shattered enchantment awakened the Cold country monarch and others from their illusions.

Looking at the River country army like a tide in all directions, his face suddenly turned pale.

“What’s going on? Why hasn’t the Destruction Array been urged? Why?”

The monarch feels awful, turning his head and shouting loudly, “Have you sent a signal to General Gongsun? Why? Why hasn’t the destruction circle been started yet?”

“Your Majesty, I do n’t know, the signal has been sent, but”

Cultural and military marches.

Ma Ma and Princess also panicked.

This is the most critical moment. If something goes wrong here, it’s all over!

“Abominable! Send, send again, and send a signal to General Gongsun to let him start the destruction circle!”

Cold country monarch hissed and exhausted.

“Don’t send it, this has no effect!”

At this moment, a familiar voice floated from the army of River country, and then several people slowly flew out of it.

At first glance, the Correct River country monarch headed by everyone.

Hearing the words of Monarch River country, everyone’s face suddenly seemed difficult to look.

They vaguely seemed to guess something.

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