Limitless Sword God Chapter 728: Grave Hill (for subscription)

This sound

Qingyu !!!”

Su Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at Sword sheath on his body.

“Come in quickly, don’t stop talking nonsense !!!”

Ling Qingyu anxious voice came out again.

When Su Yun heard it, hesitated: “Qingyu, do you want me to enter Sword sheath? This method is good, but if I enter Sword sheath, Sword sheath will no longer have God Vestment asylum, I am afraid that I will be caught by the Sword Qi and those Destroyed by the spiritualists. “

“When is it all, do you still consider this? Not to mention that this Sword sheath is not an ordinary Sword sheath and cannot be easily destroyed! If you guys don’t come in again, you will die here !!!”

Ling Qingyu hurriedly.

However, Su Yun has not entered the box without Apex Sword.

Although he knows that the Apex Sword box is very powerful, but he does not want to bet on this. It should be noted that the number of spiritual practitioners outside is too horrible, plus the special situation of ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Mountain’, there is no Apex Sword box It may not be able to bear it anymore.

He stood up, thought for a moment, suddenly twisted away, and drilled into a dark cave on the side.

Into the cave, although still under the Sword Qi and radon erosion of ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’, I can at least avoid the attacks of the spiritualists.

Boom! !! !! !! !!

A loud crackling sound emerged.

Just watching countless magma hit the mountain and dye the whole mountain red.

A small stream of magma poured in from the cave entrance and rushed to Su Yun, but all were purified by God Vestment.

The entrance of the cave was collapsed by magma, and Su Yun saw this, and hurried toward the inside of the cave.

Unexpectedly, this hole was so deep that toward inside ran for a while, but I haven’t seen the top of the hole yet.

This is a temporary shelter.

Slowly, the magma already can no longer be seen. Su Yun seems to have already deep into the cave for more than a hundred meters.

“Is this a cave blasted by them?”

Su Yun stared at the cracks in the wall, and the big rocks that collapsed to the left and right.

The caves are sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, making them especially uncomfortable.

However, the stones of ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’ are so hard that such a cave gave him a hiding place.

Hiding place?

Su Yun suddenly passed an idea in his brain!

The whole ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’ is surrounded by them. The mountain is full of people in all directions. There is nowhere to run, but is n’t it the road underneath this mountain?

Perhaps you can use Xuanqi to blast out a path to the bottom of the mountain and escape! !!

Sword Qi is so strong here, and there are spiritual practitioners outside the mountain, they will not be able to trace their existence with Aura! Although Qianyun Longjian Mountain’s rocks are very hard, with these Divine Swords, it will not be too difficult to cut them out of the way! !!

Thinking of this, Su Yun would still be hesitant, and immediately ran towards the end of the hole! !!

Near the collapsed stone, he sacrificed Death Sword to split it. If there was no way, he forcibly shook it.

The God Vestment is a **** suit, relying on the suffocation Sword Qi of ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’, it ’s necessary to consume its Divine Strength. It ’s a matter of months.




Su Yun One sword blasts forward and one punch blasts forward, which is very overbearing. Usually a big stone and two swords can be split, and the wall without road requires three punches to open.

But then, the consumption of profound strength will be even greater. It lasted for a day before walking down a kilometer’s distance.

Before Su Yun entered the “Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain”, I roughly looked at it. The position I was on was half the mountainside and ten thousand meters high. Now I guess it is four kilometers away from the bottom. To hide people’s eyes and eyes, those spiritual practitioners outside can’t find out, they must dig to a depth of at least eight kilometers before they can escape. Leaving ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’, the Aura itself is not covered by the radon in the mountains, I ’m afraid those Spirit Emperors will be aware of it.

Swallowing the elixir, pacing for a moment, and then started to move forward.


At this moment, a strange noise suddenly appeared.

It seems that something has dropped, and echoes come out?

Su Yun pauses for a while, hurries all strength, and speeds up the digging forward.

However, a corpse barely emerged from the wall.

This corpse already rots, leaving only a layer of minced meat and black bones. It looks very prudent, but in this kind of place, the corpse can be preserved so complete that it can be seen that this corpse was also a person before his death. cultivation High Deity.

Su Yun pulled out Death Sword, carefully pried open the wall, and the body fell off.

However, the corpse had just fallen, and a rancid odor suddenly permeated. Then, the entire wall in front of it cracked, and the huge ‘Qianyun Long Sword Mountain’ violently shook for a few seconds. Countless decaying corpses came from inside Fall down. It poured out like a tide of corpses.

The scene is particularly thrilling.

Su Yun hastily retreats, the body is still falling, this fragmented wall is like a sandbag with a broken mouth. In the blink of an eye, a large number of bodies filled this dark cave.

This **** ‘

Su Yun sat in front of the corpses, completely speechless.

I managed to open the underground tunnel, these are all right, and filled with these corpses.

These corpses haven’t been corrupted for so long, I’m afraid the intensity is not low, and depending on the situation, I am afraid that there are still many corpses in front of them. In this way, the process is slowed down again.

Su Yun sighed, shook his head helplessly, and had to continue urging to blast away the corpse and move forward.

He lifted the sword and hit a trick ‘Demonic Wind Cleave‘ in front of him. The devil tiger appeared and tore to the corpses, but the devil tiger just smashed the first few corpses and the back was not serious. From this point of view, the strength of the corpse is much stronger than that of the rock wall, and after the corpse is broken, the rancid smell is stronger. The odor seems to have a little corpse poison Aura, which **** more Su Yun He felt dizzy and uncomfortable.

However, Su Yun will not be poisoned by this, and this feeling will only last for a while. God Vestment perfectly shelters him from poison gas. I am afraid that the poison gas Spirit Emperor existence sniffed, and it must be unconscious on the spot.


At this time, the weird sound came out again, followed by a thick poisonous gas coming on.

Su Yun was shocked, and offered the guard, resisting with God Vestment.

Poison gas runs down the black hole and spreads out of the hole.

Looking again, it turns out that these poisonous gases are actually wandering from the decaying corpses. These corpses are weathering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The poisonous gases are the products of their weathering.

The front and back are only half the effort, all the exposed bodies are weathered and the road in front of them is normal again.

Su Yun Tiemou looked forward and saw that the corpses at the entrance of the cave were also affected by weathering, but their weathering was not serious.

He thought for a while, walked over and dragged a corpse, and threw it at the entrance of the cave.

哧哧 哧哧

The abnormal noise reappears, and the corpse is instantly weathered and turned into sand, which is several times faster than before.

“These corpses are isolated by mountains and rocks, and will not be affected by Sword Qi and radon. Therefore, the corpses decay slowly. Now I open these mountains and rocks, Sword Qi and radon diffuse, and they immediately weather.”

Su Yun whispered, and hurriedly rushed, dragging out all the corpses in the cave, and threw them into the hole.

The sound of crickets continues, and the venom of corpse poison is insanely filled, as if it is dripping with water.

Su Yun stared at this foul smell and continued to move the body.

Many corpses are wearing equipment, but most of them have been rusted and rotten by years. They are all unusable.

Su Yun has a toward inside excavation, but the corpses are digging more and more, endless, and with the continuous deepening, the corpses appear to have become miserable, some have broken their heads, some have been Cut in half, and some limbs are absent.

Are these spiritualists who died during the original war? How come there are so many? And how could their bones pile up?

Infinite doubts made Su Yun speed up.

This layer of Dashan seems to be completely filled with corpses and as the corpses continue to be moved out, a strange channel also appears in the sight of Su Yun.

Are there any holes here?

Su Yun widened his eyes and looked at the dark fault that scattered the corpses.

The corpses were removed one by one, and Su Yun also went deeper step by step. Finally, after nearly three kilometers extended downward, the fault suddenly opened up.

A huge cave-like sky appeared in the sight of Su Yun.

It’s extremely wide here, and the distance between the top and bottom is close to 5,000. I don’t know where ‘Qianyun Longitudinal Sword Mountain’ is, but it ’s creepy that the cave is full of dead bodies.

The corpses are piled down like a mountain below, and on the wall of the cave, the corpses are also covered, like a mural, the scalp of the person watching is numb.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this is Yincao Difu.

Su Yun looked at the walls where the corpses were hanging. After thinking for a while, he jumped out of the hole, entered the sky, and cut off with a sword against a wall.


The stone on that end collapsed suddenly, and a large number of corpses flowed out of the wall. These corpses were more rotten and exuded with strong corpse poison.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun is completely understood.

Which mountain of Qianyun Longitudinal Sword is still a mountain, this is already a complete cemetery! !! The whole body of this mountain is actually the body of a spiritualist, I am afraid that is the person who died in the war! !!

Su Yun, how did you come to this place? It’s disgusting!”

At this time, Ling Qingyu sounds in the Apex Sword box.

“It’s nowhere to go now.”

Su Yun sighed, very helpless.

The Aura here is too complicated, and Ling Qingyu dare not come out.

Su Yun withdrew profound strength, fell down, and stepped on the corpse hill. As soon as people got up, the corpse hill shook a little, and more corpse poison filled the cave sky.

Su Yun frowned.

Although this corpse poison is no more terrifying than the hundreds of thousands of spiritual practitioners bombarded outside, it is not too light, and the Divine Strength consumption of God Vestment is not small here.

You ca n’t waste time, you must open the tunnel as soon as possible and leave here.

When the direction is identified, people start to work

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