Limitless Sword God Chapter 420: Strange rules

Hearing the sound behind him, Su Yun turned his head and looked at the disciples of Correct.

The man talking is a thick eyebrow, wearing a yellow robe, and a thin knife of three feet long.

“What are you looking at?” Da Han’s face flickered, and he came over, snarling with a fierce light.


Su Yun indifferently, turn around and walk away.

“Brother, you scared that little guy!”

“Beware of others overshadowing you! Hahaha”


Laughter keeps on.

“If he has the courage, I admire him. I’m afraid he doesn’t even have the courage to yin and my courage. It’s sad hahaha.” The thick eyebrow man laughed and walked into the contest hall with high toes .

Su Yun naturally does not care about those people. He glanced at the qualifications of these people. Most of the combat power shown on the card is about 3,000. They are placed in Tianzhong City. These combat powers are extremely amazing. The new city, especially when this grand competition competition is held, it seems a little insignificant. Players with about 3,000 combat power can be seen everywhere, even existence with 4,000 combat power can be found. However, many people have blocked the face of the card like Su Yun, so the masters people see are only one-sided.

At this time, several exquisite suspended cabinets are reflected in the eyes of Su Yun.

The attic rooms are like air towers. They are suspended in the air. The walls of the attic room are decorated with reliefs. The bottom of the attic room is rotated and magical. The door is dominated by hanging curtains, and several figures can be seen faintly. There is a room in each of the east, west, and south directions, and the supporting frame is golden, so it is a golden light, which is very eye-catching.

“These are the sponsors of competition, that is, those chambers of commerce, and they are the one million mysterious coins rewarded by competition.”

Just as Su Yun looked at those cabinet rooms, there was a sound beside.

Looking around, I saw a thin young man standing beside him. The man’s cheeks were thin and slightly pale, wearing a light blue shirt and short hair. His combat strength was just over two thousand, and it was estimated that it would look like the seven products of Sixth Level Spirit Star Disciple.

“Have you been?”

“Lu Zhanyuan.”

Su Yun.”

“Fortunately, fortunately!” Lu Zhanyuan laughed, “Is Brother Su also here for the competition?”

“Why would you come here if you didn’t participate.”

“Haha, that’s what I said.” Lu Zhanyuan touched the back of his head, smiled awkwardly, and asked casually, “Brother Su, what is your fighting power?”

Su Yun smiled and didn’t hide it. Pick up the qualification certificate and remove the obstruction magic from above

But Lu Zhanyuan then pointed his finger at the player card in his hand: “Don’t worry so much, you have the power to show on it.”

Oh?Su Yun took the card and looked at it, but there were indeed rows of golden letters on it.

Competitor name: Su Yun. Fighting power: three thousand five hundred and thirty-seven. Grouping: Ding.

“More than three thousand fighting powers? Brother Su is amazing in strength!” Lu Zhanyuan said with emotion.

“Is the three thousand fighting power very high?” Now he has more than three thousand fighting power.

“Anyway better than me.” Lu Zhanyuan smiled bitterly, picked up the card and looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun froze and wondered, “You are also Ding? What do you mean by this group?”

“Did Brother Su know? This competition is divided into four groups: A, B, E, D, D. There are the least number in Group A and the most number in Group D. Group A is basically the most promising to win the championship. Where are all geniuses and elites! Which one is on Ultimate martial World? The places are existence that can’t be underestimated, and Group B is an excellent group. All famous players are stationed. Bing Ding is a little known existence. However, there may be many masters in Group C. There are also masters in Ding. There are also masters, such as Brother Su, you. “

Lu Zhanyuan’s words stopped suddenly, his tone changed, hehe smiled.

Although he said so, Su Yun still knows what he means. What a master, Group C is just a group of players.

“Is Brother Lu here to win first place?”

“How is that possible?” Lu Zhanyuan smiled bitterly: “I just came to see the world, I have done tricks with experts, hoping to learn something.”

Speaking, he waved his hand: “Brother Su, let’s go, let’s go to the Ding group rest table.”


Su Yun nodded, and they walked down the aisle to the last area of ​​the match.

Although the rest area of ​​group D is located at the end of the rest area of ​​the players, it is very lively. The players get together in twos and twos, some discuss the cultivation exercises, and some look at the directions from group A to group B Whisper.

The two found a corner and sat down. The site was built temporarily. Except for the four lofts in the air, the rest of the place were rather rude. Especially the Ding group’s rest area is almost just a tall stone. Although this stone is not ordinary, it can give people a little mysterious recovery, but there is no difference between it and no.

As soon as his **** hits a stone, Lu Zhanyuan pulls out a lot of elixir and ointment from a storage bag. There are also many spells for healing. He lifts his clothes and pastes them one by one. Vitals on the chest and abdomen.

“What do you do?” Su Yun puzzled.

“Be prepared!” Lu Zhanyuan said while holding the spell, “This game has attracted a lot of geniuses, and of course it has attracted guys like me who are not very capable. They can compete with masters, opportunities It ’s rare. But this is a match. You should know that this kind of match can increase its combat power? Since it is an increase in combat power, then this game must be fought for life. Although the judges outside the field are all masters, they will be in time. To stop the death that caused people, accidents will always occur if people are humans, not gods, not to mention the lack of arms and legs in such battles is a common occurrence. It is not wrong to prepare in advance. “

“What? Still dead?”

Su Yun.

“Of course, I remember there were such games in the past few years, and twelve people died in that game! Not because the judges did n’t shoot, but their strength was not enough. Judges !!! “

Lu Zhanyuan said: “But we don’t have to worry. The strength of Ding’s guys is not good. There are unexpected judges who can handle it!”


Su Yun is a little speechless, looking down at the head of the jury said by Lu Zhanyuan, but I saw four people sitting there, two men and two women, both wearing shielded cultivation magic weapon, it is difficult to judge the strength, but everyone around is in Discussing them, it seems that these four people are quite famous in Luxincheng.

The first person on the left is ‘Cheung Kwok Ho’. He is a middle-aged man wearing a large brown robe with a goatee beard. He is lean and has eyes full of energy.

The second left is called ‘Li Guifang’. It ’s quite old, with white hair and wrinkles on the forehead.

The man on the right is called ‘Liu Gu’. He looks very young and has a slightly long face, but the actual age is said to be more than 300 years old, already, cultivation is amazing and talented.

The young woman on the second right is ‘Xiao Ziru’. It is said that Lu Xincheng, who has only been here a few years ago, is famous because of her elegant appearance and high cultivation. It is the ideal double cultivation companion for many masters.

After the audience enters the venue, the gate of the venue will be closed, but even so, the windows of some of the taller restaurants around the venue are still full of people.

It looks like the game in Luxincheng has attracted a lot of people.

A round, small man walked clumsyly onto the huge contest platform in the center of the conference hall. Looking at his funny appearance, a burst of laughter broke out in the auditorium.

After climbing onto the stage, he smiled slightly embarrassed, and then urged the point profound strength. The voice was loud, and it was quite surprising that the fat man’s voice was very good and full of magnetism.

“Thank you all for your support and support for this competition. I am the host Zhu Wen this time, and I would like to thank you for your attention.”

Finished, the fat man bowed, and then continued: “In addition, I would like to introduce to you the judges and rules of the competition, and of course, our competition rewards.”

“We are fortunate to have Zhang Guohao, Li Guifang, Liu Gu, and Xiao Ziru as judges and referees. All competitions will be reviewed by them, and the competition will be conducted by way of fight. If there is a deadly move, several adults It will be stopped as soon as possible, please pay attention.

“The championship reward for the event is one million mysterious coins provided by the ‘China Guardian Chamber of Commerce’ and ‘Yu Shuang Auction’. In addition, the winner will also receive the best cultivation Danyi provided by the two major chambers of commerce. , Taking this elixir can increase the skill for 30 years and is worthless! “

Zhu Wen shouted.

The words fell, and the whole audience was boiling.

One million mysterious coins, plus an elixir that can provide 30 years of power, this is a dazzling cultivation. How many spiritualists are they dreaming of? With this, I do not know how much ahead of others.

But what makes Su Yun quite concerned is the owners of these two chambers of commerce.

The shot is so generous, I’m afraid the owner of this chamber of commerce is not easy.

The third and second runners-up also have rewards, but it is obviously not as good as the temptation of the champion. After Zhu Wenbao came out, it did not attract much sensation.

“Okay, not much nonsense! Let’s start the game now!”

Zhu Wen also ended hastily. Although he was a moderator who didn’t speak much, he was a modest moderator. He saw the restlessness and impatience of the audience at already and immediately cut the subject.

The audience boiled again, turbulent as Zhu Wen shouted.

“Now the lottery draw starts. Players whose player card number is on will play. Please pay attention to all players and get ready to play!”

Zhu Wen shouted, and the spiritualists at the contestant’s seat looked at the cards held in their hands. Almost instantly, two white lights burst out from the crowd.

are two players in Group C.

The two stood up from their seats, looked at each other, and drank with their fists: “Please advise!”


As soon as the sound of the drink fell, the two jumped, and landed on the ring in an instant. This action was totally unmatched by Sky Martial Continent.

One team has 1,900 combat capabilities and one team has 2,200 combat capabilities.

As a bell rings, the two fight together.

The difference in strength between the two sides is not large, and the fight is quite entangled. After playing a fragrant effort, the two have not separated.

It’s Spirit Star Disciple level existence, it’s a bit slow to fight.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ziru suddenly stood up and looked at the two on the stage expressionlessly.

“Each match must not exceed half an hour. Once more than half an hour, the two parties will be treated as abstaining. Once abstaining, the abstaining person will have to accept the punishment of breaking his arm and destroying a product cultivation !!!”

The cold voice came out. Almost instantly, the audience was silent, and even the two spiritualists on the stage stopped and looked at Xiao Ziru stupidly.

This rule didn’t exist at the time of registration!

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