Limitless Sword God Chapter 377: Tianwei fight (1)

After this spell disappeared, several beams of light burst again in the middle of the team. The beams of light entered the air, condensed into a circular array and released broken flowers. The broken flowers fell on the human body, and the man’s combat power soared.

“Are these spells Sectmaster?”

“It should be, Sectmaster is on the big sedan in the middle. We are almost at the beach. I believe the war is about to begin. These must be Profound Technique of Sectmaster.”

“Blessings for hundreds of thousands of people, cultivation of Sectmaster is too strong!”

“When will I have this cultivation!”

“Who knows, let’s live in this battle first! The battle between the two factions happened, only our poor cultivation disciples suffered, those powerful Profound Technique can take us hundreds or even more Thousands of people killed, we have no strength to fight, hesitant, I don’t know if we can go back alive. “


The disciples talked in a whisper, and after a while they all sighed and frowned.

“Hey, when the war starts later, if the signs are wrong, let’s run away!”

At this time, a disciple whispered.

In one place, all Quartet people are discolored.

“Do you want to die? If you escape, you are a wanted man of Profound Sky Sect !!! It is said that a famous martial elite previously refused to participate in this operation, and was directly beaten to waste, throwing out Profound Sky Sect. If we escape, we are afraid To be executed !!! “one whispered eagerly.

“Ah !!!”

There is no discomfort for everyone.

The Su Yun side by side shook his head. The big men are fighting for power and the only monks who are suffering at the bottom. However, if you think about them from a different perspective, if the monks are cultivation, the idea is only the same as those of the big men. Life. This is the food chain. There is no difference between eating and being eaten.

Sectmaster sent a notice that the cunning master is dead. The existing scumbags pretend to be cunning adults and find anyone who is related to the cunning adults. Be sure to catch them quickly!”

At this moment, a disciple shouted as he ran and announced the announcement issued by Leng Xianwei to the public.

It was indeed suspected.

The announcement didn’t last long before it calmed down. It is estimated that Leng Xianwei also thought that Su Yun would most likely get Qianbian bones mixed with Profound Sky Sect, but with so many Profound Sky Sect people, he could not investigate at all. It is said that Tongtianjian was used once After two months of buffering, the buffering period can not be used again. Leng Xianwei has no clue. At present, he can also break the jar and go directly to God Yunxian Sect.

Dark news is very accurate. When the sky is slightly bright, Profound Sky Sect‘s vanguard already arrived at the beach.

About half an hour later, all the teams of Profound Sky Sect are all here. Everyone faces the endless sea, lined up in a row, and the dense crowd forms a horizontal dragon, which is more than ten miles long!

Su Yun approached Leng Xianwei at the center and took the opportunity to hear some important news.

At this moment, Leng Xianwei is surrounded by Spirit Star Disciple masters. He looked around and found that these masters were all those on Yudao, three hundred.

Sectmaster, we want to cross the sea, like flat ground, but many disciples are afraid that they can’t pass through!” The old man glanced at the sea with a fist.


Leng Xianwei said lightly, and pulled out a blue gourd from the storage ring on his finger. He opened the gourd mouth, and aimed at the sea to activate it.

The cold wind blowing from the gourd mouth hits the sea.

In an instant, the entire sea surface was frozen immediately, and the crystal clear ice surface was like a mirror.

The people on the shore Profound Sky Sect look dull.

“It’s flat ground now!” Leng Xianwei Dan said, “Go!”

“Go !!!!”

The old man shouted.

A big roar sounded from the Profound Sky Sect team, so the whole team moved forward again.

But at this moment, a hot light suddenly shot in the distance, hitting the frozen sea directly, unsealing the dusty sea instantly, and the waves resurrected, some people who stepped on the ice directly Planted into the sea. Fortunately, they are all spiritualists, so they won’t be drowned by the sea.

The team stops!

Leng Xianwei stared into the distance, and saw the front of the island far away. There were dozens of figures floating, and an extremely cold voice floated over.

Profound Sky Sect people, do you really plan to fight with me God Yunxian Sect?”

The sound is from Shangguan Meiyang.

Su Yun turned on Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes and looked away, but when she saw it far away, Shangguan Meiyang led her group of apprentices to fly out of the gang of envoys, looking at this coldly.

From the costumes and tokens of the women, it seems that they are all her apprentices, but the God Yunxian Sect Palace Host did not appear, and even the veterans of God Yunxian Sect did not appear.

What’s going on?

It’s such a critical moment, is God Yunxian Sect still hiding? Maybe it is, what plans does Palace Host and others have and are going to decorate?

Su Yun is puzzled, but what we can know is that people close to Shangguan Meiyang are afraid that they can’t stop hundreds of thousands of people from Profound Sky Sect.

“Want to start a war with you God Yunxian Sect, it ’s all based on the devotion! But here I am today, the main purpose is not to fight with you, we are only Su Qing’er, if you God Yunxian Sect acquaintance, hand over Su Qing’er, then this dear promise Guys, retreat now and return to Profound Sky Sect! “

Leng Xianwei spoke with a thick and serious voice, the voice spread far away, as if it could be heard throughout the sea.

“Do n’t you know that Su Qing’er is my apprentice to Shangguan Meiyang? You dare to ask for me! Huh, Profound Sky Sect, if you want to fight, then come on !!!”

Shangguan Meiyang‘s attitude is very resolute, and he never showed any sign of fear of Profound Sky Sect.

“Toasting without eating and drinking!”

Leng Xianwei glanced a trace of Murderous Qi, he got up from the sedan chair, raised his hands, and urged Profound Technique.

Then the land suddenly swayed under everyone’s feet. Then, a huge crack appeared in the rear, just like a torn piece of meat. Immediately, the entire land broke away from the entire continent and moved directly towards the sea.

Moving mountains and reclamation? ?

Countless people exclaimed.

The Profound Sky Sect master has such a unique skill! What exactly is cultivation?

The land moves fast, setting off waves, the scene is magnificent, and the morale of the Profound Sky Sect people looks great!

Soon, approaching the envoy of God Yunxian Sect.

Lengxianwei flew into the sky and stood proud for nine days. He raised his big hand, his eyes under the ribbon showed a serious cold light, and shouted, “Give me attack!”

“Kill !!!”

The Profound Sky Sect disciples moved in an instant, and the roar of the mountains and the tsunami fluttered, and then the overwhelming Profound Technique slammed the gang of envoys aggressively.

Dang Dang Dang Dang

The enchantment is shaken by a lot of ripples, and it doesn’t seem to last long.

Compared with these hundreds of thousands of people, the people on Shangguan Meiyang are very scarce.

They are standing behind the enchantment enchantment, suspended in the air, but no one shows fear.

I saw Shangguan Meiyang remove a piece of magic weapon like a maple leaf from a pink ring on my finger, and affix it gently to the enchanted enchantment.


The entire enchantment flashes a layer of tortoise-like texture, and the turbulent enchantment immediately stops.


Leng Xianwei frowned, and when the overwhelming Profound Technique smashed into the enchantment, the enchantment was like a rock, without the slightest damage, and without a trace of trembling, as if it ignored all attacks! !!

“It seems that Shangguan Meiyang has just increased the defense of this enchantment by at least ten times. Close to those disciples, it will be impossible to break for a while.” The old man floating beside Leng Xianwei clucked his fist: ” Sectmaster, please use the “Tianwei Shen arrows” to attack, we must quickly resolve! If there is a long delay here, the mainland martial army arrived, then the situation will be bad!

“That’s right!”

Leng Xianwei nodded: “Get ready now and use the two Tianwei Shen arrows together!”

The old man was ordered and immediately shouted at the crowd below: “Cast the Heavenly Power!”


The elites in the crowd responded loudly. The rioting crowd immediately organized themselves. Everyone quickly retreats and vacated two huge vacant lots. Then a few elite elites took out pieces of paper that looked like animal skins and threw them on the ground. There are lines on the animal skin, just like puzzles. The elites quickly spread all the animal skins into a large array, one on each side of the two open spaces.

Then the three elders Chen Xiaohu stepped out and watched his palms wave towards the sky. Two black lights came out of his palm and shuttled over the sky. After a while, the black light fell from the sky. There were two in total. Within two large arrays.


Almost immediately after the black light entered the array, the big array started, and the halo spattering inside quickly turned into two huge light crossbows. A huge black arrow with a length of more than ten meters appeared. Associated.


A low cry sounded.

The light crossbows on the two enchantments immediately loosened their strings and snored, and two huge black arrows shot directly at the God Yunxian Sect envoy.

Shangguan Meiyang‘s face changed slightly, and he immediately said, “retreats! Come on!”

A group of disciples flew towards the rear in a hurry.

Look at the black arrow hitting the enchantment, and it melts directly into two huge black holes, attached to the enchantment, but this is not over. The black hole is still spreading, constantly swallowing, blinking , The entire God Yunxian Sect sect enchantment was replaced by a black hole, then

Wow! !! !!

The black hole disappeared.

God Yunxian Sect Island reappeared before everyone’s eyes, and that gang enchantment had long since disappeared and disappeared.

“Kill in !!!”

Leng Xianwei waved his hand and Shen said: “If you take Su Qing’er, whoever dares to resist will be beheaded and killed without mercy!”

“Kill !!!!!!”

The roar rang through the clouds.

Profound Sky Sect people fly towards God Yunxian Sect island like locusts.

It doesn’t look good.

When Shangguan Meiyang‘s disciples saw this, they were anxious: “Master, what should I do now? What should I do?”

“Don’t panic, let them in!”

Shangguan Meiyang wasn’t afraid, and said calmly.

Everyone was puzzled. They looked at Shangguan Meiyang inexplicably, but saw a trace of perseverance in her autumn eyes. At this time, the Profound Sky Sect‘s vanguard already all rushed in.

She raised her fair, delicate hand, squeezed a few fingers quickly, and then whispered something.


At this moment, a harsh noise came out.

Everybody was stunned, and hurriedly looked at the source of the sound, but they saw a layer of white enchantment that they did not know when it came up, completely blocking the island and the island.


The old man was astonished when he saw this.

“You can kill now!” The cute little face of Shangguan Meiyang appeared cold and cold, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered.

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