Limitless Sword God Chapter 280: Gift

Although Qinchuan’s medical level is not as good as Blossom Heart Valley, it is not bad. In addition, the guardians here are highly capable. After receiving a series of care, Hong Yan is no longer in danger of life and has swallowed a few pills The person will arrange a rest.

Easy to see, Wang Zhong Shan and others were relieved. After speaking for a while, Su Yun planned to return to their Dongfu.

“Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun)!”

Just as Su Yun was about to leave, Wang Zhong Shan shouted at him.

Su Yun stops and looks at him sideways.

But seeing Wang Zhong Shan clenching his fists, respectfully saluting Su Yun.

“Heavy mountains have low strength and poor talents. They are only mediocre in this ranking. Although Hong Yan has not known me for a long time, in my eyes she is like my sister. For today ’s affairs, it must not be so. However, today’s Bei Xuan Ming is not the Bei Xuan Ming of the past. I consider myself not his opponent. In addition, I have no qualifications to fight again, so Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother, I beg you, I hope you will defeat Bei Xuan Ming! Please !!!! /

After speaking, he bent his waist down, his head hanging down.

Su Yun shook his eyes, didn’t know what he was thinking, neither promised nor refused. After a while, he turned and walked away.

Wang Zhong Shan looked up and looked at the Su Yun far away.

“Don’t he agree?” Li Qing asked later.

“I don’t know.”

“Now Hong Yan has been eliminated. To get out of this bad breath, you can only look at Wu Yun (Su Yun) Brother!”

“He’s weird.” Wang Zhong Shan sighed: “I don’t know our weight in his mind, but don’t force it, the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brothers have done enough for us.”

Returning to Dongfu, Su Yun meditates alone.

Today, Dongfu is extremely empty. Hong Yan ’s injury is definitely not better in a few months. I ’m afraid she ca n’t see the follow-up events of the Shanhebang.

He took a deep breath, and continued to adjust his breath and meditate. The spiritual Xuan Aura in his body was spinning very fast. Through repeated battles and observations, people have gained a lot of combat experience and also learned a lot of skills.

Because Limitless and Evil Spirit Essence need to be covered, in battle, Su Yun dare not control the flying sword, and even dare not use Great Evil Swordsmanship. The fighting methods used are extremely ordinary, and the only powerful point is only with the ruler. The ‘No Elephant Seal of War’ used in the duel.

“More powerful Profound Technique is needed.”

Su Yun thinks low.

Think of Xiao Xiaoyan, Su Yun‘s head can’t help thinking of the elixir she swallowed during the fight.


He meditated for a moment, a thought flashed through his mind.

“I don’t know what kind of masters I will meet in the mountains and rivers. If I have an accident and I don’t enter the top three mountains and rivers, what should I do?”

Thinking of it, Su Yun stood up in a grunt, looked at the storage ring on the ten fingers, and thought for a moment, immediately flipped out the contents and stirred up.

He didn’t dare to pull out the materials brought out of Evil World, otherwise he would be separated from the space isolation of the storage ring, and the Evil Qi would overflow. When it was detected by the guardian of Qinchuan, it would be troublesome.


At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in Dongfu.

Su Yun opened his eyes, put everything into the storage ring, and then looked away.

But looking at a few figures walking towards Dongfu, looking at them, these people turned out to be the Bei Xuan Ming group.

Bei Xuan Ming held the folding fan, led step by step under his hands, a faint smile on his face, his eyes kept looking at the people in Dongfu.

“Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun), congratulations, congratulations, you have also entered the hawk group! Your strength is really powerful, it is impressive! Congratulations!”

Bei Xuan Ming said with a smile, a warm look.


Su Yun asked.

“It’s nothing, this is not the end of the event, nothing to do, come to see Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother?” Bei Xuan Ming said cheekily.

“It seems our relationship is not so good?”

Su Yun doesn’t care, and continues to sit on the ground, eyes closed cultivation.

“Hahaha relationship, if you have it, you can have it if you don’t. Wu Yun (Su Yun), maybe our relationship is not good, but as far as I know, your relationship with that Wang Zhong Shan should not be better. Go? “

Bei Xuan Ming said with a smile: “I’m not going around the corner anymore, Wu Yun (Su Yun), come here today to give you some baby.”

After speaking, he waved his hand, and several spiritual practitioners came forward from behind. They took out colored boxes from the storage ring. They seemed to be gift boxes. They were as big as human beings. These boxes were Neatly stacked together, a preliminary sweep, there were more than a dozen.

“These are the treasures that I prepared carefully. Each box is worth at least 100,000 spirit coins. Every secular thing may not be in the eyes of the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother, but it also represents the next heart. Please smile.”

Bei Xuan Ming laughed.

Su Yun opened his eyes, scanned the gift box, and asked, “Good, why did you send me something? I’m afraid I have something to ask for?”

“Oh, can’t hide from Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother!”

“Say, what is it.”

“It’s a simple thing.”

Bei Xuan Ming leaned closer and whispered a smile: “If brother Su Yun meets in the next game, please ask Wu Yun (Su Yun) to give up the game, don’t fight with me! How about it?”

“What is Oh??”

“Naturally, it’s for the Long Ao national ranking ranking!” Bei Xuan Ming smiled and said: “Now most of the Long Ao national players have been eliminated, and I’m left with Bei Xuan Ming and the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother representing the royal family! Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother , As long as you nod and agree with what I said, this million-dollar baby will all belong to you !!! “


Su Yun stood up, stroked his hands on those babies, and lowered his head for a moment to ponder, and asked, “What if I can’t meet you in the next game?”

“Baby is also Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother! Although I have some strength in Bei Xuan Ming, but I have never thought of entering the dragon group and participating in the ranking competition, as long as I get the Long Ao country ranking list, I also have this trip It’s not worth it! “

“That’s it.”

Su Yun nodded, he glanced at Bei Xuan Ming, and then withdrew his hand, asking, “What if I refuse?”

“Boy, aren’t you afraid of death?” Waiting for Bei Xuan Ming to speak, the person behind him broke away angrily.

“Do you think our Bei Xuan Young Master is really afraid of you? That’s what you do for your face. If you want to die, we don’t mind giving you a ride!”

“Don’t know what to do, toast and don’t eat or drink!”

Bei Xuan Ming raised his hand, and said indifferently, “You all are silent!”

The men stared at Su Yun and then kept silent.

Bei Xuan Ming turned his gaze and looked at Su Yun, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wu Yun (Su Yun), do you want to refuse?”

“What if I refuse?” Su Yun didn’t move.

“That turned out to be the same.” The smile on Bei Xuan Ming‘s face turned into a sneer: “I Bei Xuan Ming is not what it used to be. Do you really think you have won me? Oh, Wu Yun (Su Yun), please be kind, although you still It is a personal thing, but in the eyes of my Bei Xuan Ming, I cannot tolerate your existence at all. It is easy to kill you! Maybe you do n’t understand it now, but if you are on the field, you will know everything! ”

He got closer, and the sneer in his mouth turned into a sneer: “Hong Yan might be an example for you.”

Su Yun is silent.

The crowd stared at him in unison, the scene seemed a little silent.

“Think about it!” Bei Xuan Ming said with a smile.

Bei Xuan Ming and others stopped talking, waiting quietly for a reply from Su Yun.

After a while.

“Leave things behind.” Finally, Su Yun, who had been silent, began to speak.

When I heard Bei Xuan Ming, I suddenly laughed and laughed: “It looks like Wu Yun (Su Yun) is not only cultivation high-strength, but also a smart person. You know a lot more than Wang Zhong Shan! Hahaha”

“Okay, let’s go now, don’t disturb me to practice!”

Su Yun hastened impatiently.

Bei Xuan Ming doesn’t touch the ink anymore. He held his fist at Su Yun, and left with his men.

Soon, Dongfu regained its silence.

Su Yun got up, made a circle around the boxes, stroked his fingers on the boxes a few times, and then opened one of them.

Most of them are good medicines and good medicines. If you give gifts, try to send as few magic weapons as possible, because magic weapons have to be aligned with sex. Once the magic weapons do n’t suit others, they are self-defeating.

Su Yun pours out all the materials in the boxes, turning them over one by one.

“This Bei Xuan Ming is really rich. Although these things are not particularly valuable, there are so many, and they are a lot of money when calculated.”

Su Yun was thinking, suddenly, he seemed to think something, his eyes moved slightly, and he hurriedly pulled out the Zixia Dan furnace from the storage ring.

He rummaged in the material, and after a moment of meditation, he climbed down and drew something on the ground. Soon, a magic circle appeared. Then start to formulate the materials.

“I came too hastily, and I forgot to prepare some good medicines for myself. Most of these medicines sent by Bei Xuan Ming are only medicines that assist in cultivation. , But fortunately, it is not too late to prepare, so much material is enough. “

He was thinking about it, and he kept busy.

As the team gradually improves, the next battle will become more and more fierce. As the number of participants decreases, the pressure on the playing field will decrease. In order to ensure the notarization of competition, the later game time and rest after the game Time will be adjusted accordingly. At the end, there will be five to seven days of rest after the end of a basic group, and at least one month from Eagle to Dragon.

Dongfu’s light flashes, Lingxuan Aura Hangsheng, other Dongfu people are all hurrying to cultivate. The unique Su Yun Dongfu is doing alchemy.

The time passed quickly, and I didn’t know how long it took. A white-faced practitioner walked into this cave.

“Are players Wu Yun (Su Yun) available?”

The practitioner stands at the gate of Dongfu and yells in succession.

Su Yun opened his eyes, removed the Aura indoctrination of the tripod furnace, swallowed the elixir, and went out to the cave. When he saw the practitioner, he immediately fisted: “Wu Yun (Su Yun) is here!”

“The fourth game of the Golden Eagle Elephant is about to start. Please players Wu Yun (Su Yun) quickly go to the stadium and wait for the start of the game!” Said calmly.

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