Limitless Sword God Chapter 2: Please eat without paying back (new book opens and asks for everything)

“Two bottles of antidote, one low-order water-repellent bead, one bottle of black wolf blood, three bottles of sesame powder, and three pieces of eroded tiger meat. The remaining money will give me a black horse, black horse Feed it! I’ll use it tomorrow. “

In front of the counter, a young man in a blue shirt put a small bag of Ling coins on the counter.

The young man’s skin is slightly pale and his cheeks are thin, but the contours of his face are very beautiful, especially those eyes, with a trace of elusive thoughts.

The nearly 80-year-old shopkeeper glanced at the small bag and pursed his lower lip: “I said Su Yun, heart-breaking tiger meat is a tonic, you are just a Spirit Novice Disciple six-grade guy, cultivation is inferior, and eat this heart-breaking Tiger meat, be careful to be bitten by the power of the mysterious spirit hidden inside it! I heard that you were beaten when you went to the Inner sect steward house the other day. It was not bad. If you eat this tiger meat again, you will be dead! You are sure Do you really want to buy? “

“Hurry up for me.”

Su Yun has no explanation.

“It’s a fearless young man.” The shopkeeper shook his head and went down to prepare.

After a while, the required items are placed on the counter one by one.

“A bottle of antidote three spirit coins, low-order five-spirit coins to avoid water drops, black wolf blood two spirit coins, Tongxiang powder one spirit coin, heart-loss tiger meat ten spirit coins, including Xuanma rent money and The deposit is 35 Ling coins! Xuanma cannot be rented for more than seven days. If it exceeds the deadline, extra money will be calculated. Xuanma will be compensated for death if he is injured or sick! “

As the old man said, he unpacked the small bag and counted it. No more, no less. There were exactly thirty-five spirit coins in the bag.

“I’ll be here tomorrow morning, please worry about the shopkeeper at that time.”

Su Yun picks things up, then turns away.

The shopkeeper can’t help wondering when he sees people walking, “This boy, I rarely come to my shop to visit, why did I come here this time and bought these many things? Still using black horse? Strange , What is he doing? “

Out of the shop, Su Yun moved forward swiftly carrying things, which consumed all his savings.

The easiest way to get spiritual coins in Outer sect is to complete the work arranged by Outer sect. After completing one month, you can get about fifty spiritual coins. In the past, Su Yun hardly worked seriously, and most of its economic resources depended on Su Qing’er relief.

There is an arc-shaped street in front of which seems to have no end. The street floor is poured with bronze, and there are a lot of embossed patterns of birds and beasts on it, which looks very lifelike. On both sides are a variety of bungalow shops, with moss spreading and outdated, mostly old.

Pedestrians on the road are either carrying firewood or carrying buckets. Everyone looks so busy and sad.

The Outer sect people of Su are not all surnames. They also have people who have escaped from war and demons from the outside. They stayed at Su’s Outer sect by virtue of their skills and were sheltered by Su Clan. They changed their surnames to Su in accordance with Su Clan rules and worked for Su Clan. Survive in this dark and chaotic world.

Outer sect Lingxuan practice conditions are very simple. The practice square is just an open space covered with blue bricks. The wooden human piles placed on the square have long been rotten and no one has repaired it. Most of the books placed in the side practice room are basic tricks that can be easily bought in town shops.

Without the supply of elixir, there is no supply of treasure, and even there is only one lecturer, and once every three days, it can be said that the conditions are extremely harsh and difficult.

However, this is a chance for Su’s Main House to give Outer sect people.

Su Clan rules: Once cultivation exceeds Spirit Novice Disciple ten grades and advances to Spirit Intermediate Disciple, then they have the qualification to enter Inner sect.

Once you enter Inner sect, you will get a brand new house immediately. Each month, you will receive five boosts of Jingdan, two hundred Ling coins, and a Lingxuan weapon supply, and you can enter the Inner sect facility’s luxurious training ground. The high Profound Technique method has a better springboard and has unlimited future.

This is almost completely different from the treatment of Outer sect people.

Because of this, despite the hard life of Outer sect people and the poor conditions, there are still many people who go to the practice square and the practice hall to practice spiritual mystery daily.

“Hey! Su Yun!”

At this time, a voice came from the front.

Su Yun looked up and saw several young men with badges on their chests walking towards this place.

These are Inner sect people. The badge on their chest represents their identity. This is the badge of the inspection team. Their duty is to inspect Outer sect and maintain the order of Outer sect.

Su Yun did not expect that today’s inspection team is actually these people.

He is no stranger to these people, although his peers, although Su Clan is everyone, many people have no blood relationship. The so-called uncle and uncle are just brothers of the older generation.

The person headed by is Su Guimu, whose father is in charge of the finances of Su’s Inner sect, which has an influence on Inner sect. The only underground casino in Inner sect was also quietly generated under the authority of Su Guimu’s father, and Su Yun was a regular guest and parent of that casino Most of the remaining treasures were buried in the casino.

Su Yun didn’t like Su Guimu very much. He grew up in Su Yun of Su Clan. He didn’t know that the gambling game set up by Su Guimu and others was tricky, causing money to be snatched away. Later, he left Su Clan and started to understand it. Among the problems, but already is late.

Su Guimu came over with a smile on her face, and she looked very enthusiastic.

“Hey, Su Yun! I heard you were rushed to Outer sect?”

Su Yun is silent.

“Well, brother, you seem to be mixed!” Su Guimu looked up and down Su Yun.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Haha, it’s okay, just brother, you still owe me two thousand spirit coins, don’t know when to pay me back!” Su Guimu laughed, his eyes flashed a strange light.

“I have no money!”

“No money?” Su Guimu’s smile disappeared, and her expression changed 180 degrees, and she immediately became fierce, and her face was ruthless: “Do you mean not to repay? Grass! Are you looking for death? Su Yun! Dare to owe me Su Guimu No? Do you know the end? “

“I know.”

“Why don’t you return the money to me?”

“I said I have no money!”

“You …” Su Guimu was anxious, but soon, his angry face changed into a bad smile again. I saw that he got together and patted Su Yun‘s shoulder, and laughed: “Forget it Forget it, in fact, we are all brothers and Su Clan people. It does n’t matter if you owe me a little money! Only two thousand coins! I do n’t care!

Not back? There must be no such good thing.

I saw that Su Guimu suddenly lowered her throat and whispered, “But Su Yun, my brother is so vindicated. Do you think you should do something for me? This way! If you can Help me out with Su Qing’er Young Lady for a meal, and the two thousand Ling coins will be written off. Not only that, I will give you an extra thousand Ling coins, how about it?

“Dining?” Su Yun frowned.

“It’s not too demanding? It’s just a simple meal!” Su Guimu laughed: “Qing’er Young Lady Ling Xuan Xiu is extremely powerful and amazingly talented. I admire Qing’er Young Lady very much. I want to know her, that’s all! “

“But I heard that you used to drink drugs in the name of eating, fascinated an invited woman, and blasphemed her, if your father had some power to suppress it Go on, I’m afraid you have already been sanctioned by Su Clan, right? Why? You hit your idea on Qing’er? “

“You … don’t stigmatize me, my father already said, I was wronged …” Su Guimu’s face turned red, shouting angrily at Su Yun: “Grass! Su Yun, you **** In the end, if you do n’t do it, if you do n’t, you will pay back to Lao Tzu now, or I will waste you! ”

“Don’t pay it back!”

Su Yun replied.

It’s straightforward, without turns.

“You **** look for death!” Su Guimu suddenly became furious, waved his hand directly, and hit a fist in the face of Su Yun.

Su Yun hurriedly retreats, lightly hiding from the past.

“But dare you be so arrogant in the strength of Spirit Novice Disciple Liupin? Surround me! I’m going to abolish this kid on this Outer sect street today!” Su Guimu shouted.

People behind him immediately surrounded Su Yun with a trend of encirclement to prevent him from escaping.

However, Su Yun didn’t panic and said, “Su Guimu, I advise you, if you don’t want your father to lose the position of financial manager, and you don’t want your father and son to be kicked out of Su Clan, then you better take it immediately People leave. “

“Well! What is your boy’s ability to do? But a waste was rushed to Outer sect, dare to call me a fight?” Su Guimu scolded.

“I don’t have much patience, but don’t forget that setting up a casino privately violates the rules of Su Clan! If I tell the owner about this, do you think you can cover it?”

“At the end of this, Su Guimu laughed immediately.

“It’s so funny! Su Yun, you don’t pee and look at this virtue! Report to the owner? Don’t say if the owner will believe you, let’s say you can see the owner. You are just now Outer sect people do not even have the qualifications to enter Inner sect, but still want to enter Main House to sue the owner? Hahahaha … this is simply a big joke. “

Yes, just when Su Guimu laughed more and more, Su Yun spoke again: “I really can’t, but what about Su Qing’er?”

Su Qing’er? That hoof hoof! I’ll make her look good!”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Why? I can’t mess with her?”

“As a well-trained person, do you dare to mess with me?”

“People who are carefully cultivated by the owner?” Su Guimu was a little timid. It seemed that he only knew that Su Qing’er entered Main House, but he did n’t know what Main House did. That’s why he had the courage to develop evil thoughts. Hearing Su Yun, I felt a bit uneasy wonderful.

Su Yun did not make any mistakes, and directly moved out of Su Qing’er‘s current identity.

Su Guimu heard that smile suddenly froze.

According to Su Yun, that Su Qing’er is really not what it used to be, it is not something he can provoke.

Su Qing’er will definitely listen even if the owner does n’t believe it.

In case of real investigation, the casino is there, and it ca n’t be ignored. Although many important people of Inner sect have participated in the casino ’s oil and water, but Inner sect is Inner sect, Inner sect ’s life and death power is still held by Main House No one can escape the blame in his hand.

Seeing everyone faint, Su Yun said nothing, and left with something.

“I won’t pay back the money.”

A voice floated.

Su Guimu gritted his teeth, but could do nothing.

But obviously, it won’t end there …


(The new book opens and begs you to collect the red ticket in your hands, thanks)

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