Limitless Sword God Chapter 1319: Escape?

The Chief of Cabinet is not a fool. After the appearance of Su Yun, the gas field here is obviously controlled by the other party. From this, it can be seen that the strength of this person will inevitably reach the peak, for fear that it is the Ask Immortal Sect master.

“Sure enough, here.” The Cabinet Chief looked a little surprised.

I watched Su Yun come forward, and made a respectful and respectful slap in front of these cabinet people, and smiled, “Su Yun has seen you seniors.”


These cabinets were all surprised. Although they haven’t heard of the character Su Yun before, but based on the prosperous scene that Su Yun led more than half a million immortals, and the fact that the big Exquisite Palace Palace Host Wei Ming worshiped him, it is enough to prove his personal strength. Such a character, They were far less than enough, but this man was so humble and courteous that it really surprised them.

“Su Zongzhu is polite !!! I dare not call my predecessors!” said the Cabinet Chief in a hurry.

“Although you have not identified your identity, the younger generation can already guess one or two. Those who have such a temperament and such aura in River Cloud Palace must be the elders of the cabinet. Although the elders are in River Cloud Palace all year round, the younger generation is right. The predecessors’ names are still as thunderous as they are today. Fortunate to see them today, they are the blessings of the younger generations! “Su Yun said, and once again worshipped, very respectful and devout.

Several cabinet elders have a feeling of flattery.

The chief of the cabinet nodded again and again with a smile on his lips: “No wonder the Ask Immortal Sect, which has always been unknown, now has such strength, with you such a kind and broad-minded leader, Ask Immortal Sect must be a big party Sooner or later. “

“The predecessors have passed the prize.” Su Yun smiled, then glanced at you, puzzled: “Did not the seniors of the cabinet live in the cabinet all the year round, rarely move around? Where is this going?”

The chief of the “This” cabinet stopped talking, and finally sighed, but shook his head: “It was just ordered to go out and do something”

“Do things? Why not let these younger generations do it?”

The chief of the “this” cabinet doesn’t know how to respond, and the disciples standing behind them are already moving, looking at Su Yun one by one, it seems that they want to rush out and tell Su Yun.

Although some of them saw Su Yun for the first time, the modest and kind Ask Immortal Sect host left a good impression in their hearts.

“Elder !!!!!!”

Just then, a loud cry came from behind.

People looked at the source of the sound, but they saw a disciple of River Cloud Palace flying towards him. His body was torn and full of scars, and looked very embarrassed. He cried while Fly this way.

“The elders !!! The elders are not good! The bad ones !!! River Cloud Palace is a mess !!!”

“What ??”

The cabinet elders and River Cloud Palace disciples rushed there, the cabinet chief supported the disciple, and hurriedly asked, “What the **** is going on? What happened?”

“Elder River Cloud Palace Great mess! Somehow Evildoer And suddenly attacked me River Cloud Palace The disciples were dissatisfied with the elders because the elders were expelled by the head. River Cloud Palace They are not at all lost, and elders, please go back and preside over the big picture! Fight off thieves! !! “

“What ??”

The elders of the cabinet were shocked.

“What did you say? River Cloud Palace was attacked by thieves? And the elders were expelled by Qiu’s head?” Su Yun pulled over the disciple and asked, “What the **** is going on here? Am I clear? “

“You are you?”

The disciple was obviously scared.

“This is the Su Yun of Ask Immortal Sect!” The chief of the cabinet said, “Su, head, some things about River Cloud Palace, let’s clarify with you in the future. Now River Cloud Palace has encountered such great difficulties. Deported by River Cloud Palace, but at this critical moment, you ca n’t just ignore it. Su Zongzhu, you still have to fight back to the house first. You must blend in. If you let the fairy friends of Ask Immortal Sect get hurt and get hurt, it ’s really bad old , The sentiment of Guipai will let these disciples convey to Qiu, please rest assured!

By the way, the cabinet chief clenched his fists and turned to leave.

“Elders, what is this? Do you want to exclude me Su Yun? We are the same Paradise, we are all immortal friends. Now that River Cloud Palace is in trouble, how can I Ask Immortal Sect sit idly by?” Su Yun yelled, and then said to the disciple: “Quickly take us to River Cloud Palace, save Qiu, and expel all the thieves!”

“With the help of experts from Ask Immortal Sect, the danger of River Cloud Palace will surely be lifted successfully!” Those disciples were delighted.

But the elders of the cabinet showed no joy.

Although Su Yun is here to give gifts, his true thoughts are still unknown to everyone. You must know that if Ask Immortal Sect people are asked to oust Evildoer, then Evildoer will be ousted. What about them? What will happen to them? If the people of Ask Immortal Sect hit the rake and took the opportunity to win Qiu Yuelou, then the crisis of River Cloud Palace will be even greater.

As people in the cabinet, these people naturally think much more than ordinary disciples, and they are more cautious.

At this time, an elder clenched his fists and couldn’t help saying: “Su Zong, thank you for your concern about the River Cloud Palace, but the current affairs are too complicated”

“Does the predecessor think that it will be bad for River Cloud Palace?” Without waiting for the elder to finish his speech, Su Yun interrupted, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: “This point, the junior can understand, but Please also rest assured that seniors Su are by no means the kind of people who have fallen into trouble. Now Qiu’s head is in danger and River Cloud Palace is in deep water. If we are still jealous of each other, then the crisis of River Cloud Palace will increase. It ’s getting bigger, in the end, I ’m afraid I ca n’t redeem it! ”


You look at me, I look at you, I don’t know how to answer.

“Okay, since Su Zong said so, if we are still suffering here, we will live up to Su Zong’s sincerity.”

At this moment, the Chief Cabinet spoke.

Then he nodded at Su Yun, and said, “How many people did Su Zong bring?”

“Three hundred people.”

“Say this?” The chief cabinet officer looked back at Su Yun, and found that almost all of them were only delivering gifts.

“I ’m not here to fight, and naturally I do n’t have a lot of people, but although there are only three hundred people here, these people are my disciples of Ask Immortal Sect. Even if I ca n’t successfully retreat, I can at least bear River Cloud Palace. Partial pressure. “

“That’s good! That being the case, I don’t have to wait any longer, let’s go.”

Emergency situations, these cabinet elders did not dare to neglect anything, immediately followed Su Yun and others, rushed towards River Cloud Palace.

River Cloud Palace at this moment is a mess.

There are tens of thousands of Evildoer attacking River Cloud Palace. Although the number is far from being River Cloud Palace‘s opponent, River Cloud Palace is unstable and coupled with the other side’s invasion, many enclaves within the denomination have time to open. Being attacked by the opponent, Qiu Yuelou was surrounded, causing River Cloud Palace‘s situation to immediately fall into a very disadvantageous position.

Qiu Yuelou was smashed by the masked master, and it gradually fell into the wind. Although the masked guy in front of him is less powerful than him, they are all around them, plus this guy has many magic weapons. , Qiu Yuelou was actually beaten with no power to fight back, and was losing ground.

The training ground of Qiu Yuelou is being bombarded by these immortals in disguise at this time. The enchantment that shelters the training ground is like a small boat destroyed by the raging waves. Possible.

Qiu Yuelou is distracted by the current state of the enchantment. He is distracted. He knows that he will fight with this masked man again. It is useless. He cannot fight them. Since the purpose of these guys is Liu Yuxuan Zun Fan, then, they must not be allowed to succeed.

Qiu Yuelou‘s thoughts spin quickly, he gritted his teeth, turned abruptly, and rushed into the cultivation ground.

The attackers of the cultivation ground did not have time to respond, and they were scattered by his palm. Qiu Yuelou took the opportunity to remove the enchantment and smashed into it. Looking at this move, it must be to take the Yuyu Xuanzun fan.

Palace Host, what shall we do now? Are we continuing to attack?”

A disguised immortal flew to the masked man and whispered.

“No!” The masked man Shen said: “The purpose of our coming here is to harass the River Cloud Palace a little, to create opportunities for adults, without having to fight hard with the River Cloud Palace people. “


Palace Host !!!” At this moment, another person rushed over quickly.

“What’s wrong?” the masked man asked.

“Sir, their already has arrived. We need to leave immediately.”

“I have this intention! Immediately ordered to go down, everyone took out magic weapons and prepared for evacuation !!”


Soon, these so-called thieves’ offensives began to weaken, and one by one became shrunk.

River Cloud Palace people saw this, but it was these people who were tired.

Unexpectedly, the same thing happened again.

Look at a person who came out of the Qiu Yuelou‘s training ground and set his sights on him. This person is Correct Qiu Yuelou.

Are he going to sacrifice Yuyu Xuanzun fan?

The masked man became alert.

The prestige of Liu Yuxuan Fan spreads all over the world. Such a treasure can be compared with an extraordinary fairy, and I don’t know how terrible it is.

Unexpectedly, the Qiu Yuelou who rushed out of the cultivation ground did not immediately sacrifice Liu Yu Xuanzun fan. After looking at the masked man, he yelled: “Drag them!”

The voice dropped, and he turned around and fled in the opposite direction!

“Run away?”

The masked man was surprised.

Can anyone think of this River Cloud Palace‘s Palace Host Qiu Yuelou to leave behind a disciple like this, and fled alone mobile phone users please visit

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