Limitless Sword God Chapter 1263: Do you think I dare?

Seeing a look like Deep Empress, weird smiles appeared on Su Yun‘s face: “Master, maybe you don’t know me. Although I am cultivation high strength, but I haven’t practiced for a long time, why I can I have such strength in such a short period of time because I have cultivated a magical method. Do you know what this method is? “

Deep Empress has a pale face and his lips tremble slightly: “What is the work method?”

“Jiu Tian Xuan Di Shuang Xi Acacia. Law!”

Su Yun said in his mouth, this name was made up by him temporarily.

“” Nine Heavens and Xuandi Shuang Xi Acacia. Law “?

Deep Empress heard the sound, Jiaoshi’s body fluttered suddenly, and she couldn’t help taking a few steps towards retreats.

Hearing this name, she should also know what awesome work she is doing. Looking at the weird face of Su Yun, she is getting more and more afraid. She does n’t know how strong Su Yun is, and now she is not in good shape. , Not Netherworld, how to deal with Su Yun? ?

Are you going to be defiled by this evil man today?

Deep Empress thought trembling.

“You and you better not mess around, I am also the means of Deep Empress, but it is not your imagination, I advise you to get away quickly, otherwise I can make you fly away at any time if I am angry!”

Deep Empress forcibly calmed down, and she took a secret breath to try to keep her mood calm and her voice was gradually sinking.

“I naturally wo n’t doubt your means. Your strength is not strong, but you can mix it into Eagle God Clan without knowing it, and destroy the altar and seize ‘Nine Divine Wind Gods Pearl‘. Actually, already has nothing to do with the cultivation realm. It’s about means and IQ, Lord Queen, I admire you very much. Even if you fail in this operation, I believe that if I don’t stop, you are likely to succeed. However, you are facing me now, and I believe you I face to face, any means you have will be pale and weak under my absolute strength. “

Su Yun smiled at Deep Empress‘s starry eyes.

She can see the looming fear in Deep Empress‘s eyes.

“You jerk!” She gritted her teeth and burst into anger, but couldn’t take Su Yun.

Suddenly, she lifted her head suddenly. The hands that tightly held the crisp chest suddenly lifted up and hit Su Yun. Then she saw a large number of purple flashing silk threads in the palm of her hand. These silk threads were touching Su Yun. At the moment, it quickly permeated. After a period of dying effort, people didn’t even react to their nerves. Su Yun was tangled by this thread and could not escape, and it was tied all over.

Seeing that Su Yun is tied, the pale face of Deep Empress and the trembling body are calmed down directly, and the scared face of this face disappears without a trace, and the person seems to have changed his face.

Looking at her with a disdainful smile, her eyes looked at Su Yun provocatively and proudly, and she said indifferently: “The silk spit out by the purple gold spider is the most solid silk of Netherworld, and anyone can’t break it. , Boy, although you are stronger than me, your IQ is obviously not enough. What does it mean that any means is pale and weak under your absolute strength? Huh! Do n’t you plant it in my hands? “

Su Yun struggled a few times without breaking the spider silk. Looking at Deep Empress, he smiled and said, “That’s the case. You were so scared and helpless before. They just pretended to be paralyzing me. Okay. Start a sneak attack! Deep Empress really is Deep Empress, it looks like I have to look at it differently!

“Look? Huh, I don’t see you soon !!!”

Deep Empress said coldly: “Any ants, dare to have greed for me !! Look at me first dig out your eyes, then break your heart, destroy the body, imprison the soul, and slowly torture !! I I want you to survive, not death! “

By the way, Deep Empress is about to start. She puts up a small amount of Aura and gathers with that slender two fingers. Without hesitation, she pierces directly into the eyes of Su Yun.

It’s almost merciless.


While her **** were still flying in the air, a vigorous and powerful hand suddenly came over and grabbed her wrist directly!


A sound came from the wrist, Deep Empress looked at it, but looked at it, but saw that this hand was actually stretched out by the bundled Su Yun.

She looked at it again and found that Su Yun actually broke already from the silk of the purple golden spider, and there was no entanglement around her.

“How is it possible” Deep Empress lost her eyes, but just as Su Yun was approaching, she felt that Su Yun‘s whole body was floating in a wonderful circle of Aura. This Aura is not Immortal Qi, but Divine Strength!

“No wonder, purple gold spider silk is constructed of Immortal Qi crystals. Your Divine Strength can devour Immortal Qi, so it can collapse immediately!”

Deep Empress suddenly realized, but already is late at this moment.

Su Yun doesn’t plan to give her any chance, just pull her over, press her on the ground, her body is covered by Divine Strength frantically, in the blink of an eye, Immortal Qi on Deep Empress is completely wiped out , People do not have much energy, standing up seems to be struggling.

Thinking about this woman’s poisonous poison just now, Su Yun was full of anger in his heart. He reached out and patted on the white and flawless face of Deep Empress, and said inscrutablely: “You are very good at acting, but , I ’m still saying that, this means you ca n’t overwhelm my strength !!! Now, what should we do? ”

“You better let me go !!!”

Deep Empress clenched his teeth.

“Do you think it’s interesting to say such a boring thing?”

Su Yun hummed, and stretched out his hand toward the clothing of Deep Empress that was close to Jiao’s body, and said, “If you obediently follow me back to Netherworld, there won’t be so many things happen, in fact, the reason we will , It ’s not yours, is it? ”

“If you don’t touch me, I promise you, I promise to go with you to Netherworld!” Deep Empress said quickly, she wanted to struggle, but in the face of this Su Yun like a mountain, she couldn’t escape.

“Agree now?” Su Yun stared at her with wide eyes. The two faces were so close that they could feel each other’s breathing. Soon, Su Yun moved his head away and shook his head: “But No, I have done this to you. You were forced to promise me. It is said that you can control the Netherworld Hades. If I am so stupid, I will take you back to Netherworld. Once I enter Netherworld, you will not immediately control the Hades. Torn? No, no! This will absolutely not work! “

“What do you want to do then?” Seeing Su Yun shaking his head like a rattle, Deep Empress gritted his teeth.

“You need to find a proper reason to persuade me, of course, the most important thing is that you can guarantee that you can stay in a safe position after you return to Netherworld, and you can also obediently help Imperial Deep Sword to fight back Paradise Army! If you can do both, I promise I won’t touch you even a finger, what do you think? “Su Yun laughed.

Although I have n’t been in contact with Deep Empress for a long time, Su Yun is still able to understand some of this woman’s temperament. This woman is unfathomable and cruel, otherwise she would dare to run to Eagle God Clan to get things with this cultivation. ? And it ’s still ‘Nine Divine Wind Gods Pearl’? What is even more surprising is that the people of Eagle God Clan haven’t noticed yet. How can this ability be universal? To deal with such a woman, you must be careful everywhere, otherwise you will suffer a great loss at any time, a bad one, or even death.

“I think you’ve been thinking about this from the beginning, right? You want to touch me, but you want to threaten me!” Deep Empress hummed.

“Do you think I dare not touch you?”

Su Yun looked cold, and murmured.

Deep Empress didn’t speak.

Seeing this, Su Yun sneered, and grabbed his big hand directly towards the tall and soft chest of Deep Empress. When the palm was covered, the soft and erosive touch instantly passed through his palm to the whole body.

Deep Empress fluttered, her eyes widened, and a small face that appeared to be red because of her anger was instantly bloodless. This time it didn’t look like she was posing, she looked blankly Su Yun seems to be lost.

Su Yun sees this, so curious.

Although most of the practitioners, both men and women, are more conservative, Deep Empress‘s reaction seems to be overdone, right?

He grabbed it at any time, put his hand back, and said coldly, “Would you like to continue? Anyway, there is no one here, I will let you see if what I just said is true, I touch you, Is it to threaten you or to be happy for myself? “

Never mind, Su Yun pretends to act further.

However, when he was about to raise his hand, Deep Empress was open again.

At this moment, her voice seemed extremely cold and ruthless, as if already had abandoned any feelings, leaving only a dry soul.

“I can set a blood curse on you and return Netherworld with you to help Imperial Deep Sword, and it will never hurt you! Don’t touch me!”

Seeing Deep Empress‘s expression, Su Yun was stunned. Although Deep Empress means endless and the word of the word is commonplace, but somehow, after touching her just now, she seemed to be a person.

He stared at the eyes of Deep Empress, and found that the woman was not afraid of herself at all now. Not only that, her eyes seemed to have no gloss and didn’t care about everything.

“What blood curse?” Su Yun whispered.

“I can stand in your presence with the blood curse of soul and flesh.”

Deep Empress Cold Lane.

Su Yun pondered for a moment and nodded: “Okay! That’s it, so be it!”

Instead, he stood up from Deep Empress. Deep Empress Lie down on the cloud for a while, then Xuan Er got up, held down the step of “Blood Curse”, and started to plan step by step.

But at this moment, her movements became more rigid, like a machine.

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