Limitless Sword God Chapter 1232: The soldiers from heaven

“This is impossible !!!”

The moment Su Yun spoke, Mo Zhihua said almost immediately.


Qihe Deep Commander-in-chief has always been existence in Netherworld. His qualifications are not worse than the other two Deep Commander-in-chief. No matter how Immortal Court­yard people have the means, it is impossible for him to be a spy on Immortal Court­yard?”

“But what if the Qihe we saw was not the previous Qihe?” Su Yun asked.

As soon as this remark was made, Mo Zhihua was silent. br——small-speaking —— />

If so, it’s not impossible

“Mr. Mo, first of all, this Qihe adult is true or false. The urgent task now is to immediately recall Jiu Hui and Feiyan, so that they do not support Qihe, and send an order to Qihe, so that the three of them will be stationed in Hades immediately. The three together, it will not be difficult for adults to return to Imperial Deep Sword !!! “

Su Yun Shen Road.

“However, the people in the Netherworld are so imposing that they are thinking about hitting Immortal Court­yard with headaches. How could they recall them?” Mo Zhihua had a headache.

“There is a way.”

Su Yun took out the token of Imperial Deep Sword that Mo Zhihua gave him, and drank, “Time is tight, girl Mo, would you like to go to the battlefield with me?”

Mo Zhihua paused for a moment, then hummed: “Afraid? Go away !!!”

The two immediately took the door.

Many people can also be seen on the streets outside. The existence in Netherworld are all cultivation powerful and advanced generations. In fact, after asking for help from Qihe, many people also questioned, but the voice of questioning But they couldn’t resist the voice of support. The minority obeyed the majority and the Hades had to play. The Hades who stayed in these choices were also existence who saw the clues. They did not want to rush to the field. They decided that the aid of Qihe was not a wise choice. Therefore, they also bear the notoriety of cowardice.

But they don’t care.

If it is Su Yun, so will it.

Mo Zhihua is still very familiar with Netherworld. She leads Su Yun directly to the channel leading to the Styx.

On board the Bone Bone, Death Qi in Taichung skyrocketed and wrapped the two of them. An whirlpool of air was formed in an instant. The two were enveloped by them, and soon disappeared.

By the time Su Yun returns, the two have appeared at the bottom of the Styx.

At this moment, this secret passage already is guarded by a large number of Hades, and the Hades are flooded under the Hades, and their already began to set up a legal array, placing construct, and preparing, a few Hades generals came over The two of them, some of whom knew Mo Zhihua, hurriedly rushed in, and punched her in salute: “I’ve seen Lord Mo!”

“This is the apprentice of Lord Imperial Deep Sword, Lord Mo Zhihua Mo? Have you met Lord Mo!”

These generals are extremely polite.

“No more nonsense, let me ask you, where are your Jiu Hui Deep Commander-in-chief and Feiyan Deep Commander-in-chief? Where are they?” Mo Zhihua asked urgently.

“The two Deep Commander-in-chief adults already led the elite to the front line to support the Qihe adults! The Jiu Hui adults ordered me to stay here and guard the entrance. No ghosts were allowed to escape back to Netherworld, let alone the Immortal Court­yard people to enter . “

“What? Go to the front ????”

Mo Zhihua was surprised.

How fast? When were they so positive about Qihe?

Su Yun managed the messy head, Xuan Ershen asked: “Immediately send an elite team to **** me and Mo to the battlefield. We have to find two Deep Commander-in-chief adults. If it is delayed, Netherworld is not guaranteed Come on! “

The General Mingren was shocked when he heard it, and hurriedly greeted the staff, sending out an elite, and led the two forward.

People are walking at the bottom of the Minghe River. There are many Death Qis in the Minghe River. Although there is no Netherworld, the ordinary fairy is difficult to bear. The rest are all Hades, above the Hades, you can see a lot of figures, some are fighting, some are chaotic, there are immortals, and there are also people.

The battlefield coverage of the Battle of the Immortals is very active. The fight between immortals is actually already Not affected by many factors, many classic tactics are not useful.

Running all the way, there is no fairy to obstruct, but this makes Su Yun quite uneasy.

I don’t know how long after that, a group of more than one thousand elites appeared in his sight. They were inserted inside the Styx River and led to the main road leading to the secret passage.

Looking at the arrival of Su Yun and others, these ghosts came out directly, and the sword was directly facing them.

“What are you doing? Hurry up !!!”

The leading nether man immediately yelled at those people.

“Who are these two?” The ambush looked at Su Yun and Mo Zhihua and questioned.

“This is Lord True Demon Sect, Lord Monarch, this is Lord Imperial Deep Sword‘s lover, Lord Mo Zhihua, Mr. Mo! What are you asking so much? Let me wait to leave soon, I have something to do, if it is delayed , Beware that you will lose your life !!! “

The man yelled.

When this statement comes down, how dare these wicked people stop it? Immediately dispersed, hidden aside.

Su Yun looked at those people for a few moments and didn’t care, and continued to move forward.

However, it didn’t take long before another group of people came out.

These people are consistent with the previous ones. They all know these elites and can even name them, but they don’t know Su Yun and Mo Zhihua.

If you are on the Qihe side, you must know Su Yun, Mo Zhihua has to be a little bit face-to-face, but you know these elites, these elites are all Jiu Hui people, so it can be seen that these ambush people are lying in the abyss It may be Jiu Hui, but this road is a secret passage to Netherworld. Generally Immortal Court­yard will not know this road, and will not attack it. After all, this secret road is at the bottom of the Styx River and there is People guard, it is not difficult for them to overcome, instead of attacking the underworld?

So, why does Jiu Hui send so many Hades? ?

Who are they guarding?

Su Yun thought for a while, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

Was this Jiu Hui trying to defend Qihe? ? Is Jiu Hui going to

His face is extremely ugly, but in his heart he is even more dismissive of these so-called Deep Commander-in-chief.

It’s all a matter of urgency, and I’m still thinking about my personal interests

Jiu Hui has set up seven tube cards. Su Yun has to stop almost every level, extremely troublesome. After half a column, he finally reached the edge of the battlefield. At this moment, Feiyan and Jiu Hui are not outside the battlefield. Command, but directly led people into the battlefield.

The entire rear of Immortal Court­yard is cluttered. At the bottom of the Styx River, already is filled with a large number of corpses. There are sacred people and fairy people. It is impossible to tell who is who, and there is a large number of people at all times. The corpse fell from above. It was turbid Muhe River already. It was red with the blood of the blood of the Immortal Fairy. The **** smell stabbed people’s souls. They were extremely uncomfortable. At the bottom of the Mu River at the moment, existence not only It is Death Qi, and there is blood and Murderous Qi.

The puppet people escorting Su Yun and Mo Zhihua turned over and rushed out of the Ping River, and the two went along with them. As soon as the Ping River came out, several spells flew up. These elites hurriedly urged the parry and barely resisted.

Su Yun and Mo Zhihua looked at each other, only to find that they were fighting with a large number of casual soldiers. The immortals were powerful, but the underworld were not weak. Even if they were not fighting locally, their exposed strength was also extremely powerful.

These elites protected the two strictly, and then the leader held a fist to Mo Zhihua: “Mr. Mo, the main battlefield is in front of us. We ca n’t get through, we are escorted here. The battlefield is chaotic. It is recommended that Mr. Mo wait for the three Deep Commander-in-chief adults to end the war and report to him. If there is something wrong with Mr. Mo, then it is impossible to regret it. “

“Go back first!”

Mo Zhihua said as if he hadn’t heard the **** man’s advice.

She stared at Su Yun, and the two rushed towards the battlefield.

Su Yun pulls out the Twin Moon Sword directly, like a black wind, Mo Zhihua also takes out her true fire sword, and one black and one red hits the chaotic and dense battlefield crowd.

Slaying together, the two cleared a path.

Su Yun and Mo Zhihua both have Spirit God cultivation. The ordinary fairy and the ghost are not their opponents. In addition, there are not many immortals in the rear, and the two do not have to spend too much time.

A casual visit to the passing people, asking about the whereabouts of Jiu Hui and Feiyan, the two rushed straight.

Wow! !! !! !! !! !! !!

At this time, a white light suddenly fell from the sky, covering the entire Styx River area. The dim Styx River was almost illuminated by the snow with white light.

The people under the white light seem to be unable to bear the pain caused by the white light. They cover their faces with their hands and scream in pain. They can see the white people illuminated by the white light. A lot of white gas is emitted from their bodies. The sizzling sound is especially thorny.

Su Yun froze, and looked around in a hurry, and found that in addition to these ghosts, there were many immortals who were stained with the water of the ghost river, and also showed such painful expressions.

After that, the countless immortals that landed on the white light, looked at it, densely, and there were millions of people! !!

“It is the main force of the Paradise army !!!”

Screaming out! !! !!

“Kill !!!”

The nether people rushed madly.


The Paradise army that appeared this time was not as infamous as the Paradise army they encountered before. Some warriors were just rushed up and were directly cast by the millions of immortals in conjunction with the spell. Every ash flies away, and the soul does not exist.

They didn’t even touch each other’s hands! !!

“Not good!”

Su Yun staring at the millions of immortals in the vast sky, he felt that everything seemed irretrievable.

At this moment, out of the millions of immortals above, a person came out, this person was wearing a sacred light, and his face was serious, and he saw the flag in his hand and yelled at the underworld man below. Drink: “Kill everything! One stay! Kill !!!!!!!”

The sound falls, the fairy is rushing down like a pouring flood.

People were panicking, and in a panic, someone shouted aloud

“Xian Wu !!! That’s Xian Wu !!! He’s not dead !!!!!!”

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