Limitless Sword God Chapter 1200: Su Yun VS Vice President

Space teleport? Is there a rare space in Paradise to jump the river?

Ling Qingyu reacted immediately.

Yes, the current speed of Su Yun is simply ridiculous. If he knows the specific location of the nearby space jumping river, it is not difficult to catch up. The space jumping river will randomly pass in any existence that falls into it. Everywhere in Paradise, if Su Yun jumps into it, no one knows where he was passed.

This is indeed the only way to escape now.

Su Yun ran away while urging the magical energy, condensing into a magic sword, and stabbing into the air. He was like a spring eye that would never dry up, spraying the magical gas sword crazyly, every magic novel sword was Can cut off Spirit Sage, powerful, countless magic swords attack the sky, directly darkening the sky.

But the power on the sky is not universal, so he saw the golden eyes blinking suddenly, and then a fierce light hit the Su Yun.

The opponent has strengthened the mental attack! !!

Are you going to force yourself to collapse and surrender? ?

Su Yun bit his teeth violently, and his pupils exploded with blood. He looked at the golden pupil without fear, and a fierce mental wave passed straight to the golden pupil.

YinYang Myriad Forms Method! !!

How terrible is the YinYang Myriad Forms Method exhibited with the peak strength of Spirit God.

At this moment of Correct battle, the two of them fight together Divine Strength, Su Yun perceive their own nerve tingling, mental stupefaction, and signs of fainting at any time. This is still his cultivation. If you change a new Spirit God casually, existence, I’m afraid that at this moment, my mind will collapse and go crazy.

However, he believes that the vice president is also uncomfortable. In the huge golden pupil, the pupil already has become somewhat scattered, and the power released in his eyes has become somewhat disconnected. Obviously, he cannot ignore the Su Yun attack.

However, Su Yun can’t last long, but he can easily support it for a long time.

If you fight hard like this, the loser must be Su Yun, and even if you fight the vice president, there is a group of Immortal Court­yard masters who are desperate, and the last loser will only be him.

Su Yun snorted quietly, and his eyes flashed with strange light.

Great Exquisite Tech­nique! !!

When it ’s about to happen, do n’t care so much.

This mind-reading technique is extremely sensitive. The golden pupil was actually afraid of it. When she realized the magic of the spell, she closed her eyes and disappeared.

Although Su Yun has the inverse technique of Graceful Shadow Technique and Great Exquisite Tech­nique, but the opponent has not appeared for so long, so that he has nowhere to start. If attacking, it is only locked according to the trajectory of Aura flow when the opponent casts, and Unable to lock his pupils.

Jin Tong disappeared, Su Yun didn’t dare to fight, he turned his head and ran.

But when he was flying, the thick clouds in front of him suddenly squirmed, and then a large amount of vermiculite appeared in the clouds and mist. These vermiculites condensed together into a mountain, constantly blocking the way of Su Yun.

Su Yun yelled, Limitless Sword Art urged, magic magic turned into 10,000 magic swords, opened mountains and cracked stones, the number of vermiculite is not reduced, and Su Yun split it, the energy consumed is more and more.


The last mountain turned by vermiculite was chopped and crushed by Su Yun. However, the other end of the vermiculite mountain is a completely distorted space, like a lake surface that stirs up thousands of layers of ripples.

Su Yun hurriedly stopped his body, he gathered up a magical energy, cast it towards the twisted area, the magical energy ran into it like a meteor, but at the moment of touch, the smoke disappeared.

Space spell! !!

Su Yun‘s eyes tightened.

The role of Yan Shi is not to prevent Su Yun from advancing, but to delay his pace, so that the vice president can cast a space spell and completely block the way of Su Yun.

“The vice president really has a lot of magical powers. Xianli, Divine Strength, the Five Elements, and the Void Magical Techniques are all omnipotent. Su Yun, it looks like you will be hard to leave this time.”

Ling Qingyu sounds again.

If the opponent is familiar with space spells, then jumping into space by space alone will make it difficult to escape.

Su Yun frowns in a ball: “Qingyu, I think of a way to throw Sword sheath out, and then run in the opposite direction. You leave with Qing’er, understand?”

“You stupid, what stupid thing do you say? Are you trying to leave me and Qing’er?”

Ling Qingyu hastily.

She has known Su Yun for so long and naturally understands Su Yun‘s thoughts at the moment. If the space jumping river has no effect, then Su Yun really has nowhere to run, he cannot escape to Ask Immortal Sect, and the gate of Paradise is also controlled by Immortal Court­yard. The entire Paradise belongs to the Immortal Court­yard site and can go to Where to go?

Qingyu, don’t be willful. Although you don’t have a high cultivation, this time, you study Paradise, and you don’t know less about Immortal Court­yard than me. You should understand who I am facing this time !! , I can’t live !!!!

Su Yun Suddenly bit his lips, blood spilled from his eyes, and his fists were extremely tight.

Su Yun, you can’t just give up like this, don’t be afraid, we won’t lose, they can’t kill us !!!” Ling Qingyu busy.

Qingyu, you don’t have to comfort me. I don’t fear death for Su Yun, but I fear you for death! Qingyu, please beg me, leave here with Sword sheath, Qing’er, no matter what, Qing’er will be safe , You have to be safe !!! “

Su Yun whispered, then suddenly looked up, jumped, and went straight into the sky.

He is like the sky breaking dragon, and the thick sky of clouds spreads out, like black sword-mantle running through the sky.

Su Yun !!!!!!”

Ling Qingyu screamed exhaustedly, she wanted to stop, but Su Yun seemed to make a decision with already. He held spirit sword with one hand and spun the body madly, then the sword body of spirit sword was like an eye-opener At the muzzle, Immortal Qi rages wildly, with the endless and furious Immortal Qi, tearing the world, sweeping Paradise, endless destruction is full of all here.

“Be careful !!!”

The distant Immortal Court­yard masters saw that Su Yun sent such a horrible blow, Qi Qi retreats, cast asylum, and the light above the sky faded at this moment.

Su Yun took advantage of the situation and quietly condensed the non-Apex Sword box into a Sword Qi and shot it directly into the distance. These were not noticed at all.

When Sword sheath left, he kept flying away from this area and entered the safe area, then he was relieved.

As long as Qing’er and Qingyu are safe and sound, he has no scruples.

Jianyu ceased, the entire sky was completely cleared, those Immortal Court­yard masters were no exception, they were all retreated, and the light above the sky was also dull.

Su Yun panted, stepped forward, and jumped over the sky. When he jumped over the thick clouds that had not dispersed, he finally saw existence on the sky.

It’s a huge colorful ball of light. There is a blurry figure in the ball of light. He can’t see the men and women, it seems that he is not wearing clothes. The golden light is very dazzling, but he doesn’t notice that he overflows. Any Aura can be a divine supremacy, but it is controlling Su Yun.

“You surprised me, the devil.”

Seeing Su Yun standing not far away, the figure in the golden light made a voice of overlapping men and women.

“Are you the Vice President of Immortal Court­yard?”

Su Yun clasps spirit sword tightly and asks.

“Can you tell me your name?”

The voice is up again.

“My last name is Ye, it’s Ye!”

“Ye Ye?” The voice hesitated for a moment.

“Grandchild, really good.” Su Yun laughed.

The figure was silent for a moment, Xuan Er snorted softly: “This low-level joke made by such ordinary people is actually used on me, Devil, you really are not ordinary.”

“No need to talk nonsense anymore, since you already chased after me, I have nowhere else to run, we might as well play a hurry.”

Su Yun puts the sword across his chest, Immortal Qi urges, the handle spirit sword is wrapped in magic, and the sword body trembles.

The war will gather and rise.

Sometimes, if you can’t escape, why not face it calmly and work hard? Escaping life, perhaps, letting go of a fight can get a new life.

Even if you fail, at least your already will do her best!

A person is born without too much, even if it is eternal, it is no different from an instant.

But do n’t leave any regrets. The swordsman must be free and easy, and he is free in the world. Why should he be bound by all of these, and bound, what is he called a sword?

Su Yun closed his eyes, the breeze blew through, blew off his hood, exposed a pale but determined face, and his long hair fluttered in the wind. In his eyes, only a strong sense of combat remained.

The figure in the golden light quietly looked at the Su Yun on the other end, and I didn’t know how long after that, the sound came out.

“No Apex Sword technique! What you are using is the famous Sword Skill of Sword Ancestor, right?”

“What about it?”

Su Yun indifferently said: “However, Immortal Court­yard has no Apex Sword technique and has sent someone to harm Sword Ancestor. Although Sword Ancestor is not known to be your Immortal Court­yard, I know it.”

“You seem to know a lot about my Immortal Court­yard.”

Jin Guangzhong’s figure indifferently said: “You just used mind reading for me. If I guessed correctly, Zhan Zuoyang who was missing for a long time should have been killed by you, right? You read his memory, so I know so much. “

“You’re not stupid.”

Su Yun smiled slightly. Although he tried to conceal a lot, the other person’s eyes were hot and some details already were captured, but fortunately, the news did not affect him.

“Since so much, you know so much, then, I can’t keep you anymore, devil, if you don’t surrender, you will die!”

The figure in Jin Guangzhong started to take it seriously, he whispered, and the whole Jin Guang covered directly towards Su Yun.

Su Yun is not afraid, staring at the opponent’s power, heading up, he holds the sword with one hand, urges with one hand, and pours his energy into the sky, and instantly, half of the sky, one side is golden light, the other is The dark color, a lot of blood-red light flashed in the dark sky, and then, as if the vice president was locked, he smashed fiercely. But the golden sky is also different. A large number of virtual immortals wearing gold armor flew out from there, flocking to Su Yun like thousands of troops.

This epic scene is a dementia for Immortal Court­yard masters who come by.

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