Limitless Sword God Chapter 1184: Heng Yang God Arrow

In a quiet atrium, Wu Mian stands in front of the house. Inside, there is only Su Yun and Zhan Zuoyang who was captured and fell to the ground.

This is Eight Unity Sect, the Su Yun force closest to Wentai City.

Su Yun came here, only Cai Tian knew it, and none of the other Eight Unity Sect knew it.

Of course, the less such people know, the better.

The cabinet room is extremely dim, the windows are closed, the formation is closed, and there is no light inside, although the vision of the fairy in this realm is not affected by the darkness, but the darkness gives people the kind of Uneasy, but even immortals can’t avoid it.

“Who the **** are you?”

Zhan Zuoyang raised his dim eyes and murmured at Su Yun.

But Su Yun didn’t mean to answer his question in the slightest, but walked directly in front of him, held his head, and raised Great Exquisite Tech­nique.

“This is Great Exquisite Tech­nique ?? Are you from Exquisite Palace?”

Zhan Zuoyang is amazed, he wants to resist, but now he can’t resist Su Yun at all. The flashing light in Su Yun‘s eyes shot directly into his pupils, peering into his state of mind, giving him a glimpse of his three souls and seven souls.

Zhan Zuoyang’s body shivered violently. He seemed to want to explode to keep the secret. However, his Immortal Qi already was sucked by Holy Emperor Battle Gown on Su Yun. Even if he wanted to commit suicide, there was nothing he could do. Now he can do nothing.

In this way, it took a long time for Su Yun to recover.

Zhan Zuoyang looks ashamed, staring at Su Yun in horror. But seeing that Su Yun was cold, he took the spirit sword bought from the big dog directly from Sword sheath, and he stabbed in the heart of Zhan Zuoyang.


Zhan Zuoyang shuddered, and then his body was directly torn by the Immortal Qi emanating from blade edge. The body exploded and his soul flew out, but he was directly destroyed by Su Yun before he escaped.

I’ve learned everything I want to know with Great Exquisite Tech­nique, and Zhan Zuoyang is useless.

Zhan Zuoyang was killed and Su Yun walked out of the room.

“Sir.” Wu Mian at the door salute immediately.

“Go back to Ask Immortal Sect first.”

Su Yun is indifferent.


Wu Mian nodded and left with Su Yun.

Before leaving Eight Unity Sect, Su Yun specifically explained that Cai Tian is ready in the near future. He already decided to take the initiative, not to say what kind of blow to Immortal Court­yard, at least, they must abolish their eyes looking for True Demon World traces.

After showing Great Exquisite Tech­nique to Zhan Zuoyang, Su Yun‘s face has always been Shen Ning’s complexion. Although Zhan Zuoyang is only a fourth-ranking envoy, he is the head of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Unlike the Ministry of Assets, he is the fourth person who has real power. The emissary, even the third elder envoy, would give him some face, and dare not take it. Zhan Zuoyang has been in Immortal Court­yard for thousands of years, but he has not been promoted, not because he cannot rise, but because he does not want to rise, and does not want to let go of the fatness of the household.

But compared to this information, Su Yun has also received a lot of extremely amazing news.

He raced with Wu Mian towards Ask Immortal Sect in a race against time. Once he entered Ask Immortal Sect, he immediately called for Xiang Yang and Su Liuluo.

Xiang Yang, immediately sent someone to the big Exquisite Palace, and informed the Wei Ming elder, so that he immediately assembled his forces, headed northeast of Liuguang City, and proceeded in the northeast direction. He quickly seized. “

“Observe, lord!” Xiang Yang immediately clenched his fists, although he was very curious as to why Su Yun would know that there were rare spirits there, but he didn’t dare to ask too much.

Xiang Yang nodded and opened with retreats.

Su Yun turned his head and said to Su Liuluo: “Liuluo.”

“What does your brother say?”

“Conduct ten masters with Fifth Level Spirit Immortal or above right away and follow me out.”

“Go out? What is your brother planning to do?”

“Oh, go get it.” Su Yun said indifferently.

Although it is said to take it, Su Liuluo does not think it will be so simple.

She nodded and retreated.

After a while, ten Fifth Level Spirit Immortal products are waiting outside the Chamber. Now most of the demon in Ask Immortal Sect are quietly transferring to Beiyang, and the people arranged by Huairou Muyu in Beiyang enter Ask Immortal Sect. These people are trustworthy, but Su Liuluo did not remove all the demon, but stayed. The next part is elite. These monsters are assisted by a lot of cent coins, elixir and magic weapons. cultivation is extremely fast. In addition, they are talented and talented geniuses. They can practice several times or even ten times faster than ordinary people. . It is not surprising to have such cultivation.

These ten demons wear Ask Immortal Sect robes, both male and female. After disguise, their appearance is not outstanding, but when they saw Su Yun with a black cape, they still recognized who this person was. Immediately excited.

“Master Devil.”

Ten monsters shouted in unison.

“Immediately. Put away everything that may reveal your identity and follow me later.”

Su Yun whispered.

The ten monsters did not dare to neglect, immediately put away Ask Immortal Sect‘s robes, put on an ordinary cloak, cover up softly, and put away the token.

“Brother, where are you going?” Su Liuluo became even stranger.

“Go get what should be Immortal Court­yard.”

Su Yun is indifferent.

“What about Immortal Court­yard?”

“Accurately, Immortal Court­yard is intended to be used against True Demon World.”

Su Liuluo is getting more and more confused, but asking Su Yun now is not useful, and I will understand sooner or later.

Su Yun prepared for it. Bringing Wu Mian and these ten Demon Masters, they ran out of Ask Immortal Sect and rushed towards Immortal Court­yard.

The time seems to be so hasty that Su Yun has been moving at the fastest speed.

There is no way this way. In fact, Wu Mian and the ten demons are all confused. They do n’t know what they are going to do, but Su Yun does n’t say, they dare not ask. On the way, Su Yun, which has been silent, is finally Opened up.

“This action is very important to us. You must successfully complete the task. You must not allow any mistakes, and you must not leave traces of traces. Otherwise, the consequences are unthinkable, you know?”

“Yes.” Everyone drank.

Su Yun nodded and reiterated: “Two days later, Immortal Court­yard will send an **** team, spending 3,000 years of Immortal Court­yard craftsmen, gather Immortal Court­yard countless human and financial resources in the fairy ‘Heng Yang God Arrow‘ before the entrance of Netherworld, because Netherworld People are extremely exclusive to the outside world. Although I do n’t know how the suzerain can enter the Netherworld, it is known that these Immortal Court­yard people cannot enter the Netherworld. They want to open the Netherworld door and can only rely on compulsory means, and this’ Heng Yang God Arrow ‘, is their killer. “

“It turned out that the owner wanted us to take this thing to prevent the Immortal Court­yard from launching an attack on Netherworld, thus destroying the demons.” Wu Mian nodded, seemingly figured out.

“Not only to prevent Immortal Court­yard from attacking Netherworld, this object has other uses.”

“Where are they now?”

“They followed the route of Xixiayun Plain, and we waited for them in Xixiayun Plain. It took us a little more time to get there, and we have enough time to prepare there.”

“Master Demon, how many people are there to **** the ‘Heng Yang God Arrow‘?”

At this moment, the next devil asked boldly.

“A total of 11,000 people, all masters of Fifth Level Spirit Immortal and above, are led by Spirit God.” Su Yun said.

The words fall, the ten demon are all dull, staring at Su Yun in dumbfounding.

Wu Mian was also startled, amazed.

“More than 10,000 people”

Spirit God can lead the team?”

“We only have twelve of us, can we really eat these guys?”

“We still have to take ‘Heng Yang God Arrow‘ from them? Can we do it?”

These ten demons are all embarrassed. When they heard Su Yun‘s words, their self-confidence was completely shattered and they all panicked.

Su Yun stopped and stopped suddenly.

People stopped their bodies, looked away, and looked at him.

“Are you scared?”

Su Yun suddenly spoke.

No one speaks.

“If you are afraid, then already lost.”

“Master, this is not a question of courage, but the strength is too disparate, we just go to death.”

“Disparity in strength? If you do n’t give it a try, how can you know the difference in strength between ourselves and the enemy?”

Su Yun said indifferently: “You must remember that at any time, do n’t be afraid, even if the enemy is really many times stronger than you. In that case, I allow you to run away, but I will never allow you to run away. Is not the same as failure, but fear is a complete defeat. “

When everyone heard it, they bowed their heads.

Su Yun sighed slightly and continued to move forward.

The road True Demon Sect is taking now is just like the current Su Yun action plan this time.

How strong the opponent is, regardless of strength and number of people, but they are still marching towards the enemy’s position. It is not that they do not know life or death, but that they have no way out. These ten demons are all from True Demon Sect. In the past, they were not afraid of life and death, and none of them were afraid of death. This is known to Ten Thousands Worlds people, but they have become more and more under the continuous surge of their own cultivation. The more I cherish my life, after all, it is not easy to practice this cultivation. Su Yun can understand that once you die, all your efforts and creations are phantoms.

However, the current situation must not be feared.

After one day, Su Yun led the eleven people, and finally came to Xixiayun Plain, which is the southwest side of Immortal Court­yard. There is a five-day journey from Immortal Court­yard. There is no spiritual mine here, and the fairy city is also extremely scarce. Therefore, there are very few haunts here.

Perhaps many people don’t know why the team that escorted Heng Yang God Arrow will go this way. After all, the direction of the gate of Paradise is not on this side, but Su Yun, which has all the memories of Zhan Zuoyang, knows it well.

Here, there is a transmission point quietly established by Immortal Court­yard, and this point leads to Ten Thousands Worlds like Xianmen.

Once entering this gate, ‘Heng Yang God Arrow‘ will be sent to True Demon World within a few interest.

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