Limitless Sword God Chapter 1045: Accountability

The reaction is so fierce. How afraid of death?

Su Yun froze, he took a breath, thought slightly, and said, “I want you to work for me.”

“Yes, I’m willing to work for you, sir, as long as you don’t kill me,” the girl said quickly.

“But I’m afraid you betrayed me like you were selling Unparalleled Faction. If so, it would be too bad for me.” Su Yun Shen said.

The girl stayed for a while and whispered: “The subordinates won’t betray adults, adults can rest assured.”

“That being the case, then you eat this.” Su Yun did not know where to take out an elixir and passed it.

The girl looked at the elixir curiously, and crooked her neck for a while, and even carefully stretched her white delicate hand, put the elixir in her mouth, and licked the pink tongue. It seemed to taste good, and swallowed it.

“It’s so sweet, what’s this?” The girl licked her pink lips and asked Su Yun with a smile.

“Everyone says that good medicine is bitter. This is sweet, naturally it is poison.” Su Yun said.

These words fell away, the girl smiled suddenly, and the pretty face that had just recovered her color was utterly pale again. Her jerky body that had stopped trembling again trembled again, and the whole person was paralyzed again. What’s muttering.

“Poison poison poison me am I dying ?? Am I dying ?? What to do? What to do? How to do ?? What to do?”

She clasped her head and shouted confusedly, almost like a frightened kitten.

When Su Yun saw this, he couldn’t help laughing, and he just said, “This poison will not kill you.”

The girl was shocked: “Really?”



“I can give you an antidote.”

“Really?” The girl regained her spirit.

“It depends on your performance.”


The spirit that has just come down is gone.

“If you perform well, I will not only give you an antidote, but I will find a way to revive your master.”

“Really?” The girl was a little suspicious this time.

“Of course this time is true.” Su Yun said calmly.

Girl heard the sound, that doubt disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a full of excitement and excitement. She patted her hands repeatedly, excited: “Great! Great! You are so powerful, Master must be saved !! It must have been saved !!! “

“To save your master, it still depends on you. If you work for me sincerely, I can not only ensure that you are safe and sound, but also that your master will be standing in front of you alive.”

Su Yun said indifferently: “I will arrange you to enter Ask Immortal Sect. At that time you will directly obey me. I want you to collect some information for me about certain cents. You should be able to do it?”

“If I asked me to inquire about the news, I wouldn’t be able to do it,” said the weak girl.

“You steal it.”

“That’s no problem.” The young girl confidently said, “I’ve worked **** Phase Transfer God Art for so many years. It’s not in vain. In front of my Phase Transfer God Art, any enchantment seal is useless.”

“That’s good.”

Su Yun nodded, Xuan Er said to Wei Ming: “There are many things today. For the time being, let’s take her down and send her back to Ask Immortal Sect later.”

“Yes, sir.” Wei Ming held his fist, nodded at the girl, and left.

When the girl saw this, she quickly ran away behind Wei Ming‘s buttocks, but she was afraid of dying Su Yun. After all, she still vividly remembered the scene of slaughtering the immortals and did not forget it.

This Zi Jin is inherently timid. How have you seen such a vicious person like Su Yun? Although she replaced Su Qing’er as the body of this god, and made the bait of Unparalleled Faction, which led to the attack of the Fairy Alliance Army, she did not know the intention of Ao Wushuang beforehand, otherwise, she would rather die on the spot, and would never Do this bait.

The girl left and Su Yun waited in the main hall.

After about Mo Banzhuxiang’s effort, Wei Ming, who had left before, returned to the main hall again.

“Sir, already arranged her properly.” Wei Ming said with a fist.

“Yes.” Su Yun nodded, Shen said: “After you return to Ask Immortal Sect, tell Xiang Yang that people will watch this girl day and night.”

“Is the adult afraid of her betrayal?” Wei Ming yelled.

“That’s not it.” Su Yun sighed: “Although this girl has a little ability, she is timid and afraid of death. She is also afraid of death. When she learned that I had fed her poison, she would not betray me. It’s just that her head doesn’t seem to be very smart. If someone seduces her, it will be different. She doesn’t seem to have any precautions against anyone. “

“This is true.” Wei Ming agrees. A girl like this, who can live in a dangerous place like Paradise to this day, really admires the girl’s luck.

“In addition, from today, you will prepare materials for me, and you will select all the masters who have more than Third Level Spirit Immortal products in the large Exquisite Palace and re-edit.”

Su Yun spoke lightly.

As soon as Wei Ming was heard, the pupils enlarged a few times. Looking at Su Yun, they were surprised and said, “Sir, you want it?”

“Although the people we captured didn’t know much about this sectarian alliance, they knew the sectarian group that formed this alliance well. If you broke a group, what should you do first?”

Su Yun asked Shen.

Wei Ming heard the sound, paused, and said, “Each break?”

“Yes.” Su Yun nodded: “This is like a chopstick, you can hardly break it in one breath, and we don’t have the strength at the moment, so we need to judge one by one, of course, in the judgement In the process, we can also exercise our strength and increase our strength.

Wei Ming is not a fool. The words Su Yun come to an end, and he immediately understands. He immediately fists: “Subordinates know what to do.”

“There are many high-ranking factions among the captured people. Through Great Exquisite Tech­nique we have obtained many secrets of the Xian faction. Now that we have the initiative, it will be much easier to do anything. Now they do not know that we have the information in our hands. So we must take advantage of this effort to integrate. “

Su Yun said.

Although this is said, it is insincere. The main reason why he moved these immortals was because they attacked Unparalleled Faction and made an attempt on Su Qing’er. Now Su Yun is beheaded outside Unparalleled Faction. Hundreds of thousands of immortals, these immortals are in a state of emptiness, Correct good time to pack them.

Wei Ming is scheduled, and Su Yun also notified Xiang Yang, Qin Qianlong and Xing Bai as soon as possible. If you do n’t break this alliance at this time, there will be more sad days in the future for Su Yun.

More than 300,000 immortals have been destroyed. Although many people want to conceal it deliberately, they still don’t know from whom it came out. For a time, the entire Paradise was shocked, and countless immortals paid attention. Especially Immortal Court­yard, after arriving at the original battlefield, almost on the same day, a blockade order was issued, and the feature battlefield was completely blocked. No fairy can enter, even Unparalleled Faction people.

Hundreds of thousands of immortals have been killed and wounded. If there is not a large-scale conflict, it is impossible to cause such a phenomenon. There is only one known conflict, which is the conflict between these immortals and Unparalleled Faction. As everyone knows, in this battle, Unparalleled Faction was defeated one after another, Ao Wushuang was even injured. After the chaos at Unparalleled Faction, it attracted the attention of many eyes. Even if Ao Wushuang wanted to hide nothing. However, after the people of Immortal Court­yard went to Unparalleled Faction, they could not avoid the general acting of Ao Wushuang. Ao Wushuang did not want to inform the Immortal Court­yard people of his prepared plan. Therefore, when the Immortal Court­yard people arrived, the focus of Ao Wushuang was what these people who attacked Unparalleled Faction were. Identity, and urged Immortal Court­yard people to track down. Immortal Court­yard people are naturally aware of this. Fortunately, there are too many corpses on the battlefield, and there are too many clues left. It is not difficult for them to know what immortals were involved in the attack on Unparalleled Faction.

However, it is not only Unparalleled Faction and Immortal Court­yard that are focusing on this incident, but of course the Xianpai Alliance led by Lin Yujing.

At the moment, inside the Alliance station.

Lin Yujing sat gloomily in front of the table in the Chamber, staring coldly at every fairy who came in.

Every one of these fairies who walked in was pale and anxious. People either sit down or stand aside, but no one says a word.

Soon, the chairs in the Chamber are full. The first Lin Yujing stood up and looked at everyone present with cold eyes! !!

“What the **** is going on?”

Finally, Lin Yujing spoke.

The handsome face has a touch of Murderous Qi.

No one speaks.

“Don’t you know what’s going on?” Lin Yujing spoke again, his voice filled with irresistible anger: “Isn’t there anyone who can tell me now who is it? Are we hundreds of thousands of disciples? Ah ah ah you talk !!!! “

Yes, despite Lin Yujing‘s questioning, no one spoke.

This incident is too sudden and unexpected. Although these people had imagined countless possibilities before the action, no one expected that such a thing would happen again

The atmosphere in the Chamber looks very depressing.

Lin Yujing seems to still want to speak and wants to speak, but at this moment, a fairy on the right suddenly makes a noise.

“Lin, do you know? When were our hundreds of thousands of disciples killed?”

Speaking is Pavilion Host from Hilling Court, which is a medium-sized fairy. The sects are not powerful, but they are very qualified.

“What does Pavilion Host mean by this?” Lin Yujing snorted.

“Nothing else.” Xiling Pavilion Host said indifferently: “I just want to tell Lin, the disciples of our hundreds of thousands, were destroyed on the way back to the alliance after getting the body of the **** !!! “

These words landed, and everyone present looked up and looked at Hilling Pavilion Host.

What does this mean? I believe everyone present is clear.

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