Limitless Survival Game: 65. Survival in the Desert 5, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the infinite survival game!

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But the nurse could only show an apologetic smile, “I’m out of any medicine. Why don’t you go and see somewhere else?”

The young mother’s face suddenly became ashes. She has gone to most of the hospitals, and they all say myrrh.

The nurse reminded, “Don’t go to the hospital, go to a small private clinic. A slightly larger hospital will either run out of medicine or be robbed.”

The young mother suddenly realized.

“Thank you, thank you.” She hurriedly went out as she hurriedly thanked her.

At this moment, one person passed her shoulders, and hurriedly walked to the lady nurse, with an anxious look on her face, opened her mouth and asked, “Is there any anti-inflammatories here? I was shot and the wound became inflamed!”

The nurse looked embarrassed, “No, there is no medicine.”

The visitor looked sad and seemed desperate.

The nurse looked away and couldn’t bear to look again. In the current situation, wound infection can only wait for death. Having said that, there are more than one or two quietly waiting for death to come?

The visitor cautiously said, “Can I stay in the hospital for a day?”

Without waiting for the nurse to answer, she hurriedly made a promise, “I don’t have any money on my body now, but, but I will work hard to earn it back in the future!”

The nurse can’t help but feel amused, “You don’t need to pay. The patients are gathered in the lobby on the first floor. Come here if you like.”

“It’s great.” The person who came over was happy, and it was Su Han.

Okay? The nurse’s smile was slightly bitter, and all the patients who were still in the hospital were waiting to die. Normal people who have nothing to do in their idleness and come to the hospital to stay for a long time? Even if she had not been diagnosed with terminal cancer, she would not abandon herself and stay in the hospital.

The nurse thought a lot, but only gently said, “Come with me.”

“En.” Su Han responded with a smile, but his eyes flickered. In fact, she is more willing to stay in a single ward alone than to gather with others. It was only to inquire about the situation in the hospital that I had to excuse the infection and needed help, so I took the initiative to come over.

When they arrived in the hall, Su Han’s pupils shrank for a while–as far as his eyes were, red and yellow numbers were beating everywhere.

“Fullness: 30%, cleanliness: 15%, physical strength 20%. Status: very poor, fever, wound infection.”

“Fullness: 20%, cleanliness: 23%, physical strength 26%. Status: very poor, abdominal pain and diarrhea.”

“Fullness: 34%, cleanliness: 32%, stamina 31%. Status: bad, expecting labor.”

The breath of death filled the room. Su Han wrinkled his nose, feeling a little unwell.

The nurse introduced, “There is a well in the hospital, and everyone usually drinks well water. Although it is not as clean as mineral water, it is at least better than tap water. Many people start to have abdominal pain and diarrhea because of drinking tap water. .”

Su Han reminded, “The water has been cut off.”

The nurse was stunned for a moment, and then said, “Sorry, I forgot.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

After thanking the nurse, Su Han found a place to sit down at will, and checked his attributes—fullness: 62%, cleanliness: 58%, and stamina 73%. Condition: Good, wound infection.

Su Han sighed lightly. He had deliberately eat and drink less and disguised data, but compared to others, it was still very conspicuous. Looking around, she thought to herself that she was still not fit to stay in the crowd.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, Su Han stayed in the lobby all night, with a sickly appearance on his face.

On the 17th day, the price level rose by 100%, and all shops in the town were closed. At the same time, infectious diseases began to spread, and people with weak physiques were extremely vulnerable to infection. (Note: Physical strength 200 will be immune. After contracting the disease, -20 stamina per day.)

Su Han brows brows, pretending to be afraid of the epidemic and staying away from the crowd, but in fact quickly left the lobby on the first floor. Immediately afterwards, she found a place where no one was there to use soap, chocolate cake, and brown bread to increase the fullness and cleanliness to a dark green. Then use anti-inflammatory drugs to remove the “infected” state. Waiting for the fullness + cleanliness + physical strength> 200 to determine that he is immune to infectious diseases, then he breathes a sigh of relief.

“Ah–” There was an extremely stern cry from the hall, something seemed to be going wrong.

Su Han’s scalp was numb, so he turned his head and ran away. After a while, she hid in the single ward of the building next door, and she felt slightly relaxed.

On the 18th day, the situation became more severe. The system notified, “The price level has risen by 100%. The town’s first 500,000 people, and about 80,000 survivors (players + NPC) are left. Infectious diseases have worsened, and people with weak physiques are very susceptible to infection. (Note: Physical value 220 will be immune. After contracting the disease, their stamina will be -25 per day.)”

Su Han glanced at his attributes-fullness: 90%, cleanliness: 92%, and stamina 79%. Status: Healthy, immediately at ease.

On the 19th day, “prices have risen by 100%. Infectious diseases are aggravated, and people with weak physiques are extremely vulnerable to infection. (Note: People with weak physique values ​​ 240 Will be immune. After contracting the disease, -30 stamina per day.)”

On the 20th day, “prices have risen by 100%. Infectious diseases are aggravated, and people with weak physiques are extremely vulnerable to infection. (Note: People with weak physique values ​​ 260 Will be immune. After contracting the disease, -40 stamina per day.)”

The supplies in the portable warehouse are extremely abundant, so Su Han is quite calm. It’s just that there is dead silence in the building, and no one can be seen around it, as if there is no other living person in this world except her, which makes people feel a little panicked.

Su Han hid in the room, occasionally observing the surrounding situation from the window, and made up his mind never to leave.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Seeing that the dungeon was about to end, Su Han felt inexplicably that the last stage of the game was easy. Of course, she glanced at the portable warehouse and found that the inventory of materials had dropped sharply, and she knew that ease was just an illusion.

If it weren’t for hiding in the hospital, I really don’t know how to survive in the rain of bullets.

If it weren’t for sufficient supplies and correct stocking, just the lack of soap and the negative status caused by staple foods could consume the accumulated medical supplies, and it would not be the end.

In the infectious disease stage, immune conditions are extremely high. In case of lack of drugs and too many negative aspects, it is difficult to achieve the three attributes and above 260, it is not easy to survive until the end.

Fortunately, everything is now over.

Su Han leaned against the wall and sat in the corner, quietly waiting for the game to end.

In the early morning of the 20th day, the pointer just pointed to 12 o’clock, and the mechanical sound of the system sounded in due course, “The first round of the game is over. Congratulations to the players for completing the extreme challenge.”

“You have received additional rewards.”

“All surviving players in the dungeon will be automatically teleported away.”

Then, with a flash of white light, Su Han found himself back in the white mist.

A transparent panel appeared in front of her with the words–

Name: Su Han (Real-name authentication)

Level: 1 (experience value 20/30)

Occupation: Nutritionist (with elementary talent, experience value 20/30)

Fullness: 100/100

Cleanliness: 100/100

Physical strength: 100/100

Su Hanxin said that in the game just now, the stamina attribute was only light green. It seems that after the end of the copy, all the attributes will be restored to their full value.

As for the experience value…

Su Han remembered the previous instructions of the system. For every 30 days of survival in the dungeon, his level is +1, the upper limit of hunger value is +100, the upper limit of cleanliness is +100, the upper limit of stamina is +100, and his talent level is +1.

She survived for 20 days, so it was 10 days before she could level up.

The mechanical voice said, “The system is processing, please wait.”

After about half a minute, it continued, “You got 20 (survival days)*5=100 points.”

“You have received additional rewards. You can choose two of the following options as rewards.”

“A, experience value +5.”

“B, points +50.”

“C, the upper limit of satiety, cleanliness, and physical strength are +20 respectively.”

Su Han feels that shopping mall prices are too high and it is more cost-effective to purchase games. In addition, she didn’t need many supplies, so she chose A and C.

In an instant, the content on the transparent color panel became——

Name: Su Han (Real-name authentication)

Level: 1 (experience value 25/30)

Occupation: Nutritionist (with primary talent, experience value 25/30)

Satisfaction: 120/120

Cleanliness: 120/120

Stamina: 120/120

Points: 100

After the selection, the mechanical voice announced, “You have successfully advanced, please participate in the second round of the competition at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

After speaking, the player automatically exits the game, and the game cabin slowly opens.

Su Han lay in the game cabin and blinked, and it took a long time to recover. She glanced at the clock and found that it was 10:38 at the moment and there was still time for lunch. She immediately realized that the time flow of the holographic online game had been adjusted.

Su Han took out the induction cooker to boil water, and then added the hot pot bottom material. After the water boiled, she cooked the mutton for a good meal while checking the game forum.

At that time, the “Infinite Survival Game” forum had already exploded, and countless players bitterly condemned it.

“Spicy chicken game! There are too many pits! If you say that your fullness and cleanliness are low, you will lose your stamina? Why is there no soap that will add negative noodles and lose stamina?”

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