Limitless Survival Game: 47. Survival on the Deserted Island 9, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the infinite survival game!

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“Family medical drugs are ready. Army knives, gas masks, military boots, bulletproof vests are on the way, so the question is, which one is better for canned food? Comrades help recommend two, and I plan to stock up. “

Of course, many of them overwhelmed their sense of worry and accidentally overturned the boat–

“Ten years ago, the nuclear leak accident rushed for salt, and the result was too much. I haven’t finished eating it today… I’m already crying in the toilet.”

“Pouch.” Su Han couldn’t help but laughed. Open the post and check it carefully, she found that the host’s words were filled with sadness.

“The salt that was bought at a high price in the past, ten yuan a pack, cannot be resold, and it is not rare to give it away!”

“After eating for ten years, I still have a lot of food left at home. I don’t know when I can finish it.”

“Fortunately, the salt does not have a shelf life, so take your time…vicissitudes.jpg.”

After flipping through the post, Su Han showed a thoughtful look, “There is no need to stock up too much seasoning.”

Get enlightenment from the lessons of others, and you can continuously optimize your own prevention plan. When the crisis comes, we can better deal with it.

After turning over the post for a while, Su Han was planning to take a rest off the assembly line. At this time, a post that had just been posted was highlighted and the number of replies increased sharply.

Su Han was slightly startled, thinking he had read it wrong, and quickly read it again. However, the title clearly reads, “The world’s first survival holographic online game is coming soon. The developer Jinjiang Group has decided to hold the first endless survival competition for game promotion. Everyone is welcome to sign up.”

The world’s first survival holographic online game! Survival Madman. Su Han immediately clicked into the post to see how to sign up.

One month later, the registration for the first Infinite Survival Competition is over, and the game is scheduled to start on October 1.

Since StarCraft 3000, October 1st-October 10th is a legal holiday for citizens, and no one may deprive them. Therefore, all players who sign up for the survival game do not have to worry about not being able to spare time.

In the early morning of October 1, Su Han couldn’t wait to lie down in the game cabin, quietly waiting for the game to start.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, the contestants logged in to the game on time.

With a flower in front of him, Su Han found himself standing in a white mist.

In the next second, the mechanical audio sounded, “Welcome to the “Infinite Survival Game”. Players can choose one of the following three occupations.”

Su Han took a closer look, and the three options are–

“Occupation: Physician. Talent skills (Elementary): In the dungeon, there is a 30% chance of getting common drugs every day, and a 5% chance of getting rare drugs.”

“Occupation: Miner. Talent skills (Elementary): In the dungeon, there is a 30% chance of getting gold every day, and a 5% chance of getting rare gems.”

“Occupation: Nutritionist. Talent skills (Elementary): In the dungeon, there is a 30% chance of getting the’one bottle of milk + a piece of brown bread’ package every day, and a 5% chance of getting’three bottles of milk + a piece of meat floss. Cream bread + a piece of chocolate cake “luxury package.”

“Note: The above probability events can happen at the same time.”

After a little thought, Su Han reacted immediately. The physician means the supply of medicines, the miner means the possession of hard currency, and the nutritionist means the supply of food and water.

The three professions are all very good, but they have their own advantages in different environments.

During extremely difficult times, medical supplies are in short supply, and the price is more expensive than gold; in relatively peaceful times, owning gold means having purchasing power and can be replenished on a large scale; tens of thousands of people wave on the desert island, gold is useless, food and water are the most important important.

Difficult to choose…

After a full minute of consideration, Su Han made a decision, “I choose a nutritionist.” No matter what the environment, you can’t live without water and food. Can I exchange it with others without other resources?

The mechanical voice said, “Occupation selection, please wait a moment, the system is processing.”

After a few seconds, a transparent panel appeared in front of Su Han with the words–

Name: Su Han (Real-name authentication)

Level: 1

Occupation: Nutritionist (with elementary talent)

Fullness: 100/100

Cleanliness: 100/100

Physical strength: 100/100

The attributes are explained below.

Satisfaction: 75%-100%, dark green, very full. 50%-75%, light green, not hungry. 25%-50%, yellow, a little hungry. 0-25%, red, hungry intolerable.

Taking food can increase satiety.

Cleanliness: 75%-100%, dark green, clean. 50%-75%, light green, not dirty. 25%-50%, yellow and dirty. 0-25%, red, smelly.

Use daily necessities to improve cleanliness.

Stamina: Fullness and cleanliness are lower than 50, and the stamina decreases slowly. (The lower the fullness and cleanliness, the faster the decline in physical strength. The value drops to 0, the game character dies, the player is eliminated, and cannot be resurrected.)

If there is a negative face or injury, the stamina value will continue to decrease. (Negative. Noodles can be cleared by taking corresponding drugs.)

The hunger value and cleanliness are both dark green, or when you enter a sleep state, or undergo medical treatment, your physical strength slowly recovers.

For every 30 days of survival in the dungeon, level +1, hunger value upper limit +100, cleanliness upper limit +100, stamina upper limit +100, and talent level +1.

“This is the rhythm of fighting for the family…” Su Han murmured.

The lower the fullness and cleanliness, the faster the decline in physical strength. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal level of physical strength, it is necessary to search for food and daily necessities as much as possible to maintain fullness and cleanliness above the green safety line.

Almost instantly, Su Han made “hoarding supplies” his top priority.

After reading, Su Han closes the transparent property panel.

The system prompts, “The player has obtained 100 points given by the system and can purchase materials in the game mall.”

“Note 1: Players are in the dungeon and are not allowed to enter the mall to shop.”

“Note 2: The number of goods in the mall is limited, first-come-first-served. After a certain product is sold, the word’sold out’ will be displayed, and the purchase can be continued after the replenishment is completed. (Replenishment before the next copy)”

Su Han, “!!!”

Can the goods in the mall be sold out? Wouldn’t players who choose their profession carefully and analyze their attributes in the past will be unlucky!

She hurriedly opened the mall to panic buying.

The shopping mall panel appeared, and the variety of goods in it was amazing. There are everything to eat, wear, and use, as well as single-handed, double-knife, daggers, and other kinds of control devices. It is worthy of being systematically opened.

Su Han holds 100 points, and feels that such a small amount of money is not enough!

Seeing the continuous decrease in the inventory of goods in the mall, Su Han sighed, quickly determined the goal, and instantly spent 100 points.

The items she selected are–

Portable warehouse, worth 50 points, there are 10 boxes inside, and each box can hold up to 100 pieces of the same item.

A great value gift package, worth 40 points, contains 10 soaps, 10 bottles of mineral water, 10 pieces of meat floss butter bread, and 5 medical bandages.

Soap: Cleanliness +25 after use, worth 2 points.

Mineral water: 250ml, fullness +10 after use, worth 2 points.

Floss Butter Bread: Fullness +25 after use, worth 2 points.

Medical bandage: After use, the stamina value is +10, the “bleeding” state disappears, and it is worth 4 points.

In other words, the original price of 80 points is made into a 40-point gift package, which is indeed very cost-effective! So Su Han did not hesitate to choose it.

The remaining 10 points are exchanged for the currency of the copy, a total of 1000 bei. (The name of the currency in circulation in the copy is called Bei)

On the surface, it seems that it is easy to buy food, water, and medical supplies with money, and it is not worthwhile to exchange points for them. But… who can guarantee that these materials can be bought in peacetime in the copy?

Take a step back, even if you can buy it, who knows what currency shellfish is? How much purchasing power does it have? If you can only buy a bottle of water for 1,000 shells, you will lose a lot.

So after comprehensive consideration, Su Han selected the above three items. Although the preparation is not 100% sufficient, there are still many things that are needed without equipment, but the things you carry with you are sufficient for most occasions.

After spending 100 points, Su Han saw that the portable warehouse with a total supply of 1,000 and a remaining inventory of 722 suddenly fell by more than 300. She felt tight, knowing that a large number of players were about to start the berserk mode.

Fortunately, she has finished purchasing.

The system asks, “Preparation is over, do players enter the game now?”

Su Han did not hesitate to choose, “Yes.”

The white light flashed, and Su Han officially entered the game.

The system began to introduce, “This round is a survival game under the background of hyperinflation, please do your best to survive.”

“Note 1: After 10 days of survival, the player has reached the pass conditions and can request the system to leave the instance at any time.”

“Note 2: The stamina value is reset to zero, the character dies, and the player is disqualified for the game.”

“Note 3: The more days you survive, the more rewarding you will be for customs clearance.”

“Note 4: If the player completes the extreme challenge-survive 20 days in the dungeon, they will receive additional rewards. After 20 days, the surviving players in the dungeon will automatically teleport away.”

“Note 5: A5 town (the server where the player is located) has 100,000 players and 400,000 resident NPCs.”

“Note 6: Hyperinflation officially began at 9 o’clock this morning. (Generally, the monthly increase rate of price levels is more than 50% as hyperinflation. The data in the game has been adjusted.)”

From 9 o’clock, hyperinflation has officially started? Su Han was slightly startled.

Entering the game at 8 o’clock in the morning, choosing occupations, reading information, and shopping products, it took about five minutes before and after. And now, the time in the game is exactly 8:06.

Suddenly, she had an inexplicable sense of urgency in a race against time, as if every minute could not be wasted!

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