Limitless Survival Game: 20. Natural disaster 8, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the infinite survival game!

On the other side, Su Han is very curious, “Why do you want to get these wood after a lot of effort?”

Zhong Rui did not answer the question, “Then what are you doing?”

Su Han deliberately lowered his voice, “Of course it is because the guesswork might come in handy a few days later.”

“Same.” Zhong Rui said lightly, “Speaking of natural disasters, the most common ones are snow disasters, storms and high temperatures. Now that you have the opportunity, of course you have to stock up some wood by the way. Anyway, be prepared.”

Su Hanxin said, it’s no wonder that the two of them refused to give up, because they had considered this possibility.

The two took a lot of effort to transport the wood back to the inn. When they came back, the other three were eating.

“You are back?” Cai Sheng greeted enthusiastically, “Come here, and have lunch. There are three steamed buns for each person. You can choose from corn steamed buns, white flour steamed buns, and rye steamed buns.”

Su Han took a closer look and found that the steamed bun was as big as an adult’s fist, and it looked full of materials.

Bantou: fullness after use +20.

Su Han walked over, took three corn buns and started chewing. From morning till now, she has spent a lot of effort. Regardless of whether it is fullness or cleanliness, both have dropped by more than 30.

Beside, Fan Wanyu was talking to Xiaofang, “The transport ship hasn’t come for ten days. It’s a ghost. I don’t know how long this dilemma will last!”

“Who said no?” Xiao Fang sighed, “After eating this meal, I don’t know where the next one is.”

“Maybe logging in the afternoon.” Fan Wanyu looked at her hands, feeling sorry for herself inexplicably.

Su Han cleared his throat, and then seriously proposed, “I said, how about burning the tree in the afternoon?”

Fan Wanyu was shocked, “Are you crazy?!”

“The person in charge only said to clean up the trees, but didn’t say how to clean them.” Old God Su Han was there.

“Didn’t he give the axe?” Xiao Fang questioned.

Su Han looked back innocently, “If he doesn’t work well, he didn’t expect that it would be possible to burn a tree.”

Xiao Fang was speechless.

Cai Sheng was a little uneasy, “What if it causes a fire?”

Before Su Han had time to answer, Zhong Rui said first, “Find two people holding the water pipes and stand by to supervise them. When they find something is wrong, immediately put out the fire, nothing will happen.”

Water has been cut off in some areas, but the area where they are located is not affected, and water can still be used normally.

“Anyway, I didn’t say no, then try to find a tree.” Su Han was eager to try.

Cai Sheng found out strangely that he had been persuaded. He hesitated, “Why…try it?”

Three of the five people agreed, and Fan Wanyu and Xiaofang directly lost the right to vote. So the vigorous operation of burning trees officially started.

Zhong Rui placed some combustibles around the trees to help burn. Su Han took out the lighter and ignited it everywhere. The other three were standing by with water pipes, ready to sprinkle water at all times.

In fact, burning the tree went much smoother than expected. Surrounded by many combustibles, the big tree burns easily. Occasionally, sparks drifted away nearby, and the firefighters immediately sprinkled water to extinguish the extinguishing stars.

Twenty minutes later, the trees burned out. The system announced, “Cleaning progress +2%, the current total progress is 30.6%.”

“It works.” Su Han’s spirits lifted up.

The person in charge appeared at the right time, he just said, “Next…” was interrupted mercilessly by Zhong Rui.

I saw Zhong Ruiyi righteously saying, “Please give us the task of cleaning up the trees.”

Burning a tree is very convenient. You only need to do the preliminary work and you can wait for it to finish burning quietly. On the other hand, the completion of the tree cleaning is very good for the progress, so he wants to take the work of cleaning the trees.

Considering the work efficiency of the five-person team, the person in charge could not help but nodded and agreed.

So the five people set fire to the trees everywhere, and their progress improved rapidly.

“Cleaning progress +2%, the current total progress is 37.9%.”

“Cleaning progress +2%, the current total progress is 42.3%.”

“Cleaning progress +2%, the current total progress is 48%.”


Wait until five o’clock in the evening, all the trees blocking the road were cleared, and the total progress just reached 60.1%. The distance does not trigger 70% of the debuff, there is still a long distance.

Su Han gave up, “Players work together and work together to have hope. Only one or two people can’t turn the tide.”

After all, no one is a savior who is born with the heavy responsibility of saving the common people.

Zhong Rui looked quite open, “It’s just a low-level debuff, it has little effect.”

Su Han is right to think about it, so he doesn’t care about it anymore.

Who knows at 9 o’clock the next day, the system’s mechanical sound announced, “The cleaning progress is 64.3%, and the low-level debuff is triggered-the island’s ecological environment is destroyed, and all residents on the island have a daily physical strength of -15.”

Su Han is very surprised, low-level debuff, actually -15 stamina per day! So what will the so-called intermediate level look like?

Don’t look at her upper limit of stamina at 220, 15 does not seem to be a lot, but for most level 1 players, only 100 stamina at full limit can live for 6 days. Not to mention there are other debuff effects that consume energy at all times.

Su Han guessed that if you don’t quickly rise to the second level, the player won’t be able to hold it for long.

The bad news is not over, and the system continues to announce, “On the 11th day, the cold wave hits and the temperature drops below zero. Frail people may get frostbite. (People with physical strength> 80 will be immune)”

Su Han, “…”

At this moment, her mood was a little broken.

When I first entered the copy, the island had a typical beach climate. Not only the temperature is right, but the breeze is fascinating, so short sleeves are just right.

Now the system announces that the cold wave is coming, and I don’t know if it is an illusion, she feels that the indoor temperature has dropped. Originally changed the Zhang camel wool blanket, she was still worried about whether it would be too much, but now, she only hates that there are too few stocks of winter supplies!

Su Hanmu thought with a face, originally thought it was just wind and rain, and the temperature dropped sharply. Never thought that the system did not play cards according to common sense at all, and instantly dropped the temperature below zero!

As for the first-level player’s physical strength of 100, -15 per day, unless a large amount of medicine is hoarded, it is impossible to get immunity or something, she is too lazy to complain. Everyone asks for their own blessings, no one can care about anyone in times of crisis.

Su Han wrapped in a blanket and tried to open the window. Immediately after the bitter wind blew, she woke up from the cold in an instant.

She closed the window quickly and had to face the reality-in her current state, she would never be able to go out.

The door of the room was knocked.

After Su Han was armed, he wrapped a blanket and went to open the door.

When I opened the door, it turned out that it was Santa Claus. Zhong Rui came to give gifts, including quilts, snow boots, cotton trousers, down jackets, scarves, hats, and gloves.

“Do you need it? I can give it to you for free.” Zhong Rui is very bold.

“Why?” Although he was frozen into a dog, Su Han tightened his lips and refused to pick it up easily. With sufficient medication, she can survive by herself, but will have a harder life…

Zhong Rui said calmly, “You should know that I had a lot of gold jewelry in the last copy. After entering the second copy, I realized the gold jewelry for a lot of money. For me, these Things are nothing.”

Calculated at the price of 1g of 100% gold and 200 shells, these wintering supplies on hand are only worth 1,000 shells and 5g of gold. Measured by the price in the novice copy, it is just a candle or a bottle of mineral water.

“It may not be a big deal to you, but this is not a reason to give me things for free, to be honest.” Su Han stubbornly asked.

Zhong Rui said seriously, “I hope you can be my companion.”

“Why?” Su Han was puzzled. God knows she just wants to play the game quietly by herself.

“The later the game, the more difficult it is for a person to survive. I am not discriminating against anyone, but the truth. It is like a group of people robbing a house. Although you are powerful, you can hardly beat four hands with two punches. It is very likely. Can’t handle it.” Zhong Rui explained each word.

“Although contact is limited, I can see that you are strong and have a good character. If you are a teammate, I can rest assured that I will give you my back, and I don’t have to worry about someone stabbing in the back.”

“These winter supplies are sincere. As for whether or not to accept them, you are up to the decision.”

Su Han rubbed the goose bumps on his body and decided to give in to reality. But she adopted another method of payment, “I don’t know how the system distributes players, and I may not be able to meet them in the game in the future. I can only guarantee that we will not be enemies when we meet again. If you get into trouble , I will try my best to help.”

“I know you have money and supplies, and you don’t need anything. But the information I have is very valuable and should be enough to pay for it.”

Next, Su Han told Zhong Rui how to put the extra large storage box in the portable warehouse.

Being silent for a long time, Zhong Rui had to admit, “The idea is very strange.” And it can be of great help. He happened to worry about stocking too many varieties.

“There are also those who stock barrels of mineral water.” Su Han took over the cold-proof supplies comfortably and quickly armed himself.

Inadvertently, the relationship between the two parties got closer.

Zhong Rui said suddenly, “I know that you can work and earn money in the game, but it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. In the late game, you can exchange food and daily necessities for gold jewelry, jewelry, and currency, and then sell the gold jewelry and jewelry cheaply at the beginning of the next copy. In exchange for cash, and hoarding stocks.”

Su Han suddenly realized. Gold jewelry and jewellery cannot be eaten as food. In the late game, a piece of soap and a piece of black bread can easily be exchanged for valuable items.

In the next round of dungeons, the situation was relatively stable in the first few days. Realize valuable items and you can immediately have a lot of money.


“Why tell me this news?” Su Han was rather helpless. In this way, isn’t it the equivalent of two people exchanging information? The cold protection products are still taken for nothing.

Zhong Rui said sternly, “Let’s owe favor first. Maybe you owe too much or too long, and you will change your mind.”

After speaking, he left without waiting to refuse him.

Su Han said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, this guy is really scheming. With her character, owing favor is much more terrible than being robbed.

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