Light Spirit Epic: Part 5: Sacred Treasure (2) Weapons

—————–[PART 5: Vehicles and Artifacts (2)]—————– –

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5/03: Equipment list:


Legend Class:

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5/03/01: Legendary Artifact Weapon: King’s Sword – Caliburn

Also known as [Choose King Sword], [Sword in the Stone] one of the ancient gods handed down, the symbol of the king of the Pantoracken Dynasty.

It is worth mentioning that the most primitive sources describing the sword mention that it first appeared on an anvil, not a stone.

However, due to the misinformation of later authors, this sword was branded as the “Sword in the Stone”. (Sword in the Anvil is indeed an unspeakable title.)

(version in this work:)

An artifact that draws photons indefinitely from another world.

The blade has long been tattered after countless years of baptism. But the material of its body is the same structure as the wall of the world, “theoretically indestructible” material.

When attacking, this weapon does not rely on the sharpness of the blade to cut the enemy, but like a lightsaber, it relies on photons wrapped around the surface of the blade to cut. With the exception of a few powerful enchanted armors, this sword is virtually indestructible.

In addition to the basic blade attack, the user can also override the King’s Sword by his own will, causing it to emit more photons from other worlds in a short period of time to form a longer light blade.

When overriding, the length of the light blade extending from the body of the sword generally has four modes: (1) ten feet long, (2) thirty feet long, (3) one hundred feet long, (4) A thousand feet long.

The power of these four modes decreases with the length of the blade, and the cooldown after use increases with the length, ranging from one minute to several hours.

There is also an extreme override mode in the Sword of Kings: [Heaven and Earth Slicing Sword]. Once the Ultimate Override mode is activated, the Sword of Kings will expand into a huge 10,000-foot blade of light, slashing the world with a sweeping force.

The light blade of [Heaven and Earth Slicing Sword] is actually composed of a large number of photon clouds as thin as mist, which is almost ineffective to ordinary creatures, but can purify creatures infected by [Dark Son] in a great range.

The use of [Sky and Earth Slicing Sword] will cause a great burden on the weapon, therefore, this function can only be used once a day, and the cooldown time is 24 hours. If the cooling is not enough the next time you use it, the blade of [Heaven and Earth Slicing Sword] will shrink and its power will be greatly reduced.

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After the King’s Sword was broken, Merlin sealed the remaining broken sword in a mithril scabbard and gave the scabbard to Arthur.

In the warp of the sheath, the broken swords are joined together by the warp phenomenon of the warp, and can continue to function as long as they do not leave the sheath. As long as Arthur wears it, it will continue to function without interruption.

The photons from the other world flowing from the Sword of the Lightman are received by the scabbard, and then flow into King Arthur’s body through the belt attached to the scabbard (actually, as long as Arthur touches the scabbard, the photons flow into the body of King Arthur) Arthur’s body).

Therefore, as long as King Arthur wears a scabbard, his body will have an inexhaustible source of strength, and his stamina, stamina and recovery ability will be greatly improved. Some simple magic (such as dragon flames) can also be cast by consuming the photons of other worlds in the body.

On the contrary, because King Arthur’s body can no longer obtain any photons from the original world, if he loses the sheath of the king, his body will not be replenished by photons, and he will quickly weaken to death in a short time.

The King’s Sheath gives Arthur enormous power and a talisman for Arthur’s life. Without it, Arthur can only live for a month at most.

The scabbard itself is made of very hard mithril, and Merlin has added the properties of memory metal to it, so that the scabbard will never be damaged, and if it is damaged, it can be automatically repaired in a short time. It can be used as a blunt weapon to strike opponents, but most of the time, Arthur will use the power in the scabbard to activate various special abilities.

Ability (1): [Rule Breaker] (Rule Breaker)

Timing: Momentary

Duration: Momentary

Cooldown: 5~10 seconds (depending on the current state of the artifact)

The ability originally hidden in the Sword of Kings, a special skill for fighting spirits.

Similar to the principle of Blade Override, the King’s Sheath can burst out a large number of otherworldly photons in an instant and dissipate them into the environment.

A large amount of overflowing photons from other worlds will impact the laws of this world, acting like a ***, invalidating the [laws] of the target spirit body in a short period of time.

Because the spirits can freely distort the laws of the world within a certain range, they often have various [laws] against the sky, and need to use [lawbreakers] to break them, creating opportunities for Arthur to counterattack.

[Spellbreaker] can also create a strong golden flash, which is as effective as a flash grenade and can instantly dazzle people’s eyes. This kind of strong light can directly pass through the eyelids, which means that closing the eyes cannot be avoided, only Arthur will not be affected.

[Spellbreaker] can also interfere with the activation of other magic.

Since most magic spells give rules to the magic core before they are activated, if the [Spellbreaker] can interfere with these [rules] before the magic transforms [phenomenon], it cannot be generated without [rules]. [phenomenon], magic will be countered.

To a certain extent, the long-running rules (that is, [Espiration]) imposed on the core of magic can also be interrupted by [Spellbreakers].

Since most self-controlling golems and tracker magics rely on [Espiration] to function continuously, these golems/magic may cease to function if disturbed by [Spellbreaker]. (Spellbreakers are simply golem killers!)

Ability (2): [Griffon Shield] (Griffon Shield)

Timing: Momentary

Duration: 1~3 seconds (may be extended in critical situations)

Cooldown: 3~7 seconds

After Arthur defeated the Holy Griffin, the power of the Griffin was absorbed by the King’s Sheath.

The user can instantly summon the Holy Spirit Griffon and transform into a White Feather Shield. The shield can instantly use the stunt of the Holy Spirit Griffin—[Seventh Heaven], creating a photon vacuum area on the shield surface, deflecting all attacks.

There are a few powerful attacks that can penetrate this protective cover and hit the shield surface, but the Holy Spirit Griffin shield itself is very hard, and the effect of [Seventh Heaven] greatly slows down the impact, [Lion] Eagle Shield] theoretically impossible to break.

Considered to be the strongest defensive move in the world, although it only lasts for a split second.

Ability (3): [Mirage Projector] (Mirage Projector)

Timing: Momentary

Duration: 3~7 seconds (may be extended in critical situations)

Cooldown: 10~15 seconds

Arthur’s ability to defeat the White Knight of the Holy Spirit allows him to project the user’s own optical image to another location.

During the projection process, the user’s body becomes completely transparent, and his optical image is turned left and right, and is projected to the user as the center, anywhere within a range of fifty yards.

This ability has both the effect of “making the user invisible” and “creating an illusion to confuse the enemy”.

But this ability is by no means invincible: the created phantom can be seen by the opponent’s careful observation; the sound of the transparent body moving can also be heard by the opponent.

The user needs to use this ability reasonably in order to exert its maximum effect.

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5/03/02: Legendary Artifact Weapon: Sword of the Holy King-Ex-Calibur

After the sword of the king broke, the artifact jointly developed and manufactured by Merlin and the goddess of the lake, Vivian, can be said to be an enhanced version of the sword of the king.

Has a more powerful ability to draw photons from other worlds, its light blades activate faster, have more deformation modes available, have a shorter cooldown, and are more powerful.

Like the Sword of Kings, the size of the light blade can be adjusted freely, and the ultimate ability [Sky and Earth Slicing Sword] can also be used. However, since Merlin did not load the undecrypted data of the original King’s Sword in the blade, the King’s Sword cannot use hidden abilities such as [Spellbreaker].

Archmage Merlin also said when he gave Arthur the Sword of the Holy King and the Sheath of the King at the same time, “The sheath is more important than the sword.”

“Guarding is far more important than attacking”——The Sword of the Holy King is certainly a powerful weapon to kill the enemy, but what can really protect Arthur and protect the world is the sheath of the king.

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5/03/03: Legendary Artifact Weapon: Slashing Demon Sword – Tyrfing

A cursed sword in Norse mythology. Once the sword is unsheathed, it must drink blood and return, and if there is no one to kill, it will injure its user.

Legend has it that it killed its master countless times and created more victims in the process of changing owners, so it was notorious and got the nickname [Magic Sword].

(version in this work:)

It is suspected that it is an imitation made by the [Lord of Chaos] Earl Conwell’s reverse copy of the ancient magic sword.

Although there is no terrible curse on it, the power is perfectly inherited from the original.

The terrible thing about Tyrfeng is not its sharpness, but its ability to “cut everything”.

A line-shaped enchantment about one-hundredth of an inch wide is attached to the extremely thin surface of its blade. This enchantment has the most terrifying ability in history: space slicing magic.

Any object touched by Tyrfeng’s blade will first come into contact with this slicing magic. Because it is only 1/100,000th of an inch, the interference range of magic has reached the molecular level.

As a result, the space slicing magic will cut the space of the molecules inside the object, and cut all the molecules of the object on the cut surface from the extremely fine space, resulting in a chain-type molecular force collapse effect.

From a macro perspective, this kind of slash has become a slash that “can cut everything”.

Since Tyrfeng interferes with the molecular space inside the object, in fact, all means of defending this sword do not exist. As long as the object cut by this sword will be “solved”, no matter how hard the structure is, no matter how strong the shield is, it will be cut in half by it.

If he knows how to use it, Tyrfeng can theoretically cut through the subspace, which can be said to be omnipotent and unstoppable.

Of course, using space-slicing magic consumes a lot of photons. The magic sword is designed to maintain the magic by rapidly sucking photons from the user’s body once it starts cutting. This also leads to the consequence that the magic sword quickly absorbs the user’s physical strength. If the user does not pay attention to the use limit and slashes indiscriminately, the user will quickly weaken and die. (In this regard, the curse of the magic sword still exists.)

Therefore, humans who are punished by petrification cannot use the sword. The sword was designed for use by orcs or other higher races.

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5/03/03: Legendary Artifact Weapon: Flaming Sword – Levatain

The legendary sword in Norse mythology, the end of the world—the key to Ragnarok.

This sword is full of mysteries. The only thing that is certain is that the sword is always wrapped in super-hot flames, and its heat can melt everything.

(Version in this work:) The body of the sword is pitch-black, like a piece of jet-black coke, the magic sword Revatin can release a lavender flame of hundreds of millions of degrees.

These flames are not bright because most of their energy is used to generate heat, with little wasted on glowing;

When people are close to these flames, they will not feel hot, but feel cool, because their energy is extremely concentrated, and the temperature of the flame will not leak out.

In normal use, Revatin’s flame attack range is not large, but it can simply melt the armor and split the strong shield, and any object in the world is hard to block its heat. Its attack power is almost infinite, and its penetrating power is almost infinite.

If the power of the flame is unsealed and released in a (slightly) weakened temperature in a wide range, it will produce an effect similar to the most advanced flame magic, which can burn all opponents within hundreds of feet at a temperature of 10,000 degrees. . Since its flame is indistinguishable from friend and foe, there is considerable danger when using it.

In addition to this, [Flaming Demon Sword—Raivadine] seems to be hiding a huge secret?

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5/03/03-02: Sword of Extermination – Regnarok

The magic sword that guides the coming of Ragnarok and destroys everything in the world, and is also the cursed form of [Flaming Magic Sword – Raivadine].

When [Revatin] falls into the wrong hands, he will be transformed into [Regnaruk] due to the ancient curse hidden in the sword.

(Version in this game:) The flame on the sword changed from a lavender ultra-high temperature flame to a pure black magic flame. The scary thing about this magic flame is not its temperature, but its ability to [eliminate existence].

Any object scorched by the magic flame will be wiped out and become [never existed]. Therefore, this ability is considered to be an attack that directly reverses the law of causality, and what the flames should burn is the source of the object’s destiny, Karma.

This nature can truly kill those undead beings, turning them into nothingness. In other words, the dark flame can even destroy the gods.

Perhaps, this dark flame is the true portrayal of the legendary magic sword that can destroy the world.

There are still many uncertain factors about the Extermination Demon Sword. But this sword has been damaged by collision with the King’s Sword when Gangser and Arthur duel, and everything about it will become a mystery and will be hidden in the dark history forever.

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5/03/04: Legendary Artifact Weapon: Magic Bow – Ignis de Lernaean (Ignis de Lernaean)

The bow and arrow used by the legendary hero, Hercules Hercules when he hunted the Hydra Hydra.

There have been countless versions of its legends, and it is generally considered to be a magic bow that can shoot fireballs, hence the name [Nare Fire].

(Version in this game:) A magic bow that was found in the elven arsenal by Bedivere, which has been dormant for hundreds of millions of years.

The body of the bow is made of an unknown material similar to Longwu, which is hard and has the ability to regenerate, so the appearance of the bow is rough and it is almost impossible to sculpt again.

The bow itself does not come with any arrows, not even a string. It relies on sensing the user’s bow-drawing action to form a photon string, and at the same time absorbs photons from the user to generate a photon arrow.

For some reason, photon arrows suddenly transform into shock waves a few feet away from the bow, releasing them as purely physical shocks.

The impact is so powerful that even the smallest output can easily shatter a concrete wall of dozens of feet.

Since it is a purely physical shock wave, the existing photon armor/shield has almost no defense against it, and a single shock can easily knock down most opponents in the world.

When the user draws the bow for a long time and continuously recharges the magic bow, it can also launch a more powerful shock wave with a wider range of interference. The shock wave fired from a full bow can even destroy a city in one hit.

Its enormous destructive power comes at the cost of draining the user’s life force.

If the user shoots shock waves uncontrollably, his life force (photons) will eventually be drained by the magic bow, weakening to death, just like the excessive use of magic and the petrification of human beings to death.

As an orc, Bedivere is immune to the petrification penalty, but is still extremely debilitated from overuse of the magic bow. In severe cases, it will even lose its strength and be unable to continue fighting.

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5/03/05: Legendary Artifact Weapon: Holy Spear – Triden

It is said to be a treasure left by the Sea King to the Mermaid, a mythical artifact.

The legendary three-pronged spear is an artifact to control the sea. It can easily make waves or create huge vortexes in the sea.

(version in this work:)

It doesn’t seem to have the ability to make waves, but it has an extremely special ability: photon extraction.

If a creature is stabbed with this artifact, it will extract photons from the creature and release it into the environment.

For ordinary creatures, this ability may not be so deadly – even if the photons in the body are sucked away by walking, it will be good to absorb them back from the environment.

However, this weapon is deadly for epic-level photon creatures who store intrinsic photons throughout their bodies and rely on intrinsic photons for a living. It can quickly drain the inherent photons of epic creatures, causing these creatures to rapidly weaken.

In other words, this artifact is a weapon designed to deal with epic creatures, capable of killing all kinds of dragons, succubuses, (pure) giants and other creatures in one hit.


Longwu (Legendary):

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5/03/05: Legendary Dragon Warrior: The Ancient Dragon Sword – Fafnir de Estoc

The Gaia knight of the Knights of the Western Heavens, the sword of Aoyun Yuns. Its provenance has been unexplored, and it is generally considered to be a dragon weapon made from the bones of the magic dragon Fafnir in ancient mythology.

Its bone cell activity is also one of the largest in Longburi. It can absorb photons in the environment and change its shape with the creation magic.

Usually it is in the form of a six-foot long sword. When it needs to attack from a distance, it can become a sword whip about thirty feet long. There are thousands of blades removed from the blade, which are connected by strong dragon tendons. Together, stretch freely.

When it absorbs a lot of photons and is fully awakened, the magic sword can even temporarily restore the appearance of the magic dragon Fafnir, but it only has an empty shell and can only use physical attacks such as collision. Even so, its lethality is still no less than that of any adult dragon.

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5/03/06: Legendary Dragon Warrior: Dual Blades. Vibro de Aspiratri

Two short swords in a black and white pair. It is very sharp, and it is also enchanted with [Vacuum Slicing], which can raise the vacuum blade while slashing the opponent, causing secondary damage.

Thin and sharp, the vacuum blade is more dangerous than most blades in the world, and can simply shred armor.

After being discovered by Ivan from the elf’s arsenal, Ivan instead installed the short sword on the dual guns and used it as a bayonet for the gun.

The light bullet fired by the light gun is a high-concentration photon ball. If it is cut by these two short swords, it will produce a strange magic interference phenomenon, which consumes the photons in the light bullet and directly generates a vacuum blade. As a result, Ivan can use the shock wave of the vacuum blade to replace the shooting of ordinary light bullets.

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5/03/07: Legendary Dragon Weapon: Short Sword. Illusio de Ardoris

Longwu, found by Arthur from the elf’s arsenal, has always been carried as a backup weapon.

This dagger is equipped with a powerful flame enchantment, which generates flames while swinging. Its lethality is no less than that of dragon flames, and its attack range is wider than that of ordinary daggers (the effective damage distance of flames is equivalent to that of a long spear). ).

However, the enchantment of the dagger itself does not draw photons from the user, but absorbs and stores photons from the environment, which is consumed as “fuel” when used.

When the stored photons are exhausted, the dagger will not be able to use fire, it can only be used like a normal dagger, and its power and attack range will be greatly reduced.

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5/03/08: Legendary Dragon Weapon: Sidus de Pallidum (Sidus de Pallidum)

The photon giant axe favored by Grand Duke Yones, the Celestial Knight of the Western Heavenly Knights, is ten feet long (with a handle) and one foot wide, and can easily smash any armor.

It should be the dragon martial arts that appeared in modern times. The weapon slightly involves the use of light blades: the blade end of the half-moon-shaped axe can spray a knife-shaped light blade to increase the killing range and penetration of the axe.

Since only the dragon slayers know the manufacturing technology of Longwu, and the dragon slayers have long since disappeared in modern times, the source of this weapon is a huge mystery. It may even be the last dragon weapon ever made in the world.

The stunt of the Duke of Yones, [Emerald Storm], comes from the name of this dragon weapon. This stunt takes advantage of the characteristics of this weapon, and uses the photon storm stirred up by high-speed rotation to destroy everything around it.

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5/03/09: Legendary Dragon Weapon: Concussionis (Concussionis)

Legend has it that it was the gun used by the Grand Duke Hall, the Heavenly Knight of the Southern Heaven Knights. The specific information is ominous.

According to speculation, it should be a weapon capable of performing momentum magic.


Other (rare):

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5/03/10: Gae-la’ven (Gae-la’ven)

A special magic weapon specially created by Kay Akto, the silver knight.

A filter made of lava troll heart is attached to the high-output photon reflector, which makes the blade ejected from the gun head have tens of thousands of degrees of heat. Its heat can easily dissolve nails and cut bones, and wounds cut by this high heat will be difficult to heal due to damage at the cellular level.

Lightweight and easy to use, with extremely powerful destructive power, it is one of Kai’s weapons and has been used for a long time.

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5/03/11: Thunder Lance – (No Inscription) (Thunder Lance)

The lord of the Glick tribe, the eldest of the three Hackett brothers, the magic spear held by Argus Hackett.

Has the ability to absorb photons from the user’s body and convert them into electrical magic output. There are about twenty types of electricity magic that can be used, which is enough for most battles.

The price of magic with the magic spear is the loss of photons, which weakens the user.

The creation magic that the orcs could originally use—[Berrification] and [Beastification], can’t be used when holding the gun, because the photons are sucked away by the gun and cannot be gathered in the body.

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5/03/12: Fire Cutlass – (Untitled) (Fire Cutlass)

The lord of the Glick tribe, the second eldest of the three Hackett brothers, and the magic knife held by Bagus Hackett.

Has the ability to absorb photons from the user’s body and convert them into fire magic output. There are about twenty kinds of fire magic that can be used, which is enough for most battles.

The price of magic with a magic knife is the loss of photons, which weakens the user.

The creation magic that the orcs could use originally—[Crazy Transformation] and [Beast Transformation] cannot be used while holding the knife, because the photons will be sucked away by the knife,

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5/03/13: Ice Rapir – (No Inscription) (Ice Rapir)

The lord of the Gric The third of the three Hackett brothers, the magic sword held by Chaos Hackett.

Has the ability to absorb photons from the user’s body and convert them into ice magic output. There are about twenty kinds of ice magic that can be used, which is enough for most battles.

The price of magic with a magic sword is the loss of photons, which weakens the user.

The creation magic that the orcs could use originally—[Berrification] and [Beastification], could not be used while holding the sword, because the photons were sucked away by the sword.

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5/03/14: Hull Breaker

A giant steel broadsword used by the legendary Viking hero Viktor, thirty feet long. It has a powerful enchantment attached to it, which maximizes the destructive power of the greatsword.

The weight of the great sword itself plus the weight of the enchantment (when swinging the sword will become heavy due to the photon buffering effect), ordinary people can’t swing it at all, only Victor, who is born with divine power, can use it freely.

At the price of this boundless weight, its lethality is also shocking. It can cut a medium-sized ship in half with one blow, which is worthy of the name of the ship-killing knife.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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