Light Spirit Epic Chapter 923: Lost in Tianyuan (26)

Chapter 923 Lost in Tianyuan (26)


Bediver seemed to see Papalov’s figure. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed the other’s hand.

“Caught you!” As soon as Solar grabbed the werewolf youth’s hand, he pulled hard, pulling Bedivere out of the snow!

Plop! The werewolf fell on the snow. The surrounding scenery reminded him of everything that had happened, and his mind became clearer.

(It’s just a hallucination.)

By the way, they are still on the way to the round table trial and are currently in the East African plateau.

A few minutes ago, their ship hit the top of a mountain, and Bedivere was thrown out of the shattered ship and buried in the snow.

“Oh, my head hurts—-” He covered his aching head, and the lack of oxygen made him almost in shock. Had he been rescued from the snow a few minutes later, the consequences would have been dire.

“Are you alright, my friend?” Solar patted Bedivere on the shoulder to comfort him.

“It’s okay.” The werewolf youth sorted out his thoughts: “Is everyone okay? Are there any casualties?”

“Hello everyone.” Solar turned to look at his companions: “It’s a miracle that they all survived that kind of impact.”

Not a miracle. Although the collision between the spacecraft and the mountain peak was very violent, the werewolf youth avoided the direct collision between the bow of the ship and the mountain peak with exquisite control technology at the moment before the impact.

In addition, the mountain was covered with snow, and everyone who flew out of the boat fell into the thick snow, and the impact was minimized, so all the people were saved.

A little injury is unavoidable. The werewolf turned his head and saw that Zephyr’s forehead was covered with paint, and Professor Paul had just recovered his dislocated right arm with the help of Seglade, screaming like a slaughtering pig.

“Ai, where’s Al?” The werewolf youth was particularly worried when he thought of his tiger friend.

“He’s alright… he’s stabilized for now.” Chanel, the elf girl, is taking care of Albert: “But we have to find a way to get off this mountain right away. It will be very bad if we continue to spend here. “

Bediver looks at the crashed ship. The deck of the ship was broken in two, slanted in the snow ten yards apart, and it was horrific to watch.

He looked again at the height of the sun in the sky. It almost completely rose to mid-air, which also meant that they had very little time left, probably less than ten minutes.

On the opposite side is Mount Kilimanjaro, which is about 500 yards away from the peak of the mountain where Bedivere and the others are located, and there is a deep rift in it. It will take at least half a day to climb down the mountain first, then climb the cliff and cross the rift valley.

The werewolf felt a burst of despair.

He sets his eyes on Albert again. There was blood oozing from the corner of the tiger’s mouth, and the altitude sickness was getting worse. If this continues, Albert’s already damaged internal organs will be irreversibly damaged under the low pressure. Sending the tiger youth from this peak as soon as possible has become the werewolf’s current priority.

I have to save Albert again, and I have to hurry again. It seems that I can’t catch up with the exam.

Wait—or maybe not?

The werewolf looks at the wreckage of the ship. It broke in two, it couldn’t fly anymore, and I’m afraid it won’t catch up with repairs now. But Bedivere should be able to do something with the wreckage.

He fixed his eyes on the wreckage at the stern of the ship, the side of which was half inserted into the ground, the main shaft was broken, and the remaining part of the photon reflector was intact, which instantly gave Bedivere hope.

He runs over without thinking, grabbing two deflated hot air balloons – which are also parachutes. The parachute cloth is so flexible that the impact of the crash of the spacecraft cannot tear it apart.

“Help everyone!” the werewolf ordered. There was not much time left, and he was not polite at all: “Fix the rope of the parachute to the foredeck of the ship!”

The leopard brothers Zephyr and Seglade, the white bear Elaine and the magic swordsman Solal all came to help. Although they didn’t understand Bedivere’s thoughts at all, they still followed the werewolf’s instructions. They quickly fastened the parachute cord to the edge of the front half of the ship.

The front half of the boat is oval in shape, long and strong, and light and thin. During the initial impact, which plunged into the snow first, the midsection of the boat snapped off, dampening most of the impact, leaving much less damage to the bow.

It now looks like a skateboard, a skateboard with a parachute. Bedivere seems to want to use this to glide to the opposite Mount Kilimanjaro.

Whether the parachute restored from two hot air balloons can bear the weight of the entire crew immediately became a question of concern to everyone. According to the original design, each parachute is for one person, and of course the weight it can bear will not be much…

“I’ll stay here.” Professor Paul, whose face was ashen in pain, held the hand he had just taken back and said, “I’m not in a hurry, so I won’t come with you for the last ride, so as not to drag you down. . However, remember to call someone to rescue me when you look back…”

“Definitely.” Bedivere nodded, then turned to the white bear man and said, “Elaine, become a dragon man, I need your wings.”

“But, but I can’t fly—“

“As long as you can glide,” Bedivere ordered. “You tether, spread your wings, and drag on the bow to steer.”

“I understand, I understand, I will try.” The white bear man immediately transformed. He tied ropes around his waist and fastened these ropes to the bow of the boat. In this way, the heaviest polar bears were also “driven” off the ship, and they also had an extra layer of insurance to control the direction.

“Everyone else on board! Going out!” cried Bedivere, running over to take Albert on board with Chanel.

They only have about five minutes left, and it’s time to wait!

“That’s–?” Solar couldn’t help but wonder when he saw Bedivere holding the broken photon mirror in his hand. Gliders aren’t very reliable, and they should have traveled as light as possible, with less useless junk.

“I have my own ideas,” said the werewolf, dismantling the photon mirror with its broken axis, leaving only the mirror surface. The “mirror” is made of parachute cloth, which holds a large amount of light stone powder with resin, and even if it has no shaft, it can still generate propulsion when it is energized.

“Elaine!” Bedivere yelled the moment he jumped into the glider.

“Yeah!—” The white dragon man pulled the glider with the force of his milk and dragged the boat towards the edge of the cliff.

Even with a few crew members missing, only half of the deck remained crowded, with people sitting almost next to each other, praying that the unreliable glider would get them to their destination in time.

It’s just a gamble, with life as a bargaining chip.

However, they had to gamble. They participated in this [round table trial] with their own reasons that could not be avoided.

They were warriors from the beginning, fools, desperados, and desperate lunatics.

And this group of lunatics are finally going to finish their arduous journey across more than half of Africa in the past three days.

Elaine leaps out toward the edge of the cliff. The jump of the dragon man pulled the glider, dragged the boat from the edge of the cliff, and fell straight into the valley!

The momentary sense of weightlessness exploded in everyone’s body!

“Meow ah!” “Wow ah ah ah!” “Wu ah!” “Ha ah—” Everyone on the boat exclaimed in different degrees and frequencies.

Two large parachutes were also deployed at the same time, dragged by the oncoming wind and inflated to an incredible extent!

Under the drag of the parachute, the glider slides down in an arc and falls straight into the valley!

“El—“Bediver yelled, risking biting his tongue, “Elaine!!”

“I’m doing it!!” The White Dragon Man has already spread out his large and long dragon wings, controlling the airflow with the air resistance they bring!

He is like a giant kite, flying at the very front of the boat. But his position is just the opposite of that of the kite – the kite is pulled into the air by the rope, while Elaine glides by her own strength, while dragging the glider behind her!

However, this power is far from enough! The glider pulled out a very ugly downward arc and was about to plunge into the deep valley!

If it goes on like this, Bedivere and the others will only fall into the canyon, hit the cliff together with the glider, and the boat will be destroyed!

This change was, of course, within Bedivere’s expectations. He had already kept one hand—the photon mirror that was dismantled before!

The only thing left of the reflector today is actually a piece of cloth—thin, flexible, one side covered with silver-white light stone powder.

This does not affect the Photon Mirror effect at all. The werewolf quickly attached the photon mirror to the bottom of the boat, and at the same time released electricity with the mithril prosthesis on his left arm!

Smack zi zi zi zi! ! Bursts of electric light were released from the bottom of the boat, and Bedivere also went out of his way, using the strongest electricity he could produce, trying to create enough anti-gravity to support the weight of everyone on the boat!

The trajectory of the glider’s fall has changed significantly! Its fall gradually became, and the huge kinetic energy brought by the fall was transformed into a speed that made the ship fly forward, driving the entire glider to the other end of the canyon!

According to this trend, they should be able to cross the deep valley below their feet and reach the other end of the valley: the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro!

Or maybe not! ?

The height of the glider is still decreasing, and the cliffs on the opposite canyon are significantly higher than the current height of the boat! Even if it flies in parallel, it can’t pass it, and the ship is still falling!

Bedivere groaned inwardly, all he could do was to use his best strength to electrify, hoping that the photon mirror would bring extraordinary anti-gravity and lift the boat up a little! Up to now, he can only put his whole body and mind in this vague hope!

Will the boat lift? ! Obviously not! It was still descending in a very slow trend, and at the same time it rushed forward, crashing into the opposite cliff at a terrible speed! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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