Light Spirit Epic Chapter 822: The stormy waves in the dark night (8)

『Yan **first*..Chapter 822 of the storm in the dark night

Same time at 7:00pm Edinburgh’s Gothic Cafe

After a busy day, the black cat finally closed the door of the shop and closed the shop

The shop was just started by her and her friends just for fun

But at the same time, she’s tired enough, even though she and her friends take turns to guard the small shop, but three days a week, they wake up early in the morning to deal with the business affairs of the shop, so that the black cat never has a moment of peace

Tomorrow is a holiday and she can finally close the shop early and have a good rest

The girl takes off her black fake and black ear tiara to reveal a golden beauty

She took off two more black contact lenses to reveal her true sapphire blue eyes

She wiped off the black eyeshadow with a tissue with remover water to restore her beautiful big eyes and delicate eyebrows

Without makeup, she is even more beautiful. She is a standard beauty with an alluring beauty and this beauty has been fixed seven years ago

In the past seven years, in addition to taking away the childishness on her face, the contours of her face have been sculpted to be more delicate, three-dimensional and more eye-catching, just like the birth of a goddess

But she’s just a mortal, a flower that will eventually reset to zero

She changed her maid outfit back to her noble lady’s dress and the smile on her face disappeared at this time

Away from the wonderful world of fairy tales and fantasy, she stepped back into reality again, but the reality is so empty, so annoying, I want to run away immediately

She sighed and planned to call her home, but her phone rang at this time

“Hello, is that brother?” She picked up the phone and asked, changing her delicate accent and speaking in a calm but slightly strong voice

“Yo Charlotte I haven’t chatted with you like this for a long time” Lancelot’s voice came from the microphone: “Tomorrow is a holiday, right—Are you free?”

Charlotte pondered for a second and then smiled apologetically: “Of course I’m free, do you have any plans, brother?”

I didn’t ask you out to play, sorry” Lancelot apologized in a low voice: “I want to trouble you to help with something so—“

“Okay, I will definitely come” the girl can’t wait to answer

Yes” Lancelot wondered for a while at his sister’s cheerful attitude: “This is really not to play, this is a serious business——“

“I know, but I’ll be there to help when I’m free” No more explanation from Lancelot, Charlotte has already rushed to say

Let’s go.” The knights of the round table were confused for a while: “I’ll talk to you tonight for the details. After all, the line of the phone is not very confidential.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you at home, brother” she closed the phone and walked outside the store

Just ten steps out of her shop, a 30-foot-long stretched luxury sports car chased after him

This anti-gravity sports car is also an absolute luxury among the people. Its cost can be compared with the iron cavalry used by the Knights of Great Britain. This elongated sports car is even more luxurious to the extreme. There are only thirty cars in Europe. It is said that the cost It is several times more expensive than King Arthur’s dragon ride

It goes without saying that the characters in this car are definitely a rich and powerful young master of a prince and aristocrat

And the fact is that a handsome boy in a luxurious white evening dress opened the car door, walked down and saluted Charlotte: “You’re so beautiful tonight, my beloved Charlotte, who would like to sit with me. Is the car going home?”

“Richard…” The golden girl looked embarrassed: “Why do you exaggerate every time… How much is this car?”

“For you, my beloved Charlotte, it’s all worth it.” The noble young man named Richard laughed: “Come on, beautiful, you really have a ** to walk on such a vulgar night street by yourself. Get in the car”

The woman did not immediately agree but did not refuse Richard to gently hold Charlotte’s hand and guide her into the car

“Richard is sorry that tomorrow’s appointment has to be rescheduled” Charlotte said after she sat down: “My brother has something for me to do, I can’t get out tomorrow”

She could easily get rid of it, but she voluntarily agreed to Lancelot’s request. Of course, Richard should not know about this.

“That’s it…” The aristocratic young man couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed: “There is no way to cancel it, so let’s cancel it anyway, there are still many opportunities to date again in the future”

“Hmm” the girl sighed with relief. Using her brother’s commission as a guise, she managed to shirk the date she didn’t want to attend. Tonight, she can finally sleep peacefully—–at least temporarily

Seeing Charlotte’s sigh, Richard asked suspiciously, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s not that you don’t mind me” Charlotte is disapproving

Richard closed the door and sat down and was silent for a while

“We are dating, right” he asked suspiciously: “Why do I always feel that you are avoiding me and am I not doing well enough?”

“Not really” Charlotte shook her head gently”I think I’m just too tired I just want to go home as soon as possible and get a good night’s sleep”

She can’t tell the other party that she has always been thinking about someone, that golden boy, but not human, they can’t be together

“Of course” Richard suppressed the doubts in his heart and turned to the driver: “You heard Miss Charlotte’s words and drive.”

The driver of “Old Master” started the engine and the super-long luxury sports car was so fast that it was gone in an instant on the street lit by the night.

Near the sixth waterfall of the Nile at the same time late at night

Bediver drowned in a cold and suffocation feeling gradually blurred

He only felt a Miaoman figure approaching him from the water and a delicate jade hand wrapped around him

At first he was flustered and struggling, but when his head was crushed by two soft and comfortable meatballs, the werewolf nosebleed stopped struggling

The warm, soft, slippery and elastic **** of flesh on his cheeks are so comfortable that I can die now without complaining

Bedivere was unconscious for about five minutes. All he could feel was that slender hand pressing against his chest and squeezing the water out of his stomach. Of course it wasn’t enough. Bedivere choked. The stagnant water that fills the lungs of the lesser river needs to be cleaned up and that needs to be done——

Artificial respiration

He felt someone’s face come up to his mouth and blew a sharp breath

“Woo—kekekekeke” As a lot of air entered his lungs, he also coughed frantically, squirting the water in his lungs from his mouth and nostrils, and his sanity gradually recovered.

The werewolf opened his eyes slightly and looked at Chanel, who was soaking wet, knowing that she rescued him from the water

“Thank you, beautiful lady” Bedivere got up and said that there still seemed to be the lingering warmth of the girl’s sweet kiss on his lips, which made him feel dark: “Thank you for the artificial respiration even though I have a wife”

“…Uh, no, thank you, I really didn’t do anything” The girl turned her face away in embarrassment to suppress her smile and glanced at Seg, who was in depression and hurriedly washing his face and mouth in the river not far away. Ryder

Aware of the commotion by the river, Palamidis in the camp also set a torch and rushed over to check on the situation. He looked at Bedivere in the robe of leaves and then at Bedivere in his original robe. Chanel immediately sneered and said, “Good evening, what did the children gain from this trip?”

“Well, a big harvest” and the werewolf said while playing with the giant rhino horn tied around his waist

“To the big harvest meow” Saifel glanced at the golden girl and said

(Only Seglade is still gargling by the river, and Ben doesn’t have time to answer his father’s questions)

“Good evening Sir Palamidis” Chanel turned and saluted the Leopard Warrior: “I am a Knight of the Order of Saint Lily of France. It is an honor for Chanel of Orleans to know you”

Knowing my name” Palamidis was stunned

“Sorry for overheard when I got off the boat earlier,” explained Chanel

By the light of the torch, Palamidis saw the girl’s pointed ears and suddenly realized: “Oh, it’s a elf, a dark elf—the hearing is so sensitive, can you have such a sensitive hearing wearing a magic bracelet? “

“My ears could have heard the sound of a needle falling within ten kilometers.” The elf girl shook her head and touched the bracelet on her left wrist subconsciously: “But with this thing, I can only hear a hundred There is a sound within the code range”

(Not that powerful already)

“So…what about your comrade?” Palamedis asked in a low voice, “Shouldn’t it be—”

“The sisters are all dead” Chanel sighed: “We thought it would be okay to drive at night with our own hearing, but a vulture attacked us. It flew so fast that we couldn’t handle it at all. “

“As a result, your raft crashed, were you the only one left alive?” Palamidis also sighed: “I’m sorry”

Chanel hurriedly said, “No, you don’t need to feel sorry. Our sisters of the Knights of the Holy Lily came to take the exam with the conviction of death. We made a hasty and wrong decision in order to hurry and finally failed. That’s all.”

Beddieville stood up and remained silent

“So what’s your plan next?” Palamidis looked at the elf girl and asked sharply () “The Walking Dead” only represents the opinion of the author Raven D If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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