Light Spirit Epic Chapter 643: Attack on Youyu (13)

Chapter 643 Attack on the Netherland

At the same time, the North Pole, inside the Wall of the World.

Palramidis is in great crisis. ♀

Vivian, who was on the back of the giant leopard, lost consciousness and is currently alive and dead. Palamidis can only do his best to protect his wife.

He is an emerald knight, capable of shapeshifting. Using this feature, he curled the hair on his back to wrap Vivian.

Although this temporarily prevented Vivian from falling off the back of the big cat, it also restricted Palamidis’ movement—if he moved at high speed, the hair would not be strong enough to wrap Vivian at all. Vivian, an accelerated sprint is enough to throw Vivian off.

Restricted in speed and besieged by six knights, Palamidis finds himself in an unprecedented predicament.

While the big cat was still worrying about how to rescue him, the war mage Hersmai charged forward with his sword, and the magic sword in his hand swept a freezing wave.

Palamedes did his best to jump to avoid, still feeling an unbearable chill on his calf.

The big cat grunted, and before he had time to shake off the frost on his feet, the giant Gulov had already swung the photon hammer and jumped up, and the sledgehammer slammed down on the giant leopard’s head!

Palamidis had no room to dodge in mid-air, and could only raise his claws to meet him. The two photon claws crossed together and collided with the giant hammer! The photon concentration of the giant hammer is much higher than that of the photon claws, and the recoil force of the photon weapon when it hits almost falls on Palamidis!

The big cat felt numb in his arms and flew backwards involuntarily!

He didn’t have time to catch his breath at all, and there were opponents waiting on the ground less than ten yards behind him—Fegor, the magic mechanic, wielded the eight metal arms of the golem, unleashing a dazzling high-speed combo!

He figured out where Palamidis would land, and waved his blade like a meat shredder, waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the net, intending to cut the giant leopard into countless finely minced meat!

Seeing that the situation was in critical condition, the big cat hurriedly developed barbed bristles on the pads of his feet, turned over, and his feet were already attached to the ceiling of the Crystal Hall. ♀ With the help of inertia, he successfully attached his hands to the ceiling, and his two photon claws firmly hooked the ceiling——swipe! ! There was a sharp and harsh sound like scraping glass, and the giant leopard had slid dozens of yards flat against the ceiling and did not land on the original spot.

However, the next opponent also came suddenly, the weapon master Viscount Duncan flew over, and the long sword in his hand stabbed the big cat’s belly again at a tricky angle!

The giant leopard knows that it is absolutely impossible to avoid this kind of dead-end attack by just relying on ordinary dodges. Therefore, instead of dodging, he decided to twist his **** and ram his opponent! He is prepared to be injured, relying on the subtle movements of his body to avoid the most fatal injuries, and at the same time, he uses his huge body to smash and force his opponents back!

Touch! Pop! The blade pierced deeply into Palamidis’ right hip, but Palamidi also managed to knock Duncan away, temporarily escaping.

A magic bullet hits Palamidis’ left shoulder, digging a fist-sized hole in the cat’s muscular deltoid! That is the long-range magic attack of Protoss Master Ellie!

“Tsk!” The big cat with injured hands and feet could no longer stick to the wall, and curled up on the ground.

Bang! A flash of light came in response and shot at the center of the giant leopard’s forehead! That was a sniper from Sir Hawkeye Bracken!

In desperation, Palamidis turned his head and barely avoided the blow. The light bomb hit the big cat’s left ear, smashing half of his leopard’s ear to pieces.

“Ugh…” Palamidis got up against the severe pain in his ears, but his limbs were on strike, constantly shaking in pain and soreness!

Morgan’s green knights surrounded him, ready to deliver the final blow to Palamides.

The giant leopard lost its fighting spirit in the midst of extreme fatigue and exhaustion. Exhausted, he even struggled to maintain his mad beast transformation. The giant leopard gradually shrank to its normal size. ♀

“Oh, the big cat is not so majestic anymore?” The Protossman stepped forward, the magic light ball in his hand was ready to shoot, ready to shoot through the leopard’s chest at any time.

“Kitten, it’s just for a moment, it won’t hurt right away.” The giant Gulov also held a giant hammer high, ready to smash Palamidis to pieces at any time.

“You have done your best, and God will surely forgive you.” The war mage Helsmer also raised two magic swords, and the ice and fire on the swords were about to devour Palamidis. .

“Leave your heart to me, okay? His heart is a good source for a golem.” The eight blades of the magic mechanic Fegor were about to move, and he was about to disembowel Palamides.

“You should be very satisfied. It is your greatest honor to die in front of Queen Morgan.” Arms Master Duncan walked up to Palamidis and put his incomparably sharp blade on the cat’s neck.

Being mocked by his opponents in every possible way, Palamidis has no ability to resist.

It should be said that he is desperate, knowing that his strength is too far from his opponent’s, knowing that no matter what he does, he is powerless and can only close his eyes and wait for death.

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, “Eagle-Eyed Borken came up with a huge sniper rifle,” where’s that woman? “The knights were surprised.

Vivian, who was turned into a giant leopard by Palamidis, disappeared without a trace. After the miscellaneous Palamidis changed from a big cat to a kitten, the bush realized that the leopard was missing a person on his back.

“It doesn’t matter, the woman was seriously injured, even if she didn’t die.” The weapon master Duncan slashed with his sword: “Deal with this cat first!” Dis’s head was chopped off! Just where the sword’s edge was just two feet from the panther’s neck–crack! There was some invisible force that blocked the long sword!

No, it should mean, “entangled”!

Everyone was surprised to see that there were several extremely thin strands of hair around the blade, emitting a faint golden light. These golden hairs are the culprit who block the sword’s edge!

Duncan felt that something was not right, and immediately shouted: “Come on together! Don’t hesitate, kill this cat!” The emerald knights raised their weapons and prepared to attack. Enough to kill Palamidis several times!

But, it’s too late!

The knights found themselves unable to move!

The golden light became more and more obvious, and the knights found themselves in a [net].

A golden spider web made of hair.

“Want to use headshots to solve me?” Vivian’s figure gradually appeared on the Internet, “I’m sorry, you can shoot through my head, but you can’t hurt my body.” Her body is actually not It doesn’t exist, her whole body is made up of hair, and those golden hairs are her body.

“You have been able to transform yourself into a prime particle? This is the final form of the succubus evolution, congratulations to Miss Vivienne.” Morgan is still watching everything from a distance, she is sitting on the head of [Original Sin] , clapping his hands fakely, as if he didn’t mean to intervene in the fight.

“Shut up. I’ll take care of you later.” Vivienne’s body was also fully formed, back to the woman Palamides was familiar with. The only difference is that the woman has long golden hair, and even the “clothes” on her body are made of twisted hair.

Morgan’s group of green knights are still struggling to escape from the web of hair. They are so powerful that it is only a matter of time before they break free from the shackles of their hair.

“Vivian.” Palamidis was overjoyed to see his wife alive. He looked at her affectionately, with tearful eyes like seeing his first love.

“Palami.” The woman stepped forward and hugged the badly injured cat, “I’ll give you all the rest of the magic. But you have to win, okay?” “…I will. I promise.” The leopard warrior hugged the woman tightly.

The woman put her lips on the big cat’s lips, and the two kissed fiercely, treating others as if they were nothing!

Magic is injected from the woman’s lips into the man’s body, creating a wonderful chemical effect!

In just half a second, the golden light on Vivian’s body dissipated, and her hair returned to its original pitch black.

On the other hand, Palamidis, who had supplemented his magic power, replaced the black leopard hair on his body with golden hair.

The powerful leopard warrior, the wounds on his body are also healing quickly, and even the ears that were torn by the blast have grown back!

Leopard Man released his beastification and stood up straight. The golden hair on his body stood upright, fluttering under an astonishing aura, and countless golden arcs erupted between the hairs.

Vivian sat on the ground exhausted, and whispered: “Go on.” “Roar!!” Palamidis showed his weapon and prepared for the final battle with Morgan’s knights!

At the same time, Brindisi in Rome, on the outskirts.

Arthur circled around Richard but never made a move.

The stronger his attack, the easier it is to be absorbed by the black crystal on Richard’s body, and then released in reverse!

In such a situation, it is the wisest decision to wait and see.

Of course, Arthur was holding a dragon fireball in his hand, ready to take advantage of Richard’s triumphant gap to put fire into the Green Knight’s mouth.

While the fireball didn’t really kill Richard, it made Richard much quieter. Afraid of being attacked again, this idiot kept silent, and did not dare to laugh recklessly.

However, this stalemate is not the Arthur still can’t break Richard’s armor with the strongest attack, and using dragon flame to destroy from the inside is not enough to kill this self-healing A powerful succubus. In the end how to do?

“Isn’t this over yet?” The Xinghui Longsha Xing, who was sweeping the battlefield, just flew by. He has burned most of the necromancers to death with dragon flames, and is currently proudly showing off his exploits, flying around, and feeling the adoring gaze of the Roman soldiers.

Golden Twinkle flew to King Arthur’s head: “You’re really useless, let me help you.” Plasma flame with tens of thousands of degrees. The blue fire column swept toward the emerald knight in a straight line, intending to completely melt Richard!

Richard gave a sinister sneer: After waiting so long, the opportunity has finally come! He didn’t dodge, just stretched out a hand to block. The dragon flame swept towards Richard and made contact with the palm of the emerald knight.

An astonishing scene happened. The plasma flame of tens of thousands of degrees was completely sucked away by Richard’s palm!

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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