Light Spirit Epic Chapter 638: Attack on Youyu (8)

Chapter 638: Attack on the Netherland

“What’s wrong?!” Hearing the commotion outside the city, Arthur hurriedly opened the window to check.

“Arthur!” Evan broke into the research room and shouted as soon as he entered: “The enemy’s army is attacking Brindisi! It is… an army of necromancers!”

“What?” Arthur frowned, “Didn’t you tell your corpses to be burned? Why are there undead warriors?”

“There was a heavy rain yesterday, and the body may not be burnt enough.” Ivan waved his hand, “In short, the humans and orcs who died a few days ago have returned as undead warriors, about 200,000 people. We must do something or Brindisi will be captured by the Necromancers!”

Arthur put away his weapon and was about to fight, but Merlin stopped him: “Don’t go, Your Majesty! You should reserve your strength to face the final battle on the World Wall. It’s not worth wasting your energy in such a place!”

The king of knights gave the mage a white look: “Then what do you think is the best way to do it?”

The Great Mage Merlin set his eyes on Evan, and Arthur followed Merlin’s gaze to Evan.

“Me, me?” The half-dragon boy paused.

“Anyway, if you are a knight with guns, it won’t take much to fight.” Merlin smiled disapprovingly, “Give you a good thing, you can use it to deal with the undead.”

“Okay, good stuff?”

The wizard sneered evilly: “Yes, good stuff.”

Outside Brindisi Fort, a large number of necromancers are scurrying around, killing each other with the soldiers defending the city.

These half-charred but not completely ashes corpses smelled disgustingly charred, including tall Khamen, medium-sized humans, and short, filthy Romani foxes.

They basically have no weapons in their hands, grabbing with their half-charred hands and biting with their scorched yellow teeth, with little lethality. However, due to the large number of corpses, this necromancer invasion is still very threatening.

“Don’t panic! Follow the predetermined necromancy countermeasures!” Grand Duke Hall commanded from the front line, “Those who can use [Holy] are guarding the front line, and the gunmen use special sticky bombs to prevent death. The attack of the spirits! Those who are not equipped with both, please aim at the limbs of the undead! The undead that loses hands and feet is no threat!”

The knights of the Pantoracken have had experience with several attacks by necromancers. Hall’s Knights methodically organized the defense of the Roman army, and even blocked the army of the 200,000-year-old undead with a line of thousands – temporarily.

A white shadow descended from the sky and landed beside the Celestial Knight Hall. Hall thought it was King Arthur, and was about to salute, but when he looked closely, it was Evan.

“Huh? Why do you have wings?” Hall looked at the thing on Evan’s back and smiled curiously.

It was a pair of metal wings, similar in shape to that of an eagle, reflecting a silvery-white cold light in the moonlight. —— The “good stuff” that Merlin gave looked extremely cool, and it didn’t match Evan’s low-key and reserved character at all.

“Please don’t look at it, the shape of this thing is too shy.” Evan said with a blushing face, and at the same time pulled out two guns from his waist, “I took the lead, trying to find out who was manipulating the undead behind. Succubus only. Please cover me.”

“Well, you’re a gunman taking the lead…”

“I’m going!” Ivan dashed out and rushed into the tide of necromancers in a few steps.

The “wings” on his back are fully extended, but they are not in the shape of wings at all, but have sixteen mechanical arms, each of which is connected to a “meat grinder” with an extremely sharp blade.

Sixteen mithril knives swung at high speed, smashing all enemies close to Ivan, and protecting the half-dragon boy from advancing.

“Remember, every Necromancer is controlled by a faint psychic wave. The Necromancer’s controller must be at the intersection of this psychic wave.” Merlin contacted Evan through the communicator, “You back The [Butcher Golem] above will analyze the source of these mental waves, and finally calculate the location of the succubus. Just focus on knocking down more enemies, and the system will help you complete the next calculation.”

“The Butcher…” Evan had some slurs about the name, but he didn’t stop, dashing in the battlefield, and kept firing at the same time, “Can’t you change the name to a better one?”

“Wordy! This accessory was not originally developed for you, remember to return it to me after you use it up!” Merlin scolded, while observing the situation on the battlefield with the camera on Evan’s backpack: “Be careful! Your Left!”

Evan has already turned around and fired a blow from the light gun in his hand. The light bullet perfectly hit the head of the attacking Orc Necromancer. It paused for less than half a second before being cut into pieces by the blade wielded by the Butcher Golem!

Arthur rose from his chair, preparing to leave Merlin’s lab.

“Where are you going? You can’t fight,” the wizard reminded.

“I know.” Arthur pushed open the door, “I’m just looking for Ignite for support. Evan alone can’t deal with the succubus behind this, right?”

It is clear that this necromancer attack was aimed at the King of Knights.

Arthur walks down the dark corridors of Fort Brindisi.

They attacked here purposefully, in order to hold back the King of Knights.

The conspiracy behind it can be imagined.

However, with only those 200,000 undead warriors, how could it be possible to hold back King Arthur? If so, Arthur is too underestimated, right?

Is there something hidden behind it?

The King of Knights took a few steps to the infirmary. The medical room was very quiet, in stark contrast to the raging war outside.

Roble’s operation has long been completed, and the tiger patriarch is resting in a sterile isolation room at the moment.

Greenville also disappeared, leaving the tiger man Albert in the entire infirmary for an IV.

“Are you lazy here?” King Arthur walked into the infirmary.

Al is watching every move outside the window, seeing Ya

Bring Gui Ji to the Warring States Biqu Pavilion

Se entered and glanced at the King of Knights. After a glance, he turned his head in an instant and continued to observe the battle outside the window.

“Don’t worry, it’s not the orcs who are attacking, it’s just necromancers.” Arthur walked up to the tiger man boy and chatted up, “There are 200,000 necromancers. In other words, the last one So many people died in this battle. Whether it was human or orc, the blood was shed in vain.”

“And they’re back now. How stupid.” Albert replied absentmindedly, “It’s just a bunch of idiots fighting each other after all. There’s no right or wrong, it’s just two races fighting over the ugliness of living space. Killing.”

“That’s right. However, even if you know the nature of it, what can you do?” Arthur groaned as he looked at the fire outside the city, “We are all weak, short and ugly creatures. Even in the same race, there are often people who cannot tolerate each other. Once there are racial differences, discrimination and hatred are even greater.

Even now I am still doubting, is there really a way to solve all this, so that these two races with huge differences can let go of their prejudices and understand each other? “

Albert listened quietly, but what flashed in his mind were the memories of being with Arthur during the time his body was occupied by Bedivere.

“Then…why, meow, you can be friends with Bedi again, that meow’s good friend?” the tiger man asked in a low voice, “what made you abandon your racial prejudice and become friends? ?”

The King of Knights is silent. In retrospect, it was indeed a miracle.

They just met each other and gradually walked on the same path. Gradually, a deep bond developed.

What. It seems difficult, but it is actually very simple.

People can understand each other when they are honest with each other. Differences in race, skin color, belief, philosophy, and culture are actually not that big of a problem.

The question is whether or not you extended an accepting hand to the other person first.

The moment Arthur first reached out to Bedivere, they were connected by fate.

Suddenly realized, King Arthur took a deep breath, stood upright, and solemnly extended his right hand to Albert: “Son, let’s make friends.”

“Uh, what the hell?”

“Let’s make friends. Just shake hands, that’s where it all starts.”

The white tiger looked at the king of knights suspiciously, but there was doubt and disdain in his eyes: “You are just taking form…”

“So what?” The king of knights smiled, “If I don’t even take this form, how can I show my sincerity in wanting to make friends with you? You are willing to make friends with someone who won’t shake hands with you at all. ?”

The logic in it made the tiger man feel confused, but he could vaguely sense that King Arthur was right. Arthur did not refer to himself as “I” in front of Al, but instead used “I” to reduce his value. The king of knights only speaks like this to relatives and friends.

Still in doubt, Albert reached out his hand involuntarily and held it with the King of Knights.

At the moment of shaking hands, Arthur tightened his grip on Al’s tiger paw, so frightened that Albert almost flinched.

“Hehe, it’s very soft. Sure enough, it’s a cat.” King Arthur said.

“You!” El wanted to say something else, but when he saw King Arthur laughing, the tiger man couldn’t help laughing softly, “Okay… I’m meow. What about meow. Meow is fine. .”

Arthur stopped laughing and let go: “Not soft enough for Brady’s paws. His paws are more fun to hold.”

“I can’t compliment me.” Albert shook his head desperately, “That kid’s hands are sweaty.”

After speaking, the two burst into laughter at the same time.

After the laughter died down, Al glanced out of the war-torn window again: “This war is really annoying. If only we didn’t have to fight. If only the Underdark had more sunshine. If…if the Wall of the World didn’t exist in the first place, that would be fine.”

At this moment, the tiger man boy is just complaining.

The King of Knights took everything to heart. He really listened to what his friend said, and that’s why he kept an unintentional complaint in his mind.

This unintentional complaint is the essence of this war, the key to the fight between humans and orcs.

If the Wall of the World hadn’t existed in the first place…it would have been a peaceful world.

If the sun shines on the dark continent, then all problems will be solved.

“You’re a genius, boy.” Arthur smiled, patting Albert on the shoulder. “Maybe there really is a way to stop this. Maybe it’s not too late. Wait until I beat Morgan. Dayton, after returning from the wall of the world, we are discussing the countermeasures for this incident.”

“You…what?!” Albert was confused by Arthur.

“Hehe, don’t worry about it.” The King of Knights drew out his sword, “This war is quite a hindrance, so let’s deal with it first. Although I do, Merlin won’t be happy.”

He spread his wings and flew out of the castle window.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Al wanted to stop Arthur, but the King of Knights had already flown a dozen yards away.

“Don’t leave me alone!” Albert was at a loss when he saw the figure of the other

Are you going to help, or just stay here?

The opponent is not a human, not an orc, but a group of necromancers.

Dealing with these undead will not defeat their original purpose of pursuing peace.

So, why not?

Arthur also said that if you are a friend, you must show some sincerity.

Although he knows he is a dull, weak, immature kid, there must be something Albert can help.

The tiger boy jumped out of the window without thinking. He stretched out his white wings and flew towards the battlefield.

This is the first time he does not follow the crowd, but chooses his own destiny entirely by his own will.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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