Light Spirit Epic Chapter 60: Death to the sea devil

Chapter 60: The Deathmatch Against the Sea Demon (Part 1)

Led by the suspicious young Ivan, everyone ran for a long time and finally came to the big lighthouse at the top of the castle.

“Hu, hu, hu. It’s probably safe to come here.” The young Evan gasped, and closed the iron gate of the lighthouse to prevent the poisonous mist from entering.

“Explain: Why did everyone else fall, but you were not affected?” Arthur still asked suspiciously.

“I… I don’t know!” the boy said in confusion, “I just saw a strange green smoke from the lighthouse at the foot of the city, and was going to report the situation, but I went to the call room, I found that everyone fell!”

“We also inhaled a lot of that poisonous mist, but we didn’t fall?” Kay said.

“The poisonous mist is not very poisonous, so there is no problem with inhaling it.” Tristan said, “The people who live here probably have been inhaling the poisonous gas slowly seeping out from the cracks in the castle wall for many years. After encountering this poisonous fog again, the poison suddenly erupted, and people became unconscious. This poisonous fog is just a catalyst, not the main reason for their downfall.”

“Is that really possible?” Bedivere asked.

“It’s the same as hypnosis,” Tristan said. “Hypnosis also spreads my own photons in the air like a poisonous mist. These photons are absorbed by other creatures, and I can control them and absorb them. The more the amount, the easier it is to control.”

“This kid is not affected because he has been living at a high place and has not inhaled too much toxin.” Tristan pointed to Evan and said.

“We’ll talk about this later,” Arthur said. “The question is how do we solve this trouble now. If we drag on, the knights will either be poisoned or killed by trolls.”

“There is no other way but to open the water gate,” Arthur said.


“The records say it was the water gate that was used to lure the trolls into the dungeon. Open that, let the trolls escape, and solve the immediate problem first.” Arthur said, “as long as the trolls are free, The poisonous mist will dissipate.”

“Then it will escape back to the sea, and then we will never catch it again in our lifetime!” Tristan said, “No way!”

“Boy,” Arthur grabbed the murloc prince, “You said it’s more important for the Knights of the West to kill thousands of lives, or to repair your stupid holy spear?! The trolls are gone, we can’t spend any more money. It took ten or twenty years to catch it. But people can’t be resurrected when they die!”

“Okay! It’s up to you!!” The murloc angrily said, “I don’t care! Even if it takes ten or twenty years, you will bring me back the troll!!”

“Evan, do you know how to open the water gate?” Arthur asked. “It looks like an ancient switch connected to a giant chain.”

“I haven’t seen the old switches,” replied Evan, “but the giant chains…are those?”

The teenager pointed to the huge iron chain on the distant city wall.

“Kay?” Arthur ordered.

“I knew it. You guys can’t do anything without me.” Kai sneered smugly and jumped from the tower.

“Is he crazy? Jumping out of this height?!” Evan cried.

Arthur waved his hand disapprovingly: “There’s no problem with this height.”

At the same time, Kai, who jumped down, instantly grew bigger in the air, turned into a giant, and landed firmly on the ground.

“Kay’s mother seems to be a giant, right?” Tristan mocked, “Kay’s dad is really fraternity.”

“That bad old man,” Arthur said with a disdainful face, “If Stone can get pregnant, he will definitely get pregnant by him.”

“I heard what I said just now!” Kai, who turned into a giant, leaned over and protested, “Arthur, are you not afraid that I will crush you to death with one finger?”

“Don’t waste your time, remember that you can only last a minute for such a big transformation?” Arthur cried and it was too loud, idiot! ! “

“Cut.” Kai turned around and grabbed the giant chain, “Is it enough to break it?”

The giant slammed his hands together! The chain was in Kai’s hand, like a straw, it was simply snapped off!

There is one left! Seeing that there was not enough time, the giant picked up a piece of iron chain that was torn in his hand and waved it suddenly. The iron chain collided with the iron chain, and the other iron chain burst open immediately!

“Well done!” Arthur looked at Kay, who was shrinking, and the water gate, which had lost the support of the chain and was sliding down.

The deep sea troll slowly stretched out its tentacles from the water gate and crawled out.

“Arthur, the poisonous mist is starting to disperse!” cried Bedivere.

“Beddie, go get the cavalry. Evan, take us to find the Dragon Cannon. Tristan come over, I’ll discuss it with you.” Arthur Lisso gave an order.

“Shouldn’t we go rescue the knights first?” Bedivere asked.

“No!” Arthur pointed at the deep-sea troll, “Look at that guy’s movements! The **** monster has been locked up for so many years, it’s already starving, and it’s about to land! If you let it land like this! , the neighboring villages and towns will be wiped out!!”

The werewolf boy shuddered, “Can we stop this monster?!”

“You can only bite the bullet.” Arthur said, “Hurry up!”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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