Light Spirit Epic Chapter 552: Dive into the Dark Abyss (15)

Chapter 552: Infiltrating the Dark Abyss (15)

It is indescribable. If you really want to say it, it is [a thing with a very abstract shape].

Its shape is completely different from any existing creatures, machines, and even buildings, as if it is a foreign object in the world.

That thing has a body made of black crystal, and a huge crystal ball is buckled on the main body of the inverted triangular crystal. The arcs extending from the crystal ball make two sets of crystal arms float in the air. The arms formed by these crystal clusters can only barely recognize the shape of the hand. will be scattered all over the place.

The lower limbs of the dark crystal monster are six silver-black feet. The very weird metal pointed feet are reminiscent of spiders, but those feet all grow from the same crystal ball. There are no joints, only relying on their own metal flexibility to move, they are like a pile of flowing pickets, weird to the extreme.

The long-legged crystal tee supports the monster’s upper body, and its massive crystal torso sticks to the top of the tee with its pointed end as if it were about to pierce the tee.

This absurd design violates numerous laws of physics. Completely inconsistent with the mechanics, most of the monster’s body is floating. Looking at this indescribable monster, Palamidis was already stunned.

“That’s the [Guardian], a golem that you never want to be hostile to,” Vivian explained. “It’s harmless and invincible, as long as you don’t provoke it, it will will not attack you.”

“And it patrols this place?”

“Yes, it has been there since the time of the gods.”

It has guarded the ruins for tens of millions of years. Even though the ruins have been looted long ago, it is still patrolling back and forth. It’s so weird that no one dares to mess with it — or, the people who dare to mess with it are already dead.

[Guardian] approached the crowd, and brought the huge crystal ball on his upper body to Palamides.

A slit opened in the center of the crystal ball, revealing boundless darkness in the slit, expanding and contracting rhythmically. Only then did the big cat realize that this huge crystal ball was actually the eyes of the [Guardian].

It is watching Palamidis carefully.

The leopard warrior can’t help but feel his scalp tingling and his body tightly gripped by an invisible pressure. A strange voice crept into Palamidis’ mind, which seemed to be the [Guardian’s] whisper. That was the language of the golems, and even if the other party used telepathy, Palamidis still couldn’t understand it, couldn’t understand it.

Gradually, the murmur like miscellaneous messages filled the big cat’s mind, making the leopard warrior dizzy and breathless for a while.

“Woo? Woohoo!” Palamidis groaned like he was drowning, as if asking for help from the people around him.

Seeing this, Vivian immediately stretched out a strand of hair and swiped a few times in front of the guardian’s eye crystal.

When the guardian saw someone else’s interference, he immediately took a few steps back. It turned around and glanced at Vivian, then turned and walked away.

“Cough, cough…” Palamides gasped as he knelt on the ground and scolded: “What kind of [harmless and invincible] is this? I was almost killed. It’s strangled!”

“It seems to have a special interest in you.” Vivian said dispassionately, as if it had nothing to do with her, “Maybe it’s because of your physical condition.”

This sentence stings Palamidis. As an emerald knight, Palamidis can be said to be a living corpse. In fact, he died a long time ago, and now he is just relying on the power of the succubus (Vivien) to barely maintain his body activities. The working principle and the golems look alike.

That thing didn’t care about the living people, but came to check on the “kind” of Palamides, which is probably the case.

“Let’s leave it alone and move on,” urged Tut.

“Of course.” The big cat waved its tail unhappily, watched the guardian go away, and followed the team and walked deeper into the ruins.

At the same time, somewhere in the Black Sea, in the control room of the [Ice Crystal] submarine.

“It’s strange, it’s surprisingly quiet here.” Evan looked at the quiet waters and couldn’t help but wonder.

The mermaids nearby ignored Evan. In fact, the Black Sea is so quiet.

This is a dead, inland sea with extremely slow currents. It is surrounded by the Eurasian continent from the southeast and the northwest. The only channel that connects to the outer sea is the Turkic Strait.

The special geographical environment of this sea area has created its extremely slow currents, and its extremely slow currents have created this silent sea where almost no living creatures can grow – below six hundred feet The deep sea zone is full of new hydrogen sulfide produced by the metabolism of anaerobic bacteria, so that all creatures that rely on oxygen to maintain their life activities stay away.

Yes, this sea area is like a pool of rotting blood on the earth. It flows slowly, the oxygen cannot be circulated, and eventually it turns black and rotten, creating this dead silence. Even the merman’s extremely cold North Sea ice ocean is much more alive than this dead sea.

The water in the deep sea layer of the Black Sea is very turbid, and it looks like a black mist under the observation of Ivan’s Eagle Eye. This made Evan nervous, and he had to watch intently, lest an enemy suddenly appear in this fog.

“Let go of me! What are you doing?! Stop!” An exclamation interrupted Evan’s thoughts.

Rabbit Ryder ran out in a panic, his clothes were changed into a sailor suit, a sailor hat specially designed for him, with two holes for his ears to pass through, but it crooked when the rabbit panicked to avoid aside.

“Hey hey, shy. So cute!” Tristan chased after him. Ryder’s sailor suit seemed to be Tristan’s prank, and he seemed to put it on when the rabbit fainted.

“Give me back my original clothes! You pervert!” Ryder roared, blushing.

Tristan sneered: “You’ve vomited all over your body, I just washed it for Let’s wear this first, hehe, it looks good, so good.”

Evan took a peek at Ryder and couldn’t help laughing: “It really fits.”

This blue and white sailor suit makes the already small bunny boy look like a child. The white shirt matched Ryder’s white fur very well; the fluffy bunny tail popped out of the hole in the trousers, looking cute and funny against the navy blue sailor shorts.

“Don’t laugh!” Ryder snapped.

“Haha, it’s better than the dirty and gloomy robe you wore before. Let’s wear it like this for now.” As for how he took off the rabbit’s clothes while Ryder was awake, washed Ryder, and put on this sailor suit… Don’t imagine the process.

“Um…” Ryder rubbed his back, the smell of shampoo on his body irritated his nose, and the hair was still damp and not completely dry, all in all, it was a burst of unhappiness.

It’s like a well-dressed pet. Evan looked at all this and kept muttering in his heart. If it weren’t for Ryder being a talking rabbit, Tristan would probably have kept this white fur ball in a cage long ago. As the prince of the mermaid clan, Tristan is really free to do whatever he likes.

This kind of arbitrary behavior is not so annoying. Ivan even envied the fish-man prince a little.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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