Light Spirit Epic Chapter 534: The duel against the Holy King (5)

Chapter 534 The duel against the Holy King (5)

The next morning.

Arthur opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed. He felt extremely sore in his lower extremities, and the muscle pain in his body was covered up by the soreness of his lower extremities.

His clothes were soaked with sweat, which made him very uncomfortable. He was ashamed of his own stupidity, and blamed himself for not having lost his composure for a stupid dream; a certain sense of release made him very happy, as if all the dirty things in the body were emptied, and the body was less of these unnecessary burdens And the feeling of relief —– is only temporary.

“Wow?” A puppy got out from under the bed and looked at Arthur curiously. On closer inspection, it was not a dog, but a little wolf.

“Bee, Beddy?! Why are you here?!” Arthur jumped up from the bed in shock, swept away the last trace of his tiredness.

King Oser probed in from outside the room: “It’s the child’s spirituality. If you don’t care about strength, if you simply make a spiritual shell, you can do it without an altar.”

Arthur looked more closely, and the little white wolf was indeed a little different from the silver wolf. The hair on Bedivere’s body has a metallic sheen, and this guy is pure snow white.

When did King Other stealthily take Bedivere’s spirituality? Arthur wondered. Wouldn’t King Other have any bad ideas about Beedy? ?

As if seeing through Arthur’s mind, King Arthur sneered: “I asked him to watch over you, lest you be harassed by other spirits in the middle of the night and let you have a good dream.

——Now it seems that you do have desires. What a strange (sad) person who rejected the girl’s spirituality, but chose to vent your desires in a dream. “

Arthur doesn’t talk, he doesn’t want to think about what happened last night.

He hid under the quilt and roared: “I’m going to get up now to change clothes and take a shower. You all get out of my way and don’t appear in my sight until I’m done grooming, understand?!”

“Of course.” King Oser turned to leave, and Bedivere’s spirituality also slipped out, seemingly under the command of King Oser.

Arthur had wondered whether King Oser had the authority to command all the Holy Spirits in Avalon.

Otherwise, there is no explanation for the fact that Greenville’s spirituality disturbed Arthur yesterday. Greenville’s spirituality is supposed to be as reserved as her true self – at least not so proactive with Arthur.

What the **** is King Other thinking about the **** old man who asked Greenville’s spirituality to tempt Arthur?


Arthur recalled the dream of kissing the girl, his body became hot, and the warmth poured out like a dam. He jumped up from the bed and sighed again.

An hour later, Arthur took a shower and washed his armor completely as well as his body. After breakfast he was refreshed and ready to challenge King Other.

Arthur pushed open the door and walked out of the cabin, looking at King Arthur standing in a large open space outside the house.

Besides the king is the white wolf transformed from Bedivere’s spirituality, and Greenville’s spirituality.

King Other is looking at the moon in the sky. At a high altitude like Avalon, the sky was so deep that it was almost black, and the moon was so close that it seemed that a single jump could reach the luminous sphere.

“Are you here?” King Oser said indifferently, “You know, you can’t beat me with this. Do you still want to fight?”

“How do you know if you don’t try?” Arthur drew his sword: “Come on. Watch me kill you.”

“Very good.” King Oser waved his hand, motioning for the girl and the wolf to step back. He turned to face Arthur and drew his sword, “This last game, let’s begin!”

The two rushed towards each other, and the sound of fierce sword strikes resonated in this pure land!

King Oser slashed at the boy with his sword, and Arthur immediately raised his sword to meet him. Arthur’s holy king’s sword and the silver sword in King Oser’s hand collided violently, bursting out a harsh vibration, and at the same time shaking the two of them three yards away!

Arthur stretched out his wings and slammed into the opponent’s chest. King Oser swayed sideways, and at the same time, the silver sword was drawn, and with the momentum of Arthur flying out, it attacked the boy’s abdomen!

Arthur did not come unprepared. He had already drawn the dagger in his left hand and slashed out, and he was still in a violent forward stance, while the Longwu dagger rolled up an arc of fire in mid-air, wrapping Arthur inside and rushing out. He was like a golden meteor entwined with a fire tornado, suddenly passing by King Oser’s side.

Klang Keng! King Oser’s sword did not hit Arthur, and was bounced off by Arthur’s dragon martial dagger in the middle. The heat of the fire tornado blew through King Oser, causing a lot of damage.

“Hmph, a flashy move.” King Oser patted his smoking armguard, and Arthur, who flew ten yards away, also stopped.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s flashy, it’s enough to hurt you.” Arthur was on guard with two swords in hand. The sheath of the king on his body constantly replenished his physical strength, and he would never lose in terms of physical strength, as long as he tried his best to force King Oser to use his real skills.

“Where’s your Holy Spirit Transformation? Don’t you need it?” Arthur provocatively asked, looking at the tens of thousands of Holy Spirits slowly gathering around the battlefield, he couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy, “Or, do you think To command these holy spirits to besiege me?”

King Other shook his head, “They’re just here for the show. Just leave it alone.”

A hunch told Arthur that these Holy Spirits on the side by no means came here by chance to “watch a play”. King Oser must have given some order to direct these holy spirits to watch.

This battle is the final gamble, and it decides the fate of Avalon Pure Land It is necessary for them to watch the final death battle between these two men.

Whatever the outcome, after today, everything here will end.

“Ha ah ah ah ah!” Thinking of this, Arthur raised his sword and attacked again. He had to take the initiative and keep onslaught, driving King Oser in front of him to a desperate situation, and making the king’s mighty stinky face show a panicked expression.

In this case, Arthur takes the first step towards success.

“Keng!” King Oser’s sword collided violently with Arthur’s sword of the Holy King. He raised his sword in his left hand to block Arthur’s attack, and his right hand was already holding a dangerous magic ball of light.

I don’t know what magic the opponent wants to unleash. All Arthur can do is to strike first, stabbing him with the Dragon Martial Dagger in his left hand, trying to disrupt the opponent’s rhythm with an attack. If it succeeds, once the opponent’s mind is disturbed, the magic will fail.

No matter how fast magic is, it can’t be faster than a sword, this is the theorem. Therefore, in close-to-hand combat for thousands of years, knights have always had the upper hand. Magicians are always afraid of knights’ three-pointers, and they dare not bring the fighting distance too close.

However, King Oser calmly raised the ball of light in his hand and slammed into Arthur’s Dragon Martial Dagger! Arthur suddenly felt that the hand holding the dagger was hit by a strong impact, just like hitting the sword of a lightsaber!

Yes, that’s not magic at all. The pure white ball of light that King Oser grasped in his right hand was a mass of photons, pure photons!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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