Light Spirit Epic Chapter 53: Gaia’s

Chapter 53: The Chapter of Gaia (Beginning) The Resolution on Return (Part 1)

Leon Dickens continues to sip wine in his office. The whole room was very dark, and only the light of the stove made the dim shape of the dark room. In addition to the heavenly knight who was drinking whisky, there was also a figure of a knight waiting.

“In this way, you have successfully settled the alliance with the mermaid, and you don’t need a single soldier. What an old fox.” The black armored knight Zach said in the shadows.

“I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.” The Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens shook the glass, stirring the ice cubes and spirits in the glass more evenly.

In the firelight, the whisky reflects a golden light. Leon Dickens took a sip of wine with pity: “That kid is really neat in his work. Thanks to him, all troubles are cleared up. We have reached a preliminary agreement with the European countries, and the rest is Only Rome.”

“Rome? That tough bone.” Zach said, “You don’t think about it again—”

“I have my own plans.” The Grand Duke of Leon Dickens sneered.

The fifteenth mechanical warehouse.

“Okay, this is the last lesson. There’s only so much I can teach you, you’ll have to practice on your own in the future,” Lancelot said.

“What, what?” Bedivere, who was lying on the ground covered in sweat and oil, quickly got up, “But…”

“I have taught Arthur less time than I have taught you, and his swordsmanship has also been honed by himself in the future.” Lancelot said, “What I can teach you is just a central idea, A combat strategy that is suitable for your physique. As long as you continue to hone this strategy in the future, you will one day become your own genre. If I intervene and teach you more messy things, it will make you stick to Some specific moves have become rigid fixed routines in the end. At that time, it is impossible for you to learn the real swordsmanship that belongs to you again.”

“Yes, but, a stupid person like me…”

“No, you’re not stupid, Arthur is a genius, mastered all the essence of swordsmanship I want to teach him in three days, and you are also a genius, you just mastered all the essence in less than a month. You and Compared with Arthur, it is only the difference in combat experience. As long as he lives long enough in the future, it is entirely possible to catch up, or to be infinitely close to Arthur’s attainments.”

“But I always forget…”

“About that,” Lancelot gave Bedivere a small iron plate, “Take this. In the future, when you lose your way on the road of swordsmanship, take out this plate and look at it. As long as you calm down and take a good look at your mistakes, you can find the right path again.”

“Okay, okay. Thank you.” Bedivere took the iron. It’s really just a small piece of iron like an ornament. Can such a small piece of iron really give pointers to one’s future path? Bedivere was skeptical.

“Then, see you later if you have fate.” Lancelot said earnestly.

“Goodbye…?” Bedivere was puzzled, but he said goodbye to Lancelot and returned to the dormitory.

In Sir Kay’s room, the knight is reading a magazine with gusto.

“What are you looking at?” Tristan asked, sticking his head from behind the book.

“Wow!!” Kai was taken aback and put away the magazine in his hand like a conditioned reflex.

“How come you didn’t knock on the door?!” Kai yelled in dissatisfaction, “Get out, you rude brat!”

“Hey, unlike some lecherous knight, I’m here for business.” Tristan smiled slyly, his face showing the cunning of a boy his age, “If it’s inconvenient, I can wait. Are you coming after you’re done?”

“No!” Kai blushed and pulled up his trousers, “Stinky brat… what are you looking for me for?”

“This.” Tristan took out a satin-wrapped object from his rucksack. After opening the package, it turned out to be a trident broken in two.

“I came to Pantoracken as a diplomat. In addition to dealing with the affairs of the alliance, I have this additional task: repair the holy spear—the golden trident.”

Kay deliberately does a hammer job, mocking Tristan: “What makes you think I can fix it? I look like a blacksmith?”

Tristan was stunned for a To be honest, at that moment, he felt that the scene of Kai holding a hammer and hitting the iron didn’t feel inconsistent. Maybe this muscular man is really a natural blacksmith…

Tristan shook his head sharply, putting aside these ridiculous thoughts: “You don’t have to play stupid, Arthur called me here. He said there is only one person in the world who can repair this weapon, and you know Where is this person now.”

“Oh, Arthur’s big mouth.” The knight muttered helplessly, “Well, since that kid Arthur told you, I don’t have to hide it. That man is the greatest genius scientist of this century. , is an authority on photonics. However, whether she can repair the weapons left by the ancients, and whether she is willing to help you repair it, I can’t guarantee anything.”

[She]? a woman? A female genius scientist?

The murloc prince was suddenly curious about what this female genius scientist looks like, so he said cheerfully: “Okay, take me there.”

“I want to come now…” Kai suddenly had a deliberate idea of ​​making trouble. He was complacent that he had thought of this genius idea, so he smiled slyly: “You know, boy, if you can actually If you can persuade someone to go with you, the success rate will be very high.”

“Who?” asked the murloc prince.

“Arthur,” said Kay, “the person you’re going to meet is named Vivienne Conwell, and she’s Arthur’s sister.”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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