Light Spirit Epic Chapter 421: Dancing to the Ritual (2)

Chapter 421: Dancing at the Ritual (2)

The leopard people in the festival didn’t particularly pay attention to these two foreign teenagers, because other orc races occasionally came here to participate in the festival, such as the tiger and cat people who were close to the leopard people.

“It’s so lively! It’s a blessing that they can have such a good time in this ghost day with the north wind whistling!” Al said, looking at the leopards who were dancing in the field.

It’s a fun dance with a particularly good twist in the waist and ass, especially for **** Leopard women. If Al’s left leg hadn’t been broken, he would have joined the big cats (especially the big sisters) and danced together.

Beddie understood Al’s intention and looked contemptuous: “You should be tired after walking for so long. Let’s find a place to rest.”

“I’m not tired, I—Ow! It hurts, hurts, hurts——!”

“Sorry, did I step on you?” Bedivere sneered, “Come on, your feet are so painful that you can’t walk, find a place to rest.”

Al couldn’t stand Bedi’s coercion, so he nodded obediently.

They had just found a bench in the festival venue to sit down, and suddenly there was a lively scene in the distance.

“What’s wrong?” Albert looked around curiously.

Appears to be a cruise. Dozens of leopard guards opened the way, and dozens of priest-like personnel were lined up neatly in the middle.

They marched in such a grand manner, each with torches in their hands, illuminating the entire square as if it were daylight, making it hard to believe that this is a wild and dark place.

No. That’s not the point. At the rear of the parade is a ten-person sedan chair, carried by ten young and strong male leopard men, slowly and steadily entering the square.

Although the sedan chair is also made of wood, it is meticulously carved, decorated with red yarn and flowers, and looks very gorgeous.

“That should be the High Priest.” Eldao.

There seemed to be a person sitting in the rectangular room in the middle of the sedan chair, but with the red gauze blocking it, Bedivere couldn’t see what the person looked like.

“The High Priest is a great person, right?” Bedivere had an idea, “If they can persuade him, the three Hackett brothers will also listen to the High Priest and stop the war, right?”

“Well…” Albert didn’t know how to answer. He didn’t know the internal management structure of the Leopard people, nor did he understand how high the actual power of this [High Priest] was.

He knew a more basic question: the high priest who was so tightly protected by the leopards couldn’t let Bedivere approach easily!

Following the parade, the sedan chair finally came to the middle of the square. The leopards who carried the sedan put down the sedan chair like this and made a circle around the inner layer; the other priests also turned their backs to the sedan chair and made a circle around the middle layer; the guards put their hands on the handle of the sword at their waists and circled a circle. The inner, middle and outer circles protect the sedan chair strictly, which shows the importance of the high priest’s status.

After the parade had settled down, the high priest stepped out of the sedan lightly and began to read the ceremonial prayers. Because the language of the Glick tribe was used, Bedivere couldn’t understand it at all, so he looked at Albert with expectant eyes and asked for El’s translation.

The tiger man sighed, “I don’t understand very well, the translation is very poor, don’t laugh at me.”

He translates. What the high priest said was nothing more than a few words of blessing. The main idea was to wish good weather and good weather this year, and that everyone can live a better life without being eroded by wind, frost and hunger.

Bedivere looked carefully at the high priest in red:

The high priest is not very tall, and is a thin type. Almost his entire body was covered by a red robe, and even his face was covered by a red veil extending down from the brim of his hat. It is indeed not an easy task for such a mysterious high priest to approach him.

The more he thought about it, the more Bedivere cared about the true face of the high priest.

“Huh? It’s a lie, right?” Albert suddenly exclaimed.

There were also many orcs who were exclaiming. Bedivere knew that something was wrong: “El? What’s the matter, what did the high priest say?”

“Beddie, you will never believe this.” Albert said: “The High Priest is also against war against humans. He was just admonishing those present that war with humans will only bring death and Sadly, it’s not worth it.”

Bediver saw hope for the first time in the few days since he came to the Grik territory.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and people kept questioning the words of the high priest.

However, the high priest began to say something that surprised the audience even more.

“What is he talking about?” Bedivere saw the audience begin to look at him.

“You won’t believe it.” Albert grabbed his cane and stood up. “The High Priest knows the information we told the Hackett brothers the day before yesterday. He wants us to testify in front of everyone.”

“El, help me translate.” Bedivere also stood up, “——I am Bedivere of the Eskimo. I prove that everything the High Priest said is true. .

The Egyptian massacre ten years ago was indeed a conspiracy planned by the Romanians (fox people). The culprit responsible for the deaths of 3,571 orcs who immigrated to Africa was not humans, but rather Foxes! “

There were a lot of dissenting voices among the people present. They threw stones at Bedivere, and even Albert didn’t need to translate the words in their mouths. Bedie could guess what it meant.

“Go to hell, human lackey.”

“You are full of nonsense, and you are saying things that are partial to human beings. Who would believe this kind of nonsense?!”

A stone fell on Bedivere’s forehead, and the sharp stone drew blood on the werewolf boy’s, let’s get out of here! “Albert stretched out his hand to protect himself and Beddy’s forehead, shouting.

“…No, I won’t run away again.” Bedivere said stubbornly.

He couldn’t escape, and there was no need to.

Some people think he’s lying and speaking for humans, let these guys think so. With a clear heart, Bediveveltan was able to face these accusations out of nothing, knowing that what he said was true [facts].

Al, who was beside him, didn’t think so. Bedivere is so naive. Even if what Bedivere says is true, there are still many people in this world who don’t want to believe it.

What they want is not [facts], but [a better life].

Everyone is selfish. For their favorable views, they always take advantage of them and make the most of them; on the contrary, they would rather be blinded than believe.

This is the inferiority of human beings. Even with the addition of the beast’s genes, the orcs are still largely human, and their inferiority remains unchanged.

After thousands of years, they still live in a cruel and savage age, just a bunch of beasts in the cloak of [civilization].

“Quiet!” When Albert was at a loss, the high priest suddenly shouted, stopping the riot at the venue.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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