Light Spirit Epic Chapter 275: Farewell to the Homeland (Part 2)

Chapter 275 Parting in the Homeland (Part 2)

In the evening, Arthur and his party returned to the farmhouse.

“Just send it here.” The Duke of Yones said, lowering the airship and mooring it in the open space outside the farmhouse.

“Thank you, Grand Duke Ewings.” Arthur stepped off the airship and said, “Without your help, I really don’t know how to bring so many people back all at once.”

“You have chopped up a large group of sea monsters, and you have helped us so much. What is it to give you a ride.” Euns said, “If you have time, buy an airship, your knight. The number of members of the group is also quite large, and there must be transportation to support the operation.”

“Well, I’ll think about it,” Arthur said, walking out.

Bedivere on the side also carried Tristan, who was still unconscious, and followed, “Evan, do you still want to stay in the Southern Sky Knights?”

“Well, it’s almost there.” Evan replied with a wry smile. The original purpose of his stay in the Southern Sky Knights was to learn the [Holy] enchantment from Ser Arctor to deal with Gunther. However, now he has only learned half a bucket of water, and there is not much time left. He was so anxious that on the one hand, he didn’t want Arthur and others to know his plan, and on the other hand, he was anxiously waiting for Kai’s contact.

“What are you thinking?” asked Ao Yun from the side.

“No,” Ivan saw that Arthur’s group had already stepped out of the airship, and the airship had also closed the hatch, so he said, “We need to intensify the special training tonight. Aoyun, help me.”

“You really don’t need to take a break?” Ao Yun said worriedly, “I feel like you have been through a lot of battles in the past few days. Are you going to special training with this tired body?”

“Well. Because there is no time.” Evan said. He had to kill Gunther before Arthur and Palinlor’s duel. Intuition told him he had to do it.

“Wow, I’ve only been away for a few days, what’s this place like.” As soon as Arthur opened the door of the farmhouse, he saw dust accumulated on the ground.

“Wait for me. After I put down Tristan, I’ll go clean immediately.” Bedivere carried the murloc prince to the bedroom.

“So——” Shi Xing saw that only him and Arthur were left in the living room (Lian Yin was completely ignored!), and then he faltered and whispered: “Arthur, come out A little question.”

“What’s the matter?” Arthur replied absentmindedly, busy wiping the dust on the table with water-soaked steps.

“Look, didn’t I say that the transformation magic that is now in human form was created by the father?… I used it just now in the mood to give it a try, and then… …I sent a letter and couldn’t change myself.”

“Wait——” Arthur stopped what he was doing, “What does [can’t change back] mean? Don’t you——“

“…Father King’s memory seems to be the magic of how to change from a dragon to a human, but the reverse process of changing from a human back to a human…is gone. In his soul stone about This part of the magic may have lost data due to damage.”

Arthur looked at the evil star in horror: “Don’t tell me, you will never be a dragon again?! Live in this form all the time?!——Then, what about the duel the day after tomorrow? !”

“Uh, my contract with you is still in effect, of course I will play with you?” Sha Xing scratched his head.

“You’re stupid!? When you go on stage like this, will anyone think you’re a dragon?! You were kicked out before you even played!” Arthur was furious.

The evil star was refuted and had nothing to say, so he had to pretend to be aggrieved: “I didn’t know it would turn out like this—-“

“Don’t use any magic you haven’t used! You stupid stupid dragon!” Arthur scolded his anger, “——Wait, try with me first. Fusion of the black dragon armor. This is the only way left.”

The Fiend reaches out and touches Arthur’s armor. He concentrates, intends to use fusion magic to merge with the armor.

“…Sorry, failed.” Shaxing sighed. “Fusion magic is originally a magic that makes two dragons fuse together, and that requires the form of a dragon–I seem to have created an obstacle to fusion in the way I am now, and the situation is as if one magic interferes with the other.”

Arthur’s face was purple and black, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill the evil star.

“You useless idiot. Now, you can’t play, and you can’t be combined with the dragon armor for me to use. What am I going to use to fight Palinlor the day after tomorrow?!”

“Can’t you think of a way to do it yourself?” Sha Xing sat down on the sofa, disapprovingly.

From the three duels Arthur has experienced, each of the contracted creatures of the Celestial Knights has the ability to defy the sky. The Platinum Griffin with the ability of [Absolute Defense], the three-headed Cerberus with the ability of [Warp Teleport] and [Clone], and the golden lion with the ability of [Gravity Zone]. Each one is not easy to deal with, not to mention that there is a Heavenly Knight next to these monsters.

To single-handedly take on a Celestial Knight and an Epic Photon Creature is like a moth to a fire and self-destruction.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether it conforms to the rules of [Battle of the Five Kings] if they do not bring any contracted creatures to the duel. Arthur may not even be allowed to play as a loss…

An angry Arthur said nothing, gambled on hygiene. But he knew that Shaxing had already thought of the same question.

Arthur’s troubled week is far from over.

“Speaking of which,” Shaxing asked embarrassedly, “Don’t your therapist girl know a lot of biological common sense? Maybe she can help me and change me back.”

“Greenville is an expert in biology, not magic…” Arthur dropped his work and picked up the phone, “Okay, let’s ask her to take a look.”

Greenville finished her morning’s work and was about to enjoy a soothing rose-scented bath.

As soon as she soaked in the bathtub, she felt the heat of the hot water and the wonderful fragrance of the aromatherapy—the phone rang.

“Are you kidding me?” Greenville looked annoyed at the caller ID. Arthur She buried her head in the water and ignored Arthur’s phone.

Rin Rin Rin Rin ——

The ringtones are endless. Arthur didn’t seem to want to hang up.

“Okay, you idiot.” Greenville reached out to answer the phone: “What’s the matter, Arthur?”

The other end of the phone was silent for a while: “Why did you wait so long to answer the phone? Greenville, are you here again?”

“Noisy! Whether I’m taking a shower or not has nothing to do with you!” the girl scolded angrily, splashing the water in the bathtub meaninglessly.

“But, didn’t you tell me not to call you while you’re taking a shower? I always feel like you’re taking a shower all day long…” Arthur said helplessly.

“There is no [washing all day long]! It’s just three times a day!” Greenville said angrily.

“Okay, okay.” Arthur reluctantly perfunctory, “Then, Miss Greenville, who bathes three times a day, can you come to the low house? There is a very troublesome patient here, no matter what. I want to ask you for a medical examination.”

“Tsk. I’ll be right there,” the girl replied. She was annoyed by her stance on being called on, but Arthur’s tone made it impossible for her to let it go. Angrily, she buried her head in the water, letting her whole body become hot and red with the heat of the hot water.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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