Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2686: Trial of the flames (7)

Chapter 2686 Trials in the flames (seven)

Meanwhile(?), Great Britain, the old town of Edinburgh.

“Then,” Daniel sorted out his equipment and got up from the ground: “I’ll go for a walk and come back later.”

Sabo remembered what Daniel had done before, and had a bad feeling: “Will it be —— again”

“Shh!” The silver knight boy interrupted: “You can’t run around after the surgery, so I won’t take you with me this time. Let’s talk about it next time.”

“No, I don’t want to go with you either. If you go with you, you won’t have enough lives to die.” The Gray Rabbit snorted. It’s a pity that he didn’t finish his words, Daniel has disappeared in a teleport.

“Huh?” Hearing the movement in the room, Mason probed in and looked: “What’s the matter, Big Brother Sabo?”

“It’s fine,” replied the rabbit.

“Are you okay? I remember your boss was still there just now…”

“He jumped out of the window.” Sabo casually wrote: “Don’t worry about him, he’s basically a weirdo who likes to go in and out through the window if he doesn’t like to go through the front door.”

“This—-” The blond boy Mason looked helpless and puzzled.

“Anyway, he’ll be back later, and he’s given him the key. Are you going to bed? It’s just as long as he doesn’t wake you up when he comes back at night.”

“It’s okay, I usually sleep very hard.” Mason smiled wryly, then shrank his head back: “Brother Sabo, please go to bed earlier. I’m next door, call me in case of emergency.”

“Yeah.” The gray rabbit man replied, and while Mason gently closed the door, he also turned off the bedside lamp.

The room is shrouded in darkness. But that is naturally only a short-term thing. It’s still early, and even Edinburgh’s old town won’t fall asleep completely at this time – the nightlife of the Britons is still quite rich. The lights poured in from the windows, the lights of various nightclubs, the occasional roar of vehicles passing by on the street, and the cursing of drunken passers-by in the alley, all told the degenerate atmosphere of the old city and its tenacious vitality. Sabo naturally couldn’t sleep either. He had slept all day, and now he is not tired. Lying on the bed and unable to move around, he could only look at the familiar ceiling, which became a torment.

It’s boring. Sure enough, let’s try [that]. Sabo closed his eyes and called out intently. Daniel had reminded him before that the implants in his body had been removed, and now he should be able to use the abilities that belonged to the Bunnyman—even if that ability was affected by the drugs he was taking and became unstable.

He kept calling, trying to call something from outside. However, this experiment did not go well. He called for a long time, and when he almost became drowsy, a dark shadow finally appeared outside the window. It was a crow, and its feathers were black and shiny like oil. This is one of the most common animals in the old city. These cunning birds can live well in the environment where human beings live. They like to rummage through urban garbage to fill their stomachs.

Sabo was a little disappointed that it was a crow. He had hoped to at least call in creatures like pigeons or bats. But he doesn’t have a better choice now, the crow is the crow.

“Then, please.” The young gray rabbit reached out to the window, trying to touch the crow. The crow also jumped over cooperatively, and took the initiative to put its head up and touch Sabo’s palm. It didn’t take long for Sabo to see what he saw in the eyes of a crow. Sabo replaced his vision with that of the crow. He looked at himself now lying on the bed through the eyes of the crow, a little hazy and twisted, but it was still a rather wonderful experience.

His body is not free, but his mind is freer than anyone else. No one in the world can restrict him from looking at the world.

Raven quickly bid farewell to Sabo and flew away from the window. Naturally, the gray rabbit’s vision is still linked to the crow, and he can see everything the crow sees. Viewed from the air, the night in the old town has a different flavor.

Although Bunnymen have the ability to communicate with animals, in principle, they cannot directly control the actions of animals. Many times the rabbits just communicate with the animals and ask the animals to do errands for them. If the animals are unwilling to help, the rabbits can’t help the animals either. Only the very powerful rabbitmen can use deterrence and other means to force animals or beasts to obey themselves, and force these creatures to do things for them.

Of course Sabo, who is now ill, can’t do that. Linking the vision to the crow and seeing what the crow can see is already the limit of his ability. How and where the crows fly is beyond Sabo’s control. He used the crow to observe the night scene of Edinburgh, which had no special meaning in itself. What he wanted to say was just to relieve the boredom.

He naturally cared about Daniel, who was running out at night. However, Daniel used teleportation to leave, and Sabo naturally had no way to track it. There is no need to count on tracking Daniel, but in the corner of the old town, Sabo saw a familiar face.

Isn’t that Uncle Petrus? ——The same team as Sabo, also a member of the 73rd Knight Team of the Eastern Knights. This cunning middle-aged black iron knight is a well-known “high-level killer”. From two years ago to now, he has driven seven silver knights crazy with various despicable means, some of whom have just become Not long after, the Silver Knight was a promising newcomer, but his future was ruined by the tricks and traps set by Petrus.

When Daniel was assigned to be the captain of the Seventy-three Knights squad, Sabo knew that someone was planning to murder the young Silver Knight. But at that time, Sabo and Daniel were not familiar with each other. He knew that Daniel’s situation was very dangerous but turned a blind eye, and he didn’t pay special attention to the movements of “superior killer” Petrus.

But now, Sabo’s position is different. He and Daniel could be said to be in the same boat, and he wouldn’t be much better if Daniel had an accident. So Sabo instantly became wary of Petrus——Petrus, who was supposed to live in the dormitory of the Knights of the East Sky in London, suddenly appeared in the old town of Edinburgh. There must be something wrong.

His conjecture is not groundless. The dark iron knight Petrus, who appeared in a secluded street park in the old city, was secretly meeting with whom. Under the dim streetlights, the man standing opposite Petrus was dressed quite mysteriously. Most of his face was hidden in the shadow of the heavy hood, and his black cloak almost completely blended into the night.

The mysterious man is not a good person at first sight. Uncle Petrus is not a good thing either. Two dubious fellows meeting in a dark park must be conspiring—though it’s all Sabo’s wishful thinking. Could it be that Daniel and Sabo’s actions the day before yesterday (referring to the attack on the hidden base of the Death Scorpion thieves) were revealed, and the two tracked down Edinberg?

Damn. The young gray rabbit couldn’t help but be a little anxious. With the eyes of a crow, it is impossible to see the situation from this distance, let alone hear the conversation between the two. But now Sabo can’t really control the crow’s actions, and “sharing vision” with the crow is the limit of his ability.

Can’t you get any closer?

I don’t know if it listened to Sabo’s request, or if the crow was tired from flying, it suddenly landed on the lamppost in the middle of the street and grabbed the rusty carved iron pipe of the lamp bead with its claws. The crow and the secret meeting were about twenty yards away, but the animals’ hearing was surprisingly good, and Sabo could vaguely hear the conversation between the two.

“Have you found it?” asked the cloaked mystery man. The voice was low and distorted, and it didn’t sound like a human voice, probably using some kind of voice changer.

“Hahaha…not yet. Boss just wait patiently.” Petrus, the greasy middle-aged uncle, was rubbing his hands and smiling, his face was disgusting: “According to the previous Intelligence, the target must be in Edinburgh. My intelligence network has spread all over the city, and the target cannot escape. If the target is revealed next time, it will definitely be located.”

“Tsk.” The mysterious man was obviously dissatisfied with Petrus’ answer, “How many days, you can’t show any performance. I have to question your ability to do things. Listen. There are three days left. , this is your last chance. If you haven’t figured out your goal before midnight on the fourth day, I swear, you’ll regret living in this world.”

Although the threat of the other party made the middle-aged uncle pale, Petrus still replied with a smile: “I will try my best, my lord.”

“Speaking of which, you are too careless.” The mysterious man in black robe suddenly said: “The place where we made the appointment was not cleared in advance, our meeting was overheard, and we still don’t know about it.”

(Sabo’s heart suddenly tensed. Couldn’t he really be noticed?!)

“How is this possible?”

“Let me handle it this time. It’s not an example next time,” said the mysterious man.

Then, a dark shadow suddenly flashes before Sabo’s eyes—actually in front of the crow.

“Die.” The mysterious man stretched out his hand and squeezed the crow directly.

In an instant, the experience of death is communicated to the Grey Rabbit’s body through Sabo’s “feeling common” ability.

It was the crow who was killed, but Sabo felt like he was killed once. Huge force kneaded his whole until his body exploded from the outside in, he seemed to feel that his internal organs were about to spurt out!

The crow turned into a fuzzy mass of flesh and died instantly. Sabo’s body lying on the bed also vomited a mouthful of blood and was fatally injured.

Just sharing the vision with the crow, how could killing an animal affect Sabo? What a dangerous ability this is!

No! This is not due to Saab’s ability. Simply expanding your horizons by establishing a spiritual connection with the animal is unlikely to be counter-productive to this degree.

This is a conjuration attack! The mysterious man knew that Sabo was in control of the crow, and by killing the crow, he cursed Sabo at the same time. The backlash of the incantation caused the young gray rabbit to suffer the same damage as the crow!

(Oops…! Will die!)

Sabo vomited another mouthful of blood and the situation became critical. His body had just received an organ transplant not long ago, and he was already very weak. To be attacked by spells again, it would make things even worse. He felt that all the organs in his body were twisting and being strangled by invisible forces, and it was only a matter of time before they burst!

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