Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2666: Cut the darkness in the blink of an eye

Chapter 2666 slaying the darkness in the momentary light (forty-eight)

Is this, a space transfer (swap) caused by magic?

Bedivere was actually influenced by the space magic of the Holy Spirit White Tiger?

But why? Is it really possible for such a ridiculous thing to happen?

Everyone has an [absolute domain] that can protect themselves and can resist the influence of magic from others. For example, it is almost impossible for a magician to “ignite” his opponent directly with magic, even if it is easy to directly burn the opponent’s body fat and other substances.

All hostile spells or effects will be blocked by the [absolute domain] of the human body, and such hostile magic will not be effective. Generally speaking, if you want to make those spells that directly affect other people’s bodies to take effect, you must either obtain the consent of the other party, or you must use hypnotism to hypnotize the opponent first – in fact, it is equivalent to directly infiltrating the place with hypnotism [ Absolute Domain], broke through the opponent’s spiritual defense from the inside.

Bedivere, who can use [spell], knows this all too well.

So, logically speaking, even if the Holy Spirit White Tiger wanted to do this, Bedivere couldn’t be so easily moved by the Holy Spirit’s power. Bedivere has never let his [absolute realm] slack off and let his opponent cast spells on him.

Unless… is it because the Holy Spirit White Tiger has its own [law] and can ignore the original law of the universe?

Or is it that Albert, who is in the state of [Transcendental Sanctification], knows the truth of the universe and can play cards out of the way?

If true, isn’t this guy as powerful as cheating? !


Bediver threw a backhand with the fastest speed first. What he waved was the [World Tree Shell], and at the same time, the mithril fluid was stripped from himself, forming a thick wall behind him. This wall blocked Albert’s sneak attack from behind!

Meanwhile, Bedivere quickly removed the feather clinging to his shoulder.

Perhaps the Holy Spirit White Tiger really has a way to bypass the [Absolute Domain] block and cast spells directly on Bedivere. But there are bound to be conditions attached to doing so. For example, the [anchor] made of this feather.

If you are not attached to this [anchor], you will not be controlled. Is that what you mean?

When Albert attacked again, Bedivere had already kicked the crystal wall built in the air and fell to the ground. He was not moved to another position by the ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, it seems that his guess is correct, that space transfer ability must be marked with a specific anchor point to be established!

However, the tiger is constantly flying in the sky, with a lot of feathers scattered back and forth. While obviously not every feather can be an anchor, as long as they have the potential to be an anchor, the threat is real. Albert in the air can teleport back and forth using the countless anchor points that may exist, and he can even teleport Bedivere, who hits those feather anchor points, to where he wants. Isn’t this ability invincible? ? !

Bedivere, who fell to the ground, did not insist on defending, but began to counterattack. Once again he used [Silver Stream] to accelerate himself to astonishing levels, cruising back and forth like a surf on the ground. All of the mithril fluid was released, turning into at least six wave crests, forming an approximately annular and complex field on the ground for the werewolf youth to slide back and forth.

“Huh.” Albert sneered. No matter how fast Bedivere moves, it’s just sliding back and forth on the ground, not as fast as he can dance in the air. What’s more, he can use the ability of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to teleport back and forth between dozens of anchor points. As long as he does not underestimate the enemy, it is impossible for the werewolf youth to even touch him!

But those wavy crystal crests are really annoying. Anyway, let’s smash them first!

Thus, the young tiger man swooped down to the ground, and the blade in his hand was also drawn out. Of course, it is impossible to smash solid fluid crystals with the iron sword used for training, but there is no need for Albert to attack them with the iron sword, because the rules only say that other weapons cannot be used to attack the opponent’s body. , but it didn’t say that you can’t use other weapons to attack things other than Bedivere! At this time, Albert had already drawn out his storm gun blade and used the gun blade’s large-caliber steel ball shot to bombard those crystal crests, trying to shatter them!

A single shot blasted a huge gap on the crystal, and Albert also used the clone technique to conjure up several arms with a storm spear blade, and fired at the same time, firing dozens of shots in a row, naturally It was to smash one of the crystal crests into slag!

This is one of the variants of Hundred Slashes, [Instant Light Hundred Slashes]!

“Yeah!” Bedivere snorted, the werewolf youth who was sliding towards this side at a high speed encountered an obstacle, because the crest of the wave that was smashed by Albert was where the werewolf youth was going to jump over. There was no platform in front of him that he could leverage on, and he flew straight out like a kite with no strings attached, and there were no crystal walls on both sides to protect him. The werewolf youth immediately became a fast moving target!

“Caught you!” Albert sneered and chased after him, the blade in his hand falling. The hundreds of attack trajectories of [Instant Light Splitting Slash] cover a huge range, no matter which side Bedivere dodges, he will always be hit by a few swords!

Clap la la la la! ! However, when the iron sword used for training was knocked down, it didn’t feel like hitting anyone. That feeling was completely like hitting on an icy inorganic substance?

Albert frowned, feeling that things were not that simple. Sure enough, the “Bediver” in front of him began to crack and shatter, and the crystal fragments that turned into mithril fluid fell to the ground!

This is just a stand-in! I don’t know when I started, but the werewolf youth replaced himself with a substitute made of mithril fluid. The “Bedivere” that just glided out at high speed was no longer a Bedivere, but a crystal with a very similar appearance. Just a statue!

When one of the crystal crests was shattered, the real Bedivere rushed into the crystal wall and hid, just avoiding Albert’s sight, while the tiger was focused on attacking the stand-in. , approach from the rear and counterattack!

Wow! ! —— But this blow did not hit! Albert’s alertness was quite high. Before being hit by Bedivere’s blade, he used the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger to shift his position and instantly moved into the air twenty yards away! What appears in front of Bedivere now is just a slowly falling feather!

“Unfortunately. Your sneak attack failed.” Tiger laughed sarcastically.

“No, it worked.” Bedivere said, pointing to Albert’s side.

Yes, it’s still a hit. The white wings of the tiger man youth were stained with red paint. That was the trace left by Bedivere with the blade before the tiger moved in space. If only Albert himself made the transfer, that blow would never touch the tiger. But the tiger has such a pair of wings, and the wings themselves become a burden, increasing the possibility of being hit.

“Hey, wings aren’t part of the body, are they?” Albert complained.

“Absurd,” Bedivere said.

Wings are an ability attached to the artifact [Sun Egg Dangram], allowing Albert to grow wing-like structures to achieve aerial flight. But there is no nerve on the wing, nor is it related to Albert’s own body. No matter how damaged the wing is, it will not affect Albert’s body. But if Albert, who had spread his wings, was considered as a whole, hitting his wings seemed to make sense even if he hit Albert.

So it’s not clear whether a wing hit counts as Albert being hit or not. You can either say [yes] or think [not].

“Okay, it’s a tie for the time being.” Albert didn’t want to argue with Bedivere, and suddenly spread his wings to a higher altitude: “Anyway, no matter how hard you struggle, as long as you really hit my [Shining Light] Hundred Splits], you will still lose!”

After all, [Instant Light Slash] is a move that can deal hundreds of slashing damage with one hit. The original duel rules were also set by Albert based on this move. This tiger is very cunning.

“Huh.” Bedivere smiled contemptuously.

“[Snapshot], I also have a similar move.” He raised his finger and made a provocative gesture: “Want to come and experience it?”

“Oh?” A blue vein appeared on Albert’s forehead: “Then see——“

Before he finished speaking, Albert had suddenly swooped towards the opponent, intending to make a surprise attack. Dozens of cloned arms appeared behind him, and along with his sword-swinging movements, they swung the sword together, instantly drawing dozens of dazzling trajectories!

Bediver smiled lightly.

After many observations, it turns out that it is true. Although Albert’s moves are gorgeous and extremely threatening, isn’t it just wielding weapons indiscriminately? Albert’s swordsmanship itself is not very delicate. After using the clone, he needs to control dozens of arms at the same time to attack, which further reduces the accuracy and controllability of the attack. The [Snapshot Hundred Slashes] actually set the attack trajectory at the same time as the attack, and once the attack was taken, the attack trajectory would not change midway. That is to say——

The werewolf youth slapped his right arm, activated the silver bracelet in his hand, and injected the [acceleration potion] into his body. The potency of the potion accelerated his body time dozens of times in an instant, and he could clearly see every trajectory of Albert’s attack! He moved his body, using the minimum dodge to avoid Albert’s [Instant Light Splitting Slash], and at the same time slashed a sword with his backhand, no, three swords!

“What meow?!” Albert was surprised to see the sword in Bedivere’s hand split into three halfway through the strike. Could it be that Bedivere also suddenly became enlightened and knew how to use the clone technique?

No impossible. [Clone Technique] But the actual combat application of [The Fourth Miracle—Kama (Fate) Creation] should only be used by Albert in the world. There are only a handful of people who can use [miracle], let alone——

But now is not the time to struggle with this! Despite being extremely shocked, Albert moved his body and flapped his wings to dodge the attack! Albert was too lazy to argue with Bedivere about the fact that “a hit on a wing is also a hit”, so he diddge with a larger range of motion than before, and also waved his blade to block, in order to dodge. Let the wings not be touched by Bedivere’s attack!


Obviously he blocked the attack with his blade, but the sword shadow that split into three at that moment, Bedivere, penetrated Albert’s blade directly! It’s not an entity at all, it’s just a phantom, or an afterimage, created in some way!

And Bedivere himself swiped from the right side of the tiger man youth, and slashed another sword with his backhand! The iron sword used for training accurately left red paint marks on the tiger’s wings!

“Looks like I’m ahead.” Bedivere smiled smugly.

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