Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2533: Separation (26)

Chapter 2533 Divorce to Deviance (twenty-six)

While the elders took their place with the relic puzzle, Bedivere picked up his [Sun Wheel] from the ground.

[The Sun God of the Sun] is not as hot as before, but for safety, the werewolf youth only used his mithril alloy prosthetic left arm to pick up the [Sun Wheel]. He placed the sun wheel on the palm of the prosthetic limb and maintained this position, so that the corner of the [Yingqi Orb] emerging from the [Sun Wheel] could continue to emit rainbow light in all directions.

This isn’t exactly helping the Brotherhood, is it? Bedivere just wanted to try the usage of [Yingqi Orb], no big deal. Understanding its usage will benefit Bedivere himself, so why not do it?

“Please form a circle beside me and use the plane that reflects the light from the [sacred object puzzle] to aim at the [sun wheel].” The werewolf youth instructed.

The twelve elders did so, just surrounding Bedivere, aligning the smooth surface that must be present on each [reliquary] to the sun wheel, and they soon acted like mirrors It has a similar effect, reflecting the rainbow light emitted from the [Yingqi Orb].

In this way, twelve [sacred artifact puzzles] reflect twelve pictures, which fall on the ground one by one, forming a large picture.

[Yingqi Orb] automatically adjusts the picture, the whole picture gradually becomes clearer, and the information reflected is more and more accurate.

Fugitive Elder Cattelan sits in front of a bonfire in a cave. The cave is a limestone cave with a porous structure that is easily eroded by water. The rock surface looks like a pockmark, which is particularly uncomfortable to look at. Judging from the scale and the dim lighting conditions at the top of the cave, it should be fifty or sixty feet underground.

“South Africa, Angola, Nigeria, Madagascar and other places have many such limestone underground caves, and this information alone is not enough.” One of the elders said.

“You are…” Bedivere looked at the elder. Among the elders, this one was relatively young, with a beard and hair that was not yet completely white, and a fairly refreshing goatee. , and the beards everywhere else are clean-shaven.

“Geologist Karzan, I sincerely serve you, Prophet Bedivere.” The other party replied.

“I’m no prophet!!” Bedivere said angrily.

“Wait, look at that!” Another elder suddenly said again, pointing to a black shadow in the corner of the screen: “It seems to be some kind of animal. Can you zoom in on the screen?”

When he said this, everyone had this idea, and the picture actually moved to the shadow of the animal and began to zoom in, and the brightness of that part was even enhanced.

That’s a lizard. Some kind of little black lizard. Insects in the eating cave. The tongue is purple and may be poisonous.

“Ah, Moroni monster. It is a species unique to Madagascar, and it has only been found in the Comoros Islands.” The elder who just spoke continued: “It seems that the search scope has been narrowed down a lot. “

Bediver looked at the unshaven elder with gray eyebrows almost touching his cheeks, not knowing what to say.

“Savak Hassan. Just a scholar who studies African flora and fauna.” The elder introduced himself.

“…But there are at least 30 such limestone caves under the Comoros Islands, where do we find them?” Karzan asked.

“Since when did Elder Cattelan flee?” Bedivere asked.

“This morning…it was about four o’clock in the morning.” Academician Zuster recalled, “When another fake elder took hostages and attacked, he also took advantage of the chaos to escape.”

Bediver frowned: “From Cairo?”

“From Cairo.” The academician nodded.

“It’s… 8:30. It took him about four hours to escape from Cairo to the Comoros Islands near Madagascar, which is more than half the distance of Africa. Without means of transportation, , it’s hard to imagine him escaping so far.”

” He has means of transportation. Elder Cattelan originally came to Cairo to attend a meeting on his own sand boat, which had a spare cavalry. When he escaped back to his sand boat, the crew did not know who he was. About the man-made man. He probably drove the iron cavalry to escape desperately from then on, and no one stopped him at that time.” Academician Zuster said: “With the iron cavalry, flying from Cairo to the Comoros Islands is a Very simple thing.”

“When I think about it, he has his own light stone mine in the Comoros Islands, and there are several underground caves left after the light stone mine was excavated.” The geologist Karzan added, “A few years ago Cattelan The elder also asked me to help explore the underground caves over there. I really don’t know if the Cattelan at that time was the real Cattelan, or had it been replaced by an artificial human?”

“He must be hiding in an underground limestone cave that he knows, but it must be an unmanned mine, and he cannot risk being seen again.” Bedivere analyzed: “And the iron cavalry Landing near the Comoros is bound to leave a conspicuous arc of light in the air, and the locals may have seen something. Hmm…it’s too early, and there’s a good chance no one has woken up to see that A scene…”

“The slaves working in the Guangshi mine are divided into two shifts, day and night, and there will always be someone awake at that time.” Elder Hassan reminded again.

“Understood. After arriving there, the slaves in the mining area will make up their minds.” Bedivere nodded: “It should be able to locate the hiding place of the fake elder Cattelan soon. … .Huh?”

In the picture taken by the Yingqi Orb, Bedivere suddenly saw a moving shadow. A little curious, he concentrated and looked at it again, and the picture also moved with his thoughts, focusing on the moving shadow.

Is that a teenager? That look looks familiar, where have you seen it?

“Oh, Jonathan.” Academician Zuster groaned suddenly.

Bediver frowned and understood in an instant: “…Your son?”

“Hahaha…” The academician smiled awkwardly.

No wonder it looks so familiar, it turns out that the child is the son of Academician Zuster. There are indeed several similarities in appearance, especially the child’s nose and eyes are exactly the same as Academician Zuster. While Bedivere was puzzled, he could also see from the picture that the boy’s hands were tied behind his back, and there seemed to be ropes on his legs, apparently being kidnapped. There were no obvious scars on Jonathan’s body…at least not in this dimly lit picture.

“Elder Cattelan probably took advantage of the chaos and took the hostage. We haven’t had time to find out.” The academician scratched his head: “I didn’t expect it to be Jonathan.”

“Are you kidding me? Your son was taken away, and you just found out?” Bedivere couldn’t help complaining fiercely.

“Well…our side is also in a mess. I thought that little naughty was hiding in the base and making trouble.” Academician Zuster shrugged.

No, this guy isn’t unaware that his son is missing. It’s just that he can’t find the right opportunity or is embarrassed to mention it to Bedivere because the Brotherhood is in a mess right now. But it is also strange, why the fake Cattelan elder wants to catch a child, why is it the child of Academician Zuster? Did he suffer just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was there something special about him that caught Elder Cattelan’s attention?

At this moment, what is reflected in the picture is the fake Cattelan elder holding a dagger in his hand, showing a fierce look at the young man. The son of Academician Zuster swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“Humph!” the werewolf youth muttered: “I’ll go save the people. By the way, I’ll get rid of that android. You can catch the mine where the fake Cattelan is hiding before I reach the Comoros Islands. Can you locate it?”

“It should be possible to mobilize the manpower and material resources of the Melson Brotherhood.” The elders said one after another.

“Don’t worry too much about that kid Jonathan,” Academician Zuster also said: “Just do what you need to do, Prophet Bedivere…Mr.”

“Aren’t you worried about your son’s safety?”

“Hahaha…he’s a little…special.” Academician Zuster said. As for what the academician meant by “special”, Bedivere felt that if he asked, he might get a series of endless explanations, so he simply stopped asking. It will be clear when you see the child anyway.

“Mr. Bedivere,” Elder Hassan suddenly asked again: “Since this artifact in your hand can help us locate the replaced Elder Cattelan, does it also have a way to find other possibilities from the fraternity organization? Cadres replaced by androids?”

“Uh,” Bedivere was asked, he paused for about ten seconds to think, and then replied: “Theoretically yes, if [Yingqi Orb] works as I imagined.– —-Has any of you seen the, um, [cyborg element] in the android brain?”

The elders and cadres shook their heads.

Of When the fake elders attacked last night, the entire Brotherhood was in chaos. The guards probably didn’t know that the android had a self-destruction function, so they failed to stop the android in time. Blow up. Once self-destructed, those androids themselves and everything around them will be corroded by acid, and it is impossible to leave [artificial elements].

“If I can get an android element for everyone to see, maybe it can do something.” Bedivere said: “Okay. I will pay extra attention when I deal with that fake Cattelan elder. There is always a way to get it back. The artificial human element in his brain.”

“Then it’s up to you.” Elder Hassan said: “Indeed, you have done enough for us. You have no obligation or responsibility to help us. Now I ask you to help us do more things, It may be a bit shameless. But——but if there is a way to help us locate the high-level members of the Brotherhood who have been replaced by human beings, we can avoid a lot of meaningless suspicion and disputes, and even save countless lives in the end. This It’s a good thing. It’s the right thing to do. I trust you will choose to do the right thing, Mr. Bedivere.”

“Yes, I understand. Anyway, let’s go save people first.” Bedivere hummed, turned and left: “——Lawrence, let’s go.”

“Of course, boss.” Lawrence followed behind Bedivere, and the two walked away from the Brotherhood’s base in great strides.

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