Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2449: Mourning in the past (24)

Chapter 2449 Mourning for the past (twenty-four)

“I always feel like you’re not the same as usual…” Seeing that a suit of equipment was ready to set off against Albert, who was attacking Lviv, Vice President Castro still complained. , “Did you like to use bow and arrow weapons so much before?”

“Hahaha…” Albert’s avatar did not answer directly, and made up an excuse: “Because I’m too tired, so I can save some trouble.”

Indeed, it will definitely be tiring to fight against monsters with melee weapons. But shooting from a long distance with a bow and arrow is actually not much trouble. It takes strength to draw a bow. If the hunters of monsters are usually squatting in the wild and hunting monsters stealthily, bows and arrows are of course the best choice, but now the battle in Lviv is a merciless **** melee, Albert really has the leisure to run slowly. Squat down to kill the monsters? Castro saw Albert use * yesterday. If it was easier to use, then it would be easier to use * instead of bows and arrows. At least you only need to pull the trigger to kill the enemy. ?

Nevertheless, the “Albert” who appeared in front of Castro was indeed Albert, and his bow posture was taught to him by Castro, even those who have been used to it for years. The bad habits that he couldn’t get rid of didn’t change at all. Castro frowned, not knowing whether he should doubt or believe, and in the end he could only watch this “somewhat weird Albert” set off.

Albert’s clone did not come up like yesterday and turned into a large number of clones to suppress the army of beasts. He went to the battlefield alone, and his skills were more agile than usual. He also used a hook developed by Luf to easily do it. It seems that he has used this kind of hook very skillfully in his parallel world.

The army of monsters that came to attack Lviv today is still fierce, but the number has decreased significantly compared to yesterday. It may be that the monsters in the Dawning area have been almost eliminated. The old mountain turtle, who was sleeping in the distance, still did not move. In the fierce battle two days ago, its brain was severely damaged by Albert (the deity), and the regeneration of the brain took a lot of time.

Albert, the clone, was given relevant memories of this world when he was summoned to this world. Of course, he also knew that Lao Shan turtle was terrible. But since Lao Shan turtle didn’t make any movement, Albert’s clone also decided to ignore it for the time being, and used his hook to jump over the city wall west of Lviv, looking at the army of monsters in the distance, pulling bow.

He took a deep breath and his body instantly became transparent. That is [God Hidden]. In his parallel world, this Albert’s avatar has long been extremely skilled in the use of [God Hidden], and it is already in a state that he can activate it at any time with his personal will.

Whoosh! —— The sharp arrows, which have been quenched with poison, shot down, centered on the camp of dozens of Warg Warcraft. It was also a poison arrow specially made by Luft. Normally, Albert in this world would not know the existence of such a poison arrow at all, but this clone of Albert from another parallel world could use the arrow from that world. Resources are amazing.

The poison arrow fell on the ground, burst, and formed a poisonous cloud. It belongs to a highly toxic range killing weapon specially used to deal with monsters. But because Albert’s avatar is in the state of [God Hidden] at the moment, in addition to himself, the poison arrows he shoots also enjoy the effect of [God Hidden], whether it is poisonous gas or green jade. The green poisonous cloud, the group of Warg beasts could not detect them, they were still rushing towards Lviv in groups, it was not as simple as the dozen or so warwolves at the center of the explosion who had inhaled the poisonous gas, and they had inhaled before. The poisonous Warg continued to run forward, and the Warg behind him continued to foolishly slam into the poisonous cloud and inhaled the poisonous gas. A whole group of hundreds of Warcraft passed through the poisonous cloud for no apparent reason. Toxic!

By the time these monsters realize something is wrong, it’s too late. One after another, they fell limply, foaming at the mouth, bleeding from their seven holes, and convulsing to death. Even Albert’s deity would be surprised to see such a situation.

“It’s weird…” Castro put down the telescope and hummed. As for the ability of the real Albert, his master actually knows best. Although the clone technique made Albert stronger, it was just a large number of clones, and it had nothing to do with the skill itself. And now this Albert is completely different from yesterday’s Albert. Even in the Monster Hunter organization, few people can mass-kill hordes of monsters with such high efficiency and such clever means. So how on earth did this guy manage to become so strong in one day?

It’s only been a day, this guy is completely reborn, like a different person…?

“What’s wrong?” asked Nina, the black bunny girl next to Castro. At present, she does not have a telescope that can be used to observe the battle situation, so she can only ask for information.

“Nothing…I just think the little tiger is a little different than usual.” Castro replied casually, raising his binoculars to observe the battle in several other areas. Although Albert’s performance is very strange, strange to the point of being unnatural, but now Castro has no time to pay attention to this, the battle situation in Lviv is still very fierce, standing condescendingly at the top of the central temple pyramid He is also responsible for supervising other areas.

“By the way, he doesn’t seem to use a clone?” Nina was very concerned about Albert’s affairs and continued to ask.

“It seems like I’m tired and can’t do it. Or maybe I’m trying to conserve my energy.” Castro replied briefly. They know how much stamina it takes for Albert to use the clone technique. Of course, they don’t know that the one who is fighting in Lviv is actually one of Albert’s clones, and this clone did not continue to create more clones in order not to increase the burden on the main body. chose to fight alone. As a result, because he has special combat skills, the clone technique is almost unnecessary, and he can effectively destroy the enemy by using [Shen Hidden] flexibly.

Another large group of **** and violent devil crabs came from afar, and they were about to approach the city wall less than 100 yards.

Albert’s clone had just finished poisoning a large pack of wolves and rushed over to deal with the crabs. This time, he used another special arrow, which was also carefully concocted for him by Luffy in another parallel world. Rather than saying that he is unwilling to borrow the abilities of Albert from this world, it is better to say that he is more familiar with his own fighting style using another world. Do it the way you like.

Albert’s avatar, who has just used up [God Hidden], will have a period of “being noticed”. In these few seconds, he will become extraordinarily conspicuous, and almost all people (or creatures) in the world will Attracted by his exceptional presence, he focused his attention on the tiger. Because of this, the arrows he fires are the most effective. The magic crabs who were looking at Albert happened to see the arrows shot towards them, but the arrows exploded in the air instantly, turning into an extremely dazzling white light!

Yes, that’s a stun arrow! And it’s still an arrow that can produce a wide range of flash stun effects!

Blinded by the strong light, the **** and violent devil crabs fell back instantly, unable to move for a while. The brains of living things have this self-protection instinct. When the eyes receive an excessively powerful flash, the visual function will be temporarily shut down to prevent the optic nerve from being damaged. These crabs are already blind, at least completely blind in tens of seconds, no matter what Albert’s clone does to them, they can’t see! This is the best, because Albert’s clone has used a special projector to launch the heavy oil can, and pour the oil can full of high-flammability grease on the magic crabs! These oilers are extremely heavy due to their heavy weight, and are normally extremely difficult to hit – unless the enemy is restricted in their ability to move, they can’t avoid it!

Clap la la la la la! A series of oil cans exploded in the camp of hundreds of devil crabs, drenching the fuel all over the ground, and even drenching these monsters with thick shells and extremely difficult to deal with! They only hear the sound of the oiler breaking, but they can’t see what’s going on around them because their eyesight hasn’t recovered! When their vision gradually recovered, they could already see several firelights hitting them head-on—in fact, they were flaming arrows fired by Albert’s clone. They wanted to dodge, but the sticky oil on their bodies slowed their movements, and it was too late to dodge!

Wow! ! In an hundreds of **** raging devil crabs have been surrounded by fierce fire! Moreover, the flames were so fierce that it even became a kind of roadblock, making the entire area in the west of the city impassable! Those monsters who want to rush into the city to destroy the monster crab army must make a big detour!

“Don’t underestimate people, **** beasts.” Albert’s clone hummed, “I’ve been with Luffy for a long time, we’ve gone through many [big hunting festivals], and we’ve faced rivals. You are a hundred times stronger and a hundred times larger army of monsters. Do you think you are powerful at this level? You don’t know what real despair is!”

Then he temporarily ignored the battlefield here and hurried to other places to hunt more monsters.

This avatar of Albert comes from another parallel world. This Albert’s clone is not an ordinary clone, and the skills of hunting monsters are not comparable to Albert in this world. He is proficient in the large-scale killing techniques of more than 300 kinds of monsters in the Dawning area, and at the same time, he also makes 16 kinds of monsters disappear from the earth forever. Although he is still young, in his world, he is already a senior hunter who is no less than anyone in the Warcraft Hunter Organization.

[Master of Genocide—Albert of Desolation]——In their parallel world, the monster hunters called this special G-level hunter. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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