Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2441: Mourning in the past (16)

Chapter 2441 Mourning for the past (sixteen)

At the same time, in another room of the Dawn, the voice of Constantine, the Knight of the Round Table, was ringing from a communicator turned into a scarab golem.

“I’m sorry. You still can’t restore your brother’s heart rhythm. The heart has been stopped for too long, and the brain is in shock, so it can’t be resuscitated.”

“It really doesn’t work…” Quig hummed a little disappointedly: “Tug, can you save it?”

“Although he didn’t come back to life, he didn’t completely die. His body still retains an extremely weak active reaction. In order to prevent this last bit of the fire of life from being completely extinguished, we can only send him into silence again. The cabin is stranded.” Constantine said helplessly: “I think the drugs in the stagnation cabin can keep him alive for a long time. As long as he stays in the stagnation cabin, he will have a chance to survive. One day, the medical level of this world will be advanced enough to revive him who has almost completely died.——That’s what we can only hope for.”

“Ugh…” The Leopard Man choked up.

“…When are you coming to retrieve your brother’s stasis capsule? Where are you going to take him? We’ll try to arrange it for you.”

“Tomorrow,” Craig replied, a little hesitantly, before turning off the phone.

“…Is it really impossible to save?” Bedivere, who had been listening to all this from outside the door since just now, couldn’t help but ask nosy: “I am very concerned about your brother. I’m sorry. So… are you going to join the forces of Father Sphinx…?”

Because Daddy Sphinx just passed away, it’s probably a bit inappropriate for Craig to take his younger brother to the people of Daddy Sphinx right now. So Bedivere added: “Or you can stay here temporarily, you can stay here for as long as you want, until the people on Daddy’s side are willing to take you in.”

“Dad…is gone.” Sitting in front of the bed, Craig covered his face with his hands and whispered, “Dad is gone. Tugg is gone too. Everyone I know, everyone. Not anymore. What the **** am I…”

There is an air of confusion all over his body. People thousands of years ago were suddenly stagnant, deceived death, traveled through time, woke up, and everything has changed. The extreme that a person can withstand all blows is probably the case. It might have been better if Craig was alone, so he would at least be free to go anywhere. But he took his brother’s coffin–the coffin seems to be the most appropriate–escape from the institute, in exile, hunted by a group of villains, the burden is so heavy that it does not go anywhere. Convenient, simply do not know how to be good. Probably, this is the real despair and helplessness.

“…I’ll stay here.” The young Leopard Man looked up at Bedivere: “Please let me stay here. I can work and do everything, just take me and my brother. Don’t drive us away.”

“Of course, you can stay as long as you want. You’re a guest of the Dawn, and I won’t let you work. Until you get tired of staying here, stay in peace. Your brother’s words… .I want to move his stasis chamber to the ship’s infirmary, which might be more appropriate.”

“Just put it in this room,” Craig said.

“Do you want to spend time with your younger brother who won’t wake up? Seeing his company every day will only make it more painful?” Bedivere hummed: “Let’s put it in the medical cabin. Eve will be there anyway. The patient is monitored for vital signs, and his life is more secure. You can visit your brother at any time when you want to see him. Find a way to keep yourself alive, and then think about how to take care of your loved ones.”

The leopard youth was silent for a while. He probably also felt that Bedivere was right, so he finally nodded in agreement: “Okay.”

“Very good. Then it’s settled. You’re tired too, go wash your face and have a good rest tonight.” Bedivere ordered: “Don’t worry too much. It’s just that there is no way to save the British side. Just living your brother does not mean that there is no way to save your brother in this world. The world is very big, and there must be some way to wake Tug up eventually. You just…haven’t found that way yet. That’s it.”

“If there is a method, there may be meow.” A voice suddenly sounded from behind Bedivere, scaring Bedivere.

“Seglade? Don’t be scary, you bastard.” The werewolf youth turned his head and gave the leopard a white look: “What bad idea did you think of? Quig has just settled down, so don’t encourage him to do dangerous things, okay? “

“I’m just talking, meow.” Seglade hummed, “But do you remember meow? The one who saved Elaine’s life last time, the lake meow of the Lake of Immortality.”

Seems to be the case. But the lake is deep in the Norwegian woods, a mysterious place isolated from the rest of the world, not easy to find. And there is a very terrifying Jotun giant guarding the lake. Anyone who dares to touch the water of that lake will be hunted down by the giant Jotun, the ancestor of the giant clan. The matter of being chased and killed by that terrifying monster, Bedivere has encountered once in his life, and he does not want to encounter it again in the future.

“Not old…not dead?” Seglade’s words clearly intrigued Craig.

“Anyway, I also plan to trouble the Jotun giant again in the near future,” Seglade seemed to have some bad idea and smiled maliciously: “If you are interested, bring it with you. You go with me meow. Of course, I can’t guarantee that the lake water will save your brother, maybe it won’t do anything, meow. Whether it is worth the huge risk of death to get the spring water is up to you to judge meow.”

“I want to——“

“But that’s all in the future, you’ll have a good rest first, take care of your body, and then talk about it, meow.” Segred ended the conversation just right, obviously wheezing Quig’s appetite: “The time has come for me. Naturally, it will contact your cat.”

“Please, really, don’t let this kid do anything too dangerous.” Bedivere said angrily: “If he sacrifices, what will happen to his brother?”

“You’re worrying too much, meow. Hehehe——” Without answering Bedivere directly, Seglade walked away with a wicked smile.

“Speaking of which, Craig, can you fight?” the werewolf youth asked instead.


“If you have survived the scale of the [Dragon Slaying War] five thousand years ago, you should be at least a veteran and know how to save your life on the battlefield? How many times have you fought? Battlefield.”

The young Leopard Man was stunned for a moment, then spread out his palm and tried to count. He held up three fingers.

“Three hundred…fields?” The werewolf youth asked presumably.

Quig shook his head.

“So that’s thirty games?” Bedivere felt that the number was a bit low.

“Three, three…” Craig showed a slightly ashamed smile: “he was seriously injured in the second game… saved by Dad… and then the first Three times, I was knocked out from behind and fell asleep.”

“Um.” So this kid has so little combat experience? Just a soldier on the battlefield. In fact, he has experienced two battles. Before the third battle, he was betrayed by someone, attacked from behind, and kidnapped him. Listening to Albert’s explanation, a certain organization should have taken a fancy to Quig’s special ability and kidnapped the leopard young man. After he was kidnapped, he was stuffed into a stagnation chamber, letting him sleep for more than 4,000 years.

But after all, what he experienced was a large-scale battle in the era of the Dragon Slaying War. The battle situation of each battle may actually be very tragic, with countless casualties–a giant dragon can kill hundreds of thousands of people with just one breath of fire. man burnt to coke. It was very rare for Craig to survive such a brutal battlefield.

But in any case, it is a fact that Quig has little combat experience, and may be very unsuitable for various small battles that frequently occur in this era, and will suffer in similar battles. It is even more nonsense to let this child face the giant Jotun unprepared. He was probably going to die.

“Understood. Rest early today, and I will start giving you special training tomorrow.” said the werewolf youth.

“Special training?” Craig didn’t understand Bedivere’s intentions.

“The lake of immortality is terrifying. It is guarded by the giant Jotun.” Bedivere said: “If you don’t want to die, at least train until you can take care of yourself on the battlefield. I don’t expect you Can defeat the giant Jotun, but at least save his own life?”

“Um…” Craig grunted, noncommittal.

The werewolf youth frowned: “What, you don’t want to be trained?”

“No…” Craig whispered, “I won’t be punished if I don’t behave well?”

“This is not the army, who has time to physically punish you, you idiot.” Bedivere said angrily.

“Okay, okay…” Craig grunted.

Not sure what corporal punishment he’s talking about, but Bedivere reckons it’s not a good thing. In the past, the army was said to have carried out Spartan training for those recruits, especially the extremely harsh corporal punishment of the soldiers who performed poorly, so severe that it even caused an indelible psychological shadow on the soldiers for a lifetime. However, that was a very early practice of the orc coalition, because this method of corporal punishment was very harmful to the soldiers, to the extent that it might damage morale, and because too many soldiers died in the war, it was necessary to constantly replenish new recruits; that kind of Excessive corporal punishment quickly backfired and was eventually scrapped. I don’t know what the situation was like in Craig’s era, but I hope he didn’t suffer too much because of it.

“Anyway, it’s just ordinary combat training. I won’t do anything else to you, don’t worry.” Bedivere turned to leave: “You’re tired, rest um. Um- —–” The leopard youth hesitated to say something.

“Anything else?”

“Thank you.” Craig said timidly: “You and Mr. Albert are good people. How should I repay you?”

“You’re welcome. It was that guy who rescued you and asked me to take care of you. Since I promised to take care of you, I will take care of it to the end, and I will help if I can.” Bedivere laughed: “But my help is in the end. There are limits, and there will always be things that cannot be taken care of. You still have to find a way to become stronger and take care of yourself and your brother. This era is very cruel, and it is not much milder than the era of the Dragon Slaying War you are in. But Don’t be eaten alive by it.”

“Okay…” The Leopard Man blushed: “Anyway, thank you.”

“Humm.” Bedivere smiled again and turned to leave.

Quig looked at Bedivere’s receding back and closed the door thoughtfully. He took off his shirt and slumped into the bed of aerogels, letting the wonderful gel wrap his body. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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